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1.“A_ ” is often used in American English while “flat” is used in British English.2. Some English people have a strong a_ , which adds difficulties to our understanding of them.3.My English teacher is very friendly to us. She often gives us some a_ on learning English.4 He looks handsome and gentle, but a_ he is a thief.5. Boys are usually not a_ in English class.6. After graduation, he went a_ for further study.7. Ive received a gift from him, but Im not going to a_ it. 8. I met Tom by a_ in the cinema. 9. At last she was a_ into the famous university.10.The company could not a_ to pay such large salaries. 11. The headmasters opinion doesnt a_ with mine. 12. Jack finished his task two hours a_ of time. 13. The teacher was a _ at his rapid progress in English.14. You are my teacher, so you have the a_ over me in experience.15. My teacher was very a_ with me for coming late again.16. I a_ to him for stepping on his foot.17. Its no use a_ with him about the matter. He wont listen to you.18. On his a_ at the station, he saw his friend waiting for him.19. I passed the drive test at my first a_.20. I will give you my a_ and telephone number if you want to know.21. Wed like as many people as possible to a_ the party.22. An article in todays newspaper caught my a_.23. If you want to get a good mark, youd better change your a_ towards study.24. The 8th month of the year is A_.25. Egypt is an A_ country.26. In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and b_28. Jinggangshan was the b_ of Red Army.29. All this was very interesting, but it was against the b_ (信仰)of some scientists of that day.30. I dont like the suit, b_, it is too expensive.31. Whoever breaks the window is to b_.32. He was out of b_ after running.33. They b_ out crying when they heard the bad news.34. Many workers were b_ underground when there was an accident at the mine.35. China is a country b_ to the third world.36. The lecture is so b_ that I wont to listen to it again.37. Try to keep the b_ between work and relaxation, or your body may break down.38. We usually go back to school at the b_ of September.39. Doing morning exercise every day is of b_ to your health.40. There are plenty of houses b_ of bamboo in this area.1. Oh, you have made a wrong c_. Youd better think it over again.2. We had a wonderful time in Beijing, the c_ of China.3. _(电脑) can do all kinds of things now.4. As we all know, Rome was founded in the eighth c_ BC.5. The diet c_ a lot of sugar in the form of cakes, soft drinks and sweets.6. The Chinese diet is c_ to be the healthiest in the world.7. The firemen tried their best to c_ the fire.8. Whoever is never c_ with the progress he has made will be a success.9. The ground is c_ with snow.10. The street was so c_ that my car could hardly move on.11. Children are c_ about everything around them.12. I changed into my sports shoes so that I could walk more c_.13. The island is c_ with the mainland with a bridge. 14. Many people now make it a rule to buy cards for their friends before C_, December25.15. Jim doesnt like music, and he hardly goes to the c_. 16. The post office is just around the c_. 17. Professor Lee is in c_ of the English Department. 18. The Frenchman caught such a bad cold that he c_ day and night.19. Whats your hobby? - C_ stamps. 20. They put on special TV programs and lion dances to c_ the Spring Festival. 21. The place where we see plays and movies is called c_. 22. Good drivers always drive c_. 23. While c_ the street, his mother was knocked down by a passing car.24. Antarctic is the coldest of the seven c_ in the world. 25.The book he _(挑选) is interesting to read.26. He is brave. Im filled with admiration for his c_. 二、单词拼写1. In 1492, Christopher Columbus and his people d_ America. 2. Think it over before you make a d_.3. The whole school was sad at the news of the devoted teachers d_.4. The problem being d_ at the meeting is very important.5. As an engineer, her job was to d_ new machines.6. With the d_ of science, well find out more secrets of the universe.7. Most E_ countries are developed ones.8. I have some d_ in pronouncing some of the words in English.9. Dont you know it is d_ to play football in the street? 10. I keep a d_, I like to write everything down.11. The little boy cant tell the d_ between cows and oxen.12. All his friends have d_ him. There is nobody he can turn to for help.13. Doctors duty is to prevent and cure d_.14. The sun sank lower and lower till it d_ beneath the horizon and left the world to darkness. 15. We quickly used the mouth-to-mouth way to give the d_ boy the first aid, who had been in water for about 5 minutes.16. Miss Doreen has d_ her energy to her childrens education. 17. The new graduate study plan is d_ into 12 large subject groups.18. All life on the earth d_ on the sun. 19. It seems that American English is a little d_ from British English. 20. Mr Johnson is flying d_ from Fuzhou to Xiamen tomorrow. 21. D_ is the last month of the year.22. According to the d_ on the bottle, we should take the medicine twice a day.23. The flood d_ a lot of houses and many people became homeless.24. The food in this restaurant tastes so d_ that more and more people enjoy eating in it. 25. She bathed her and d_ her in clean clothes.单词拼写1. She managed to e_ from the burning car.2. Such a book will have a bad e_ upon young people.3. He e_ his brother to have a speech at the meeting.4. Everyone should enjoy e_ rights.5.He became a brilliant scholar(学者), but only at the e_ of his health.6. Please e_ to me where to begin and how to do it.7. Pleas write the name and address on the e_, so I can help you send it.8. This time I came back to see my family, e_ my little daughter who was ill.9. E_ speaking, I dont know him, I only know he is a student of Class 21.10. We parents should set a good e_ to our children.11. He is an e_ at solving peoples mental problems.12. France is an E_ country, full of romance.13. The e_ had been cut off because of the flood.14. There is so much work to do, so the boss e_ a number f people to deal with it.15. He is always full of e_ and never knows when he is tired.16. All of us will attend the college e_ examination in two months.17. An unhappy family e_ can affect a childs behavior.18. Last week I went to see the Picasso e_ which was very successful.19. F_ with a difficult situation ,Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.20. F_ is the mother of success.21. The bark of the dog f_ the thief away.22. The song is f_ to us and the moment I heard it, I know its name.23. Will you do me a f_? Im too busy to finish so much work.24. If you f_ my advice, you will pass the exam.25. The robber f_ the old man to hand over the money.26. Please f_ me. I wont make such mistakes.27. The tall man is the f_ president and now he is retired.28. He put f_ a new proposal(提议) at the meeting.29. I like singing most, and its my f_.30. No one can tell what will happen in the f_.31. This old Chinese square table is a very valuable piece of f_.32. Everyone in the class is very f_ towards me. I feel very happy.33. The baby has got a f_. Lets take it to the nearest hospital.34. The Spring F_ is one of the most important holidays.35. Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang, is f_ for its West Lake.30. Im not satisfied with your explanation and intend to discuss the matter f_.31. He was born on F_ 20, 1972.32. F_ is the sixth day of a week.33. She has a great g_ for music, and probably becomes a singer in the future.34. G_ speaking , parents care more about their childrens health than about their own.35. Where does it hurt? she asked in a g_ voice.36. The other day, the weather g_ improved and turned out fine.37. They achieved their g_ of increasing sales by five percent.38. There will be tax increases on a wide range of g_ and services .39. The g_ are planning further cuts in public spending.40. He g_ in physics from Cambridge University.41. He g_ all the guests warmly as they arrived.42. Karl Max was born in G_ and his native language was G_.43. He lay on the g_ and stared up at the sky.44. If you g_ correctly, you have another turn.45. He g_ us through the narrow streets to the central mosque.1. Mother wrung out(拧干) the clothes before h_ them up to dry.2. It is unnatural that such a h_ student failed to pass the exam.3. We could h_ believe that such a gentleman should be rude to his wife.4. The peasants are h_ rice in the field happily.5. The newly-built hotel is twice the h_ of our library. 6. Lets take the Sunshine Sports Program into action and take part in the physical exercise to keep h_!7. She is h_ for news of her husband working abroad8. Im afraid Mr. Walsh is away on h_ this week. Youd better come another day. 9. Its h_ trying to convince Joan because she is such a stubborn girl.10. Can you count from one to a h_?11. She hasnt h_ from her husband for a year since he left his hometown.12. Look out ! The car nearly h_ you .13. You are likely to make mistakes if you do things in a h_14. To be h_, it was one of the worst books Ive ever read. 15. Please give this diary to my wife if anything should h_ to me.16. Its only h_ nature to want a comfortable life.17. I believe that you didnt want to h_ her feeling but you shouldnt have lied to her. 18. The soldiers brave deeds brought him h_ and glory.19. When I met Lucy in the street, she was struggling with a h_ suitcase.1. Bell is considered to have i_ the telephone .2. Ill call you up i_ I get back home .3. Only when we began our college life do we really realized the i_ of English.4. Punishment seemed to make no i_ on this naughty child5. Iraq is not simply an American problem, it is an i_ problem.6. When a boy leaves college and begins to earn money he can live a life of i_.7. Compared with last year, the production of cars throughout China i_ by 30%.8. The sailor has rich experience and he often tells us his i_ stories9. Next Tuesday I will be i_ Chen Kaige about his latest movie sacrifice.10. The i_ of aircraft caused a revolution in our ways of transportation .11. A new range of stamps will be i_ in memory of this event .12. Im sorry to i_ you , but would you please say it a bit slowly .13.More than 100,000 people were killed in the 2004 Asian tsunami, i_ thousands of foreigners.14. At the beginning of the meeting, please allow me to i_ Professor Smith to you.15. Thank you very much for _(邀请) me to your party.16. I didnt have bread for breakfast, I had a bowl of porridge _(代替).17. An _(印度人) showed them the way on the map.18. Its _(不可能的) that he can come here before noon.19. The language _(本身) is not the most important for English study.1. He got tired after the long j_ to SiChuan, but he learnt a lot about the Three Gorges Project there.2. Would you like a glass of orange j_? 3. I didnt mean that seriously I was only j_. 4. Often the first day of the Lunar New Year falls into J_ or February. 5. He was full of j_ when his child was born. 6. J_ from what he said, he should have known the truth. 7. The girls j_ up and down together, cheering when their team played well.8. I have to wear a j_ and tie to work .9. He is considering going to Japan to learn J_ .10.Its j_ a matter of time instead of money .1. He has a good k_ of the English language.2. The moon is 380 thousand k away from the earth.3. Suddenly, one of the children k_ a ball very hard and it went towards a passing boat. 4. Sometimes I think this old house will be k_ down by a passing plane. 5. He went down on one k_ and asked her to marry him. 6. A k_ is a place where we cook meals. 7. K_ are used for cutting things .8. Having bought two k_ of bananas , he left the supermarket in a hurry. 1. Though l_ money, his parents managed to send him to university.2. Of the two, the l_ is far better than the former.3. After graduating from the Law College , he became a l_.4. .I couldnt bear the l_ of a desert island; I must have someone with me.5. Success lies in hard work while l_ leads to failure.6. She l_ out a “c” in the word “account”.7. The food wasnt good, but at l_ it was cheap.8. Mr. Li has gone to the l_ to borrow some books.9. A new law has been passed to l_ pollution of the air.10. Its no use learning a foreign l_ without practising.11. Facts speak l_ than words.12. He looked shocked, and then burst into l_.13. Sooner or l_ he will know the truth.14. He played a l_ role in the film. We were all impressed by his wonderful performance.15. Our car broke down halfway and the problem l_ in the engine.16. There was no sign of l_ on the deserted island.17. There is an old saying, live and l_.18. He went into the dark room with a l_ match in his hand.19. The speed l_ is the fastest speech you are allowed to drive a car at.20. The l _ government has decided to build an industrial area, which has aroused heated argument.1. You m_ flour, yeast(发酵粉) and water to make bread.2. It doesnt m_ whether hell come or not.3. The driver saw the police car following him in his side m_.4. The government has promised to take m_ to help the laid-off workers find new jobs.5. Would you m_ me opening the door? Its hot in the room.6. I put salt in her cup of milk by m_.7. First aid is the science of giving m_ care before a doctor can be found.8. What were your m_ subjects when you studied in the college?9. The first m_ Olympic Games happened in 1896.10. He cried and laughed by turns. Obviously he got some m_ trouble.11. The library is built in m_ of Lu Xun.12. The m_ of people at the meeting were for the plan, as a result of which, the plan was passed on the spot. 13. Its bad m_ to talk with a full mouth.14. The old couple have been m_ for fifty years.15. The box is heavy but he m_ to carry it upstairs.1. The gate is too n_ for a car; well have to walk through.2. After all, not even n_ speakers of English find it easy to learn to read.3. The fishermen caught fish in their n_.4. Before he answered the_(第九) question, he asked another one. 5. Famous country music groups perform there all year in indoor and o_ theatres. 6. The children are sleeping next to the room, so dont make so much n_.7. We used to drive our car a lot, but n_petrol costs too much.8. O_ the orders or you will be punished.9. A bright moving o_ appeared in the sky at sunset.10. It c_ to her that she might adopt a homeless child. 11. The o_ of the machine is simple. 12. There is a garden on the o_ side of the street.13. The book describes the way of life of the o_ people of Mexico.14. The story was better o_than it had been then.15. I still o_the butcher for the meat I had last Sunday.16. She would rather have a room of his o_ than sleep with her sister.1. When you read English , pay attention to your p_ and intonation .2. Man shouldnt go against nature , or they will be p_ by nature .3. In 2011, the number of foreign tourists visiting Shanghai reached 8.18 million, a 4 percent drop from the p_ year that saw the successful hosting of the 2010 World Expo.4. John Snow was so expert that he became the Queens p_ physician. 5. Theres a saying going like this : Practice makes p_. 6. China is a country with the largest p_ in the world. 7. With the development of economy, p_ becomes more and more severe. 8. The bus accident caused 10 p_ on board injured . 9. Weather p_ , we will have a party in the open air tomorrow . 10. The man is often seen to play the p_ for the p_ in the street to earn money . 11. The couple stood on the p_ , waving to their parents until the train disappeared in the distance. 12. The teacher p_ that we should read notes for five minutes every morning. 13. Mo Yan won the Nobel P_ for Literature in 2012 and it is really a great honor for all Chinese people.14. When I arrived at the station, I found a long q_ in front of the booking office. 15. Barack Obama beat his opponent in the election and was elected p_ of the USA for a second term. 16. It was discovered that he was really a p_ doctor for he had a strong sense of responsibility.17. Reforming the education system is not an easy thing . It will be a difficult p_. 18. Three- q_ or 70 p_ of the earth surface is covered with water. 19. The Press Conference held by the Foreign Ministry was a success .The reporters p_ it reached 500. 20. The new road system p_ the free flow of traffic at all time. 1. Henry, r_ special interests, attended the conference.2. -Shall we go on a picnic? - No. We are not r_ for it.3. English Channel s_ England from France .4. I have written him several letters but I have never received a single r_.5. The alarm-clock failed to wake me up. It didnt r_ (g_ off)this morning.6. Drive carefully and s_ on the icy road!7. I will s_ the pictures to you after they come out.8. On a _ (下雪的) night the story happened.9. The music of the movie s_ beautiful and everybody likes to listen to it.10. People feed on rice in the _(南方).11. Tom is s_ enough


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