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Unit 11 The sounds of the worldI. 单元教学目标技能目标 GoalsTalk about different kinds of music.Practise giving advice and making suggestions.Talk about famous musicians and describe songs.Write a comparison essay.II. 目标语言功能句式Asking for suggestionsWhat can you suggest?Can I ask for some advice?Can you help me decide.?Whats your opinion (about).?Giving adviceMaybe we could./ I suggest that you should do.Maybe it would be better to.Well, but what about .Have you considered doing .Why not / Why dont you do.I advise you to do./You had better do.Taking adviceThats a great/ good idea.That would be nice.Thats very kind of you. Thanks.词汇1 四会词汇musical, blues, instrument, characteristic, slave, jazz, contain, traditional, spread, variety, universal, folk, guitar, record, satisfy, inner, desire, perform(er), emotion, process, musician, totally, express, intelligence, chant, suggestion2 认读词汇Brasilia, Buenos, Aires, Cairo, Paris,Ricky, Martin, The Rolling Stones, rap, hip-hop, Latin, Santana, versus, Elvis Presley Entertain, rhythm3 词组turn.into, in common, have.in mind, on the radio, dance to, a variety of, pick out/up4 重点词汇perform, contain, spread, record, satisfy, desire, variety, express, suggestion结构be的各种形式+ p.p.重点句子1. People still listen to blues and rock, but they also listen to hip-hop and rap.2. Perhaps the most important characteristic of rap music is the way the artists sing.3. What we hear on the radio or see on TV is only a small part of all the wonderful music that is waiting for us.III. 学能目标通过本单元的教学,帮助学生发现隐含在音乐语言中的对他国文化的态度;通过欣赏世界范围内的风格各异的经典音乐,培养学生的音乐鉴赏能力及个人综合素质;帮助学生理解各种音乐的创作特点,激发学生的创作欲望,培养其动手能力和创新精神。IV. 教材分析与教材重组1 教材分析本单元以“ music”为话题,旨在通过单元教学使学生了解并感受不同地区、不同形式的音乐,理解音乐在人类生活中的作用,提高对比技能与鉴赏能力,并引导学生扩大音乐的兴趣范围。1.1 WARMING UP 旨在呈现本单元的中心话题music, 让学生感受与认识来自世界各地的音乐有着不同的风格,不同的节奏能表达出不同的情感。1.2 LISTENING是关于三首风格不同的歌曲,要求学生理解歌曲大意,捕捉细节,并结合自身的感受,反映音乐的作用。1.3 SPEAKING是一个任务型教学活动,共创设了三个情景:1.你想买一张CD作为你朋友的生日礼物;2.你想找一首好歌伴舞;3.你想找一首代表你们班级的歌曲。这些情景都要用到音乐方面的有关语言和征求与提出建议的词和句。这一部分设计是在“听力”部分的信息输入的基础上,训练学生的口语输出能力。1.4 PRE-READING 是READING 的热身活动。要求采用讨论式小组合作学习的学习方式交流音乐方面的知识、爱好和技能。1.5 READING 是一篇介绍音乐种类的说明文。从文中我们可以了解到当今多种音乐形式的特点、由来以及对人们生活的影响。引导学生扩大音乐兴趣的范围,并认识到音乐是一种生活中随处可见的,大家共同的语言。1.6 POST-READING 第一部分的前三个问题是用来训练学生理解文章的能力,第四个问题是训练学生开放性思维的,要求学生开放思路,从各个角度分析这个问题,引导学生正确理解音乐以及其它艺术形式在世界人民生活中所起的作用。第二部分旨在检查学生对文章中事实性细节的理解与掌握。1.7 LANGUAGE STUDY 分词汇和语法两部分。词汇部分是一个一词多义的练习,重点是训练学生根据语境来理解单词的不同含义,提高学生在语篇里猜测词义的能力。GRAMMAR是复习主动语态与被动语态的相互转换。在学生完成有关练习后,引导学生以小组合作的形式,探究语言结构在主动语态和被动语态互相转换时发生的变化。1.8 INTERGRATING SKILLS 中的READING AND WRITING是一个整体训练材料。 READING 是主课文的延伸,介绍摇滚音乐和流行音乐在内容以及创作过程等方面的区别,训练了学生的对比技能,又为WRITING提供了写作范例。WRITING要求学生从四个方面比较中国传统音乐和现代音乐,与同学合作,写出一篇短文。 WRITING 之前可组织学生进行一场辩论大赛,丰富学生在音乐方面的知识,扩充他们的视野,从而为写作积累素材, 提高写作的兴趣。2 教材重组2.1 把WARMING UP 作为LISTENING的导入。将LISTENING和WORK BOOK 中的LISTENING整合在一起上一节音乐欣赏式的“听力课”。欣赏的顺序为: 音乐的风格歌曲的大意著名的歌手。2.2 WORK BOOK 中的TALKING 为学生操练SPEAKING的功能用语提供了四个情境,可将其与SPEAKING 整合在一起上一节运用音乐知识提建议的“口语课”。2.3 将PRE-READING, READING和POST-READ-ING三个活动整合在一起上一节“阅读课”。涉及的主题任务主要有: 交流音乐知识了解当今音乐形式探讨音乐的作用。2.4 将LANGUAGE STUDY中的GRAMMAR 与WORKBOOK 中的GRAMMAR整合在一起上一节任务型“语法课”。涉及的主题任务主要有:探讨主动语态和被动语态互相转化的评价工具运用工具检验练习看图造句单句改错。2.5 WORKBOOK中的INTERGRATING SKILLS“ American country music”,这篇文章比较难, 而且内容上是Reading部分的扩展,可将其上一节“泛读课”。2.6 INTERGRATING SKILLS“POP VERSUS ROCK ”,这篇文章可作为写作的范例,与Page 77 Ex.2结合,设计成一节“写作课”。涉及的主题任务主要有:学习范例的结构与语言列出写作提纲写作评析。3. 课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可以用六课时教完。) Period OneSpeaking Period TwoListening Period ThreeReading (I) Period FourGrammar Period FiveReading (II) Period SixWritingV. 分课时教案The First Period SpeakingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. Key words and phrases: suggestion , difference, not at all, playb. Sentence strctures: Asking for suggestions: Can you help me decide. ? Could you please. ? Can I ask you for some advice? What can you suggest? Would you like to. ? I wonder if you can. ? Giving advice : Maybe you could. ? Maybe it would be better to. How / What about. ? Well, but what about. ? Why not do sth? Why dont you do sth? Have you considered doing? I advise you to do sth. I suggest you (should) do sth.2. Ability target Enable the students to practise making suggestions and giving advice with the target language.3. Learning-skill target Help the students learn to how to make suggestions and give advice.Teaching important points 1. Help the students express their ideas freely. 2. Enable the students to create their own dialogues.Teaching difficult points Tell the students some ways to create a dialogue about making suggestions and giving advice.Teaching methods 1. Explorative learning: Tape-listening and describing ( individuals). 2. Cooperative learning: Pair-work to practise the dialogue and create another dialogue.Teaching aids a. a recorder and a tape b. a multiple-media computerTeaching procedures & waysStep I Lead inT: Good morning, class! In Unit 10, we learned something about the world around us. Would you please tell me what you have got?S1: Ive known the proper relationship between human beings and the environment.T: Very good! Thank you. How about you? ( Pointing to another student ) Have a try, please.S2: Ive known the importance of environment protection.T: Terrific! Thank you. But would you please tell me how to protect our environment?S3: Well, I think we should plant more trees and prevent all kinds of pollution.T: Well done! Thank you for your good advice. In our daily life, we often ask others for some advice and sometimes give them some.But how we can express ourselves correctly is a difficult thing for us. Today, well learn the expressions about giving advice and making suggestions. Step II SpeakingTask 1 Introduce the sentence structures about giving advice and making suggestions on Page 73 to the Ss. Give them one minute to read the structures and make sure that they know the meaning of them.T: I have some problems these days. I really need your advice or suggestions. Would you like to help me? Ss: Sure.T: Thanks. Tomorrow is my friends birthday. Can you help me decide what to buy for him ?S1: Does he like music?T: Yes, he likes pop music.S1: Maybe you could buy The Boston Five. Theyre cool. T: Thats a good idea, but he / she doesnt like The Boston Five. S2: How about Rita Jones ? Shes amazing!T: Good idea. And my friend has already invited me to his/ her party tomorrow evening. What dress is suitable for me?S3: How about a dark blue dress?T: A good suggestion. But I havent got a dress like that.S4: Why not borrow one from Jane? She merried a very rich man. T: Oh, I nearly forget it.Good idea. Ill find her tomorrow. Thank you for your nice advice.T: S1 did very well. Now Id like all of you to work in pairs to creat your own dialogues.One possible dialogue:A: How can I improve my English?B: You should go out more to pubs or join a club.A: But English people never speak to me.B: Ah! You should speak first.A: What can I talk about?B: Why not begin with the weather? English people are always talking about the weather.A: Thats a good idea. Thank you.Task 2 Listen and practiceListenSpeech cassette. Play a dialogue for the students to listen and repeat. Pay attention to the useful structures.T: Now, lets listen .The content of the dialogue:Mike: OK then, where do we go?Judy: I dont know. What kind of music do you like, Mike?Mike: I like pop music. My favorite group is The Boston Five. Do you like them, Judy?Judy: The Boston Five? Oh! Theyre terrible. I hate pop.I like jazz. My favorite singer is Rita Jones. Shes amazing! How about you, Jake?Jake: I like country.Judy: So, whos your favorite group?Jake: Green Express. Theyre great. Tara, whats your favorite kind of music?Tara: Dance. I love Dance Train. Theyre fantastic!PracticeT: Look at Part 2 on page 72. Choose one of the situations to create your own dialogues. You can use the useful expressions on Page 73. Then Ill ask some of you to perform before the class. Possible Version for Situation 1:S1: Hello, Jack! You look worried. Do you need help? S2: Yes, I do. I want to find a good song to dance to. Could you choose one for me?S1: Sure. That depends on the kind of your dancing. When will you need it?S2: On Saturday evening. We need a slow and soft song to dance to.S1: I think you can play the famous song “Edelweiss”. Its not fast.S2: Its a good song, but we want to play the song at the end of the party.S1: Hm. How about “Auld Lang Syne”? Its also an excellent song to dance to. S2: Thats a good idea. Thank you.Step III HomeworkT: Well done, you two! Now,I believe that youve known the usage of our expressions. But I still want you to practice them. So our homework is:Read about the situation in Talking P146, then use one of the situations to create a dialogue to practisie making suggestions and giving advice.Sample Dialogues:( 略 )1.Collect some information about music and Michael Jackson, and make preparations for the listening in Period Two.The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 11 The First Period SpeakingKey words:Asking for advice: Giving advice:suggestionCan you help me decide.? Maybe you could.?differenceCould you please. ? Maybe it would be better to.not at all Can I ask you for some advice? How /What about.?play What can you suggest? Why not do sth? Would you like to.? Why dont you do sth?The Second Period Listening1. Target languagea. Key Words and phrases: Brasilia, Buenos Aeres, Cairo Paris, instrument, rhythm, Asian, African, South/ North America, Michael Jackson.b. Key sentences:I think the music comes from .I like the . piece of music best, because.The rhythm and style make me think it comes from.The differences between the songs are quite clear. The first one is about. and the second one is about.c.Key structures:What would be a good title for the song? What is the song about? How does the song make you feel?How would you describe the song?2. Ability targetTo understand the general idea of songs , to get the details, and to reflect the role of music with self-feeling.3. Learning-skill targetBy means of listening, help the students learn to concentrate on the important details and the information they want so that they can improve their listening ability.Teaching important points1. Learn to listen for key words ;2. Try to improve their ability to talk about songs, music,feelings, likes and dislikes.Teaching difficult points &ways1. How to listen to specific information about music.2. How to fill in the information sheet and complete the sentences.Teaching methods1. Listening method to improve the students listening abili ty;2. Discussion method to understand the music better.Teaching aidsa. a recorder b. a multiple-media computerTeaching procedures and waysStep Revision1.Greetings2.RevisionRevise the expressions learnt in the last period. Ask one or two groups to act out their dialogues.Step II Warming upTask Ask the students to listen to the songs and try to guess where the music comes from, then get the students to explain their choices.1. The teacher talks while playing a piece of music.T: This is my favourite music. The music is quite slow / fast. I like it best also because What is your favourite music? What kinds of music do you know?2. Brain storm. Let the Ss say as many music-related words as possible, and the teacher writes them on the blackboard, such as: classical , pop, folk , jazz, dance, rock and roll, hip-hop and rap , Latin, the blues, light, heavy metal.3. Discuss the map in the text with the Ss. What map is it, do you know?/ Have you got an idea what map it is? What kind of music is famous in Asia/ North America/ South America.?4. Work in pairs. Listen to the recording and discuss the four questions in the text.Step III ListeningBefore listening, at first let the Ss go through the questions in the listening part on Page 72, then play the cassette for them to listen. Tell them they will have two chances to listen. The first time for question 1 and 2; while the second time for question 3, 4 and 5. Ill play the tape for the first time. Listen and answer question 1 and 2.Questions:1. What would be a good title for the song? 2. What is the song about? 3. How does the song make you feel? 4. Do you like the song? 5. How would you describe the song?Task 1 Answer question 1 and 2. ( After a few minutes) T: Finished? Now check your answers with each other. Who can tell me what would be a title for the song?S: Maybe Merry Christmas.T: How did you know that?S: From the words“A merry Christmas, and a Happy new year.”T: Youre very clever. And do you know what the song is about?S: Of course, it is about Christmas.T: Very good. Thank you, sit down, please.Task 2 Answer question 3, 4 and 5. T:Now well listen to the tape for the second time and answer the questions 3, 4 and 5. Id like to ask some of you to share the feelings about this beautiful song with all of us.T: S1, how does the song make you feel?S: I feel very happy.T: Do you like this song?S: Yes, I like it very much. T: How would you describe the song?S: It is full of love and hope, and it reminds me of Christmas happy moments.Note: If the students have any difficulties in answering the questions, they can discuss in pairs or in groups. Then ask them to listen to the tape for the third and last time. Do not forget to give the students explanation when necessary.Step IV Listening in workbook1. Looking and saying.T: Just now we talked about music styles and music words,do you have your favourite singer? Who is he or she?S: My favourite Chinese singer is Wangfei. T: Do you have your favourite foreign singer?S: Yes, my favourite American singer is Michael Jackson.T: Look at the photo on the right. Do you know who he is?S: He is Michael Jackson.T: Can you say something about Michael Jackson and his music?S: He is one of Americas most successful singers. I like his song “I want you back”.T: Thank you for your introduction.2. Listening :T: Here is some more information about Michael Jackson. Lets listen to it and then finish Ex.1. Now Ill play the tape for you. Listen.Task 1 Filling in the sheet on Page 145.T: ( after two minutes) Now check your answer with your partners . Who can report your answers?Suggested answers:Date of birth: August 29, 1958Name of his band: The Jackson FiveName of the bands first record: I Want You BackYear of his first film: 1978Copies of his first record sold: 8 millionCopies of his best record sold: 50 millionTask 2 Tick the right sentences T: Listen to the tape for the second time, and tick the right sentences.T: ( About two minutes later) Now you can check your answers with your partners and tell me your answers. Which sentences are right?Ss: 2, 3, 4 , 6 and 8.T: Very good . Thank you.Task 3 Complete the sentences.T: Listen to the tape again. This time you should pay attention to some key words about Michael Jackson. And then finishe Ex. 3.( 答案略)Step V AssignmentT: Boys and girls, today we have listened to some materials about music. I do hope you can listen to the materials again after class so that you can get very familiar with them. Besides, please preview the reading. Now class is over. Goodbye, everyone.The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardThe Third Period ReadingTeaching goals1. Target languagea. Key words and phrases: musical, instrument, perform, rhythm, contain, blues, jazz,rock, hip-hop, rap, variety, probably&perhaps, discover, in common, on the radio, used to do. a world of, from around the worldb. Key sentences:1 There is a world of music out there!2 People have been playing the blues for many years, but the music has kept many of its characteristics.3 Hip-hop and rap have much in common with blues and rock ,but they also have their own characteristics.4. Hip-hop music often combines parts of other styles to create music that will help people hear new things in old music.2. Ability targetLet the Ss understand the globalization of popular music and how various styles of music influence each other.3. Learning-skill targetLearn the writing skills of the beginning and the end being closely connected and making the exposition interesting. Teaching important points1. Find the topic sentence of each paragraph.2. Post-reading Part1.Ex.4Teaching difficult points Ask Ss to discuss what makes a certain style of music popular, and why some stars or bands become famous while others dont.Teaching methods1. Discussion method;2. Skimming method;3. Task-based method.Teaching aids A recorder A multiple-media computerTeaching procedures & waysStep I Revision Revise the sentences that the Ss learnt from Listening.Step II Lead-in and Pre-readingT: Yesterday we listened and enjoyed some pieces of music and songs. We know music is not only colorful but also beautiful and meaningful. Here are some questions on the screen. Please discuss them with your partner. ( Teacher shows the following on the screen.)1.What kind of music do you like?2.When you listen to a song, do you listen to the words or music?3.Do you play any musical instruments? Whats your favourite instrument?4.Do you like to listen to music from other countries?( Ss begin to discuss. Teacher goes around the class and joins them sometimes. After a while, teacher begins to collect the results.)T: Attention, please. What kind of music do you like?S1: I like pop music.S2: I like classical music.S3: I like jazz.S: .T: Some of you like classical music. Most of you like popular music. Some like jazz, some. . When you listen to a song , do you listen to the words or the music?S1: When I listen to a song, I like listening to the words as well as the music. S2: When I listen to a song, I only listen to the music but I dont like listening to the words.T: Some listen to the words , some the music, and others listen to both the words and the music. Your musical tastes are quite different. Do you know any kinds of musical instrument?Ss: Yes. The piano, the violin, the cellos, the guitar, the drum, the horn.(The teacher goes to some Ss and asks them one by one.)T: Do you play any musical instrument?S1: I can play the drum.S2: I can play the flute.T: Whats your favourite instrument?S1: My favourite instrument is piano, although I cant play the piano, I like listening to the music of the piano.T: Do you like to listen to music from other countries?S1: Yes, I do. I like the blues from America.S2: I like the country music from America.T: American country music is famous in the world. Let me introduce some knowledge about it.Background knowledge (show the material on the slide)The teacher can read out the passage for the students. If necessary, give them some explanations.Country Music American country music, also known as country -western or hillbilly music is rooted in the folk songs of immigrants from Great Britain. It has connections to other ethnic music found in America as well. Country music uses simple melodies and lyrics that exp

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