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2010年春季六级冲刺辅导讲义一、 试题结构六级考试试卷结构考试项目答题时限题目数量分值比例第一部分写作30分钟1道占总分值15%第二部分快速阅读15分钟10道(选择7道填空3道)占总分值10%第三部分听力理解35分钟36道占总分值35%A节B节C节第11-18题 短对话第19-25题 长对话第26-35题 段落题第36-46题 听写题1%81%71%100.5%8 + 2%3第四部分仔细阅读25分钟15道占总分值25%A节B节第47-51题 问答填空第52-61题 传统阅读1%52%10第五部分完形填空(或改错)15分钟完形20道(或改错10道)占总分值10%第六部分翻译5分钟5道占总分值5%二、 项目突破1 写作Q1:写作话题一、 校园话题选择专业交纳学费正式入学读书学习考 试课余生活心态处事毕业就业面试Example:读书学习:1. 2006年12月CET-6:The Importance of Reading Classics2. 2007年12月CET-4:What Electives to Choose课余生活:1. 2006年6月CET-4:Volunteers Wanted2. 2007年6月CET-4:Welcome to our club3. 2008年6月CET-4:On Recreational Activities4. 2009年12月CET-4:Create a green campus心态处事:1. 2008年12月CET-6:How to Improve Students Mental Health?二、 社会话题社会话题环境保护、健康娱乐、文化生活、社会风尚、衣、食、住、行Example:环境保护:1. 2008年12月CET-4:On Disposable Plastic Bags文化生活:1. 2008年6月CET-6:Will E-books Replace Traditional Books?2. 2009年6月CET-4:Free Admission to Museums3. 2009年12月CET-6:Should Parents Send Their Kids to Art Classes?社会风尚:1. 2006年6月 CET-6:Traveling Abroad2. 2007年6月CET-6:Should One Expect Reward When Doing a Good Deed?3. 2007年12月CET-6:The Digital Age4. 2009年6月CET-6:On the Importance of a NameQ2:命题形式一、 现象评说二、 观点对比三、 问题解决四、 图表阐释五、 应用文体六、 综合篇章Example:现象评说2007年12月CET-6The Digital Age1. 如今,数字化产品越来越多,如2. 使用数字化产品对于人们学习工作和生活的影响;3. 你对数码产品的看法。2008年12月CET-4On Disposable Plastic Bags1.目前人们普遍使用一次性塑料袋;2.使用一次性塑料袋带来的问题;3.限制使用一次性塑料袋的意义。2008年6月CET-4On Recreational Activities1. 娱乐活动多种多样;2. 娱乐可能使人们收益,也可能有危害性;3. 作为大学生,我的看法。观点对比2006年12月CET-4My View on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala1. 许多人喜欢看CCTV 春节晚会;2. 但有的人认为应该取消; 3. 你的看法2009年12月CET-6Should Parents Send Their Kids to Art Classes?1. 现在有不少家长送孩子参加各种艺术班,有人表示支持;2. 有人并不赞成这种做法;3. 我认为2007年6月CET-6Should One Expect Reward When Doing a Good Deed?1. 有人做好事期望得到回报;2. 有人认为应该向雷锋那样做好事不图回报;3. 我的观点。2009年6月CET-6On the Importance of a Name1. 有人说名字或名称很重要;2. 也有人觉得名字或名称无关紧要;3. 我认为。问题解决2009年12月CET-4Create a green campus1. 建设绿色校园十分重要2. 绿色校园不仅指绿色环境3. 为了建设绿色校园我们应该2008年12月CET-6How to Improve Students Mental Health?1. 大学生的心里健康十分重要;2. 为此学校可以3. 我们自己可以图表阐释2006年6月 CET-6Traveling Abroad1. 近十年某城市越来越多人选择出国旅游;2. 出现这种现象的原因;3. 这种现象可能产生的影响。应用文体2006年6月CET-4Volunteers Wanted1. 校学生会将组织一次暑期志愿者活动,先招募志愿者;2. 本次志愿者活动的目的、内容、安排等;3. 表明条件及联系方式。2007年6月CET-4An announcement to welcome students to join to a clubWelcome to our club1. 本社团的主要活动内容2. 参加本社团的好处3. 如何加入本社团综合命题2009年6月CET-4Free Admission to Museums1. 越来越多的博物馆免费对外开放,目的是2. 也会带来一些问题;3. 你的看法。2008年6月CET-6Will E-books Replace Traditional Books?1. 随着信息技术的发展,电子图书越来越多;2. 有人认为电子图书将会取代传统图书,理由是3. 我的看法。2006年12月CET-6The Importance of Reading Classics1. 阅读经典书籍对人的成长至关重要;2. 现在愿意阅读经典的人却越来越少;3. 我们大学生应该怎么办。Q3:应考策略一、 应对策略: 30 = 2+3+20+5Step 1:主旨分析,词汇拓展Step 2:框架分析,思路拓展Step 3:段落分析,句型拓展Step 4:查漏补缺,修正错误二、 高分原则1. 提纲原则2. 框架原则3. 词句原则4. 工整原则Sample Test:The Importance of Helping Each Other1. 相互帮助对我们的社会至关重要;2. 现在乐于助人者却越来越少;3. 我们大学生应该怎么办。Quotation TopicNo one can deny the simple truth: “reading makes a full man, while reading classics makes a full life.” Put it another way: everyone, nourished by those positive results of wisdom, may be more intelligent and sophisticated.Topic Cases ConclusionSadly, not every can realize the value of reading those great works. The following feelings are not unfamiliar: facing more leisure activities, be it playing computer games or watching online movies, one may feel it natural to turn his attention away from “ancient books”; browsing through a thousand-page-classic, one may tell himself “why bother to read such a dictionary”. Evidently, the combination of this external distracting and internal disgust is responsible for the declining of reading classics.Reasoning ConclusionAs college men, we should bear in mind that classics are actually the description of human life, and every of us is, and will be a role of these great works. Guided by these wisdom, we can recognize who we are and get right attitude toward life. 【仿写练习】No one can deny the simple truth: “evolution makes human, but mutual assistance makes human life.” Put it another way: anyone, without help from others, can hardly lead a normal life. Unfortunately, not every is willing to offer help even if it is necessary. Specifically, the following misbehaviors are not unfamiliar but unpleasant: seeing a pregnant lady standing in a bumpy bus, no one stands up to leave her a seat; noticing an old man groping towards an exit, nobody lends a helping hand; glancing at the wounded groaning in a car accident, no driver takes him to a hospital. Clearly, the combination of selfishness and cowardliness is the direct reason for the vanish of helping each other.As college men, we should bear in mind that every of us is a character of human society, and, from time to time, every of us was, is, and will be a man who need help from others. Therefore, we have the duty to lend a helping hand, so that others have a reason to help us.Q4:句型拓展On Recreational Activities1. 娱乐活动多种多样;2. 娱乐可能使人们收益,也可能有危害性;3. 作为大学生,我的看法。On E-shopping1. 当前网络购物盛行;2. 网上购物的利与弊;3. 作为大学生,我的看法。Reaching new peak of popularity in modern live is online shopping, which has attracted people from all walks of life. Specifically, it is not surprising to see young ladies ordering fashionable dresses from www.taobao.com, young men purchasing magazines from some book-selling website, and even the aged buying household appliances from the Internet.It is indisputable that the prevalence of E-shopping has impact, be it strong or slight, on our daily live. Thanks to the marketplace on the Internet, we have more choices than ever to pay bill for gas, television or telephone without going to an office several blocks away. However, this marvelous technology is condemned by some indignant characters. According to them, with this business, no department would have a control on the quality of service or commodities.In the aggregate, currently, the current online-shopping system has both advantages and some intrinsic flaws. Although it is not so perfect, we can never deny the convenience it brings us. We are definitely stepping into an era when all these trouble are solved and everyone, no matter he is an adult or a kid, well-educated or just normal, would enjoy the convenience which E-shopping bring us.On E-Shopping1. 当前网络购物盛行;2. 网上购物的利与弊;3. 作为大学生,我的看法。【第一段】1. No one is able to ignore the prevalence of online-shopping, for it exists in every corner of our life. We may see youngsters ordering issues and magazines on book-selling-websites. We may also notice that some housewives are used to purchasing dresses on www.taobao.com. Evidently, online-retailing system is reshaping our daily life.2. No other topic receives more attention than the prevalence of online-shopping. To most of us, it is not surprising to see youngsters ordering issues and magazines on book-selling-websites. Equally, it is not uncommon that some senior citizens take advantage of the online-retailing system to buy daily necessities at low price. Apparently, this business has become of symbol of modern life.3. Reaching new peak of popularity in modern life is online-shopping, which draw the attention from people of both sexes, at various ages, and from all walks of life. Its popularity is self-evident: seeing a school girl ordering face cream online, we deem it nothing unusual; hearing of a granny purchasing an audiphones / a deaf-aid / a pair of crutches, we view it nothing surprising.附录:Drawing the attention of the vast majority is online-shopping, which concerns people of both sexes, at various ages, and from all walks of life.4. Have you ever seen college students purchasing stationeries from internet-based “shops”? Have you ever noticed office ladies clicking-to-buy fashionable dresses before a computer during lunch-time? For modern guys, all these cases seems to be merely daily occurrence. For average people, however, these activities, online shopping, are symbol of E-age.5. Traditionally, internet is supposed to be just a source of information, but is that still the only function? Actually, the value of net has just been enhanced by a newly emerging but prevailing technique: online-shopping system. With this system, we may feel it convenient to buy magazines, dresses, or household appliances at home. What we have to do is to click to choose and then click to pay.【第二段】(利益)危害罗列:1. have fundamentally transformed our way of work, education and life. 2. the last decades have witnessed immense changes in owning to , 3. . have made possible a “revolution” in . A case in point can be : .4. Thanks to , we have more choices than ever to ,5. with the assistance of these ., . can . without being worried about .1. Sadly, has brought about / resulted in / give rise to / many unfavorable consequences. 2. Sadly, represents a major challenge to and has triggered universal attention and concern. . That means . Even worse, .3. However, “prevailing” does not necessarily mean “valuable”. With the prevalence of ., we come across a big problem: It is indisputable that the prevalence of E-shopping has impact, be it strong or slight, on our daily live. Thanks to the marketplace on the Internet, we have more choices than ever to pay bill for gas, television or telephone without going to an office several blocks away. However, this marvelous technology is condemned by some indignant characters. According to them, with this business, no department would have a control on the quality of service or commodities.(争议)影响罗列1. Whether it is indeed beneficial .has triggered a heated discussion among the general public and the students themselves alike. Some folks, enjoying ., deem it an .not only to .but to .Sadly, others cling to the idea that .【第三段】针对消极问题:1. 提升段落In view of seriousness of the problem, effective measures should be taken before things get worse, of which the following one may be most effective: the school authorizes should work out concrete rules and regulations on this matter. As students, we are supposed to abide by the rule and be a role model in this respect.2. 站在鸟人的肩膀上When it comes to the concrete solutions to this problem, it occurs to most people that the best policy is to ban it by school regulations. However, that will work only on some extreme cases. Actually, an applicable approach may be to make everyone aware of the consequences of waste, and then get involved into the Anti-Waste Movement. 针对积极问题:1. In the aggregate, with ., we will have less trouble coping with problems occurring in jobs and lives. We are stepping into an era when everyone, no matter he is an adult or a kid, well educated or just normal, would enjoy the benefit which bring us. 针对中性问题:1. In the aggregate, currently, has both advantages and some intrinsic flaws. Although it is not so perfect, we can never deny the convenience it brings us. We are definitely stepping into an era when all these trouble are solved and everyone, no matter he is an adult or a kid, well-educated or just normal, would enjoy the convenience which . bring us.Q5:修辞训练【课堂范例】My View on TV Play Series1. 有很多人喜欢看电视连续剧; 2. 也有人认为这是有害的;3. 你的看法。【普通版本】It has been a hot topic for a long time whether TV play series are a blessing or curse for us. Para. 1 (第一段开头句)1.There arises a controversial debate over whether we should or / X is on earth a blessing or curse. Those who are in favor of deem that it is advisable to . According to them, no one could without .2.We often find ourselves caught in a dilemma, whether we should or / view X as a blessing or curse. .3.Whether we should or / view X as a blessing or curse has triggered a heated discussion.4.Whether we should or / view X as a blessing or curse has become a very controversial issue.5.As to whether we should or / view X as a blessing or curse, peoples views are divergent.6.Whether we should or / view X as a blessing or curse is a very popular topic which is often talked about not only by city residents but by farmers as well.Para. 2 (第二段开头句)1.The arguer may be right about ., but he seems to neglect / fail to mention (take into account ) the fact that 2.It would be nature to take the view that ., but it would be absurd to claim that .3.Such idea, if not entirely unreasonable / unacceptable / inappropriate / improper / undesirable, is somewhat misleading / doubtful and needs careful consideration.To exemplify it, .Para. 3 (第三段开头句)1.If asked to make a choice, I would not hesitate to side with the former / latter view.2.Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that 【常用修辞】一、 排比(Parallelism)You are overwhelming jade, as white as snow, as smooth and moist as grease, as brilliant as candles, and as firm as rock.你洁如白雪,润泽如脂,你光辉如烛,坚贞如磐,你是令人倾心的美玉。二、 押韵(Rhyme)“Evolution makes human, but mutual-help makes human life.” Put it another way, without the assistance from each other, no one can lead a normal life. Ladies may get pregnant, so they may need others seat on a bumpy bus. Youngsters are inevitable to be old, so they may demands others helping hand to go upstairs. Tiny children may be bullied by stronger ones, so they may ask the adults for help. All of us may have the chance to be this pregnant lady, old man, or bullied-child. Therefore, we have the duty to be the “seat lender, old-man tender or kid-defender” in one word, helper.三、 委婉(Euphemism)Mrs. Chou is in a delicate condition.Sorry, I have to go to the toilet.Sorry, I have to do my duty.Sorry, I have to fix my face.Sorry, I have to give myself ease.Mrs. Chou is eating for two.Mrs. Chou has her watermelon on the vine.Mrs. Chou has one on the way.Mrs. Chou is an expectant mother.Mrs. Chou is full of heir. Mrs. Chou is knitting little bootees.Old senior citizen, second childhood, the longer livingStupid student slow learner, underachiever四、 比喻(Figure Speech)明喻(Simile)本体 is/are like 喻体These TV series are like a millstone, killing off our spare time as well as our imagination.暗喻(Metaphor):本体 is/are 喻体All the characters in a TV play are family members of the aged.Without anyone living with them, senior citizen lament that their life is a cold winter, but TV programs are their spring breeze.To teach a senior citizen to deal with loneliness is to teach fish to swim.借喻(Metonymy):用喻体直接代替本体The grey hair should be respected.The pen is mightier than the sword.Keep going, and you will “succeed to the crown” after the examinations.Young men are always attracted by a social butterfly, but loved by a Cinderella. 五、 拟人(Personification)The last decade has witnessed / seen She lies there, listening to the moans of the autumn wind, the songs of the spring breeze, and the rhythms of summer rain.We may see a retired grandpa lying in a coach, watching the sweet smiles or sweat faces of the TV screen.However, we may see parents anger flames tearing up childrens passion for TV series.【修辞版本】Stuck by a fish-bone in the throat, we may be awkward. Asked whether TV play series are a blessing or curse, we may be even more awkward. Many people, mostly the aged or retired, advocate that these TV programs offer them an opportunity to fill their spare time with joy and pleasure. “Living alone, I deem TV plays as my sweet cake,” said the granny next door, “I cannot imagine how life could be if there should be a power failure I can sense no voice or see no one acting”.However, one mans meat can be anothers poison! This welfare for retired TV drama programs may kill off precious time of youngsters. Admittedly, some teleplays are summaries of classics, say, the Journey to The West, and some are encouraging textbooks, such as My Youth, I Call the Shots. Unfortunately, indulgence in these programs may deprive young students of their chances to read, to learn or to grow, killing their curiosity and creativity.As to me, I am certainly a big fan of some TV series, but I will never view these programs as the whole picture of my life. I am convinced that all of us, man or woman, young or old, should have a right attitude toward TV series: they are the source of pleasure, but the sources of happiness cannot be confined to them. 【课后练习】How to Get Books?1. 有人认为应该购买书籍;2. 也有些人认为应该借阅书籍;3. 你的看法。Q6:横向拓展2 翻译常见翻译考点总结3 完形完形心法Exercise 1Carrie Johnston usually doesnt feel hungry after a good sweat. Exercise 1 Johnstons appetite, but she knows she has to make up 2 lost calories following a workout. She says, “When I come home after exercises, I force myself to eat supper.” 3 , Johnston says many female athletes let good eating habits go and risk health 4 thinness.1. A improves B suppressesC depresses D destroys2. A toB onC forD with3. A ThereforeB HoweverC MoreoverD Besides4. A in the face ofB because ofC at the expense ofD for the sake ofExercise 2If plentiful water flows out of every tap in our home and if have a clean toilet that conveniently washes out waste, it may be 1 to believe that the world is running out of an adequate supply of water. We should remember, however, that only 20 percent of mankind enjoys such 2 . In Africa many woman spend as much as six hours a day 3 water.1. A hard B easyC sure D usual2. A decorationsB luxuriesC wastesD recreations3. A bringingB takingC fetchingD carryingExercise 3We have spoken of marriage as a formal contract between couples. It should be noted that this contract does not 1 the same form in different societies. In Western societies, 2 , the 3 of a man and a woman is granted the status of legal marriage by being registered by an official recognized by the state. In some African societies, 4 , marriage has nothing to do with an official registration of this kind but is legalized by the formal 5 of goods. Generally it is the bridegroom who is required to make a payment of goods to the brides kin, though sometimes a payment is also made by the bridegrooms kin to 6 of the bride.Among the Nuer, a 7 living in Southern Sudan, the payment made to the brides kin, called bridewealth, is in the 8 of cattle. Once the amount of bridewealth is agreed upon, and the formal payment is made, the marriage becomes a legal union. The offspring of the union become the acceptable 9 of 10 . They will remain his children even if the wife leaves him to marry another men.1. A makeB getC take D find2. A for instanceB howeverC consequentlyD in addition3. A conditionB unionC cohabitD divorce4. A howeverB yetC thoughD still5. A contactB exchangeC communicationD connection6. A thatB whatC whichD those 7. A personB peopleC manD couple 8. A styleB sizeC formD type 9. A brideB cattleC paymentD wealth 10. A wifeB husbandC kinD bridegroom4 阅读速阅心法Types of ClimateClimate is the combination of temperature, moisture, wind, and sunshine at a place over a period of many years. Weather is made up of atmospheric conditions during a few hours or days. The weather may be rainy on a certain day. But that place may usually have a warm, dry, sunny climate. We lear

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