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武汉市高中毕业生二月调研测试本试卷共150分。考试用时120分钟。 注意事项: 1答题前,考生务必 将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。 2选择题在每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;完成句子和书面表达题用0.5毫米黑色签字笔直接答在答题卡上相对应的区域内。答在试题卷上无效。 3考试结束,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答 案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题,每小题置5分,满分75分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最 佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有l0秒钟的时间来回答有关小 题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A.19.15. B. 9.l5. C. 9.18. 答案是B。 I. Whats the weather like? A. Fine. B. Warm. C. Bad.2. Who is the woman speaker? A. Shop owner. B. A customer. C. Shop assistant.3. How are the students going to be charged? A. Higher. B. Lower. C. Not known.4. Where does this conversation probably take place? A. At home. B. In a kitchen. C. In a restaurant.5. Whats the woman complaining about? A. TV program schedule. B. Ads in TV programs. C. Ball games on TV.第二节(共15小题,每小题l5分,满分225分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置c听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题:6. Whats the relationship between these two speakers? A. Friends. B. Strangers. C. Roommates.7. Whats the man expected to do next? A. Explain why hes calling. B. Move into the house. C. Talk about himself. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. Where are these two people talking most probably?A. At a job fair. B. At a TV station. C. At the movies.9. What field seems to be the girls favourite?A. Writing. B. Film making. C. IT.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What is the Greener World they are talking about? A. An environmental organization. B. An educational program. C. A childcare service. 11. What is shown to the children at school? A. Pollution in the sea. B. Fishing on the sea. C. Beautiful scenery by the sea. 12. Whats the aim of the girl to start the talk to the man.? A. Persuade him to join in planting trees. B. Seek support for what theyre doing. C. Explain to him the serious situation.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. Whats the mans main loss? A. Lots of money. B. Wallet and locker. C. Credit card and drivers license. 14. What did the woman have stolen once? A. Her purse. B. Airline ticket. C. Passport.15. Why did the Italian young men talk to the woman? A. They want to help her. B. To draw her attention away. C. She didnt understand them quite well.16. Who is the woman speaker grateful to? A. The police. B. The airport. C. The bank.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What are these three speakers talking about in common? A. Eating habits. B. Unique customs in travel. C. Different ways of traveling.18. Where was the man when he found people have supper too late?A. In Asia. B. In Europe. C. In Africa.19. Whats special of the Asian people when eating? A. They eat very quickly. B. They drink a lot. C. They make much noise.20. How did the woman feel about ways of wearing in the Middle East?A. Safe and easy. B. Ugly and dirty. C. Complex and uncomfortable.第二部分:英语语言知识运用(共三节,满分55分)第一节:多项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。例:To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their_ and weaknesses. A. strengths B. benefits C. techniques D. values答案是 A21.Would you mind letting me_your laptop for another two weeks. No problem.A. borrow B. keep C. lend D. bring22. I like people that have a good_of humor.A. sense B. feeling C. touch D. sight23. He was unable to attend the meeting in Moscow, because the Russian authorities had_ him a visa.A. denied B. rejected C. refused D. opposed24. People who dont do what they say they will are_.A. honest B. independent C. cruel D. unreliable25. There was a(n) _moment when the plane suddenly dropped.A. nervous B. embarrassed C. anxious D. worried26. Try to_a few hours each week for exercise. A. put away B. take away C. pick up D. set aside27. Please look_the whole plan and let me know what you think.A. into B. up C. through D. after28. Which number is yours? _-its that one here, yes, this one.A. Let me see B. Lets say C. Mind you D. Excuse me29. Juventus_two goals in the last ten minutes.A. achieved B. managed C. succeeded D. challenged30. Grandpa intends to have a thoroughly enjoyable and_period without paid work. A. broad B. wide C. lengthy D. brief第二节:完成句子(共10小题,每小题1.5,满分15分) 阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子,并将答案写在答题卡上的相应题号后。例: We _ (起床) before dawn. It was still dark outside. (get)答案:got up31. Spring comes and you see_ (叶子绿了). (turn)32. The results of the test show that all the students_ (取得了很大进步). (progress)33. If you plan to visit someone at home, _ (应该打电话)first. (suppose, call)34. Ask her to hurry up with the letters_ (以便我能寄出) before supper. (so, post)35. He_ (-一定是美国人) with an accent like that. (must)36. While they_ (穿越太平洋), their boat hit a whale and sank. (cross)37. The advantage of reading English poetry in Chinese translation is_ (你能更好理解他). (understand)38. You can improve your writing skills_ (通过做这些练习). (do)39. A tour guide is_ (不如报酬高)as a lifeguard. (well, pay)40. Only by changing the way we live_ (我们才能拯救地球). (save)第三节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题15分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从4160所给的四个选项(AB、C和)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 These days, it is common to see 5-gallon bottles of water being sent to homes. Supermarket 41 are filled with all kinds of bottled water from simple 42 bottles containing “pure spring water” to expensive foreign types of mineral water in glass bottles. In Europe, bottled water is as 43 as soft drinks are in the United States. People are not only interested in the different choices of drinks, but also in the taste of bottled water and its 44 value. All bottled water must 45 the content of the water on the bottle. Some companies 46 minerals to give the water a better taste. But the term mineral water is 47 , because all waterexcept specially purified watercontains minerals. 48 must be made to tell people clearly what kind of water people are exactly buying: spring water, mineral water, or purified water. For example, “spring water” will have to come from a(n) 49 spring. Many people choose bottled water 50 tap water, because they 51 the safety of public drinking water. Some people worry about city water 52 . We need to pay close attention to the cleanliness of our drinking water. The government should be responsible for tap water 53 . It should be tested and checked 54 . Keep in mind that bottled water is 55 . In many cases, you are paying for water that is not much different from tap water. If you are not sure of the safety of your tap water, have it 56 . A local health department can be of 57 . Compared with the cost of bottled water, the testing cost will be less expensive. Letting cold water 58 for a minute or so before taking a drink or using it in preparing a meal is a good way to 59 possible water pollution, especially if the water has been 60 for an hour or more.41. A. baskets B. windows C. shelves D. carts42. A. large B. plastic C. cool D. cheap43. A. popular B. expensive C. fresh D. good44. A. nature B. true C. face D. health45. A. study B. stick C. list D. print46. A. find B. add C. explore D. mix47. A. mistaken B. misunderstood C. misleading D. misreading48. A. Laws B. Notices C. Products D. Inventions49. A. nearby B. hot C. underground D. overflowing50. A. with B. besides C. before D. over51. A. consider B. trust C. doubt D. ensure52. A. supplies B. pipes C. pollution D. shortage53. A. producers B. risk C. elements D. quality54. A. normally B. regularly C. repeatedly D. instantly55. A. enough B. excellent C. expensive D. ideal56. A. collected B. boiled C. changed D. tested57. A. use B. value C. service D. importance58. A. run B. flow C. fill D. boil59. A. improve B. discover C. limit D. solve60. A. shallow B. off C. slow D. on第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Birds flock to parks in up-market neighborhoods, avoiding those in the poorer parts of town, researchers discovered. Anne Kinzig and her colleagues at Arizona State University studied 15 parks in Phoenix and found the most diverse (多样) bird populations in the smartest parts of town. To their surprise, the socio-economic factors explained bird diversity better than anything about park ecologysuch as tree diversity and vegetation(植被) structure. In fact, parks in the poorest parts of town had the highest tree and vegetation diversity, but the lowest bird diversity. “We wouldnt have guessed it,” says Kinzig. “Its telling us we need to look further a field for the answer. Her team is now trying to track down exactly what it is about posh(豪华的) neighborhoods that the birds like. One possibility is that rich people have bigger gardens so there is more habitat(栖息地), surrounding the parks. Also, they may be more likely to feed the birds or perhaps offer a better menu. Mike Toms, of the British Trust for Ornithology is not surprised by the results. “The area around gardens and parks determines which birds visit,” he says, “And larger gardens tend to contain a greater variety of habitats and so can support different bird species.” A spokesperson for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds adds that two thirds of UK households put food out for their garden visitors: “Its arguably the nations biggest pastime certainly more popular than watching football.”61. What is the topic of this article?A. Birds like gardens.B. Birds know where rich people live.C. Birds attract many families in UK.D. Birds enjoy high life.62. What causes the birds to gather around rich areas?A. The tall trees there. B. Enough supply of food. C. The beautiful lawns. D. Large population.63. Which of the following can be inferred from the text?A. People in UK are very friendly to visitors to their gardens.B. Watching football used to be more popular than bird-watching.C. Many families in UK enjoy feeding birds in their gardens.D. Only rich people provide food to birds in their gardens. B The 400 phone messages said it all. Veterans(老兵) wanted to talk, and Jeff Beers, a military history buff and the son of a retired Navy man, was ready to listen. Beers had volunteered for the Veterans History Project, a program at the Library of Congress dedicated to preserving the oral histories of Americans 19 million veterans. Local newspapers listed Beers number, and the response was tremendous. Hes videotaped 52 vets ever since. “Most of them are shocked that anyone would be interested in their small story,” says Beers, 33, an assistant engineer for the city of Poway, Calif. “They ask, Why now? But it has to be now, before its too late.” The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that 1,847 veterans die each day. Beers and the other volunteers are collecting the I-was-there detail. One of the most moving came from a World War II POW (prisoner of war): “He had to march 500 miles through the Black Forest in winter. They ate bark soup and slept at local farm.” The WW II generation comprises(包含) most of the 700 histories gathered since the program began in 2001. But, says director Ellen Lovell, they want to hear from vets of every war. “I interviewed my brother-in-law, an army surgeon in Vietnam,” she says. “He said he shared things with me that hes never told anyone.”64. What do we know from the text about the veterans?A. They live a very happy life after the war.B. They often told their stories to others.C. They were highly respected by people.D. They are becoming fewer and fewer in numbers.65. How did the veterans feel when they were interviewed?A. Happy. B. Sad. C. Surprised. D. Disappointed.66. What does the underlined word “it” (Paragraph 1) refer to?A. Veterans wanted to talk.B. Jeff Beers was ready to listen.C. The veterans had many stories.D. There were many phone messages.67. What kind of stories is Jeff Beers most interested in?A. Historical records of World War II.B. Stories written by newspaper reporters.C. Stories most talked about by public.D. Personal experiences of people during different wars. C Teenagers at one German school are learning how to achieve happiness alongside other traditional subjects such as math and languages. The class sit in a circle with their eyes shut and they count from one to ten: someone starts, the next voice comes from the far right, a third from the other side. The aim of the game is to listen for an opportunity to shout out the number without clashing(冲突) with another voice or leaving a pause. On the first try, most of the young Germans try to be first, while a few are too shy to join in, but by the fifth time round, they develop a rhythm(节奏). The message: give other people space but also confidently claim your own. This is a requirement for social well-being. The Willy Hellpach School in Heidelberg is the first in the nation to develop a happiness course. It is intended for students preparing for university entrance exams. “The course isnt there to make you happy,” Ernst Fritz-Schubert, the school principal, warned pupils, “but rather to help you discover the ways to become happy.” Cooking a meal together is one of the class exercises. Improving body language under the guidance of two professional actresses is another. The course is taught for three periods a week. Despite the happy subject, the pupils themselves insist it is no laughing matter. “In the first period, we had to each say something positive about another member of the class and about ourselves. No laughing at people or teasing(取笑),” said Fanny, 17. The message: self-esteem(自尊) improves happiness, too. Research by the school shows it is not the first to start happiness classes: they also exist at some US universities, but are mainly based on positive thinking, using findings from studies of depression. “That would be too one-sided for us. We want to show how decent food or exercise can help, too,” the principal said.68. The best title of this text would be_. A. Basic things for happiness B. Having a try to be happy C. Learning how to be happy D. Laughing a lot at school69. Why is the course compared with math and languages? A. It is given like the subjects which already exist. B. It is as important as traditional courses. C. It is necessary for the students. D. It arouses similar interest of the students at this school.70. This course is required to be taken by_. A. first year studentsB. all students at this school C. students with mental problemsD. students who are going to finish school71. The underlined word in the last paragraph “decent” is closest in meaning to_. A. strange B. good C. useful D. ridiculous D I was walking along the main street of a small seaside town in the north of England looking for somewhere to make a phone call. My car had broken down outside the town and I wanted to contact the AA. Low grey clouds were gathering across the sky and there was a cold damp wind blowing off the sea which nearly threw me off my feet every time I crossed one of the side streets. It had rained in the night and water was dripping from the bare trees that lined the street. I was glad that I was wearing a thick coat. There was no sign of a call box, nor was there anyone at that early hour whom I could ask. I had thought I might find a shop open selling the Sunday papers or a milkman doing his rounds, but the town was completely dead. The only living thing I saw was a thin frightened cat outside a small restaurant. Then suddenly I found what I was looking for. There was a small post office, and almost hidden from sight in a dark narrow street next to it was the towns only public call box, which badly needed a coat of paint. I hurried forward, but stopped in astonishment when I saw through the dirty glass that there was a man inside. He was fat, and was wearing a cheap blue plastic raincoat. I could not see his face and he did not even raise his head at the sound of my footsteps. Discreetly(谨慎地), I remained standing a few feet away and lit a cigarette to wait my turn. It was when I threw the dead match on the ground that I noticed something bright red trickling from under the call box door.72. At what time was the story set?A. An early winter morning.B. A cold winter afternoon.C. An early summer morning.D. A windy summer afternoon.73. Which of the following words best describe the writers impression of the town?A. Cold and frightening.B. Dirty and crowded.C. Empty and dead.D. Unusual and unpleasant.74. The underlined word “trickling” in the last paragraph probably meansA. rushing out suddenlyB. shining brightlyC. flowing slowly in dropsD. appearing slowly in a red color 75. Why didnt the man raise his head when the writer came near?A. He was annoyed at being seen by the writer.B. He was angry at being disturbed by the writer.C. He was probably fast asleep.D. He was probably murdered. E Robinson Diaz lives in a small cottage high in the Andes Mountains of South America. Diaz is a “cable racer”, and every morning he faces the difficult task of taking the local teacher to her school. To do this, he first walks for an hour up to a place the locals call Los Pinos, right at the edge of the 400-foot deep gorge(峡谷) of the Negro valley. Here, one end of a thick metal cable has been fixed to a wooden post. The cable stretches right across the deep valley to the other side, a kilometer away. A metal hook is fixed to the cable, with leather straps hanging from it. Diaz fastens the straps around his shoulders and waist, does a quick safety check and then, without hesitating, throws himself off the edge of the mountain. Attached to the cable by only the metal hook, he rapidly picks up speed and soon he is racing through the air. Crossing the valley by wire takes him 30 seconds, instead of the two hours it would take him to walk down through the rain forest and climb up the steep m

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