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There is no doubt that traffic congestion becomes a growing worry for the residents of most urban areas. Some major roads are regularly choked with traffic in rush hours. The limited transport capacity contributes largely to the vexing problem. How to solve the headache?.The existing solutions to traffic jam mainly aim at creating metro bus systems and broadening major roads. Widening the existing roads can solve traffic snarls on some level. Soaring car ownership compounds the chronic annoying problem, so we must sharply reduce the heavy reliance on cars and drive a shift to the mass transportation. It is a cheap and good way. We can create a system of customized bus routes and highlight the development of subways, trolleys and light rail. The effective combination of these solutions will enable the urban areas to possess a smooth traffic. Dear Sir or Madam,My name is Wu Fang and I am from China. Im writing to give you some advice on the heavy traffic in your city. First of all, I insist that public transportation should be well developed. Residents in the city should use public transportation instead of private cars. Only in this way can you avoid most of the traffic jams. Secondly, in order to solve the traffic problem and effectively control the traffic flow, you should take flexible working hours into consideration. I do hope you will find my suggestions practical.Yours, Wu FanDear Sir or Madam,Im writing to offer my own suggestions on how to deal with the terrible traffic in your city.I suggest that you raise the consciousness of citizens, which is crucial to solving the problem. To achieve this, effective measures should be taken. For example, you could set up a system of awards to encourage people to monitor those who break traffic laws. Furthermore, you should develop public transportation, which really appeals to citizens.I hope my suggestions are worthy of your consideration, and thank you for your attention.Yours,Wu Fang1. Please do me a favor - _ my friend Mr. Smith to Youth Theater at 7:30 tonight.(2009湖南)A. to invite B. inviting C. invite D. invited2. Stand over there _ youll see the oil painting better.(2008去国)A. but B. till C. and D. or3. _ the website of the Fire Department in your city, and you will learn a lot about fire fighting.(2008湖南)A. Having searched B. To search C. Searching D. Search4. Help others whenever you can _ you will make the world a nice place to live in.(2007辽宁)A. and B. or C. unless D. but5. When you have finished with that book, dont forget to put it back on the shelf, _?(2007北京)A. do you B. dont you C. will you D. wont you6. We forgot to bring our tickets, but please let us enter, _?(2006全国)A. do you B. can we C. will you D. shall we7. Mary, _ hereeverybody else, stay where you are.(2006全国)A. come B. comes C. to come D. coming8. _ and Ill get the work finished.(2006重庆)A. Have one more hourB. One more hourC. Given one more hourD. If I have one more hour9. Start out right away, _ youll miss the first train.(2006四川)A. and B. but C. or D. while10.-Alice, you feed the bird today, _? -But I fed it yesterday.(2005全国)A. do you B. will you C. didnt you D. dont you综合篇.翻译句子:根据汉语意思及所给提示翻译下列句子。1. 请你方便的时候把那本书带给我。(convenient)2. 你回避不了这样一个事实,即价钱十分公道的。(get around)3. 旅游业为大学毕业生提供了许多的就业机会。(provide)4. 我的车陷入深雪里,我又找不到解决办法,真令人着急。(get stuck in)5. 正在建设中的上海世博园给游客留下深刻的印象。(under construction)6. 我们的钱就要用完了,因此我们必须限制开销不超出我们经济能力的范围。(limit).短文填空: 阅读下面的短文,用方框中所给词或词组的适当形式填空。其中有两个为多余选项。strengthen limit involve connect react honor common lead to rely on get around in time on timeAfter Thomas Jefferson was elected president , he decided that a different transportation system would best 1 American communities. This system 2 roads, rivers and railroads. It also included the digging of waterways.By the middle of 1800s, dirt roads had been built in parts of the nation. Also, the use of river steamboats increased. Boats also traveled along man-made canals which 3 local economies.When the American railroad system began, many people did not believe train technology would work. However, 4 , railroads became the most popular form of land transportation in the United States.By the early 1900s, American cities had grown. So had public transportation. The electric streetcar became a 5 form of transportation. These trolleys ran on metal tracks built into streets.Soon, Nelson Jackson and his friend, Sewall Crocker, were 6 as the first to cross the United States in an automobile. By 1930, more than half the families in America owned an automobile.After the World War Two ended, most families in these growing communities had cars, bicycles or motorcycles to 7 . Buses also became popular. The movement of businesses and people away from city centers 8 the economic weakening of many downtown areas. City leaders 9 with transportation projects designed to support downtown development.Every day, Americans 10 their transportation system to keep them, and the largest economy in the world, on the move.词汇篇.1. displayed 2. permit 3. convenient 4. mood 5. suburban 6. solution 7. reacted 8. providing 9. construction 10. explored.1-5CDCDA 6-10BBBAA 11-15CADDB语法篇.1. of; with 2. with; round 3. on; in 4. in; to 5. under; for 6. With; by 7. to; about.1-5CCDAC 6-10CABCB综合篇.1. Please bring me the book whenever its convenient. 2. You cant get around the fact that the price was perfectly fair.3. Tourism provided many job opportunities for college graduates.4. My car got stuck in the deep snow and I could find a solution, which made me worried.5. The Shanghai World Expo Park which is under construction has left a deep impression on the tourists.6. We must limit the expense to what we can afford because our money is running out.1. connect 2. involved 3. strengthened 4. in time 5. common 6. honored 7. get around 8. led to 9. reacted 10. relied on套题单选21. Boy students are not allowed to wear long hair in our school. -Oh. Maybe some boys think the rule _ their freedom.A. destroys B. limits C. stops D. displays22. I promise you shall gain rewards if you follow my advice. -_. You cheated me before. I will not fall for it again!A. No way B. Not at all C. It doesnt matter D. No problem23. The top of the building _ a panoramic view of the city, so I have rented a flat here.A. gets B. commands C. hold D. show24. Mountain in Chinese is a pictograph character which has its origin in the _ of the mountain.A. meaning B. sign C. mark D. shape25. How about taking part in Earth Hour? - _ Its a valuable activity which help to reduce energy consumption.A. No way. B. Why not? C. All right? D. No matter.26. We are eager to have a face-to-face interview with you, Alice. Is this Saturday afternoon _ for you?A. fit B. available C. convenient D. free27. During the war, our army often used letters attached _ a chicken feather to deliver important messages.A. with B. to C. by D. on28. She said that the special order my company _ with her factory would be a great help in circulating fund.A. took B. placed C. gave D. did29.-They should _ the second-hand car for $ 8,000. I cant accept it! -Its too expensive.A. charge B. provide C. offer D. pay30. He successfully avoided his opponents attacks, took the chance to fight back, and _ won the game. A. eventually B. absolutely C. accidently D. hopefully31. -The crops have been suffering from drought for such a long time.-A heavy rain _ they will be saved.A. but B. or C. unless D. and32. The method can help keep patients strong emotionally and physiologically so they can _ difficult treatment.A. get through B. get off C. get into D. get across33. Would you mind my using your pen because my ink has _. -Of course not.A. been run out B. used up C. run out of D. given out34. When the new express way is brought to use cars _ between the two cities all day.A. are running B. will be running C. run D. have run35. All these businesses are making money at the expense of our precious _ of fresh water.A. source B. resources C. origin D. need21. B本题考查动词词义辨析。destroy破坏;limit限制;stop阻止;display展示;由句意可知答案为B。句意:-我校的男生不准留长发。-也许有些男生认为这限制了他们的自由。22. A本题考查交际用语。A表示“决不”;BCD用于回答致歉的用语。句意:-我承诺你要是听我的你会得到报酬的。-门都没有,你们以前骗过我,我不会再上当了23. B本题考查动词词义辨析。get获得;command命令;俯瞰,清楚地看到;hold保持;show显示。句意:从这座大楼的顶部可以清楚地俯瞰整个城市,所以我在这儿租了一套房子。24. D本题考查名词词义辨析。meaning意义;sign符号,迹象;mark记号,分数;shape形状,体形。句意: “山”是个象形字,是由大山的形态演化而来的。25. B本题考查交际用语。Why not?为什么不呢?表示对对方提议的赞成。由Its a valuable activity which help to reduce energy consumption.可知答案为B。26. C本题考查形容词词义辨析。fit合适,常常指衣服的尺寸合身;available可用的,可得到的,(指人)可与之交谈的;convenient方便的,常用结构:It is convenient for sb. to do sth.; free自由的,空闲的,我们可以说:Are you free this Saturday afternoon。27. A本题考查介词用法。attach常和介词to搭配,表示“把缚在上”,但此处应当表达“系有鸡毛的信(即鸡毛信)”,因此不可用to,需要用with。28. B本题考查动词短语的搭配。place an order with sb. for sth.与某人订购某物。29. C本题考查动词词义辨析。charge控告,要价,作“要价”讲常见搭配为charge sb. some money for sth.;provide提供;offer sth. for some money将某物以多少钱出售,offer some money for sth.出多少钱买某物。pay付钱,常见搭配为pay sb. some money for sth.。所以答案为D。30. A本题考查副词词义辨析。eventually最后,终于;absolutely绝对地;accidently碰巧地;hopefully抱有希望地。句意:赛场上他多次避过对手进攻的风势,并伺机反攻,终于取得了胜利。31. D本题考查特殊句式。祈使条件句:祈使句或名词短语+and/or+句子。句意:-庄稼已经干旱了很长时间了。-有场大雨它们就得救了。32. A本题考查动词短语。get through用完,完成,通过,捱过;get off下车,脱掉; get into 陷入,进入; get across被理解。句意:该方法有助于使病人从情绪上和身体上保持良好状况,这样病人面对艰苦的治疗就能坚持。33. D本题考查动词短语。run out为不及物动词短语;use up 为及物动词短语;run out of为及物动词短语; give out为不及物动词短语。34. B本题考查动词时态。由从句可看出新公路的使用是将来的事,而且后面又出现了all day,因此主句应该用将来进行时。35. B本题考查名词词义辨析。source源泉;resources资源;origin起源;need需要。由后面的of fresh water可知答案为B。攻克要点:大纲知识要点纵览选修4 Module 3: Body Language and Non-verbal Communication高考词汇communication n.交流;沟通;通讯(means of communication通讯手段;communications 电信;be in communication with与某人交谈或通信;communicate v.传递信息;交流;表达;传播、传染(疾病);communicate with sb.与某人交流;communicate sth. to sb.向某人传达某事;传播;传染)unconscious adj. 无意识的,不知不觉的;不省人事的,失去知觉的(beat/knock sb. unconscious把某人打晕;be unconscious of未意识到,未觉察到;unconsciousness n.无意识;失去知觉;conscious adj.意识到的,自觉的;清醒的,有知觉的;be conscious of/that明白、意识到;consciousness n.神智清醒;知觉;lose consciousness失去知觉;regain consciousness恢复知觉) vary vi.变化(vary with随变化;vary fromto从到情况不等;vary in在某方面不同;vary from不同于;variety n.种类;a variety of/varieties of不同种类的;各种各样的; various adj.各种各样的;varied adj.各种各样的;多变的)formal adj.正式的;刻板的;形式上的,表面的(informal adj.非正式的)aggressive adj.攻击的,挑斗的;挑衅的;积极的,有干劲的(aggressively adv.攻击性地;侵略地;积极性地;aggression n. 侵略,攻击)traditionally adv.传统地;按惯例地【拓展】traditional adj.传统的;惯例的;代代相传的;传说的;tradition n.传统;惯例;常规;传说(follow/break tradition遵循/打破常规;according to tradition根据传说)weapon n.武器;兵器;凶器 (nuclear weapon核武器) gesture n.姿势,姿态(speak by gesture以手势表达)deal n.协议,交易;很多(make a deal达成协议;做成交易;a good/great deal of很多,许多(修饰不可数名词);That/It is a deal.一言为定;就这么办。)【拓展】v.相处;处理(deal with对付,应付,处理;论述,涉及;与某人相处;与贸易;deal in从事于;经营;做买卖;dealer n.商人;商贩;销售者)involve vt.包括;涉及;使参与(involve sb. in sth.把某人牵涉到某事里面;使某人参与某事;involve sb. in doing sth.使某人参与做某事;involve with和混在一起;和有密切联系;be involved in卷入,参与;be involved in doing sth.专心于,专注于;involvement n. 卷入;参与)slightly adv.轻微地,稍微(slight adj.细微的,少量的;苗条的;脆弱的)bow vi.鞠躬;弯身;点头;(对意见等)顺从,屈服(bow to sb./sth.向某人鞠躬;顺从某事【拓展】n.鞠躬;点头(make a polite bow恭敬地鞠躬);弓;弓形物(a bow and arrow弓箭;draw a bow拉弓)youth n.年轻人;年轻;朝气;青春时期(cherish ones youth珍惜青春;keep/maintain/retain youth保持青春;renew ones youth返老还童;waste ones youth浪费青春;a group of youths一群年轻人)spread v.张开;展开;蔓延;传播;散开;伸展,延伸(spread out展开,铺开,张开;spread oneself伸展身体;spreadon/over把铺在上;把涂在上;spreadwith把涂在上;spread to传到;波及;蔓延到;spread the information around到处散布消息)【拓展】n.传播;扩展bend v.(bent, bent)弯下腰;弯曲;使弯曲;使屈服于,使顺从于(bend over/down弯下腰;bend sb. to使某人顺从于;bent adj. 弯曲的;决心的;专心的;be bent with age随年老而弯腰驼背;be bent on doing sth.决心/专心做某事)【拓展】n. 转弯;弯曲;弯腰(a sharp bend in the road道路的急转弯)hug vt. (hugging, hugged, hugged)拥抱,紧抱;执着【拓展】 n.拥抱(give sb. a hug拥抱某人)wipe vt.擦,抹,揩(wipe off歼灭,消灭;wipe out把污渍抹掉,洗雪耻辱;使消灭)stare vi.凝视,盯着看(stare at sb./sth.盯着某人/某物;stare into the distance凝视着远方)【拓展】相似词组:glare at怒目而视;glance at扫视,匆匆一看;瞥一眼;gaze at凝视;深情地看host n.主人;东道主;主持人 (a host country/city主办国/城市;hostess n.女主人;女主持人)【拓展】vt.担任的主人;主办blank adj.空白的;茫然的,无表情的 (a blank sheet of paper一张空白纸;go blank变成一片空白; look blank发愣;看起来很茫然)rude adj.粗鲁的,无礼的(be rude to sb.对粗鲁; It is rude of sb. to do sth.做某事是不礼貌的;rudeness n.粗鲁,无礼)panic v.(panicking; panicked; panicked) 恐慌,惊慌;使恐慌 (panic sb. into doing sth.使某人仓促行动;使某人仓惶做某事;panic over sth.对某事感到惊慌)【拓展】 n.惊慌;恐慌(be in (a) panic在惊慌中;be seized with a panic惊慌失措;a moment of panic一时惊慌;cause a panic引起惊慌;in a state of panic惊恐万分;get into a panic陷入恐慌) invitation n.邀请;请帖 (a letter of invitation邀请函;at the invitation of sb./at sbs invitation应某人的邀请; invite v. 邀请;invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事; invite sb. to邀请某人参加; inviting adj.诱人的,有魅力的)request n.请求,要求(be in request有需求;at the request of sb./at sb.s request应某人之请求/要求;by request(of sb.)按(某人)的要求,应(某人)的请求;on request一经要求,应要求【拓展】(1)request vt. 请求,要求(request sb. to do sth.请求某人干某事;request that(从句中用should+动词原形)(2) 辨析:demand, request, require: 三个词在接从句时结构相同,从句中都要用“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。demand一般指理直气壮地提出强烈要求,或坚持不让对方拒绝的要求;require强调根据事业、需要或纪律、法律等而提出的要求;request为正式用词,指非常正式、有礼貌的请求或恳求,多含担心因种种原因对方不能答应的意味;require表示“需要”且用表示物的词做主语时,后面接doing或to be done,表示“某物需要被”。favor n. 恩惠;善意的行为(do sb. a favor/do a favor for sb.帮某人一个忙;ask a favor of sb./ask sb. a favor请某人帮个忙;owe sb. a favor欠某人的人情;lose favor失宠;in favor of同意,支持,赞成;in sb.s/sth.s favor某人/某物占优势;back in favor重新受欢迎,重新得宠) 【拓展】v.赞同,支持;喜欢;偏爱live adj.现场的;活的(a live football match现场直播的足球赛;a live fish一条活鱼)【拓展】 adv.实况转播地;在现场地;v. 生活;居住performance n.表演;表现(put on performances演出,表演;perform v.表现;表演;执行;做)social adj.社会的;社交的;交际的(social life社交生活;society n.社会社团;socialist adj.社会主义的;n.社会主义者; socialism n.社会主义)经典短语on guard(保持)警惕;站岗,执勤hold up举起;阻挡,使停滞;耽搁;支撑;继续下去【拓展】hold back阻挡;忍住;抑制;扣留;hold on坚持住;不要挂断电话;hold on to抓住;不卖或不送某物;保留;hold to信守,忠于;hold out维持;伸出;hold together(使)团结;hold ones breath屏住气;take/catch/get hold of抓住,握住give away暴露(自己的情况)mind reader(自称或被认为)能看透别人心思的人lift up举起 【拓展】 lift sbs spirits使某人开朗起来;give sb. a lift让某人搭便车;take the lift乘坐电梯up and down一上一下地by accident偶然的(=by chance)【拓展】相关词组:by no chance绝非偶然;by any chance或许,可能;on purpose故意地;by design故意地say hello to向问好【拓展】相关短语:say goodbye to向某人告别;say yes to同意;say no to拒绝 switch on打开(灯、无线电等) 【拓展】相关短语还有: switch off关掉;turn on打开;turn off关掉;switch over完全改变;完全转变

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