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实训说明本次实训为2012年商务英语专业综合实训校内实训项目,是根据商务英语专业人才培养方案制定的,旨在使学生更进一步了解商务英语各种文体的语言特点,以及商务英语翻译的常用翻译技巧,培养学生进行商务英语翻译的基本能力。 本次实训是根据现行教材世纪商务英语翻译教程(第三版)制定的,共包括八个实训项目。本项目的实施将严格按照制定的实训目标以及实训过程进行。学生在项目实训过程中,应态度端正,积极配合,认真钻研,为自己的职业生涯打下坚实的基础。 本次实训的成绩将由指导老师通过实训考核表进行考核。目录项目一:名片的制作与翻译,职务的翻译项目二:组织机构与公司介绍的翻译项目三: 产品说明的翻译项目四:公关文稿的翻译项目五: 商务信函的翻译项目六: 单证的翻译项目七: 商务报告的翻译项目八: 商务合同的翻译项目一:名片的制作与翻译,职务的翻译Business Card实训目标1、 知识目标:了解商务环境下名片的语言特点,了解职务翻译的原则及技巧2、 能力目标:能够正确制作名片并进行名片的英汉互译;能够熟练地进行职务的英汉互译实训内容Part One Main Points在商务活动中,交换名片是一项很流行,也很重要的活动。在对外交流中,将自己的名片印上英文是很有必要的。这就要求名片上的英文写法要规范,顺序符合英语规则。一般的名片上的信息可分为七个部分:1、公司名称(the name of company) 2、本人姓名(persons name) 3、职位、职称、衔头(position, title) 4、公司地址(the address of your company) 5、电话号码(telephone number) 6、传真号码(fax number) 7、电子邮箱( E-mail address)MING YING ENGLISH SCHOOL Harry Chen LecturerNo. 26, Zhongshan East Road, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, 050000, P.R.China Tel: 0311-6081514 6075767 Fax: 0311-6081514 E-mail: 5663sohu.com Web site: www.sjzmingying.com注: (1)关于地名的写法,一般遵循从小地名到大地名的写法。 一般顺序为:室号门牌号街道名城市名省(洲)-国家 Room * No. * * Road (Street), * City * Province *(邮编) * (country) (2)地址在名片上,应该保持一定的完整性。门牌号与街道名不可分开写,必须在同一行,不可断行。名种名称不可断开。 (3)门牌号英美写法可有不同,英语写No. 26美语可写26# (4)汉语的人名,地名一般写汉语拼音。有些译法可以不同:如中山东路,可以译为Zhongshan East Road,也可译为Zhongshan Donglu Road,但象一些地名,如南天门,槐南路,就应该直写拼音,而不能将其中某个字译为英语。即:Nantianmeng, Huainan Road而不是South Tianmeng, Huai South Road. 名片翻译一公司名称翻译近几年来,针对我国公司名称翻译中出现的一些问题,不少有识之士相继著文,辨是非、析原因、探正译,为实现译名的规范化和增强译名的可读性做了大量富有成效的工作。不过,笔者在研读有关文献时也发现,部分文献在对某些问题的看法上仍有偏颇甚至错误的地方,有再商榷并加以澄清的必要。(一)、以偏概全的问题“公司”并非“不是company,就是corporation”企业名称的翻译问题一文认为:“公司的英语名称不是company(简缩词为Co. ,就是corporation(简缩同为Corp。)。”该文作者或许是为强调company与corporation乃“公司”的两个首选对应词才这么说的,但这样做毕竟有以偏概全和误导读者之赚。大家知道,在表示“公司”“及“企业”之义时,英文中除了使用company和corporation,也不时使用“公司广义上的对应词,诸如firm,house, business, concern, combine, Partnership, con1plex, group, consortium, establishment, venture, conglomerate, multinational,transnational等。就是在专有公司名称中,“公司”也决非只有company与corporation之说,lines,agency等也是名正言顺的“公司”,有时甚至是前老所不能替代的“公司”。具体说。1line(s):(轮船、航空、航运等)公司。例如: Atlantic Container Line 大西洋集装箱海运公司。 Hawaiian Air Lines,夏威夷航空公司2agency:公司,代理行。例如:The Austin Advertising Agency 奥斯汀广告公司China Ocean Shipping Agency 中国外轮代理公司3store(s) 百货公司。例如:Great Universal Store 大世界百货公司(英)Tesco Stores (Holdings)坦斯科百货公司(英4associates(联合)公司。例如:British Nuclear Associates 英国核子联合公司Subsea Equipment Associates Ltd.海底设备联合有限公司(英、法、美合办)5system(广播、航空等)公司。例如:Mutual Broadcasting System 相互广播公司(莫) Malaysian Airline System. 马来西亚航空公司6office:公司,多与head,home branch等同连用。例如。3M China Limited Guangzhou Branch Office 3M中国有限公司广州分公司China Books Import and Export Corporation (Head Office)中国图书进出口总公司7service(s):(服务 )公司。例如:AfricaNew Zealand Service 非洲-新西兰服务公司Tropic Air Services 特罗皮克航空公司 此外,exchange,center等词在特定的上下文中也可转义表示“公司”。例如: American Manufacturers Foreign Credit Insurance Exchange 美国制造商出口信用保险公司 Binks (Shanghai ) engineering Exhibition Center, Ltd. 宾克斯(上海)涂装工程设备展示有限公司值得一提的是,不仅“公司”的表达法多种多样,就是一些特定的公司往往也不止一种说法,例如,“联合公司”除了associates之说,另外还有以下各灵活表达法。1Consolidated coal Company 联合煤炭公司(美)2United Aircraft Corporation联合飞机公司(美)3Allied Food Industry Co.联合食品工业公司(新加坡)4Integrated oil Company联合石油公司5. Federated Department Stores联合百货公司6Union Carbide Coronation联合碳化合物公司(美)7。Associated British Plectra Corporation英国联合影业公司8 China Agricultural Machinery Import and Export Joint Company 中国农业机械进出口联合公司(二)、轻言习惯的问题“保险公司”并非都叫insurance company实用翻译教程一书中有这样几句话:“其次,特定的企业也会有自己用词的习惯,久而久之便成了行规,最典型的是保险公司,无论哪个国家,也无论规模大小,都叫“insurance company”,(刘季春,1996:204)教程作者是在讲述company与corporation的用法区别时说这段话的,其言外之意是说,“保险公司”的“公司”只能用company而不能使用corporation,因为习惯使然,但事实并非如此,笔茬在英汉对外贸易词典第464和465两页上就见到了数家Insurance Corporation。如:Export Credit Insl1rance Corporation出口信贷保险公司(加由此看来,“保险公司,之“公司”可以是company,也可以是corporation,还可以是exchange,据查,office与concern也可与Insurance连用而表示“保险公司”。值得注意的是,“保险公司”中的“保险”二字也不止insurance一说,有例为证。1Development underwriting Ltd.开发保险公司(三)、似是而非的问题“office”非“支公司”“总公司”的几种常见英译法说:“在总公司,分公司或支公司同时出现在一句中时,与总公司(corporation)相对的只能是branch和office了。前者作分公司解,后者作支公司解”。(胡仲胤,1993:57)在我国,认为office就是天经地义的支公司的人或许不在少数。实践中,“支公司”也确有译作office的(e.g. 中国丝绸进出口总公司广东省分公司汕头市支公司, China National Silk lmpExp. Corp. Guangdong Branch Shantou Office)。可有趣的是,笔者在上千家英文公司名称中竟未找到一家将corporation和office同用于口语并分别表示“总公司”和“支公司”的。自己因此猜想这是否意味着在公司名称中汉英用词习惯有别了或者我们对office词的理解有讹?带着后一个问题,笔者查询了部分英义工具书,总的看法是:office常作business解,有时也作concern和complex的同义词。而business有这么一种定义, a person,partnership, or corporation engaged in commerce,manufacturing, or a service (Websters Encyclopedia Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, Updated Revised Deluxe Edition, P283),由此定义不难看出,office无疑可以指从事商业或生产的corporation。因此,主观地把office与corporation对立起来的做法是欠妥的。其次,从以下几个同组的搭配及所表达的内涵中也不难得出office是“公司”而非“支公司”的结论head office:总公司; home office:国内总公司;branch office,分公司;insurance office:保险公司。(四)、省译的问题“实业”、“开发”等字眼并非可以随意省译在汉英公司名称中,“公司”有时可以省译;在实践中,“总公司”之“总”字也时有所省,另外,有的同志又主张省译“实业”“开发”和“工贸”等字眼,因为“实在找不到可以表明“实业”的字眼”,但有哪一家锐意进取的公司不想开发新产品?“在英语中找不到合适的对等词。”(丁振祺1989:37)笔者以为,在公司名称的翻译上,当省则省,能省才省,切忌动辄乱省,否则名将不“明”(即难以表明公司的规模、隶属关系、经营范围、公司性质等信息)。例如,如果可以将“珠海特区发展实业公司”中的“发展”、“实业”“公司”等字眼全部省去,译名”岂不成了“珠海特区”?!当然,“实业公司”“工贸公司”等究竟如何翻译才既忠买又通顺,倒值得进一步探讨。比如,“实业公司”目前至少有五种译文,其中间为佳译或是否还有其它妙译则有待定论和实践的检验。1。太平洋实业公司Pacific Industries2华广轻工实业公司Hua Guang Light industrial Corporation3广联实业有限公司The Guanglian industrial Commerce Corporation4珠海特区发展实业公司Zhuhai SEZ Developing Enterprises corporation5广东省外贸实业公司Guangdong Foreign Trade industry Enterprise Corporation(五)、主观臆断的问题-以“General”译“总公司”之“总”并非“显然不妥”由于general可作“通用”“一般用途”解,译界有的同志便认为,“显然,用General表示总字不妥”。笔者以为,用general表示总”字不仅无可厚非,而且易与国际接轨。君不见,世界上不少著名公司就是使用general来表示其“龙头”之义的吗?例如:General Transport Company 运输总公司(英)General American Transportation Corp. 美国运输总公司Central OiI Company 石油总公司(美)其实,general 作“总”解在法语公司名称中也可得到佐证,因为在法语总公司名称中,除了用universelle和centrale表示“总”外,也经常使用generale表达同一意思。例如。Compagnie Generale lntercambi 贸易总公司(意)Compagnle Generaie de Brasserie 啤酒总公司(法)Compagnie Generale des Materiaux Atomiques 棱燃料总公司(法)公司名称的翻译颇为复杂。本文对现有相关文献中某些观点提出商榷意见,旨在疑义相与析;文章行文时辅以较多实例,意在以例”服人,但愿此二目的能有所实现。英语中表示工厂的词更多,现搜集如下:factory指能成批生产成品或商品的地方或单位,用的最多。plant多指重工业或军事工企业,也可指自动化、电子、冶炼和机械厂。(machinery (plant)机械厂,machine tool plant机床厂,power(plant)电厂)works多指有自己一套完整工序的轻化工厂、车辆、制造及钢铁厂等,工序常露天操作。(iron works钢铁厂,glass works玻璃厂)mill轻工业方面的厂,棉纺厂。(cotton mill棉纺厂,textile mill纺织厂,paper mill造纸厂,saw mill锯木厂, steel mill钢厂,coffee mill咖啡制粉厂)refinery精练、提炼、精制、冶炼厂、制糖厂。foundry 翻砂厂, 铸工厂, 玻璃厂, 铸造厂。house通常前加一字首,用来表示较小的工厂或手工作坊,如啤酒、印刷。yard露天的工厂,作坊,常前加字首构成复合词。(shipyard造船厂)studio摄影棚,制片厂,录音棚及像馆。brewery啤酒厂,酿酒厂(生物发酵酿制)。distillery酒厂,蒸馏厂,酿造厂(添加化学制剂、催化剂)。tannery制革厂,硝革厂,鞣革厂。bakery糕饼厂。cannery罐头食品厂。filature缫丝厂。mine矿山厂。manufacturer制造类厂。mint制币厂。printery印刷厂。qarry采石厂。saltery盐厂。smeltery冶炼厂。pharmaceuticals制药厂。二、 姓名三、 职位、职称董事长 Chairman of the Board, President总裁 Chief Executive Officer (C. E. O.), President总经理 General Manager (G. M.), Managing Director副 Deputy Manager, Director, Chairman, Editor-in-chief, Minister, Secretary-general, Ambassador, Governor, Attorney-generalVice- Vice-president, Vice-chairman, Vice-minister, Vice-consul, Vice-premierAssociate Professor, Chief Physician, Research FellowAssistant Engineer, Research Fellow, Manager名誉 Honorary Chairman; Emeritus President代 Acting Factory Director兼 President and Chief Operating Officer四、 单位部门名称五、 通讯地址路 Zhongshan Rd.Zhongshan Rd. (S.)Second Zhongshan Rd. (S.)街 Daxing St.Inner Jianguomen Main St.道 Pudong Av.里、弄、巷 East LaneLane 125胡同 Dongtiao Alley新村 Huaqiao Village小区 Suiyuan Residential Quarter六、 电话、E-MAIL地址、邮政编码七、 名片上常用的有关缩略词Road Rd.Street St.Avenue Av.Building Bldg.Floor Fl.Room Rm.Apartment Apt.Company Co.Corporation Corp.Incorporated Inc.Company Limited Co., Ltd.Address Add.Telephone Tel.Teletype exchange Telex.Office phone (O)Home phone (H)Facsimile FaxElectronic mail E-mailCable address CableBeeper BPMobile phone M. P.Zip code ZipPost code P. C.Post office box P. O. B.Part Two Practical Training1. Translate the following titles into Chinese.(1) Electrical Engineer (2) Executive Vice-President(3) Intern/Trainee (4) Lecturer (5) Teaching Assistant(6) Surgeon-in-charge (7) Customs Specialist(8) Merchandiser (9) Logistics Supervisor(10) QA Inspector (11) Sales Director(12) Project Supervisor (13) Workshop Supervisor(14) Head of a County (15) Deputy Director2. Translate the following department into English or Chinese.(1) 客户服务部 (2)调度室 (3)董事会 (4)人力资源部(5)总经理办公室 (6)进出口部 (7)海外销售部 (8)物流部(9)订购加工部 (10)维修部 (11) 发货部 (12) 定单处理部 (13)Administration Dept. (14)Bookkeeping Room (15)Data Processing Dept. (16) Showroom (17) Supervision Dept. (18) Photocopying Room3. Translate the following business card.美国驻华华大使馆教育文化处 金 大 友 主 任美国教育交流中心北京朝阳区呼家楼京广中心2801 邮编:100020电话:(010)6579-3242 转202 传真:(010)6597-3247电子邮件:DAJenkspd.state.gov本项目学生自我评价:项目二:公司介绍的翻译Company Introduction实训目标知识目标:1. 了解公司介绍的基本知识2. 掌握公司介绍的语言特点及相关的翻译原和技巧能力目标:1. 能够正确进行组织机构和公司介绍的英汉互译 2. 能够运用所学翻译技巧熟练的翻译各类公司的介绍实训内容Part One Main Points翻译下列句子,体会公司介绍的语言特点及常用的翻译技巧。1. Who We AreThree billion times a day, P&G brands touch the lives of people around the world. Our corporate tradition is rooted in the principles of personal integrity, respect for the individual and doing whats right for the long-term.2. Our CommitmentImproving the lives of consumers worldwide is about more than just great products. Its about taking responsibility for improving our communities around the world through the work we do, as a Company and as individuals.3. Our PurposeWe will provide branded products and services of superior quality and value that improve the lives of the worlds consumers. As a result, consumers will reward us with leadership sales, profit and value creation, allowing our people, our shareholders and the communities in which we live and work to prosper.常用翻译方法、顺意法: 语序不变2、结构调整法: 重要内容前置3、分句法: 一个句子译成两个或以上4、编译法: 增、减、编、述、并、改5、四字格翻译:单词、词组、或套用习语,也可采用综合法进行翻译。(四字格常用于形容产品)如: 优质原料 superior materials 制作精巧skillful manufacture 造型新颖modern design 质量可靠reliable quality 经久耐用durable in use The king of quantity数量之首 qualitycertification资质认证 Developmenthistory发展历程 Copyright版权所有 ApplicationFields应用领域 Enterprisequalification企业资质公司简介表达法 公司简介 Company Profile / A Brief Introduction of Company 地处 Locate in 坐落于 Lie in 位于 Situate in 创建/成立于Establish/Found/Set up (in) 经营范围 Business scope / Scope of business 注册资金Registered capital 占地面积 Floor area 建筑面积Construction area 营业面积 Business area 经营宗旨Business principles 企业理念 Corporate ideals (values) 良好的声誉/享誉 A (very) good reputation / Enjoy a reputation (for)Part Two Practical TrainingTranslate the following sentences into Chinese.1. Founded in 1886 in New Brunswick, New Jersey, in the United States, Johnson & Johnson has locations in 57 countries around the world.2. It is widely recognized and commended by its peers and customers in international settlement, foreign exchange, trade finance, etc.3. With more than 50 breweries,Tsingtao Brewery further strengthened its market leadership and domestic expansion plan through numerous strategic mergers, purchasing insolvent companies and reorganization, and joint venture partnerships.4. Sony Corporation continuously devotes in constructs a perfect hardware, the content service and the network environment, enables the consumer to be possible to enjoy the alone charm anytime and anywhere the entertainment content and the service. 5. We sincerely welcome personalities of all walks of life at home and abroad to join, in whatever form, the partnership with the corporation in its business operations.6. Ours is a large cross-regional, cross-trade and cross-ownership (group) corporation which integrates scientific research, manufacturing industry, trade and tourist and entertainment serves; the company has fixed capital assets of 380 million yuan and an annual turnover of 1.5 billion yuan.7. We operate under the principle of expanding our business travel markets at home and abroad, promoting business activities with tourist development and providing our clients with an all-round service.8. General Motors Corp. (NYSE: GM), one of the worlds largest automakers, was founded in 1908, and today manufactures cars and trucks in 34 countries. With its global headquarters in Detroit, GM employs 244,500 people in every major region of the world, and sells and services vehicles in some 140 countries. 9. Our ValueWe attract and recruit the finest people in the world. We build our organization from within, promoting and rewarding people without regard to any difference unrelated to performance. We act on the conviction that the men and women of Procter & Gamble always will be our most important asset.10. All the types of products manufactured in the factory conform to the ISPO9000 Standards. With novel design and fine workmanship, they are made of quality test and reached in all respects the advanced level of the internally-made bits of kind.11. The carpets made in our factory are beautiful and magnificent for their novel designs and elegant colors.12. At General Nutrition Centers, weve been developing quality products for more than 70 years, and weve built a business on the products and information our customers need to maintain healthy lifestyles. Throughout the past several generations, weve listened to your needs and have responded with the largest selection of nutritional supplements available today.13. We have set the standard in the health and nutrition industry by demanding truth in labeling and ingredient safety and potency, while remaining on the cutting-edge of nutritional science. We are one of the worlds largest companies devoted exclusively to improving the quality of lives: by providing better nutritional information, encouraging healthy decision-making and ultimately, lending a hand to healthier living.14. For more than 130 years, Siemens has been active in the country, where it holds leading positions in the companys three sectors: Industry, Energy and Healthcare.15. Over the years, we have become an integral part of the Chinese economy and a reliable, committed and trustworthy partner of China.16. In fiscal 2008, sales to customers of Siemens in China amounted to RMB 57 billion. And new order totaled RMB 65.5 billion.17. With a workforce of over 43,000, we are one of the largest foreign invested employers in the country.18. Huawei is a global leader in providing solutions to telecommunications networks. The company is committed to providing customized products, services and solutions to create long-term value and growth potential for its customers. Huaweis products and solutions encompass wireless products, core network products, network products, and terminals. Huaweis global R&D centers are located in USA, Germany, Sweden, Russia and India in addition to those in Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, and Shenzhen in China. At the end of June 2008, Huawei has over 87,502 employees, of whom 43% are dedicated to R&D.19. I would like to move on to the introduction of our factory. It covers an area of 50,000 square meters. And well soon be celebrating our 20th anniversary. Now we have 1,000 employees working on three shifts.本项目学生自我评价:项目三: 产品说明的翻译Description of Products实训目标知识目标:1. 了解产品说明书的基本知识 2. 掌握产品说明书的语言特点及其常用翻译技巧能力目标:1. 能够正确地翻译产品说明书中常用的词汇和句型 2. 能够运用所学翻译技巧熟练地翻译各类产品说明书实训内容知识要点: 标题:产品名称,生产厂家,品牌,注册商标,产品类型,产品代号。产 品 正文:产品概况,提供产地,规格,成分,材质,特点,结构,功能,使用方法说 注意事项,主要性能,技术指标,生产批号,质量保证。 明 书 结尾:生产单位或经销单位的名称,地址,邮编,电话,传真,电子邮件等便于客内 户联系的有关信息资料。容 附录:产品的附近清单,电路图,用户反馈意见,保修卡,维修记录卡,维修点一览表等与产品使用及保养维修相关资料。翻译下列句子体验产品说明书语言特点及翻译技巧1. New NIVEA Visage Whitening Foam instantly cleanses the skin, while supporting the whitening effect of the following NIVEA VISAGE Multiple White products. The gentle formula with White Pure Active encourages a clear, fair complexion.2. The use of computers has solved the problems in the area of calculating.3. This kind of products possess such characteristics as safe-use, weather-resistance, abrasion-resistance, high mechanical intensity, low line loss, etc. They are used broadly in power network. 4. The motor construction shall be of explosion proof.The new type of machine should be of simple and compact construction.5. The top end braced shall be fitted with a stainless steel lifting bail and shall be capable of supporting the combined weight of the pump and motor.6. The following diseases caused by bacteria including grampositive and gramnegative bacteria such as Staphylococcus,Streptcoccus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae.7. EYE SHADOW DUO Eye contact shadow applies smoothly and even with the newly velvety formula, provides an unforgettable look with eye-opening colors and lightweight feel.8. UV light protection, waterproof and sweet-resistant, Fragrance-free, non-comedogenic, oil-free. Contains free radical scavengers. Clinically tested for skin irritancy and allergy. The light, moisturizing lotion is for all skin types and sun-sensitive skin.9. Maximum comfort with maximum shine! Super-light formula takes shine to a whole new level while it smoothes, softens, and never feels sticky. Dermatologist-tested. Clinically tested for skin irritancy and allergy.10. It is a white or a faintly yellow powder to which appropriate amounts of water are added to prepare an off white suspension for intramuscular use or a yellowish solution for intravenous administration.11. Do not disassemble this machine or attempt any procedures not described in this manual. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.Do not install or use the machine near water, or when you are wet.take care not to spill any liquids on the machine.12. The following adverse reaction may occasionally occur: dryness of the mouth, thirst, drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness, heartburn, anorexia, Abdominal discomfort and exanthema.13. With caffeine and other effective ingredients, Body Creator may change the shape of body care and the shape of your future.14. AVON ROLL ON ANT PERSPIRANT DEODORANTAll-day deodorant and wetness protection. Keep underarms dry and odor-free.Glides on smoothly. Dries quickly. No sticky.15. Keebler Snack Crackers are backed to a secret recipe of specially selected wholesome ingredients. The light and crispy crackers bring you and all you family that uncommonly good taste and freshness as only Keebler knows how. As an established word leader, we are committed to backing biscuits of the highest quality. Our products are sold in over 90 countries arou

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