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九年级新目标英语短语和重要句型归纳(Unit 1-6)Unit1. How do you study for a test?1.听磁带listen to tapes 2.向老师请求帮助ask the teacher for help3.制作抽认卡make flashcards 4.观看英语录像watch English-language videos5.朗读read aloud 6.练习语音practice pronunciation 7.说的技能speaking skills8.太而不能too to 9. 询问有关ask about10.学英语的最好方法the best way to learn English11.具体的建议specific suggestions12.观看演员说话watch the actors say the words13.发现看电影令人沮丧find watching movies frustrating14.得到大量的写作练习get lots of writing practice15.一点也不not at all 16.变得兴奋get excited 17.结束做end up doing sth.18.英语口语spoken English19.练习说英语practice speaking English20.加入英语俱乐部join an English club_21.嘲笑某人laugh at22.编对话make up conversations23.首先first of all24 .一开始to begin with25.写下write down26.后来later on27.写我自己创造的句子write my own original sentence28.做调查do a survey29.做某事对某人来说困难Its difficult for sb. to do30.在语法方面犯错make mistakes in grammar31.发音正确get the pronunciation right32.没关系It doesnt matter.33.害怕做be afraid to do sth. / be afraid of doing sth. / be terrified to do sth. / be terrified of doing34.造完整的句子make complete sentences35.帮助很大help a lot36.有点帮助help a little37.秘诀之一one of the secrets38.记笔记take notes39.一个好的语言学习者a good language learner 40.开始做start doing /start to doing 41.喜爱做enjoy doing sth.42.被感动be impressed43.做有困难have difficulty doing sth. / have problems doing sth. / have trouble doing sth.44.查字典look upin a dictionary45.获奖win a prize46.处理deal with /do with47.担心worry about48.对生气be angry with /be mad at49.持续生气stay angry50.时间流逝Time goes by51.看见某人在做某事see sb. doing sth.52.意见不同have disagreements53.解决问题solve a problem54.把问题看作挑战regard problems as challenges55.抱怨complain about56.把变成change into / turninto57.做某事是我们的责任Its our duty to do sth58.尽力做try ones best to do / do ones best to59.在老师的帮助下with the help of sb. / with ones help60.把和进行比较compareto61.尽责do ones duty62.画水彩画paint pictures Unit2. I used to be afraid of the dark.1.过去常常used to do2.习惯于做be used to doing3.被用来做be used to do4.被某人使用be used by sb5.他长什么样?What does he look like?6.他过去长什么样?What did he use to look like?7.开始上学start school8.在担心be worried about9.一直all the time /always10.走到学校walk to school11.乘公共汽车take the bus12.我最大的问题my biggest problem13.现在these days /at present /now /at the moment14.起床早get up early15.整天呆在学校stay at school all day16.直接回家go right home17.某人花时间或钱做某事sb. spend time doing sth.18.不再not any more/no longer19.同某人聊天chat with sb.20.带某人去听音乐会take sb. to concerts21.几乎没有hardly ever22.我的变化真大How Ive changed!23.时间如飞How time flies!24.在过去的几年时间里in the last few years25.我的日常生活my daily life / my everyday life26.使你紧张make you stressed out27.加入某人join sb.28.参加(活动)take part in/join in29.移居到move to30.留长发grow hair long31.他似乎很累He seems tired./He seems to be tired./It seems that he is tired.32.制造许多麻烦make lots of trouble/cause lots of trouble33.得低分get bad grades34.一个15岁的孩子a 15-year-old kid/a kid of 15 years old35.问题儿童a problem child36.最近的一次谈话a recent conversation37.负担不起cant afford sth/cant afford to do sth38.支付,付款pay for39.照顾某人take care of sb/look after sb40.照顾好某人take good care of sb /look after sb well41.对学习感兴趣be interested in studying 42.闯祸进警局get into trouble with the police43.对有耐心be patient with44.放弃做某事give up doing sth/stop doing sth45.最后at last /in the end /finally46.做决定make a decision to do sth /decide to do sth 47.送某人去send stb to48.某人有必要做某事.Its necessary for sb to do sth49.令某人惊奇的是to ones surprise50.即使even though /even if51.以为自豪be proud of /take pride in52.迫使某人做make sb. do53.对注意pay attention to54.全神贯注于pay full attention to55.父母的存在对孩子来说非常重要Its very important for parents to be there for their children .56.对自己有信心feel good about oneself57.男子寄宿学校a boys boarding schoolUnit3. Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes 1.16岁的孩子a sixteen-year-old child2.上课迟到get to class late3.对某人要求严格be strict with sb.3.对某事要求严格be strict in sth.4.考试没通过fail a test5.目前at present6.周五放假have Fridays off7.养老院an old peoples home8.通过考试pass a test9.前不久,几天前the other day10.注意力集中concentrate on11.回复reply to12.穿耳孔get ears pierced13.兼职工作a part-time job14.去商场go to the mall15.驾驶执照drivers license16.不够认真not serious enough17.代替,而不是instead of18.在上学期间的晚上on school nights19.去看电影go to the movies20.熬夜stay up /sit up21.打扫干净clean up22.参加考试take a test23.校服school uniforms24.看起来漂亮look smart25.想做某事would like to do sth.26.对有好处be good for 27.使某人快乐keep sb. happy28.开办英语俱乐部start an English club29.英英字典an English-English dictionary30.英汉字典an English-Chinese dictionary31.篮球练习basketball practice32.一团乱麻a real mess33.这件外套穿在你的身上好看。The coat looks good on you./You look nice in the coat.34.至少at least35.8个小时的睡眠eight hours sleep/eight-hour sleep36.走10分钟的路ten minutes walk / ten-minute walk37.表演节目perform a play38.小学a primary school39.为报社写作write for a newspaper40.在报社做自愿者工作volunteer at the newspaper office41.一周一次once a week42.困倦的be sleepy43.在简报里in the newsletter44.自己做主,自己做决定make my own decisions /make decisions for myself45.妨碍get in the way of46.赛跑明星a running star47.在学校的赛跑队里on the school running team48.专业的运动员.a professional athlete49.实现某人的梦想achieve ones dreams50.有机会做某事have an opportunity to do sth51.努力学习的重要性the importance of working hard52.对某人来说极为重要be of great importance to sb.53.对认真be serious about 54.极少数人very few people55.一个难以实现的梦想a very difficult dream to achieve56.关心,担心care about57.只有那样我才有实现自己梦想的机会。Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream.58.在花费时间spend time on sth59.对某人不满意be unhappy with sb60 .对某人满意be pleased with sbUnit4. What would you do?1.和某人分享sharewith sb2.把它存进银行put it in the bank3.把他给慈善机构give it to charity4.医学研究medical research5.如果我是你的话,我就穿衬衣打领带。If I were you, I would wear a shirt and tie.6.提有关的建议give advice on7.如果怎么办呢?what if8.别的每一个人everyone else9.如果你有一百万美圆你会做什么?What would you do if you had a million dollars?10.我希望我能飞到月球上去。I hope I could fly to the moon.11.长粉刺get pimples12.参加一次大的考试take a big exam13.帮助解决这个问题help with this problem14.长时间散步take a long walk15.在公众场合in public/in a public place16.做性格调查do a personality survey17.作演讲,发表演说give a speech /make a speech18.在全校师生面前in front of the whole school19.未经允许without permission20.拍电影be in a movie21.和某人成为朋友be friends with sb22.感冒have a cold23.向作自我介绍introduce oneself to24.等某人做某事wait for sb. to do sth.25.邀请某人做某事invite sb. to do sth26.一点也不notin the slightest/notat all 27.令某人生气annoy sb.28.来到某人身边come to sb.29.胜过,而不是rather than30.宁愿而不愿would rather do than do31.整天.all day32.对某人有信心have confidence in sb32.对做某事有信心be confident of doing sth33.在午餐时间at lunch time34.英语演讲比赛an English speech contest35.代表班级参加学校的比赛represent the class in the school contest36.在学校的考试中名列前茅come top in the school exams37.让失望letdown38.想出,想到come up with /think of/think up39.解决问题的办法the solution to the problem40.知道有,听说know of41.面临,面对be faced with/face sth.42.一本急救的书a first-aid book43.在附近的书架上on the nearby shelf44.有许多关于处理青少年问题的经验have a lot of experience dealing with teenagers45.在某方面有经验have experience in sth.46.出版come out47.偶然by accident /by chance48.用把盖住cover sth. with sth.49.被覆盖.be covered with 50.摔下楼梯fall downstairs51.急忙去hurry to52.医学救助medical help53.查明,找出find out54.把烧伤部位放在凉的流动的水下冲put the burned area under cold running water55.与某人相处get along (well) with/get on (well) with56.很多的,足够的plenty of57.历史上in history58隐藏某物不要某人看见hide sth. from sb.59.向某人寻求意见ask sb. for adviceUnit 5 1.这本杂志是属于Carla 的。The magazine belongs to Carla./The magazine is Carlas.2。海明威是她最喜欢的作家。Hemingway is her favorite author.3.古典音乐classical music4.他可能知道去医院的路。He might know the way to the hospital./Its possible that he knows the way to the hospital5.杰克肯定在买小车。Jack must be selling cars./Its certain that Jack is selling cars.6.这座房子不可能是那个妇女的The house cant belong to that woman. /It is certain that the house isnt that womans.7.门上的锁The house cant belong to that woman. /It is certain that the house isnt that womans.8.这道门的钥匙the key to the door 9.一串钥匙a set of keys10.去听音乐会go to the concert11.听音乐会have a concert/take a concert /listen to a concert12.举办音乐会give a concert/hold a concert13.在音乐会期间during the concert14.在音乐大厅in the symphony hall15.在和某人约会be at ones appointment16.和某人有约have an appointment with sb17.占期末考试的30% make up 30% of the final exam /count 30% to the final exam18.担心某人worry about sb/be worried about sb/be anxious about sb19.“anxious”是什么意思?.What does “anxious” mean?/Whats the meaning of “anxious”?/What do you mean by “anxious”20.因为,由于because of /thanks to 21.拍电影make a movie/be in a movie22.奇怪的生物a strange creature23.在钟塔一带in Bell Tower neighborhood24.在我们四邻in our neighborhood25.这个女孩刚才发生了什么事?她出了车祸What happened to the girl just now? She had a traffic accident.26.开玩笑have fun27.当地学校的老师the local school teacher28.在走廊上in the hallway29.我们学校有一家商店在卖学习用具。There is a shop selling school things in our school.30.那边有个女孩在哭。There is a girl crying over there.31.进窗里来get in the window32.在她的屋前in front of her house33.当地动物园的主管the director of the local zoo34.从逃跑escape fromUnit 6 1.喜欢胜过preferto/likebetter than2提醒remind of3.黄河the Yellow River4.很合某人的意,对某人很合适suit sb. fine5.老实说,说实在的to be honest6.对有害be bad for7.对有好处be good for 8.与保持距离keep away from/stay away from9.意见一致be in agreement10.附加疑问句tag question11.随着音乐跳舞dance to music12.跟着音乐唱歌sing along with music13.我喜欢我能跟着跳舞的音乐。I like music that I can dance to14.我喜欢我能跟着唱歌的音乐。I prefer music that I can sing along with15.我更喜欢演奏各种音乐的音乐家。I prefer musicians who play different kinds of music16.你喜欢那种音乐?What kind of music do you like?17.你最喜欢的CD的名字是什么?Whats the name of your favorite CD?18.你不喜欢这张CD的什么?What do you dislike about this CD?19.你觉得这张CD怎么样?What do you think of this CD?/How do you like this CD ?20.巴西舞蹈音乐Brazilian dance music21.那对我来说真的不是很重要。Thats not really important to me.22.这些年来,很多年来over the years23.寻求娱乐,找乐子look for entertainment24.它的确有些特色。It does have a few good features.25.务必做,记住做be sure to do26.在Lido展馆at the Lido Gallery27.当今世界上in the world today/in the modern world28.最著名的中国摄影师之一one of the best-known Chinese photographers29.在这次展览中in this exhibition30.展览on show/on display/on exhibition31.人物照photos of people32.乡村照photos of the countryside33.吸引某人的注意interest sb.34.世界水准,世界级world class35.无论什么/无论怎样、无论谁、无论哪里whatever, however, whoever, wherever36.有十分奇怪的名字的音乐组合musical groups with pretty strange names37.看见某人来来去去see sb. come and go38.使我们高兴make us happy39.去度假go on vacation40.没有什么比这更好的了。Theres nothing better.41.无法忍受cant stand42.使我感到恶心make me feel sick43.写一封回信给write a reply to sb44.必须坦白的说have to be honest and say45.游览的好地方a good place to visit 4646.民乐音乐会Chinese music concert47.传统音乐traditional music48.去吃意大利食物go for Italian food49.许多不同种类的食物many different kinds of food50.我的房东一家my host family51.带某人参加印度电影节take sb. to an Indian film festival52.我只吃味道好的食物。I only eat food that tastes good.53.保持健康keep healthy/stay healthy54.一群年轻人a group of young people55.聚会,碰头(v.)get together56.聚会(n.) get-together57.快餐fast food58.垃圾食品junk food59.炸薯条,炸土豆条French fries60.健康食品healthy food61.实验证明its been found in laboratory testing that62.几种类型的油some types of oil63.致癌cause cancer64.增加得癌症的风险increase the risk of cancer65.增加了increase by 66.增加到increase to 67.人口已增加了20万,达到了5千万的总和。The population has increased by 200000 to 50000000.68.烤透了的well cooked69.均衡的饮食a balanced diet70.重要的是要吃得均衡。The main thing is to have a good balance.71.感叹句an exclamation72.缩略词a contraction73.味道好的食物tasty food74.严格的素食主义者a strict vegetarian75.油炸食品fried food76.在热天on a hot day


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