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高一英语新课标必修4 教学案例 人教版一、 学情分析。教学对象为高一的学生。经过初中三年的英语学习,他们已经储备了一定的词汇和英语基础知识,他们的认知和分析水平比初中阶段有了进一步的提高,能就给出的话题展开讨论,发表自己的看法,渐渐形成了用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力。但这个的班的英语水平参差不及,尖子生的学习能力强,而部分差生甚至于上英语课在听天书。所以为了保证差生能够听懂,中等生有所收获,尖子生有所启发,所以本堂课采用了小组合作形式结合简单的任务型阅读,使学生能够积极主动的参与到课堂中来,成为课堂的主体,使他们的的自主性得到加强,让他们体验到学英语其实是一件非常快乐的事情。二、课文分析。本课是人教版高一新课标英语必修4第四单元的开始。考虑到整个单元的结构,我重组了教材,将文中的warming up与reading 部分作为本单元的第一课时,Body Language,来对待.这是一个新单元的开始,出现在这两部分的生词不算太多,也不难拼读,但是由于这课出现了太多陌生的人名和国家的名称,所以我在课前事先教读过。在备这一课时,发现文中的warming up 部分太突兀,不易着手,于是我没有采用,而使用了我自己另外准备的一个flash,简单,幽默,学生易于接受也能尽快适应后来的一系列小组合作活动,然后自然而然的引出reading 部分。三、 设计构想。英语作为基础教育课程之一,历来备受重视。面对新形式及新的时代要求,更应该以培养创新精神和实践能力为重点,强调新课程要促进每一位学生个体的身心发展,培养并促进学生良好品德的行成,从而使学生们能更好的适应日新月异的社会和时代。然而,众所周知,英语在农村相对比较薄弱,学生的英语底子不够雄厚,学英语的态度也不够重视,导致整体的英语水平不高。因此,要想解决目前农村存在的英语问题,关键还是在于教师,教师应尽最大努力做到以下几点:1, 切实提高学生的基础知识和基本技能,尤其是英语交际能力;2,在此基础上扩充学生学英语的知识面,鼓励学生在课外进行大量的英语阅读,能摘抄好句好段,并用英语记下每次的读后感。3,紧跟时代步伐,随时随地都能用最新的教学理念,方法,手段传播知识,传播信息。4,善于使用多媒体等直观的教学来传授知识,让每堂课都活跃起来,动起来。因为,为了这样的最终目的,教师的备课,钻研教材,教师的教学设计就显得举足轻重。四、 教学设计。本课为阅读课,主要介绍了各个国家的不同的肢体语言以及肢体语言产生差异的文化根源。通过阅读使学生了解除了使用口语,我们还可用肢体语言来表达自己,也能跟来自不同国家的人群进行交流与沟通。为此,我们的教学目标,教学重难点就可以这样设置:1, 语言技能目标:掌握并熟练运用课文中的黑体字词汇:major, local, represent, curious, Columbia, approach, touch, cheek, strangers, express, gesture, actions以及句型be likely to, introduce- to-, nod at 等2、能力目标:能根据给出的描述肢体语言的短语,思考,讨论,再上台表演,再到后来的快速回答问题这么一个过程,既锻炼了学生的思维能力,英语口头表达能力又可帮助学生提高查找相关信息的能力。3、情感目标:让学生意识到交流与沟通不仅仅局限于语言,还可以借助更丰富更形象的肢体语言来表达自己。4、文化目标:培养学生的跨文化意识,倡导跨文化交际。5、教学重点和难点。教学重点:其一,让学生明确不用国家的人之间的打招呼方式的不同之处;其二,在了解课文内容的基础上,重视阅读方法和技巧的点播,培养学生的阅读习惯。教学难点:包括打招呼用语在内的各国的不同的肢体语言产生的根源-文化差异。6、教学内容设计: Lead-in 播放Mr. Bean 在飞机上的无声的肢体语言的表演 Warming up, 通过看不同的gestures,猜短语;再看给出的英文短语,做gestures.引出body language的定义,进入reading 部分First reading, 以表格的形式呈现课文中来自不同国家的人Second Reading, listen to the tape连线匹配不同国的人初次见面时的不同的打招呼用语Group discussion: 产生这种现象的原因 Third Reading, some detail information, a True or False exerciseSummary, the structure of the whole textHomework7、教学方法:采用了常见的任务型教学法,启发式教学法,师生互动,生生互动的形式步步深入学习。8、教学手段 运用多媒体进行教学,丰富课堂内容,浓郁课堂气氛。五、 教学过程。Step I. GreetingsThe teacher greets students as usual.Step II. Lead in T: Nice to meet you everyone! (My first time to meet these students, in fact I teach in Senior Two.) First wed like to watch a short flash happened on the airplane.(When the flash is finished)T: Do you know this man?Ss: 憨豆先生。T: Yeah, in English, Mr. Bean. What is he trying to do?Ss: He is trying to make the little boy happy and laugh.T: How does he make the happy? By telling jokes?Ss: No, by body language.T: Yeah, quite right, you are really very clever.Step III. Warming upFrom this flash, we know that we can understand each other not only by words, but also by body languages. Now lets try to guess more about Mr. Bean by looking at the pictures.Guessing and making gestures (将全班分为4个group进行。凡猜对的,给小组加十分。教师展示图片,学生猜英文短语;教师给出英文短语,学生做手势)。Competition: Do you know any other guestures?I am full! I dont know! I am so happy! I want some money!OK! Bad! Good! Silent!Nice to meet you! Byebye! (设计Guessing& Competition的目的:让学生充分发挥想象力,寻找生活中熟悉的肢体语言,并让学生上台表演出来,让学生意识到他们每天都在跟肢体语言打交道,最后一起来总结body language 的定义。)Step IV. Reading First ReadingT: Today we are going to learn a passage about body language, lets open our books on page26, there is a picture with many people here. Maybe they meet for the first time, so wed like to find out who are they and where are they from. Fill in this form.PeoplecountryYouChinaMr. GarciaColumbiaJulia SmithBritainGeorge CookCanadaAhmed AzizJordanMadame CoulonFranceSecond Readinga visitorJapanA. shake hands and kisses other twice on eachT: You have done a very good job. Now we know that these people from different countries meet the first time, well see how they greet each other. Lets listen to the tape, then match the following:Mr Garcia (Columbia)B. bows.Julia Smith (Britain)C. shake hands.Visitor (Japan)D approaches others closely and touches their shoulder and kisses them on the cheekGeorge Cook (Canada)E. does not stand close to others or touch strangers.Madame Coulon(France)Group Discussiondifferent habitsdifferent customsReasons for different ways of greeting -different cultures different racesThird Reading T: Until now, we have known that different people have got their different ways of greeting and we also discuss the reasons for the differences. Here, next shall we deal with some detail information in the text?First, there will be a True or False exercise for you. If it is false, correct them, please!True or False1.The writer will meet the visitors at Pudong Station. F 2. Visitors greet each other differently when they meet for the first time. T 3. English people usually do stand very close to others as soon as they meet. F 4. French people behave warmly to the people that they know. T5. Body language is the same across the world. FSecond, do a small comparison:1.Not all cultures greet each other the same way- (para3) 比较 No cultures greet -2. Not all members of all cultures behave the same way. (para6) 比较No members of - Ss: Discuss in groups and compare these two sentences.T: Call one of them to tell us his or her ideas about these two sentences.S1: 部分否定与全部否定的区别-S2: -T: 总结,引用课文的话:Body language varies from culture to culture. People from different cultures have different body languages. Just like a saying goes that: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.(以上阅读步骤的设计目的:从各国的人谈起,到他们初次见面时使用的不同打招呼用语,再分析之所以产生差异的原因。各个环节紧密相扣,由易到难,由浅入深。)Step VI. Summary and Homework:根据前面阅读的具体信息,由各国的人见面时的招呼用语产生差异的原因,可将总共有6个段落的文章分成三个部分。呈现如下:Part2 (para2-5): Different people with different greetings.Part3 (para6): The reasons why body languages are different.Part1 (para1): The writer will meet the business people at Pudong Airport.Homework: 1. Do the comprehending on page26-27.2. Review the new words in this part.(设计目的:布置这两个作业,一是想帮助学生复习课本所学内容,温故知新;二,主要考虑到让学生能够当堂掌握所学的新生词,短语等)六、 课后反思。 这是一堂阅读课。在正式进入阅读前,通过一系列的小组合作热身活动充分调动了学生的积极性。在阅读时,考虑到阅读的信息量很大,因此我采用了循序渐进的阅读方式,设置简单的任务和问题,让学生层层落实,步步明确,最后在回归到文章的整体结构上。总之,在设计本课的过程中,我一直本着两个原则,即在教学过程中所设计的问题适应目前学生的英语水平,尽量让问题简单化,让学生在学习的过程中拥有成就感;同时在这堂课中,我还采用了小组竞赛小组合作的方法,以此来激发学生的热情,在无意之中培养了学生的合作意识和竞争意识。在上完这堂课后,学生将学到了一定的阅读技能,同时,他们通过积极参与各种课堂活动,也将学到了许多有关肢体语言的知识。七、 板书设计。Unit4 Body language1. New words: Divide class into 4 groups:body language gesture Groups Marks GA -2. 部分否定的形式: Not all- GB -全部否定的形式: GC -表示两者用Neither of - GD - 表示三者或三者以上,用 None of - No-1. The price _ but I doubt whether it will remain so.A. went downB. will go downC has gone downD. was going down2.You look like good friends.Yes, we are. We _ each other since childhood. A. knewB. got to knowC. have been knowingD. have known3.Oh, its you! I didnt recognize you.I _ my hair cut and I _ new glasses.A had; was wearingB. have had; am wearingC had; woreD. have; had wear4.We havent heard from Jane for a long time.What do you suppose _ to her?A. was happenedB. to happenC. has happenedD. having happened5. You dont need to describe her. I _ her several times.A. had metB. have metC. metD. meet (Check the answers with the whole class.)Suggested answers: 1.C“价格已经降了下来”,此处使用现在完成时表示现在时间内的已有状态。2.D从since childhood可知主句一定用现在完成时态,C项用现在完成进行时,动词一般不用状态动词。3.B甲没有认出乙的原因是乙刚理过发并戴了副新眼镜。4.C第一句是信息句,所用时态是现在完成时,答语中的时态也应用现在完成时。5.B现在完成时可表示过去发生的事情对现在产生的影响或结果,问话人以这样的时态发问可体现其焦急的心情。Complete the sentences with “and” “but” and “or”.1.I dont like fish _ chicken,and you?I dont like fish _ I like chicken very much.2. There was no piano in the room _ the singer didnt mind. 3. The day breaks, _ the birds are singing.4.Can you lend me a pound?Im sorry, _ I cant.5. The changes in the city will cost quite a lot, _ they will save us money in the long run.6.Close the window, _ youll catch a cold. OK, _ youd better not smoke. (Check the answer with the whole class.)Suggested answers: 1.or,but2.but3.and4.but5.but6.or, but

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