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六年级第一学期英语期末试卷(一)一、找出下列单词中不同类的将选项序号填在左边的括号里。(10)1 ( ) A.spring B.summer C.fall D. mittens2.( ) A.kitchen B.sink C.bathroom D. Living room3.( ) A.help B.did C.walked D. had 4.( )A.line B.square C.triangle D. always 5.( ) A.wind B. snow C.cool D. rain 6 ( ) A. dresses B. stamp C.buses D. women 7. ( ) A.mouth B.eye C.flower D.nose8. ( ) A.breakfast B.cook C.make D. wash9. ( ) A. always B. usually C.sometimes D.shapes 10. ( ) A.yesterday B.windy C.tomorrow D. Today 二、写出所给词的正确形式 (24) 1.my(名词性物主代词) _2.dish (复数)_3.dont(完全形式)_ 4. bring (过去式)_5. cannot(缩写)_ 6.clean(反义词)_ 7.sun (形容词) _ 8.put(现在分词)_ 9. loud(副词) _10. put on(反义词)_11.have(单三)_12.dry(反义词)_ 13.big(比较级)_14.leaf(复数)_ 15.skate( 现在分词)_ 三、慧眼识金(将选项序号填在左边括号里)(24)( )1.Is this dish _ ,Jenny ? A. your B. yours C.my D.her( )2.Is this a bathtub _a shower ?A. and B.but C. In D. or( )3.Everyone in the living room_loud. A.am B. are c. Is D.be( )4.My family lives in_ apartment .A.on B.an C. a D. /( )5.- How many lines make a _ - Four lines A. triangle B.circle C.square D. Line( )6.This one is _ than that one . A. smaller B. smalling c. Smalls D. small( )7.Does Mr.Wood _ a new lesson ? A.teaches B. To teach C.teaching D. teach( ) 8. _ we are going to buy birthday gifts . A . Tomorrow B. Sometimes C. Yesterday D. Now( )9.What a cold,_day ! A. suny B. wind C.snow D.snowy ( ) 10. Steven always _ pants . A.wear B.wearing C . to wear D.wears( )11. LiMing is _ a letter to his mother .A. writeing B. writing C. To write D.writes ( )12. Lets _a new song .A.singing B. to sing C. sing D.sings( )13. Danny likes to _ Tv. A. see B. look C. watch D.listen ( )14. LiMing wants _ English in Canada . A. learn B. to learn C. learned D.learns ( )15. Santa is a merry man _red clothes . A. in B. on C. by D.put on 四、根据问句选择正确的答句(7)1.( )How old are you ? A.Summer2.( )What is the temperature ? B. December twenty-fifth 3.( )Whats your favourite season ? C. Its 7:00 now4.( )Lets go inside now. why? D.I like to ski on the snow5.( )What do you like to do ? E. Im twelve years old6.( )Did you have a good trip ? F. Because Im cold7.( )When is Christmas? G. I think I can !8.( )What time is it now? H. Sure9.( )Can you put thesnowball on top? I. Its two degrees 10.( )May I help you? J. Yes, I did五按要求完成下列句子(12)1. Its time to go to school(同一句转换) Its_ _ school.2. Its rainy and cool today (划线部分提问) _ is the _ today ?3.Jenny bought yesterday .(变一般疑问句 )_ Jenny _ a new sweater yesterday ?4. They are playing cards quietly(变疑问句). _they_cards quietly?5.Do you usually walk to the bus stop?( 肯定回答)_, I _六.连词成句并翻译。(14)1.are , doing, what, you?._?_?2.supper , help, my, lets ,mother , make _. _.3. Would , Christmas , like , you , for , what _. _.4. wind to in I play like the _. _.5. piano Jenny the play can?_? _

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