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三年级英语专项练习1一、 默写26个英文字母大小写二、根据问句找答语( )1.Have some juice? A. Its Peters( )2.Do you like fish? B. Its eight oclock.( )3.Whats for lunch? C. Rice,fish and vedetables.( )4.Would you like a drink? D. Twenty.( )5.Is this your cap? E. Its a monkey.( )6.Whose shirt is this? F. Yes, please.( )7.Whats this? G. No, it isnt.( )8.What are these H. Hes behind the door.( )9.How many monkeys can you see? I. Yes, coffe,please.( )10.Wheres Danny? J. Theyre bears.( )11.Wheres the art room? K. Good night!( )12.What time is it? L. Yes, I do.( )13.Good night! M. Its on the second floor.第二组( )1.Is that your bedroom? A.Its Li Mings.( )2.Wheres Danny ? B.They re elephants.( )3.This is the art room. C.Yes , I do.( )4.Wheres your classroom? D.Rice,fish and vegetable( )5.What time is it? E.Yeah!( )6.Lets go home. F.No, it isnt.( )7.Whats for lunch, mum? G.He is under the bed.( )8.Do you like bread? H.How nice!( )9.What are those? I,Its on the third floor.( )10.Whose sweater is this? J.Its seven twenty.三年级英语专项练习2一、 根据汉语写英语1、 吃早饭_ 2、想要_ 3、吃正餐_4、去动物园_ 5、客厅_ 6、 看电视_7、美术室_ 8、 音乐室_ 9、 起床_10、点钟_ 11、 回家_ 12、上学_13、十一到二十_二、翻译句子1、现在几点了?_ 2、到了游戏的时间了_3、我有一个新毛衣。_ 4、你喜欢鱼么?_5、午饭吃什么?_ 6、这是谁的外套?_7、哪些是大象。_ 8、这些是什么?_9、欢迎来到我的新家_ 10、我在卧室读书_三、 (读一读找出不同类的词)1. ( ) A. egg B. bread C. book 2. ( ) A. sweater B. lunch C. coat3. ( ) A .lion B. milk C. monkey4. ( ) A. door B. dinning room C. bedroom5. ( ) A. library B. art room C. time6. ( ) A. time B. get up C. go to bed四、(单项选择)1. ( ) -Do you like milk? -Yes, I _ . A. do B. have C. dont2 . ( ) - Would you like a hamburger? - _. A. No, I dont. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, please!3. ( ) - Is this your cap , Liming? - _. A. No, It isnt. B. No, it is. C. Yes, it isnt.4. ( ) -_ jacket is this? - Its Peters. A. Who B. What C. Whose5.( )- What are these? - Theyre _. A. tiger B. elephant C. pandas6. ( ) -Wheres Jenny? - Shes _ the bathroom. A. under B. on C. in7. ( ) The cap is _ . A. Danny B. Dannys C. Liming8. ( ) The music room is on the _ floor. A. one B. two C. first9. ( ) We sing in the _. A. music room B. art room C. library10.( ) -What time is it? -_. Its 9 oclock. B. Im fine. C. Yes, please!三年级专项练习3一、 单词分类( )1、 A. egg B. bread C. rice D. please( )2、 A. lunch B. breakfast C. dinner D. apple( ) 3、 A. sweater B. cap C. coat D. whose( ) 4、A. small B. cool C.big D. shirt( ) 5、A. tiger B. panda C. coat D. bear( ) 6、A. sweater B. twelve C. fifteen D. nineteen( )7、A. living room B. on C.dining room D. bedroom( ) 8、A. on B. in C. sixteen D.under( ) 9、A. art room B. music rrom C. library D. draw( )10、A. get up B. go to school C. sing D. go to bed( )11、A. draw B. sing C. library D. read( )12、A. home B. under C. behind D. in( )13、A. monkey B. rabbit C. eleven D. bear( )14、A. those B. thirteen C. twenty D. seventeen( )15、A. small B. sweater C. dress D. coat( )16、A. bread B. hungry C. chicken D.egg二、分类1、写出四种动物:_2、写出四种衣服:_3、写出四种房屋:_4、写出六种食物:_5、写出四个位置词:_三、选择正确的答语。( )1.Would you like some fish? A.Yes, please. B. Yes, I do.( ).Is this your coat? A. Its Peters. B. No, it isnt. ( ) 3.What are these?A. They are bears. B. Its a bear.( )4. How many monkeys can you see ? A. Twenty monkeys. B.twenty rabbits.( ) 5. Wheres your classroom? A. Yes.We sing here. B. Its on the third floor. 三年级专项练习4一、 翻译下列短语1.吃早饭_ 吃正餐_ 去动物园_如此大_ 多少_ 看电视_在桌子上_ 在我的卧室_ 在厨房_在床下面_ 在门后面_ 不知道_在树上_ 在一层_ 教师办公室_在图书室_ 真漂亮_ 起床_愉快的一天_ 几点_ 回家_去学校_ 去睡觉_ 晚安_二、根据问句找答语)1. Would you like a drink? A. Eggs and milk.)2. Do you like rice? B. Its in the tree.)3. You have a new coat. Its lovely. C.They are tigers.)4. Is this your shirt? D. No, it isnt.)5. Whose sweater is this? E. Yes, I do.)6, What are those ? F. Yes. Apple juice, please.)7. How many pandas ? G. Thank you.)8. Where is the monkey ? H. Nineteen.)9. What time is it? I. Seven ten.)10. Whats for breakfast ? J. Its my sweater.专项练习五A.Do B. like C. have D. whats E dont1._ for breakfast?2. I_ like eggs.3. Lets_ lunch.4._you like milk?5. I_ coffe. class playground sing beautiful know1.We _ in the music room.1.Its eight Its time for_2.We play on the_3.Wheres Guo Yang? I dont_4.Welcome to our new school? Its_A. three B. new C. is D. have E. and 1. Look! This is my_home. We_a big living room.2.This_myhome. We have a living room_two bedroomsA. kitchen B. bedroom C. watch TV D. dining room3.We have_bedrooms.A. way B. ThankC. WhereD.isntE.me1. We_ in the living room.2. We have dinner in the_.3. You cook(做饭) in the_.4.I sleep(睡觉) in my_.A:Excuse_ . Is this the teachers office?B:No,it_A:_is it?B: Its on the first floor. This_,please.A:_you.B: Youre welcome.A. at B. big C. sing D. go E. for1.Its time_games.2. Lets_home.3. I go to bed_nine.4. We_in the music room.5.this is the playground. Its_.A.too B.big C.floor D.for E.to F.on G.in H.sing I.have J.games home1.Its time_school.2.This sweater is_small.3.Welcome_ my home .4. He is on the first_5.The elephant is so_! 6. My lab room is_the second floor.7.The books are_your schoolbag 8. We_in our music room.9.Its four oclock,lts time for_.10.We_three bedroom.A. whose B. Peters C. wearing D. is1._ cap is this?2. The dress _black.3. Its_shirt.4. Im_a red coat.专项练习六一、 写出下列字母的相邻字母大小写。SsJjKkTtRrWwFfHhOoNnDdUuGgYyIiQqVvMmXxLlCc二、选择题1.( )Do you like milk? Yes, I do. A. do B. have C.am2.( )Would you like a drink? _A. No, I dont B. Yes, please! C. Yes, I do.( )Is this your cap , Liming?_A. Yes, it isnt.B.No,itis.C. No, it isnt.()_jacket is this?Its Peters.A. WhoseB.WhatC. Where() What are these?Theyre_.A. pandasB.elephantC. tiger()Wheres Jenny?Shes_the kitchen.A. underB. onC.in() The cap is_.A. DannyB. DannysC.Liming()The music room is on the_floor.A. firstB. twoC. one()Wesing in the_A. music roomB. art roomC. library()What time is it?_A. Its 9 oclock. B. Im fine. C. Yes, please!(). We haveart room in our school-A. anB.a C.不填(). The lab is on the _ school A. firstB, two C.three(). This is_playground.A. we B.our C.I(). _yourclassroom?Its on the second floor.A. WhereB. Wheres C.Whats(). we _in. the library.A. like B. go C.read().What time is it?_A. Six B. No,it isnt(). We draw in the_A. music room B. art room C. lab().1 get up _ seven.A. inB. for C. at()- Its time_class.A. forB. at C. at

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