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Unit 9 What does he look like?Section A 1a - 1c (P49)* 教师寄语: Clothes do not make the man. 人不在衣装。【学习目标】:1. 学习描述人外貌的词汇;2. 学会描述人的外貌。 -What does he/she look like? - He/She is, and he/she has.【体验学习】:I、预习交流1. 根据单元标题和图片等,预测新课内容;2. 根据音标拼读新单词并牢记; 3. 自学课文,勾画出重点和疑惑。II、翻译官1. 长发_ 2. 短发_3. 直发_ 4. 卷发_ 5. 高的_ 6. 矮的_7. 重的_8. 廋的_ 9. 中等个子_10. 中等身材_ 【课堂导学】:I、新课呈现Step1 Free talk Try to speak out the words of peoples looks you know.Step2 Presentation1. Learn the new words about peoples looks in 1a. 2. Finish 1a. Then check the answers.3. Look at the picture in 1a and learn the drills: -What does he look like? Is he short or tall? -Well, hes really. And he has.Step3 Listening Listen and finish 1b. Check the answers.Step4 Pair work Practice the conversations in 1a .Then make your own conversations.II、合作交流 Group work: 总结归纳本课学的描述人外貌的词汇。 Looks: 【自主检测】:、完美呈现1. Sun Dong is very _ (廋的).2. Hes of _ (中等的) build.3. He is short and has _ (卷的) hair.4. Marys hair is long and _ (直的).5. What is the _ (高度) of the tree? - About three meters.II、对比空间1. My brother is _, but Im short. 2. Do you like straight or _ hair? 3. I dont like white. My favorite color is _. 4. Mary is very heavy, but her sister is very _.、翻译句子吉姆长得向他的父亲。1.Jim his father .= Jim his ather 你认识吉姆吗? 他长什么样?2. Do you _Jim ? he ?他中等体型,留着短发。3.He ,and he .他有棕色的头发和戴着眼镜4.He _brown hair and_glasses.我认为这不是本好书 (1) 5.I think it a good book. 【快乐链接】 描述人外貌的词汇 short 矮 tall 高 thin 瘦 overweight胖 slim 苗条 plump 丰满tubby 矮胖 muscular 强壮skinny太瘦了 medium height 不胖不瘦plain 长的一般 good-looking长的好看【学习体会】 成功&收获: 失败&不足: _ _Unit 9 What does he look like?Section A2a-2d(P50)*教师寄语: Clothes do not make the man. 人不在衣装。【学习目标】: 学会描述某人的外貌。【体验学习】:I、预习交流1. 根据课本图片和对话等,预测新课内容;2. 根据音标拼读新单词并牢记;3. 自学课文,勾画出重点和疑惑。II、翻译官1. 今天 _ 2. 今晚_3. 电影院 _ 4. 戏剧院 _5. 一点; 少量 _ 6. 少;几乎没有 _7. 一杯牛奶_ 8. 一副眼镜_9. 戴眼镜 _ 10. 去看电影 _【课堂导学】:I、新课呈现Step1Revision Review the vocabularies of peoples looks in 1a.Step2 Listening1. Go through the questions in 2a. 2. Listento the tape. Finish 2a & 2b. 3.Check the answers.Step3 Pair work Work in pairs. Finish 2c.Step4 Role-play Role-playthe conversation in2d.II、合作交流Group work: 分析总结如何描述某人的外貌,并模仿2d编写对话。Notes: _【自主检测】:I、精挑细选( ) 1. She is of _ medium height and she has _ long hair. A. a; a B. a; / C. /; /( ) 2. - _ is your favorite teacher like? -She is very friendly. A. How B. What C. Who( ) 3. He is short, but he looks _ thin. A. a little B. a little of C. a lot ofII、你来我往A:Hello, Tom. 1. _?B:Yes. We re meeting at six, right? A:Yeah. 2. _. My friend Bob is going, too. Just meet him in front of the cinema first.B:Oh, but I dont know him. 3. _?A: Well, he has brown hair and wears glasses.B:OK. 4. _?A:He isnt tall or short. Hes of medium height. B:OK, sure. 5. _.,根据句意,补全已给的首字母的单词(1)Today Mary looks beatiful. She has red and s_hair.(2)I keep doing exercise,so Im becoming a little bit t_(3)Lin Tao has b_hair.(4)-Can you describe the most p_singer, Zhou Jielun for me?-Of course.(5)Rose is a good student. She is n_late for school.句型转换1. Is that your uncle? (做否定回答) _ ,_ _2He wears a yellow sweater(对划线部分提问) _ _he _? 3. My sister has long black hair.(改为否定句) My sister _ _ long black hair.4. Mary looks like her father. (改为一般疑问句) _ Mary _ _her father ?5.My sister has long hair and big eyes. (对划线部分提问)i_ _ your sister_ _?6Jenny is tallShe has curly hair(合并成一句) Jenny is tall_ _hair 7I think I know her(改为否定句) I _ _ I know her用所给词适当形式填空。1.What _ your friend _ (look) like ?2.She is of medium _ (high).3.She_ (be) of medium build.4.There _ (be) a little bit time.【学习体会】 Unit 9 What does he look like? Section AGrammar Focus-3d (P51)* 教师寄语:Clothes do not make the man. 人不在衣装。一 学习目标(一)知识目标:单词:handsome, actor ,actress ,person短语:of medium build ,of medium height句型:(1)Is he tall or short?(2)-what does your friend Clark look like?-He is thin and he has black hair.语法:一般现在时态和形容词的基本用法(二) 能力目标:学会表达自己的观点或好恶,能抓住人物的主要特征来描述人物的外貌,能和合作伙伴互相交流,充分交换信息,进行合作学习.(三) 情感目标:学会观察和描述周围的人物,互相了解,增进友谊二 学习过程 1自主学习(1)预习并独立完成3a和3b(2)预习及自测卷发_戴眼镜_中等身材_medium height_ handsome_2 合作探究1, Write these words in the correct box:short hair,heavy,curly hair, thin,of medium build,tall,straight hair,short,long hair ,of medium heightishas2.Circle the correct words to complete the conversation.A:So what (do/does) your friendClark look like?B:well,he (is/has) thin,and he(have/has) black hair.A:Really?(Is /Does) he tall or short?B:He( is/isnt )tall or short.He( is/has) of medium build.A:Does he( has/have )curly or straight hair?B:He( is/has)straight hair.And he( is/has) really handsome.四 课堂检测一根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1,My favorite a_is zhou xun.2,Does he want to be an a_3,The man is not tall,bur he is really h_.4,-Do you know the p_? -Yes.Hes Jims uncle二,给词的适当形式填空1,My sister is thin and of medium_(heigh).2,_(be)the actor thin or heavy?3,He_(have)straight hair.4,My friends like sing and_(dance).5,I think some children_(be) a little bit heavy. 三,补全对话A: Do you know I have a new friend in Class Six?B:What _ she look like ?A:She _ long hair and big eyes.B:_ she tall?A:No, she _ .She is of medium _.B:I think I_ her. She always wears a pair of _ on her nose.A:Yes, thats her. Her_ is Anna. A:Whats her name?B:She is beautiful.C:She has short curly brown hair.D:Does she wear glasses?E:She is of medium build.四、对号入座A: What does your friend look like?B: 1. _. And she is of medium height.A: How about her hair? B: 2. _.A: Is she a little bit heavy? B: No, she isnt. 3. _A: 4. _. B: Yes, she does.A: 5._. B: Her name is Alice.六课后反思Unit 9 What does he look like? SectionB1a-1e (P52)* 教师寄语:You cant judge a tree by its bark. 人不可貌相。【学习目标】:1. 继续学习描述人外貌的词汇; 2. 学会描述某个人的外貌特征。二 学习过程1自主学习词汇:金色的_ 眼镜_ 圆的_ 歌手_词组:金色的头发_ 长的卷曲的头发_ 戴着眼镜_ 电影明星_ 句子:1.我最喜欢的音乐家是约翰 杰克逊2.他是高的和瘦的3.我喜欢有长的金黄色的头发的女人三 合作探究1,完成1a, 把单词与相应的图片搭配起来.2,完成1b,就著名的音乐家或演员造句,然后填空1_ has a round face 2 _ has black hair 3 _ wears glasses 4_ has blonde hair.3.完成1c.Listen and write Johnny Deans and Tina Browns jobs in the chart. 四,交流展示1.让学生读对话后,完成表格。2.写出一个著名的演员,音乐家或者运动员的名字,然后描述他Eg: My favorite actor is Leonardo DiCaprio. He is tall and he has brown hair.五,拓展提升,1e,eg:My favorite singer is John Jackson.Hes tall and thin,.He has short curly brown hair.short curly brown hair 短的卷曲的头发The lovely boy has beautiful short curly brown hair.多个形容词同时形容一个名词时,需遵循一定的规则:限定词(包括冠词物主代词、序数词、基数词)- 描述性形容词(beautiful)- 大小-形状颜色年龄或新旧- 材料或种类来源名词六 课堂检测(一) 用is、 has、 with 填空1.She_of medium build, and she long hair 2.He is tall and he _curly brown hair.3.The girl_ flowers in her left hand is my sister .4.She _very short and she_ good looking.5.He_ of medium height and he_ thin.(二) 句型转换:1.Mr.Green is tall and thin(就划线部分提问)_ _ Mr.Green look like?2 He wears funny sunglasses.(改为否定句)He_ _ funny sunglasses.3 I think I can play the piano. (改为否定句) I _ think I _ play the piano.4. My brother is that boy. He is wearing glasses(合并为一句,句意不变) My brother is the boy _ _.5. They read English.(改成现在进行时)They _ _ English. do wear look curly with(三)选词填空: Do you remember the pop singer 1 funny glasses and long 2 hair ? Well , now he has a new 3 . He doesnt 4 glasses any more .”I dont think hes so great ”says Ruth from New York .”But my mom 5 (四)根据首字母提示完成短文。 Dear Li Lei; Thank you f your letter. Id like to tell you about a good f of mine. His name is John.Next week,he will v China,but he knows nothing about the country.Can you m him at the airport?Look!H is a picture of him.He is tall with s blonde hair.He has two big e .On the day he arrives he will w a light blue s and white trousers .He doesnt w glasses.六,课后反思通过这节课,我掌握了_Unit 9 What does he look like?第四课时SectionB (2a-3b)一,自主学习:单词:artist,put,each,way,describe,differently.another,end,real.短语:draw a picture ,in the end,firsr of all.句型:(1)Let me tell you what he look like.(2)What does he like to wear?语法:宾语从句。二合作探究:1,独立完成2a,Complete the chart with words of the opposite meaning.youngthintalllongcurly2,首先熟读2b,然后在小组内合作翻译文章,翻译是注意英语与汉语的区别。3,完成3a的短文,注意认真看图。三,交流展示:1, 按照3b的要求,利用所给的句型提示,写一篇关于你的最好的朋友的文章。2, 给大家介绍一下你家庭中的一员。四,知识拓展eg:Also,they dont always remember well.句中的动词remember意为“记得,记起”,后常接名词、代词、不定式、动名词作宾语,但remember to do sth意为“记得去做某事”,remember doing sth意为“记得曾经做过某事”。例如:Do you remember her name? 你记得她的名字吗? Remember to close the windows when you leave当你离开的时候,记着要关上户。 I remember locking the door我记得已经锁门了。五,达标检测:(一) 根据首字母提示完成单词1,He cant d_what the criminal looks like2,The police p_the picture in newapaper and television.3.Tom s_,“I am form London.”4,Im sory I can”t r_ your name.5,In the e_,the girl buys many beautiful clothes.(二)用所给词的适当形式填空1. I want to be a_(sing) when I get up2. Nobody _(know ) the heavy man over there.3. Who is the girl with _(glass) on her nose?4. Please remember_(post)the letter when you go to the post office.5 Our Chinese teacher is very _(friend)(三)阅读理解 Mr Black is an American , but he is in Canada now. He is a tall man with funny glasses. He works in a big city but lives in a town far away. He lives on the twentieth floor of a building . Every morning he gets up early. Then he gets into the early bus.It usually takes him about two hours to get to the factory by bus.Then he gets off the bus and walks in t the workshop quickly. He starts his work at eight in morning.1.Mr Black is from _ A American B. English C .Canada .D. America 2.The city is not _ to the town. A far B away C near D from3.Mr Black lives on the _ floor of the building A twelfth B twenty C twentieth D twentith 4.How ling does it take him to get t the factory from his home?A One hour B Two hour C one and a half hours D About 120 minutes5.When does he start his work in the morning ?A at eihth. B About at seven C At eight D At eight to eigh。六,作业布置:1. 背诵2b短文。2. 复习本单元单词、句型。Unit 9 What does he look like? 第五课时 Self Check,一,自主学习:1,独立完成Self Check 1.2,what do your parents look like?Descibe them.在小组内阅读交流二,知识拓展:形容词的定义形容词是用来说明、修饰名词或不定代词的词,表示人或物的性质、特征和形态。例如:short短的;curly卷曲的;long长的;straight直的;heavy重的2形容词的用法形容词通常在句中作定语、表语和宾语补足语等。(1)作定语 She has long hair她有长长的头发。(2)作表语 The TV show is very interesting这个电视节目很有趣。(3)作宾语补足语Please keep your eyes closed请闭上你们的眼睛。3多个形容词的排列顺序英语中,当名词前有两个以上的形容词作前置定语时,这些形容词通常遵循一定的规律,不得随意调换。(1)基本顺序:限定词(冠词、指示代词、物主代词、数词等)+表示观点的描述性的形容词+形状、大小、长短、高低+年龄、新旧+颜色+国籍、地区+物质材料+被修1形容词的定义形容词是用来说明、修饰名词或不定代词的词,表示人或物的性质、特征和形态。例如:short短的;curly卷曲的;long长的;straight直的;heavy重的2形容词的用法形容词通常在句中作定语、表语和宾语补足语等。(1)作定语 She has long hair她有长长的头发。(2)作表语 The TV show is very interesting这个电视节目很有趣。(3)作宾语补足语Please keep your eyes closed请闭上你们的眼睛。3多个形容词的排列顺序英语中,当名词前有两个以上的形容词作前置定语时,这些形容词通常遵循一定的规律,不得随意调换。(1)基本顺序:限定词(冠词、指示代词、物主代词、数词等)+表示观点的描述性的形容词+形状、大小、长短、高低+年龄、新旧+颜色+国籍、地区+物质材料+被修饰的名词。例如: a big new white wooden house 一座新的白色的大木屋 。 beautiful long black hair 美丽的长长的黑发(2)两个或两个以上的形容词作定语,通常不用and,但如果说的是同一方面的情况就要用and。例如:a black and white sweater 一件黑自相间的毛衣。三,达标检测1单项填空(20分)( )1Miss Gao_very young A sees B1ooks C looks like Dwatches( )2Han Mei is a beautiful girl_long hair A. in Bon C with Dof( )3Why does Joe look so _today ? Because she has got an “A” in her English test Aexciting Bsad Chappy Dangry( )4. _ is watching TVLets turn it off A. Somebody BAnybody C. Nobody DEverybody( )5一There goes the bell -Its time for classLets stop _ Atalk Bto talk Ctalking D. not talk( )6A: What does your sister look like?B: _ A. Shes a teacher BShes fine C. Shes twenty DShes medium height ( )7一What does your friend look like? 一He_heavy and_big eyes A .is;is Bhas;has Cis;has Dhas;is( )8Our Chinese teacher always_ a black jacket Awears Bputs on Cwearing Dput on( )9Remember_a pen for me on your way home A.buy Bto buy C. buying Dbuys( )10There is_milk in the cupIts _hot A. a 1ittle;a bit Ba bit;a little C .a little bit;a bit of Da bit:a bit of( )11Im too tiredLets stop_a rest(休息) A. having Bto have Chas Dhad( )1 2Nobody_how to play the computer game A. knows Bknow C to know Dknowing( )13My uncle likes to_jokes A. speak B. say Ctell Dtalk( )14. Do you know I have a friend_ Class Three? Aon Bat Cin Dof( )15_does your friend look like? AWhat B Why C Which DWhen( )16He often plays jokes_others Ain Bwith Con Dat( )17She is good-looking_shes a bit quiet Aand Bbut Cor Dso( )18 What does your sister look like? _ AShes outgoing BShe would like some coffee CShe likes painting DShe is medium height ( )19 A: What does the lady look like? B: _AShes fine and well BShes really a nice C. Shes tall and thin DShe likes wearing skirts( )20.The actor is very _.so many girls like him.A tall B handsome C short D thin2完形填空(10分) My good friend Tony 1 Canada2 a middle school studentHes fourteen years oldHe 3 brown hair and big eyes4 sister is AnnShes a student, 5But they arent in the same sch001Shes tall and thin 6 long brown hairShes good-looking 7 father is a bank clerk(职员)He is medium build and has 8 big beardHe likes 9 sunglasses in summerTonys mother is a nurseShe has long curly hairShe! 10 youngNow they live in Beijing,ChinaThey all like China and Chinese people( )1A is Bis from Ccome from Dis a( )2A Hes BHis C. Hers DShes( )3Ais Bhave Chas D. there is( )4A. Him BHer C. His DHes( )5A. also Btoo Ceither Dnever( )6Awith Band Cis Dhas( )7A.Tonys B.Tony CTonys DThey( )8A .the Ba C. an D( )9A .wearing B wears Chaving Dto wearing( )10.A. look Bis looking C. looks Dlooking3单词拼写(10分)1My brother isnt tall or shortHes m _ height2Johnny Dean is a P_ rock singer3Does he w_ glasses?4Her hair isnt blackIts b_,like gold5He loves to tell jokesHe n_ stops talking6The singer has l_ chair 7Jack is the c_ of our school basketball team8He isnt uglyHes g_9. I a_ go to school by bike10Jay Chou is a famous s_4句型转换1Helen is thin and medium height(对划线部分提问)_ _Helen_ _?2I think Jack knows it(改为否定句) I_ _ Jack_ it3The boy is my brotherHe has short straight hair(合并为一句) The boy _short straight hair _ my brother4Mr Brown is not tall or short(改为同义句) Mr Brown is_ _5She has long curly hair(改为一般疑问句) _she_long curly hair?5完成句子(10分)1他不经常戴眼镜。 He_often_glasses2你能和我一起去购物吗?Can you _ _ with me?3你老师长得什么样?_ _ your teacher_ _?4我认为他不那么帅。 5 I_he_ so handsome15

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