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高三英语总复习之二重点句型翻译练习一、 It句型:用it翻译下列句子1. 40年前,双方就是在这间屋子里签订这项协议的。 (It)2. 直到我看了他的信我才知道那件事的全部情况。(It)3. 正是由于他说这本字典很好我才去买的。(It ) 4. 做那样的工作很难保持自尊。 (It)5. 经过了这么多年,你想消除你们之间的分歧谈何容易。(It).6. 她不向我们打声招呼就走了,这是非常不礼貌的。(It)7. 你在这样短的时间内把英语学得这么好,真是令人吃惊。(surprising)8. 和这样没有礼貌的人争辩是毫无用处的。(注意:可以用这种句型的词有:no use, no good, useless, dangerous, senseless, a waste of time, worthwhile)9. 报道说数以百计愤怒的人们昨天下午袭击了他的住宅。(可以这样用的词还有:announce/ said / believe/ thought/ expect/ know/ decide 等) 10. 自从上次我们在天安门广场见面后三年已经过去了。11. 当我得到他在死于车祸的消息时几经是圣诞之夜了。(It)12. 据报道这次会议对于以后的决定是至关重要的。(critical)13. 过不了多久我们就要从这所学校毕业了。(before)14. 不久,一架直升飞机飞到现场,来搭救失事飞机的幸存者。(before)15. 还要至少两三个月你才可能像往常那样走路(before)16. 他以前从来没想到会爱上一个来自美国的女孩。17. 碰巧他的同学和老师们都在那座新建的大楼里。(happen)18. 修建这样的大桥一般至少要花两到三年的时间(take)19. 我觉得在如此短的时间内完成如此巨大的工程简直是不可能的。(possible)20. 看来他好像已经知道了这个消息,不过你最好还是亲自告诉他。(seem)二、用with 结构翻译下列句子(注意:常见的with 结构有:1)with sb./sth.+ adj. 2) with sb./sth.+adv 3)with sb./sth.+present participle 4)with sb./sth.+past participle 5) with sb./sth.+infinitive 6) with sb./sth.+prep.)1. 有那么多人听他讲话,他感到很紧张。2. 有那么多的作业要做,我不能去看电影。3. 全部工作都做完了,我们可以休息一会了。4. 有这么多的人支援,他们一定会获得成功。(succeed)5. 学校全部的灯光都开放了,整个校园显得格外美丽。(marvelous)6. 电视机一直开着,我简直无法把注意力集中在我的作业上。(concentrate)7. 当我走进她的房间时,他正站在床边,手里拿着一本书。(enter)8. 火车还有五分钟就要开出时,我到达了火车站。(before)9. 他总是喜欢开着窗户睡觉,对此他的朋友很恼火。(annoy)三、用倒装句型翻译下列句子1. 我们的祖国从来没有像今天这样强大 (Never)2. 他亲自到了中国后才意识到他对中国的了解释何等的肤浅(Only)3. 我刚到,就有新的问题要处理了。(Hardly )4. 演讲者刚刚说完,一个听众就一口气向他提了很多问题。(No sooner)5. 读报之前我对我对这件事一无所知 (Not until)6. 她唱歌唱的那么好,以致我打算把她培养成一位歌唱家。(So)7. 中国在任何时候和在在任何情况下都不首先使用核武器。(At no time)8. 尽管对南极进行了不少科学考察,我们对它还知之甚少。(Little)9. 你无论到哪里也找不到这个问题的答案。(Nowhere)10. 不管我费好大的劲, 这个问题我仍未能了解。( However)11. 不仅他许了诺,而且也守了诺。12. 铃声响了。布朗先生手里拿着一本书走进来了。开始上课。13. 猫一跳起来就抓住了那只老鼠。14. 我一辈子没听说过也没见过这样的东西。15. 在地上躺着一个不到十岁的男孩子,受了重伤。16. 墙上挂着一幅中国地图。17. 猫跟着那只球出来了。18. 他变化如此大以致我几乎认不出来了。19. 直到回到家里我才发现到钱包丢了。20. 门被撞开了(be forced open),进来三个家伙(fellow),喊着:举起手来!。21. 在他们后边走过来的是工人和学生。22. 这就是你要的信。23. 山顶上矗立着一座庙,庙里住着三个和尚(monk)。24. 学校前面是一个新建(newly-built)的操场。25. 你想见的那个女孩子来啦!26. 我不想认识他,也不想了解他的一些情况。27. 看见警察来,那坏人就跑开了。28. 在那边桌子上的试管(test-tube)闪闪发光的东西就是他们一直辛辛苦苦工作要寻找的东西:Radium。29. 当警察用枪(pistol)指着那个匪徒(burglar)的时候,他从10层楼上跳了下来。30. 现在该你背课文了。四、用 There be 句型翻译下列句子1. 哪里有没有爱情的婚姻,哪里就会有没有婚姻的爱情。(without) 2. 1978 年以来中国发生了许多巨大的变化。 (since)3. 在海边的渔村里住着一位八十多岁的老渔翁。(live)4. 十年前我们校园里曾经有好多大树。(used)5. 毫无疑问他们将能在一年内完成这项艰巨的任务。(doubt)6. 既然你们已经决定放弃了,再谈它也就没什么意义了。(point)7. 据报道说当时建筑工上有一名学生和几个工人。((report)8. 从这噪音来看,这台机器一定有发生故障了。(Judging)9. 所有在场的一致认为没有必要在会议上提出这个问题。(need)10. 她可能来,但这完全要看天气而定。(possibility)11. 很可能碰到的困难比你原先想象的要多。(likely)12. 在科学和工程上确实存在复杂的计算(exist)一、It句型:用it翻译下列句子1. It was in this house that the two sides signed the agreement forty years ago.2. It was not until I read his letter that I knew the whole story about it.3. It was because he had said that the dictionary was very good that I bought it.4. It is difficult to preserve ones self-respect in that job.5. It will be difficult for you to smooth over your differences after so many years.6. Its very rude of her to leave without telling us7. It is surprising that you should have learned English so well in such a short time.8. It is no use /useless arguing with such a person as is impolite.9. It is reported that hundreds of angry complainers attacked his residence yesterday afternoon.10. It is /has been three years since we met each other at Tiananmen Square.、11. It was Christmas eve when I got the news of his being killed in a traffic accident.12. It is reported that the meeting is critical for future decisions.13. It wont be long before we graduate from this school.14. It was not long before a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors of the plane crash.15. It will be at least two to three months before you can walk as usual.16. It had never occurred to him that he might be falling in love with a girl from America.17. It so happened that all his classmates and teachers were all in the newly built building.18. It usually takes at least two to three yeas to build a bridge like this.19. I find it hardly possible to complete such a great project in such a short time 20. It seems that he has already learned about the news, but you had better tell him about it in person/personally / yourself.二、用with 结构翻译下列句子1. With so many people listening to his talk, he felt quite nervous.2. With so much homework to do, I cant go to the movie./go to see the film.3. With all the work done, we can have a rest.4. They are sure to succeed / to be successful with so many people behind them.5. The campus looks marvelous with all the lights on.6. I can hardly concentrate on my homework with the television on all the time.7. When I entered his room, he was standing beside his bed with a book in his hand.8. With five minutes to go before the train drew out, I got to the railway station. 9. He always sleep with windows open, which is very annoying to his friend/ which greatly annoyed his friend.三、用倒装句型翻译下列句子1. However hard I try, I still cannot understand this question.2. Never before has our country been so powerful as it is today.3. Only when he came to China himself did he realize how poor his knowledge of the country was.4. Hardly had I arrived when I had a new problem to deal with.5. No sooner had the speaker finished than a person in the audience put forward many questions to him6. Not until I read the newspaper did I know anything about the event.7. So well can she sing that I plan train her to be a singer.8. At no time and under no circumstance will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.9. Little have we known about the Antarctic in spite of much scientific research there. 10. Nowhere will you find the answer to this problem.11. Not only did he make a promise ,but also he kept it.12. The bell rang and in came Mr. Brown, with a book in his hand. Then the class began.13. Up jumped the cat and caught the mouse.14. Never in my life have I heard of or seen such a thing.15. On the ground lay a boy of no more than 10 years old , badly wounded.16. On the wall hangs a map of China.17. Out came the cat, followed the ball.18. So much has he changed that I can hardly recognize him.19. Not until I returned home did I find my wallet lost.20. The door was forced open and in came 3 fellows who shouted “Hand up your hands”.21. Following them was the workers and the students.22. Here is the letter you want.23. On the top of the mountain stands a temple in which live 3 monks.24. In front of our school is a newly-built playground.25. Here comes the girl you want to see.26. I dont want to get to know him, nor do I want to learn about him.27. Seeing the policemen, away ran the bad man.28. There on the table, glowing with a faint light was just something they had worked so hard to find: Radium.29. Down jumped the burglar from the tenth floor when the policeman pointed his pistol at him.30. Now comes your turn to recite the text.四、用 There be 句型翻译下列句子1. Where there is marriage without love, there will Be love without marriage.2. There have been many great changes in China since 1978.3. There in the village by the sea lived an old fisherman aged more than eighty.4. There used to be many big trees on our campus ten years ago.5. There is no doubt that the will be able to finish the difficult task in a year.6. Since you have decided to give up, there is no point (in) taking about it.( Note: words like good, use, sense, harm, point etc. can be used in this sentence pattern)7. There was reported to be one student and some workers at the construction site,8. Judging from the noise, there must have been some thing wrong with the machine.9. All the people present agreed that there is no need to put forward this question/ issue at the meeting 10. Theres possibility shell come, but it all depends on the weather.11. There are likely to be more difficulties than you thought.12. There do exist complex computations in science and engineering. 1. It was not until about 40 years ago that an electronic computer was invented which could lead to rapid development of knowledge economy. 2. Go to the teachers office at once, or you will be criticized/ punished.3. He has neither relatives nor friends here, we had better help him out.4. He was a big, simple young man who had neither his fathers balance nor his mothers humor 5. I can afford neither the time nor the money for a trip.6. Go around the city, and you will know the situation there is s worse than expected./you thought./expected.7. It is wrong to regard our work either as totally good or as completely bad.8. I was advised either to telephone or to write to the hotel to for reservations.9. Youll fail in English unless you work harder /One cannot succeed unless one tries hard / One cannot succeed unless he tries hard 10. He was busy with his experiment yesterday, otherwise he would have come to the meeting.

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