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词汇、1. Therell be no _(优势)in waiting anymore.2. Could you do me a _ (帮忙)and pick Tony up from school?3. If you leave your headlights on,youll soon ran out of the _(电池).4. The publishing house has _ (出版)five dictionaries.5. Weve _(代替)the old machine with a computer.6. The novel describes the way of life of the _(普通的)people there.7. It is necessary to make _(介绍)at a party.8. Scientists disagree about how the universe was _(创造).9. The farmers are picking _(棉花)in the field.10. The house is made of _(木头).11. He often writes a letter in _(墨水).12. _(知识)is power and time is money.13. She was told not to _(传播)this secret around.14. We often get _(信息)by reading newspapers,magazines and all kinds of books.15. You should be out playing i of working indoors.16. -How about going hiking this weekend? -Sorry.I prefer to stay at home r than go out.17. Hi,Tom!Id like to i Betty to you.18. The computer is one of the most important i in the 20th century.19. Always look your work t before handing it in.20. The factory p 1,000 cars a week.21. -May I borrow your bike? -Sorry,I have already l it to Jeremy.22. Her book has been p already.23. Is the online magazine _ _ _(和一样)a normal magazine?24. Please _ _(关)all the lights when you leave the classroom.25. _ _ _(从现在起),we teenagers should help do more housework at home.26. The battery in the camera hasnt been charged for about _ _ _(几个)weeks.27. Dont worry.I will _ _(照顾)your dog while you are away.句式、1. 我想我们应该去散步,而不是待在家里。I think we should go for a walk _ _ stay at home.2. 早起的书是手工制作的。The early books were produced _ _.3. 你经常上网浏览吗?Do you often _ _ the Internet?4. 露西梦想有朝一日能成为著名的画家。Lucy dreams of becoming a famous artist _ _.5. 每次你可以从图书馆借两本书。You can borrow two kooks from the library _ _ _.6. 大明今天早上起晚了,结果误了校车。Daming got up late this morning._ _ _ ,he missed the school bus.7. 他们都买了双程票,以便能节约一些钱。They all bought round-trip tickets _ _ they could save some money.8. 这个农场种植各种各样的作物,比如小麦,稻谷和棉花。The farm produces different kinds of crops,_ _wheat,rice and cotton.9. 纸和印刷术已经被应用的很久了。Paper and printing have been used _ _.10. 纸在大约两千年前首次被制造。Paper _ first _ about 2,000 years ago.11. 再者,在中国,教师获得了越来越多的尊重。_ _,teachers are respected more and more in China.12. 它看上去像一本真书。It _ _ a real book.13. 据说在未来电子书会变得更方便和便宜。_ _ _ e-books will become more convenient and cheaper in the future.14. (2012、广西柳州,94,)人们已经就如何保护学生提出了很多好建议。A lot of good advice _ on how to protect students.15. (2012、湖北黄石,81,)外面太热,我宁愿待在家里,也不愿去钓鱼。Its too hot outside.I would _ stay at home _ go fishing.16. (2011、广西清远,67,)在很多领域,人们都广泛使用计算机。Computers _ widely _ in many areas.17. (2011、陕西,59,)在去电影院的路上,他听到了这个消息。He heard the news _ to the cinema.18. (2011、湖北荆州,65,)-What should we do about the trash?-It _(必须带走)when you leave.19. I will take care of your son.(改为同义句) Your son will _ _ _ _ by me.20. My hometown has changed greatly in the last two years.(改为同义句) Great changes _ _ in my hometown in the last two years.21. You should hand in the homework at once.(改为同义句) Your homework should _ _ in at once.22. My mother has given Tony a present for Christmas.(改为同义句) Tony _ _ _ a present for Christmas by my mother.23. We havent been told what to do next. We havent been told what _ _ _ next.单选、1. Dont forget to turn _ lights when you leave the classroom. A.on B.off C.up D.down2. -How did you take the medicine,mum? -By reading the _ on the bottle,my baby. A.message B.direction C.instruction D.information3. -Whats the shirt _,Tim? -Cotton. A.made of B.made by C.made from D,made in4. Your dress is wet!Please _ it in the sun. A.wash B.clean C.dry D.tidy5. Its reported that lots of camp schools _ in Yushu after the earthquake. A.were built B.have built C.will be built D.built6. Children are paid for doing some housework _ they can learn how to make money for their own use. A.because B.as soon as C.so that D.before.7. -May I ask a _ of you and take me to the teachers office? -Yes,do please. A.favourite B.hand C.help D.favour8. When people want to relax themselves,they prefer _TV or listen to the music rather than _ newspapers. A.to watching;read B.to watch;read C.to watch;to read D.watch;read9. -May I _ your bike?I left my book at home and I want to get it. -Sure,heres the key. A.borrow B.keep C.lend D.turn10. -Oh,I dont know how to mend the computer. -Dont worry.Ill _ it later. A.get to B.see to C.come to D.go to11. Look,the cars on show are very beautiful.Where _ they _? A.are;built B.do;make C.are;made D.are;used12. - _that China has the largest number of mobile phone users. -I believe so.It seems that everyone has one except the baby. A.Someone said B.They told me C.Its said D.I was said13. An important _of taking mobile phones is that its easy to keep in touch. A.theme B.edge C.height D.advantage14. -Why are these shoes so expensive,madam? -Because now things made _ are much dearer than those made by machine. A.at hand B.in hand C.by hand D.with hand.15. To make our city more beautiful,rubbish _ everywhere. A.neednt be thrown B.mustnt be thrown C.cant throw D.may not throw16. (2012、广东佛山,32,)Air must _ fresh all the time.Its good for our health. A.keep B.is kept C.be kept D.has been kept17. (2011、广西南宁,30,)-What a big storm last night! -Yes.I was doing my homework.Suddenly,all the lights in my house _. A.went off B.turn off C,turn down D.put up18. (2009、浙江杭州,30,)Nick _ a job in a bank,but to our surprise,he didnt take. A.is offered B.offered C.was offered D.has offered阅读、AWhen I was at university, I studied very hard. But a lot of my friends did 1 work. Some of them did just enough to 2 . Others didnt do quite enough. Fred Baines was one of them. He spent more time drinking in the Students Caf than working 3 .Once at the end of the term, we had to take an important exam in chemistry, which had 4 questions. Beside each question we had to write “Wrong” or “Right”. While I was studying in my room the night before the exam, Fred was watching TV. He usually 5 the night before an exam, but on the night he looked very relaxed. Then he told me of his plan.“Its very simple. There are a hundred questions and I have to get fifty correct to pass the exam. Ill take 6 into the classroom. I havent studied a 7 book for months, so Ill just toss the coin. Im sure Ill get half the questions right in this way.”The next day, Fred came happily into the classroom. He sat tossing a coin for half an hour when he wrote down his answers. 8 he left, half an hour before us. Two days later, he saw the chemistry teacher in his office. He asked, “Have you got the 9 of the exam? What score did I get?” The teacher looked at him and smiled, “Ah, its you, Fred. Just a minute.” He reached into his pocket and took out a coin, threw it into the air, caught it in his hand and looked at it.“Im terribly sorry, Fred,” he said, “You 10 .”1. A. very littleB. very much C. the sameD. quite different2. A. make moneyB. stop drinkingC. pass examsD. win prizes3. A. in the factoryB. in the library C. on the farmD. on the playground4. A. a hundredB. fiftyC. easyD. difficult5. A. watched TV B. studied very hardC. had a plan D. worried a lot6. A. a coinB. an examC. a bookD. a friend7. A. guideB. chemistryC. teachersD. students8. A. So B. ButC. When D. Then9. A. results B. reportsC. answersD. questions10. A. were successfulB. were cleverC. got lostD. failed BA.Oh, it was great. B.Oh, thats all right.C.Weve been to many wonderful places.D.How do you like Yinchuan?E.How did you go there?F.But I think sand sliding is the most exciting one.G.I think Sand Lake is the best.G: George A: AliceG: Hi, Alice! How was your last summer holiday?A: 1 .G: Where did you go?A: I went to Yinchuan with my parents.G: 2 . A: Its one of the most beautiful cities in the northwest of China. I like it very much.G: How long did you stay there?A: We stay there for five days. 3 G: Which is your favorite place?A: 4 When I was there, I lost myself in the beautiful scenery.G: What interesting thing did you do there?A: Lots of things, such as swimming, boating, fishing and riding camels. 5 G: Oh, really, I cant wait to go there. CChildren are natural scientists, very interested in the world around them. Helping them enjoy science can be easy; theres no need for a lot of scientific terms or modern labs. You only have to share your childrens interests. Firstly, listen to their questions. I once visited a classroom of seven-year-old children to talk about science as a job. The children asked me “textbook questions” about schooling, the money I got and whether I liked my job. When I finished answering, we sat facing each other silently. Finally I said, “Now that weve finished with your lists, do you have questions of your own about science?” After a long wait, a boy put up his hand, “Have you ever seen a rabbit eat? When I try eating grass like that, I get ill. Why?” This began a lot of questions that lasted nearly two hours.Secondly, give them time to think. Studies over the past 30 years have shown that, after asking a question, many teachers usually wait only one second or less for an answer, no time for a child to think. When teachers increase their “wait time” to three seconds or more, children give better answers.Thirdly, watch your language. When the child is having a science discussion, dont jump in with “Thats right” or “Very good”. These words work well when it comes to encouraging a child to help others. But in talking about science, these words make a child think that the discussion is over. Instead, keep things going by saying, “Thats interesting” or “Ive never thought of it that way before”, or coming up with more questions or ideas.Lastly, show; dont tell. Let children look at their hands through a microscope(显微镜), and theyll understand why you want them to wash before dinner.1. To help children enjoy science, the most important thing for teachers to do is _.A. let them see the world aroundB. let them study in modern labsC. tell them the difficult terms on scienceD. share the childrens interests2. In the fourth sentence of the second paragraph, the words “your lists” mean _.A. your answers to the questionsB. your own questions about scienceC. your questions from textbooksD. all the questions of your own3. According to the passage, children can give better answers to the questions if teachers _.A. ask them to answer quickly B. wait for one or two seconds after a questionC. tell themselves to watch their language D. wait at least three seconds after a question4 The writer talks about all of the following ways except that teachers should _.A. tell their children stories instead of telling them to remember factsB. offer their children chances to see things for themselvesC. allow enough time for their children to find answers to the questionsD. encourage their children to ask questions of their own5. What does the word “terms” mean in the first paragraph? A. 学期 B. 科学术语 C. 时间 D. 方法 写作、旅游可以让人放松身心,增长见识初中毕业在即,很多同学想利用暑假去旅游。请你根据下面的内容提示,写一篇短文,通过你校英语论坛,向大家推荐一个好去处,并给出旅行建议。 内容提示: 1.Where is the best place to go? 2.What is the place special for? 3.What should you pay attention to? 要求:1.中心突出,语意连贯,层次清晰,书写规范; 2.文中不得出现真实姓名、校名; 3.词数左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Its a good idea to go travelling during the summer vacation. I think the best place to visit is_


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