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互联网是高中英语教学的有效途径高中英语选修七unit 1living well教学中的互联网应用 教学案例-昌邑第一中学/孙洪霞教案背景:1.互联网教学是提高教师自身业务素质的需要,优化课堂教学过程的需要.利用互联网教学,创设良好的语言环境,培养学生的交际能力,在新形势下将成为当务之急,在教学过程中充分调动和发挥学生学习主体的主动性、积极性和创造性,让学生“自主、合作、探究、创新”地学习,互联网教学发挥其作用已成为新的趋势。2.我国的英语教学是中国的学生在中文的环境中学英语,面临的最大障碍就是语言环境的缺乏,语言实践机会的欠缺。常常有学生在学完一节课后,能熟练地朗读,流利地背诵,但是,步出课堂,他们能用英语进行初步的交际吗?不能!学不能致用,何言教学效果的提高呢?语言的学习只有在运用中才体现出其价值。而互联网恰恰为改善这一状况,开拓了有效途径。根据教学的实际需要,互联网可以创设出集声音、图像、动画、文字于一体的仿真交际环境,使学生仿佛置身于真实的英语氛围中,从而激发起学生学习英语的的兴趣和运用英语开口交际的欲望。言语技能必然发展成为运用英语进行交际的能力。3. 兴趣是最好的老师,教学过程中充分发挥互联网信息技术的作用,积极创设情境,深挖教材中的“快乐因素”与知识点紧密结合,进而在情景中设难疑,通过欣赏网络视频、图片,激发同学们的创造热情,活跃思维,提高课堂的整体实效。 教材分析:本堂课以高二英语选修七第一单元LIVING WELL为载体,要求学生在有限的时间内利用网络,搜索信息,分析信息;就我们健康人应怎样去关心,帮助残疾人组织讨论,掌握相关句型,组织语言并运用语言。教学目标(自主学习残疾人的生活)TASK 1、学习目标(1)知识目标:高中英语第七册教材第1单元living well,学习残疾人身残志坚的精神,讨论如何帮助残疾人,了解残疾人所取得的成就,“让学生学会换位思考,就我们健康人应怎样去关心,帮助残疾人组织讨论”的口语技能。Warming Up gives two topics for students to discuss,letting students get some more knowledge about the power of disabled person. Prereading provides some questions and a questionnaire to help students focus on the topic of the reading passage and lead the students to think about the disabled spirit. Get students to learn the useful words and expressions in this unit:eyesight,ambition,disabled,beneficial,in other words,clumsy, out of breath, stupid,fellow, all in all,industry, make fun of,encouragement,adapt to (2)能力目标:通过师生分别网络搜索,对相关网络资料的阅读,结合观察思考探究、协作交流讨论、以完成任务的方式向全班同学报告协作成果,培养学生的分析资料、提取信息、发现问题和解决问题能力,了解“残疾”,理解残疾人,同时学生学会如何礼貌表达个人观点的用语,培养组织语言、运用语言的能力。Reading is a first we can understand the topic of the text and how the information is organized. Let students read the passage Martys Story to develop their reading ability.Enable students to know that people with disabilities can also live well.(3)德育目标:教学过程中充分发挥互联网信息技术的作用,积极创设情境,通过欣赏网络视频、图片,激发学生主动学会关心,帮助弱势群体的意识,同时激发自尊,自立,自强的精神,以乐观的态度,顽强的毅力面对人生。让学生发挥团队协作精神,提高课堂的整体实效。Emotion,attitude and value- By talking about disabilities and life of the disabled,make sure students can learn some positive stories of the disabled- To develop students sense of cooperative learning and learn how to care disabled person. TASK2、学习内容与学习任务说明(讨论:通过分组讨论如何帮助残疾人)教学重点:To enable the students to learn about the power of disabled persons spirit and to develop their reading ability. Get students inspired by positive stories of the people with disabilities.教学难点:1Develop students reading ability.2Help students understand the difficulties the disabled have to overcome.3To develop the students reading ability by skimming and scanning the passage.教法学法:1、教法:多媒体辅助教学法、情景教学法、实践探索法、启发式教学法讲解、示范法直观教学法、多媒体辅助法等。2、学法:合作学习法Cooperative learning.、自主探究法等Taskbased teaching and learning.在百度搜索的有关残疾人http:/v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzI2NTM0ODQw.html视频: 舞蹈【千手观音】中国残疾人艺术团的视频、http:/v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjk2NzIwMzk2.html海伦凯勒、http:/www.wmsh.gov.cn/xjdx/hrhs/201002/t20100225_817张海迪、http:/image.jike.com/so?fm=QH360&ie=utf-8&q=%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E8%91%97%E5%90%8D%E6%AE%8B%E7%96%BE%E4%BA%BA霍金、约翰.库缇斯图片,经过自己的删选、整理、加工制作的ppt课件。 每节课的教学设计都要考虑到自己学生的实际,也就是要实际,要有实用性。教学过程:(一)情景导入:Step 1Warming up1Warming up by looking and talkingShow the following video to the students and let them know about the disabled person . http:/v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzI2NTM0ODQw.html视频: 舞蹈【千手观音】中国残疾人艺术团The purpose is to get students interested in the topic “disabilities”The Show a video of “Qianshou Guanyin” encourage the students to remember the famous saying:“Where there is a will,there is a way.” 学生们仿佛身临其境,学生会被这种气氛所感染,所同化,很快就进入角色,从而加速学生对残疾人的认识和理解,(Process and methods-While doing Warming Up, the teacher can lead in the topic of this unit by showing students some pictures of disabled person and develop students understanding) . http:/v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjk2NzIwMzk2.html视频: 品读假如给我三天光明美. 海伦凯勒http:/www.wmsh.gov.cn/xjdx/hrhs/201002/t20100225_817先锋残疾人作家张海迪http:/www.baike.com/wiki/%E8%B4%9D%E5%A4%9A%E8%8A%AC贝多芬Then,ask students to look at the pictures and read what these people have achieved even though they each have a disability.Finally,find out what disability they might have according to each description below the picture. Students will be asked to discuss the following questions in small groups. 一个与实际相联系的小练习,及时的把语言应用到生活当中。Do you know any famous people who are disabled?What difficulties do they have to overcome in daily life?What have they achieved?Suggested answers:Steven Hawking has a muscle disease,but he makes great contributions in science and puts forward his theory about black holes.Beethoven was deaf in one ear when he was 26 and totally deaf at the age of 35,but he was a great composer.Helen Keller was deaf and blind,but she was a great writer.Some spirit about the disabled video. What happened in the video above?Please work with your partners. “Theyre broken in body but firm in spirit”.(二)自主学习:(ppt多媒体课件)学生用5分钟时间对照答案,完善预习案,并将小知识点记住。相关的词汇:physical disability 身体残疾 mental disability精神残疾 lame跛足的 paralysis 瘫phobias恐惧症 Epilepsy癫痫症相关句型:1.Express your opinions in polite ways.(有礼貌的表达个人的观点)I hope you will not mind I wonder if It would be Id like to suggest that It would help to2.Wishes & congratulations(祝愿和祝贺)I want to express my sincere congratulations onI wish you success.Well down.Im very impressed by your performance.(三)预习反馈:教师:利用多媒体课件向学生展示预习案完成情况,指出优点与不足,并且提出预习过程中存在的困惑:(四)小组合作探究:stepI:让学生了解family village网站的基本请况。让学生借助标题和图片,讨论该网站的主要内容和作用。 http:/www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/教师: Guide the discussin towards what these people have achieved rather than what they cant do. Turns it in to a moral question:Is it right for some members of society to get extra help because they have a disability?Raise this question with your student and discuss.学生:Look at these pictures of all kinds of disabilities,Discuss with students anyone they know personally who has a disability.(霍金.约翰.库缇斯) http:/image.jike.com/so?fm=QH360&ie=utf-8&q=%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E8%91%97%E5%90%8D%E6%AE%8B%E7%96%BE%E4%BA%BA (张海迪) http:/www.baike.com/wiki/%E5%BC%A0%E6%B5%B7%E8%BF%AA看完后,各组学生思考后踊跃发言:centered and arouse students interest in teamwork.教师总结: The teacher should also ask the students some questions and try to let them examine their attitude to disabled students. “Theyre broken in body but firm in spirit”. (身残志坚)StepII.PrereadingPart 1 Prereading http:/www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/Ask students to read the short paragraph in Prereading carefully and find out the purpose of the website “Family Village”网络图像可以帮助学生适应英语环境,学生能够很自然地进入英语学习状态。在网络收集的残疾人的取得的成就,直接调动学生的视觉神经。直观的教学手段创设情境,Suggested answers:1To give ordinary young people with a disability a chance to share their stories with others.2To inspire other disabled people.3To get nondisabled people to understand more about how challenging life can be for people with disabilities.http:/www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/partII Reading把课文内容利用网络特有的功能,经过自己的删选、整理、加工制作的ppt课件,所涉及的练习题,练习先由浅入深,一题多练,先听,后说,再写。层次分明难易程度由浅入深,题的容量也多,教师精讲,给学生充分的练习时间。1SkimmingGive students 2 minutes;ask them to read the passage fast to fill in the blanks:Sum up the main idea of each paragraph:Paragraph 1:An introduction_to Marty and his muscle disease.Paragraph 2:How the disease developed/started.Paragraph 3:Marty met a lot of difficulties at school.Paragraph 4:How his life has become easier.Paragraph 5:The advantages of his disease.2Scanning for detailed informationAsk students to read the passage carefully to locate the detailed information. 学生:先独立思考,然后组内交流意见,完善答案,小组代表发言Type of writing and summary of Martys storyType of writingAn emailSummary of the emailProblems caused by his disability1.weak and cant run or climb stairs as quickly as others2. clumsy and drops things or bumps into furniture3. gets out of breath after running just a short way4. has to stop half way up the stairs and rest before getting up to the top5. too weak to go to school and has missed a lot of lessonsWhat Marty does in spite of his disability 1. enjoys writing and computer programming2. goes to the movies and football matches with friends 3. spends a lot of time looking after pets4. studies a lot教师:点评学生的回答,并展示答案(多媒体课件),学生据此完善补充。五有效训练: Consolidation学生自主完成,教师展示答案。教师对各小组的得分情况进行统计,表扬优胜小组,鼓励进步。1Ask students to read the whole passage and choose the best answers.(1)Which of the following is false?AAlthough there are a few students who look down upon him,Marty never gets annoyed.BMarty leads a meaningful life and does not feel sorry for being disabled.CMarty only spends time with his pets and never with his friends.DMartys disability has made him more independent.(2)From the passage we can infer that _.AMarty asks others to feel sorry for himBMarty never loses heartCMarty is afraid of being made fun of DMarty will not accept any encouragement because he has grown stronger psychologicallyKeys:(1)C(2)B2Ask students to work together to write a mini biography for Marty according to the text.My mini biographyNameStatusHealthInterests and HobbiesAmbitionMottoSuggested answers:My mini biographyNameMarty FieldingStatusHigh school studentHealthDeveloped a muscle disease at the age of 10,very weak,cannot do things like normal peopleMy mini biographyInterests and HobbiesEnjoying writing and computer programmingGoing to the movies and football matches with friendsSpending a lot of time with my petstwo rabbits,a parrot,a tank full of fish and a tortoiseAmbitionTo work for a firm that develops computer softwareMottoLive one day at a time (六)课堂小结:Discussion有效合作与讨论1.While doing Reading and Comprehending,the teacher may first ask the students to read the text quickly to get the general idea of each paragraph. After reading the passage carefully,students are encouraged to answer some questions and discuss the text structure. Discuss in pairs to get the main idea of the passage by filling in the blanks.Though he is a _ person,Marty never feels _ for himself and he _ his life.Suggested answers:disabled;sorry;enjoys(七)课外拓展: Appreciation教师:表扬学生搜集的素材典型、新颖Ask students to read two poems for appreciation when facing obstacles in the future.(学生搜集的有关(Facing Obstacles的诗集)http:/www.facingobstacles.com/Facing Obstacles (2 poems by Tom Krause)The Heart of the StrongStrong is the heart that knows not the wayof comfort and ease while living each day.Yet continues to believe from the depths of its soulthat the future is destined to silver and gold.Strong is the heart whose yearning is wanedby storms in life filled with heartache and pain.Yet still gives its alleverything that it canin search of a dreamGods ultimate plan.When there is a victorywhen battles are wonwhen burdens are lifted and bright shines the sunwhen struggling souls gatherwhere heroes belongthey find in themselvesthe heart of the strong.Carry OnAt times when you feel troubledwhen your happiness is gonelook to the heart within youfor the strength to carry on.In your heart you will find special virtuessuch as faith and hope and love.These gifts have been sent down to youfrom a power up above.It is faith that keeps the soul searchingfor the joy the heart hopes for.It is love that heals the spiritmaking it stronger than before.And if your heart be brokenif your strength should fade awaythe power of these virtueswill still win out the day.So remember when you are troubledwhen your happiness is gonelook to the heart within youfor the strength to carry on.Step 7Homework1Retell Martys Story according to the mini biography.2Surf the Internet to learn more about the life of disabled people.课后反思: 为获得课堂互联网信息技术与学科教学整合式的教学方法的最佳效果,这节课我运用了先进的教育技术进行教学设计,自己动手制作教学课件,深入钻研教学大纲和教材。邓小平曾说过说:“科学技术是第一生产力。”钻研教学大纲、教材,教师才能确定本课的教学目标,才能研究教什么,怎么教,选择什么样的教学设计方案。师生互动,将网络搜到的典型残疾人取得的成就与课本知识相结合,激发学生感情、丰富活跃课堂,学生课堂中积极思考,有强烈的参与欲望,学生们找到自己的立足点,同时学生的知识点得到了升华,理解了残疾人身残志坚的精神,打造了英语有效课堂。很顺利的完成了教学目标和任务。让因材施教告别“纸上谈兵”,让教学达到令人“欣喜不已”的效果。高中英语living well网络教学课-昌邑第一中学授课教师:孙洪霞授课班级:高二年三班(2013年3月3日)姓名:孙洪霞工作单位:昌邑第一中学联系方式:手机:18264602076邮箱:163免费邮箱cylzshx1973163.com

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