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Exercise 1 (Vocabulary) Vocabulary Test 1 1. He doesnt work but he gets a good _ from his investment(投资).A) wage(尤指付给手工劳动者或非熟练工人的日薪或周薪:工资)B) earning(所赚的钱,收入) C) income(尤指工作或投资的:收入,所得,收益) D) salary(尤指专业人员或白领的年薪:薪水) 2. You will have to repeat the course because your work has been _.A) unpleasant(是人不愉快的,不合意的,讨厌的,不客气的) B) unnecessary(不必要的,多余的1.C 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.D)C) unsatisfactory(不符合要求的,不足的,使人不满意的) D) unusual(罕有的,独特的,与众不同的,异乎寻常的) 3. _ , please make an effort to be punctual(严守时刻的,准时的,正点的).A) For future(for the future今后) B) In the future(将来)C) On a future day D) In future(今后) 4. He _ me by two games to one.A) beat(在比赛、竞争中 战胜,击败)+人 B) conquered(征服(人) C) gained(获得,得到,取得(想得到的、有利的或有利可图的事物) D) won(在(比赛,冲突)中获胜,赢)+比赛 5. We are offering a substantial(大量的) _ for the information leading to the capture(俘获) of this murderer(凶手).A) allowance(津贴,零用钱) B)bonus(尤指额外给予的报酬(或礼物),额外令人高兴的事情) C) prize(奖品,值得竞争的东西) D) reward(报酬,赏金,酬金) 6. He lives within a short _ of his place of employment.A) run B) distance+from C) walk D) leave 7. _ the rain, the football match has been cancelled.A) Owing to(由于,因为) B) Thanks to(幸亏,多亏) C) Due to(相当于形容词be due to) D)on account for(说明什么的原因) 8. This jacket doesnt _ me; Its too tight across the shoulders.A) fit B) meet C) reach D) match 9. The speeding car _ into a tree at the side of the road6.C 7.A 8.A 9.B 10.D 11.B.A) splashed(溅起) B) crashed(撞) C) crushed(压碎) D) cracked(破裂,砸开)10. It will _ time if we make the sandwiches the day before the picnic.A) cut down(减少) B) spare(抽出时间) C) win(赢得比赛) D) save(节省钱、时间或其他资源)11. Will you _ my essay, please, to find out whether I made any mistakes?A) see through(做到底,帮助渡过难关,看穿)B) look through(仔细检查,细审)C)look up(向上看,改善,拜访,查找) D) look into(浏览,调查)12. All foreign merchants were made to pay heavy _ on the goods they sold and bought.A) weights(砝码) B) prices(价格) C) tasks(工作) D) duties(关税)13. As the storm drew nearer, black clouds were _ over the sky.A) smoothing(使光滑) B) wondering C) gathering(集合;聚集,累积) D) assembling((人为共同目的)聚集,集合)14. Fat people should _ the temptation(诱惑) to eat a lot of sweet things.A) decline(谢绝) B) oppose(反对) C) resist(经得住,抗) D) deny(否认,拒绝)15. In his speech he _ to the great help the club received from supporters.A) referred+to B) mentioned C) expressed D) talked16. In this job you must _ up to(正视,勇敢接受) the problems and not run away from them.A) gaze B) face C) hold12.D 13.C 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.A D) look17. The manager was pleased with the increased _ from the factory.A) outlet(出口,出路) B) outcome(结果) C) outset(开始,开端) D) output(产量)18. Fruit pickers are paid at the _ of 1 an hour.A) rate(比率,费用) B) scale(刻度,等级) C) price D) standard19. It was a long time before the cut on my hand _ completely.A) healed(伤口自己愈合) B) recovered(人康复) C)improved(改良) D) resumed(中断后)重新开始,继续)20. We have discussed _ the properties(性能) of this alloy(合金). A) aside from(除之外,既又) B) at best(至多,充其量) C) at length(充分地,详尽地,最后) D) at most(至多)21. Susan is studying algebra(代数) and geometry(几何), and _ shes taking microcomputer lessons.A) in a moment(一会儿,立刻,马上) B) in brief(简单地说,简而言之)C) in addition(另外) D) in conclusion(最后,综上所述)22. As chemists we _ say that the new substance(物质) does not20.C 21.C 22.B 23.B behave(表现) like radium(镭).A) are about to B) are bound to(十分确定的)C) are at a loss to(茫然不知) D) are likely to23. Americans may have to _ the number of privately owned cars and depend more on public transportation systems.A) break down(损坏,粉碎,破产) B) cut down(降低,减少)C) get down(使沮丧,下来,下车) D) drop down(突然下来,突然松开)24.The tenant(房客) must be prepared to decorate (装饰) the property _ the terms(期限) of the agreement.A) by way of(途径,作为,意在) B) in accordance with(依照,与.一致)C) with regard to(关于) D) in relation to(与有关)25. Planes keep in touch with the control tower(指挥塔台24.B 25.B 26.D 27.C) _ .A) on the radio(广播中) B) by radioC) over the radio D) by the radio26. _ , over the months, we began to get to know him.A) Time after time(多次,反复,不断地) B) From time to time(不时,偶尔,间或)C) One by one D) Little by little(渐渐地)27. _ I realized that I had left my briefcase(公文包) in the taxi!A) After all B) Once in a while(是不是,偶尔)C) All of a sudden D) Once for all(只此一次)28. This is not a good plant for your garden _ its seeds are 28.B 29.B 30.A 31.D 32.B poisonous.A) with that(随即) B) in that(因为) C) so that(以便,结果) D) now that(既然)29. Mr. Walkers new _ fitted so badly across the shoulders that he took it back to the shop to complain.A) skirt(裙子) B) shirt(衬衫) C) sheet D) strap(肩带,背带,挎带)30. He put in(做,履行) a special _ for an extra days holidays so that he could attend his daughters wedding.A) request(请求) B) inquiry(打听,调查) C) enquiry(询问) D) proposal(建议,提议,求婚)31. If you make a cat angry it may _ you.A) tear B) scrape(刮,擦伤) C) beat D) scratch(抓,搔)32. His new appointment takes _ from the beginning of next month.A) place B) effect C) post D) possession33. Peter _ the company for his father.A) runs B) works C) makes D) does34. Young as he is, the man has already won a _ fame 33.A 34.D 35.A 36.A 37.B.A) common B) ordinary C) general D) universal(广泛的,普遍的)35. It is generally agreed that by the 1990s the world will be suffering from an energy _.A) crisis(危机) B) danger C) concern(忧虑,担心) D) emergency36. Sometimes they _ their students poor comprehension to a lack of intelligence.A) attribute(认为,归因于) B) distribute(分配) C) contribute(贡献,投稿) D) tribute(n.)37. I dont want to go into the sea. Id rather lie on the _ A) coast B) beach C) bank D) seaport(海港)38. The football match was so dull(枯燥无味的) that most of the _ left at half time.A) audience B) crowd C) public D) players39. He was busy when I phoned but I hung _ until he was free.A) back (落在后面,缩在后面,不情愿行动,踌躇不前) B) off(畏缩不前,迟疑;不肯参加) C) up(猛地挂断,中止(与某人的)电话交谈) D) on(保持,保留)40. You need a special _ to go into this part of the building38.A 39.D 40.C 41.A 42.B 43.B 44.A.A) permission(准许) B) allowance(津贴,零用钱) C) permit(许可,执照) D) consent(准许,同意,赞成)41. The other day I came _ a really beautiful old house in the back streets of Birmingham.A) across偶然遇见;偶然发现,交,交出(或提供)(所需之物)。(妇女)同意与男性性交 B) over(感情,风格)开始影响(某人);)(人)突然感到;改变立场(或观点) C) by)随意而简短的拜访;串门;获得,得到 D) down(建筑物,其他结构)倒塌,崩溃;被毁;(飞机)坠毁(或紧急迫降);(经由传统、继承)流传下来;决定(或建议)支持;渐由兴奋(或愉快)的感觉中平静清醒(尤指麻醉药引起者)42. The police carried out a _ search for the missing manager.A) through B) thorough C) throughout D) thoughtful43. Hes so mean that he wouldnt give a beggar a _ of bread.A) shell B) crust(面包皮) C) skin D) pie44. The elderly people in this country are entitled to(有资格) _ a special heating allowance(煤火津贴) from the government when they pass the age of sixty.A) claim(索取,声称) B) declare(宣布,申报) C) inquire(打听,询问) D) ask45. The explosion blew the kitchen door off its _ .A) joints(关节,接合处) B) connections(连接点) C) hints(暗示,建议) D) hinges(铰链)46. I didnt mean to hit the cat, I was _ at the tree.A) aching B) aiding(帮助) C) aiming(瞄准) D) attaining(实现,达到,得到)47. We need _ information before we can decide.A) far B) farther C) further D) furthest48. He said the club was very _ for the members help and45.D 46.C 47.C 48.D 49.D 50.B support.A) welcome B) agreeable C) willing D) grateful(感激的,感谢的)49. The suspect(嫌疑犯)s fingerprints(指纹) on the gun were the main _ against him.A) crime B) information C) fortune D) evidence50. It was a good game, and at the end the _ was Scotland 4, Ireland 3.A) number B) score C) balance D) mark51. Ill have to _ to you, otherwise he will hear.A) shout B) murmur C) whistle(吹口哨) D) whisper52. Since his retirement, Peter Smith, who was _ a teacher, has written four novels.A) formerly(以前)B) usually C) presently(目前) D) already53. If your bicycle _ comes off, it is almost impossible to put it51.D 52.A 53.D 54.D 55.C back on without getting oil on your hands.A) ring B) belt C) steel D) chain(链)54. She began to feel nervous when the train pulled up(停下) at the _ between Austria and Yugoslavia.A) limit B) edge C) bar D) border(边界)55. There was so little time that we had to run _ to catch the bus.A) hardly(几乎没有) B) awkwardly(难看地,笨拙地,困难地,尴尬地) C) hard(努力地) D) strongly(强大地,坚固地)56. It is important that you reply to our letter without _.A) pause B) stop C) rest D) delay(拖延,耽搁)57. He began to take politics _ only when he left school.A) carefully B) gravely(严肃地,严重地) C) seriously(认真地,严肃地) D) solemnly(庄严地,正式地)58. In the central region the dry season is long and severe(严重的), and the 56.D 57.C 58.C 59.B 60.D _ annual rainfall(年降雨量) is only about 70 cm. A) refreshing(耳目一新的) B) general C) average D) longest59. He apologized for his mistake, saying he did not _ any offence(违法行为).A) suppose(料想,假定) B) intend(打算) C) consider D) propose(提议,建议)60. The chairman said it gave him great _ to welcome so many guests.A) humour B) content(满足,满意) C) fun D) pleasure(愉快,满足)Vocabulary Test 2 1. Please _ that you promised to call your patient at two oclock.A) have in mind(思念,存心) B) keep in mind(记住)C) make up your mind(决心,下定决心) D) keep your head(保持冷静) 2. Weather satellites(气象卫星), communications satellites(通信卫星) and probes(探测器) have one1.B 2.A 3.B 4.D feature(特征) _; they are unmanned(无人操纵).A) in common B) in detailC) in bulk(大量,整批) D) in general 3. The so-called even numbers (双数)are _: 2,4,6,8.A) as a rule(通常,一般来说) B) as follows(列举如下)C) as follow(依下列各项) D) as a result(结果,因此) 4. When Albert took to using perfume (香水),all the boys in the office began to _ him.A) make room for B) make friends withC) make much of(重视,理解,疼爱) D) make fun of 5. Although he thought he was helping us prepare the dinner, he was only _ .A) in no way(绝不) B) in a way(在某种程度上) C) in the way(造成不便或阻碍) D) in one way 6. Something must have _ with the experiment.A) done wrong(作恶) B) made wrong C) got wrong D) gone wrong(走错路,误入歧途,发生故障) 7. _ the very cold winter, we have run out of coal earlier than we had expected.A) By reason of(由于,因为) B) For the sake of(为了)C) At the risk of(冒可能的危险) D) At the mercy of(任.摆布,在.前毫无办法) 8. Joe is very active in sports, _ , he plays golf, baseball5.C 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.C, football, and tennis.A) such as B) for example C) as such(依其身份,资格或名义等;本身) D) for one thing(首先,一则) 9. _ small businesses are successful nowadays.A) Hardly ever(几乎从不,很少) B) Hardly some C) Hardly any(几乎没有) D) Hardly few10. Who is going to _ all the damage that has been done?A) apply for(申请) B) allow for(考虑到,体谅,给予) C) answer for(对.负责) D) care for11. On summer _ many English men work in their gardens when they come home from work.A) eves B) evenings C) nights D) days12. She tried to _ out of the window to see the procession(队伍) more clearly.A) bend(屈身) B) curve(使弯成弧形) C) bow(鞠躬,低头) D) lean(倾斜)13. The snow has been _ steadily for several hours and the ground is completely covered.A) flickering(闪烁,摇曳) B) dropping(水滴) C) drifting(飘) D) falling14. The plate was right on the _ of the table and could have11.B 12 .D 13.D 14.D 15.C 16.A been knocked off(碰撞掉) at any moment(随时).A) border(边界) B) tip(末端,尖端) C) margin(边缘抽象) D) edge(具体边)15. He had to go to the bank to _ some money for his holiday.A) pay up(全部还清,付清) B) pay back(偿还,报复) C) draw out(取出,从银行提款) D) draw in(收债)16. The thieves _ the papers all over the room while they were searching for the money.A) scattered(散开,撒) B) scolded(责骂,斥责) C) screwed(旋,扭) D) scratched(抓,删掉)17. After a meal in a restaurant, you ask the waiter for the _.A) bill B) note C) receipt(收据,发票) D) cheque(支票)18. Like most models, she has a lovely(动人的) _.A) figure(身材,体姿) B) frame(骨架) C) flame D) fashion(方式,样子)19. When an earthquake is bigger, we can feel the wall or the ground _.A) vibrating(振动,振荡) B) swinging(摇摆) C) whirling(旋转) D) pulsing(脉动)20. The paper was so thin that the _ of the pencil went right17.A 18.A 19.A 20.D 21.B 22.A(彻底地)through it.A) end B) top C) edge D) point(尖儿)21. It is becoming increasingly difficult to grow enough food to _ much of the earths population from starvation.A) preserve(保护,维持) B) prevent(阻止,预防) C) defend(保卫,辩护) D) guard(保护,控制)22. David likes country life and has decided to _ farming.A) go in for(参加,从事,喜欢,赞成)B) go back on(背弃)C) go through(检查,完成,练习,经受,讨论)D) go together(协调,伴随,相爱,互相牵扯)23. I hope my teacher will take my recent illness into _ when judging my examination.A) account(账户,报道,描述) B) regard(注意,尊重,问候) C) observation(观察,言论) D) heart(内心,勇气,中心)24. The rocket went into _ round the moon.A) track(踪迹) B) orbit(轨道) C) path D) course(航线)25. The girl who found the ring received a generous _ of five23.A 24.B 25.D 26.C 27.A 28.D pounds.A) prize B) allowance C) cash D) reward26. George spread the butter _ on his bread.A) strongly B) highly C) thickly(厚厚地)D) deeply27. She did not come to the party, though she had _ us she would.A) promised B) offered C) agreed D) accepted28. _ of money prevented us from taking a holiday this year.A) Limit B) Short C) Emptiness(空虚,空旷) D) Lack29. He must give us more time, _ we shall not be able to make a good job of it.A) whether B) otherwise C) consequently( 所以,因此) D) therefore30. I have always _ you my best friend. A) regarded+as B) considered sb. sth. C) trusted D) thought31. It was the longest film I had ever seen; it _ four hours.A) continued B) sustained C) lasted D) maintained32. These two circles are concentric (同心的). _ , they have29.B 30.B 31.C 32.A 33.A 34.C the same center.A) In other words(换句话说) B) In a word(总而言之)C) In a sense(在某种意义上) D) In any case(无论如何,还有)33. Youve had a dangerous fall, but I dont think youve _ any bones. A) broken B) torn C) burst D) loosened34. These instructions are important, so listen while I _ them again.A) put through(实行,接通,通过) B) go with(相伴,赶时髦,和谁谈恋爱,同意) C) run over(造访,一处,撞倒)run sth over( 匆匆讨论(或阅读,重复);把略略过目; 排练;练习;复习) D) take on(承担,呈现,雇用)35. I _ them to go by train, but they went by bus after all.A) proposed(提议) B) mentioned C) suggested D) advised36. After a long and exhausting(精疲力竭的) journey, they arrived _.A) at the end(在的末尾) B) at last C) by the end D) at least37. Hans thinks he knows English well but, _, he speaks very poorly.A) as a result B) as a rule(通常,一般说来)C) as a matter of fact(事实上) D) as yet38. _ the sun, the moon looks the biggest object in the sky35.D 36.B 37.C 38.A 39.B 40.A 41.D.A) Except for(除.之外,若不是) B) Except as C) As for(至于,就方面说来) D) With exception(例外)of39. This fact _ lessens(减少) the greatness(伟大,著名) of Newtons achievement.A) in nature(在世界上,实际上) B) in no way(绝不) C) in particular(尤其,特别) D) in practice(在实践中,开业)40. New sources of energy are being discovered _ .A) all the time(一直,向来) B) at all events(不管发生什么事,无论如何) C) at any rate(无论如何,至少) D) for ever(永远,总是)41. I dont care whether you save your money or spend it; _ you should not waste it.A) in case(假使,以防,也许) B) in this case(既然这样) C) in that case(如果那样的话) D) in any case(无论如何,还有)42. Margaret didnt want to ask anybody for help, and finally she solved the math problem _ .A) to herself B) by herself C) in her own D) by far(得多,更,尤其)43. He was _ with murder.A) accused(指责)+of B) arrested C) charged(控告)+with D) sentenced(判决)+sth.44. I hope the weather will _ before we leave for Brighton42.B 43.C 44.C 45.D 46.B 47.A .A) clear off(消失,离开,廉价处理,完成) B) go off(离开,私奔,消失) C) clear up(放晴,治愈,解除,打扫干净)D) go away(离开,私奔)45. He has been working on his term paper for quite a _.A) time B) period C) term D) while46. The bill came to over a thousand dollars _.A) at all(根本) B) in all(总共) C) to all D) of all47. He sat there with his arms _ doing nothing, waiting for us.A) folded(折叠) B) flapped(轻拍,焦虑) C) turned D) twisted(扭)48. I had to think _ before I remembered his name.A) at the moment(此刻,目前)B) in a moment(一会儿,马上)C) for a moment(片刻,一会儿) D) for the moment(暂且,目前)49. The government plans to _ the price of gasoline(汽油).A) rise B) raise C) heighten D) strengthen50. A new spaceship was _ at Cape Kennedy yesterday48.C 49.B 50.D 51.B 52.A 53.C 54.D.A) transmitted(发射电子信号) B) propelled(推进) C) fired D) launched(发射)51. Su

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