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高考判卷感受今年我很荣幸的参加了北京市外语高考判卷工作,受老师委托,通过今天这样一个机会把判卷的感受和大家交流沟通一下,总的来说,判卷的标准还是比较严格的,一共200名老师进行判卷,其中有一半是大学老师,这也就意味着对学生作答的要求更加严格,试卷实行双评制, 两位教师的评分如果超过3分 要进行三评.通过这次亲临高考阅卷工作, 真正体会了高考的严肃和神圣.近几年的北京高考情景作文以图画式为主; 一般由四幅画组成的组图,同时给出一定的文字说明。题材主要涉及到学生熟悉或经历的日常生活。考查学生对图画内容的观察和理解,要求学生有条理,有重点,生动准确地把图画内容加工成书面语言。拿今年作文举例,今年我判的最高的作文是20分,最低的作文是0分,下面我们大家一起来看一下今年的作文。同样也是四幅图,我想和大家一起解读一下情景作文的评分细则,本人认为对高考英语写作非常有意义.1. 本题总分20分,按五个档次给分。2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言质量初步确定其档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。3. 评分应考虑:内容要点的完整性,上下文的连贯性,词汇和句式的多样性及语言的准确性。4. 拼写,标点符号或书写影响内容表达时,应视其影响程度予以考虑,英美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。5. 词数少有60,从总分中减去1分。二内容要点:1.发现 2.询问 3.告诉路线 4.分别With the sun rising with a gentle breeze , I was jogging along the street when I saw a foreign couple talking with a city map .puzzle wore obviously on their face , it dawned on me that they must have been lost . The moment I talked to them ,I got to realize that they could not locate the place of tian tan . telling them how to discover the right spot they were heading for ,I also showed them how to step toward the temple of heaven . due to my introduction , they began to felt a sign of relief .With a sun rising the gentle breeze ,I was walking along the street when I Saw two foreigners standing on the street . How time flies ! it was soon that the bus pulled at the bus stop .it was obvious that they were going to leave .before leaving , I saw them off ,waving hand to them ,expressing my best hope to them . Short though the deed was , I felt proud and delighted ,for not only can I offer the helping hand to the needy people , but I have showed how polite and enthusiastic our Beijing people are . 他们的表情很迷惑的样子,我想到 他们肯定迷路了。 于是我走上前去,问他们的问题是什么。他们说不知道天坛在地图上标的那里,知道了这个情况后,我告诉他们如何找到天坛,并且,我告诉了他们的路线,看到他们松下一口气后,我非常的高兴。Seeing them have a sign of relief , I felt very delighted .I told them the way to get to temple of heaven A sign of relief 由于我没有事情,我之后一直把他们带到了公交车站,他们对于我的这个行为非常的感谢。 They thanked me greatly They appreciated me greatly Led them to the bus stop 不一会,车来了,soon , here came their bus .Saw them off They get off the bus 我挥手给他们告别,他们的微笑让我的充满了成就感。 Before leaving ,I waved to them with a smile on my face .and a sense of happiness filled my heart /Seeing them get on the bus ,I had a sense of achievement .句式带动词汇。看前面的文章的感受词,感情词What It I what surprised me most were his What attracted me most were It was after 20 minutes that we arrived at the park exit I After that ,After doing that 第三个,尽量写会写的。我非常的感到高兴,希望多做几次这种事帮助他人,并且展示北京人的热情。 How enthusiastic and polite they are !it dawned on me that they must have been lost .ideas occurred to me that they must have been lost I guess that 一天,我陪我的老外朋友去公园,我们心情很好,然后我们打车去了,在路上,我们非常的欢声笑语,我的外国朋友还拍照,大概过了 二十分钟,我们到了公园,我们都非常的开心。突然,我的外国朋友想到他的照相机不见了,我突然想到我们肯定丢到出租车了。Invoice 因此我们就给出租车打电话,(发票上所显示的电话)不就,出租车司机就给我们camera来了,他的这一行为让我们非常的感动。 Call the taxi driver 今天,虽然事情很小,但是我感受到,人们互相帮助总是能让人有一种温暖之情,我希望自己以后也能够帮助他人,给别人带来欢乐、a taxi 三各档次的给分范围和要求:第一档(18-20分)完全完成了试题规定的任务。覆盖了所有内容要点,运用了多样的句式和丰富词汇,语法或用词方面有个别错误,但为尽量表达需要,很强的语言运用能力,有效的使用了语句间的连接成分,完全达到了预期的写作目的。Saturday ,June2 FineThis morning,I was jogging along the road when I came across a foreign couple with a city map. Confusion was clear on their faces and immediately it dawned on me that they must have been lost. Without hesitation, I walked up to them and offered to help .Thankfully. my English was fluent enough to make myself understood .They smiled in relief and said they wanted to visit the Heaven Temple but failed to locate it in the map. Quickly .I pointed It out on the map and showed them the direction as well. Worried by the thought that they might again get lost on their way . I walked them to a nearby bus stop so that they could arrive there without trouble After a while, the bus No.20 pulled up at the stop which would took them to the Heaven Temple . upon leaving .the couple thanked me warmly again, expressing their appreciation for my kind help. Seeing the NO.20 Bus disappearing into the distance,a sense of happiness filled my heart. It makes me so delighted and proud to offer others in need a helping hand ,and in this case, I am also able to show foreigners. how friendly the city of Beijing is.(19-20)点评:内容完整,语言与句式丰富,有个别的错误. 语言运用能力很强,很地道的英语语言表达。Saturday June 2 This morning ,on my way to the spats other ,I came across a couple of foreigner ,the man holding a map looking for the route with a doubtful expression .To help them to find a way to their destination ,I walked towards them ,asking them whether they needed help, they nodded with smile. Having a brief conversation . I knew that they were planning to visit the Temple of Heaven but lost the way because they took the bus driven to the opposite direction. Then I took them to the bus station and told them to take the NO 20 bus and to get off at the stop Tian tan Park , they understood quickly. The bus come when we were talking warmly , the couple got on the bus ,saying :Thank you, in poor Chinese I waved to them to goodbye. I did not leave until the bus driver out of my view Though it took about half an hour to help them, I still considered it worthy .because not only did I improved my spoken English, but also I represented china and left the foreign couples nice impression.(18)点评:完全完成了试题规定的任务,句式多样,词汇丰富,语法和用词有个别错误,但为尽可能表达丰富的内容所致,语言运用能力强,内容连贯,结构紧凑。第二档(15-17分)覆盖了内容要点,运用的句式和词汇基本满足任务要求,语法和用词方面基本准确,少许错误主要为尽可能表达丰富句式所致,使用了简单的语句间连接成分,所写内容连贯。达到了预期的写作目的。Saturday , June 2 fineThis morning, on my way to the park, I found two foreigners struggling with the Beijing Tourist Map and they even said: what was the mean on the Map? Hearing this ,I thought they may caught by the “language problem”. So I decided to help them without hesitant After talking with them, I knew that they wanted to go to the :”Tiantan park” but they did not know how to get there . They looked sad. As a good student ,I hone the responsibility to help foreigners. So I asked them to follow me and said that I would give you the best ride to the Tiantan park. After a while, I leaded them to the bus station telling them to take the Number. 20 bus to get the Tiantan park. Feeling delight by my help , the admired we and thanked me a lot When the bus came ,I told them to get on it ,Before getting on the bus ,we waved hands to each other and there were two big smile on our face In my opinion ,as a senior student specially as a Chinese ,we should always help the foreignersOnly in this way can we leave a good impression in foreigners heart!点评:完全完成了试题规定的任务,句式比较多样,词汇较为丰富,语法和用词有个别错误,但为尽可能表达丰富的内容所致,语言运用能力较强,内容连贯,结构比较紧凑。(17)When I was down the street, I saw two American Tourists talking with each other in English and I heared they were talking about the road to Heaven Temple. They seemed got lost, So I decided to help them. Then I introduced myself and told them where the Haven Temple is. After that I led them to a bus station and told them that NO. 20 bus can get there. And when they were waiting for the bus I introduced more fun places in Beijing to them. Finally the bus came and they got on the bus with smiles and thanked me happily I felt happy for helping them too, I really think help people is a meaningful thing and I will absolutely do it in my whole life.点评:完全完成试题规定的任务,覆盖了所有内容要求,句式与词汇的使用能够满足任务要求,语法用词有少许错误。(15)第三档:(12-14分)基本完成了试题规定的任务。覆盖了内容要点,运用的句式和词汇基本满足任务要求,语法和用词方面有一些错误,但不影响理解。基本达到了预期的写作目的。This morning, I was heading school suddenly 2 western people caught my eyes. They were a couple. Both of them fixed their eyes on a map with a puzzled look on their faces.Guessing they may meet with some troubles, I automaticaly walked close them. asking if they need help. The wife told me that they find the way to the Temple of Heaven After a consideration. I advised them to take a bus. It was the bus NO.20 that owns a stop named “the Temple of Heaven ”I didnt leave until the bus came. waving good-bye, They thanked me again and again.This experience is still vivid in my mind , though my efforts were small. They did make our planet a warmer place to live.(14)点评:基本完成了规定的任务,覆盖了内容要点;语法和用词方面有一些错误,但不影响理解。This morning on my way to school, I saw a man was asking a lady how to get the Tian tan Park with a map in his hands, but the lady didnt know what he said. I went to them and told them the way to Tian tan park patient. After a while ,we came to the bus station and I told them the bus of the 20th could arrived Tian tan Park when the bus came. I asked them got on the bus and I also said “goodbye” to them.I think this experience is very meaningful for me. Through this experience, I can not only help others but also improve my foreign languages skill .I will try my best to help more and more people.点评:基本完成了规定的任务,覆盖了内容要点;语法和用词方面有一些错误,但不影响理解。(13)This morning , I went to the book store ,on my way home , I saw a couple of people stand on the road. They took a map and spoke in English. I think they face some difficulties. I went to them to the Tian tan park but they didnt know where it is. I told them that they should take the bus 20 arrive there. I showed them to the bus station and told them where they should get off when the bus come to the station , they expressed there thanks for me and I waved the hand to them . I hope they have a good time in the park.(12)点评:要点全,内容完整,完成规定任务,个别语法,用词及表达有错误,但不影响理解。第四档:(6-11分)未恰当完成试题规定的任务,漏掉或未描述清楚要点内容,所用的句式和词汇有限,语法或用词方面的错误影响了对所写内容的理解,未能清楚的传达信息。One day, I was walking in the street . There were two foriengners who cant find their way . Then, I asked where they wanted to go , and help them how to get to their destination. They wanted to TIan Tan Park . so I suggested them to take a bus. Because Beijings bus system is really convince. Not only did I pointed the way , but also did I took them to the bus station.Looking them got on the bus happily, I was really happy. Tired as I was ,but the sense of achievement came up from the bottom of my heart!(11)点评:未恰当的完成规定任务,未描述清楚内容要点;语法和用词错误影响了对内容的理解。This morning ,I walked along the street to visited my friend .Then I noticed two old forigners were looking the Beijing Tourist Map with puzzled when I passed them. Its seems that they were lost their way. I talked with them whether they need help and the old woman told me they wanted to visited Tiantan park. Pointing at the map, the old man asked me how to get there. I looked around and found there is a bus station not far from us. I walked to the bus station with the foreigners followed.Arriving at the station, I told them that the bus 20 can got Tiantan park easily. Minutes later, the bus 20 stoped and they got off the bus waving for them , I wished they would have a happy travel in China. (10)点评:未恰当完成规定的任务,未描述清楚内容要点;所用的词汇和句式有限;语法和用词错误影响了对内容的理解(got off)This morning I saw two forigers, they was finding the way with the map. They looked puzzling. Then I ask them where are they want to go. The woman tell me they want to go to TianTan. I helped them find the bus. When they took the bus, I feel happy. Because can help others.In the future, I will help a lot of people, I want to be a LeiFeng.点评:要点基本覆盖,但所用句式和词汇有限,语法和用词错去影响了对所写内容的理解。(8)I am LiHua, I am a students. I study in class 1 grade 3 from Hongxing high school.This morning. When I walked on the road I saw a forgiers family. They found the way by Beijing Tourist Map. but they couldnt understand the way. I rember my teachers often tell us we should help the people who has difficult. So I went to the forgiers to ask them if they needs help. They told me what happened ,I helped them found the place on the Beijing Tourist map. But because they are come from other countrys I decided to took them to the place where they want to go.I introduce some history of Beijing when we went to the bus station. Arriver the bus station I told them which bus they can take . They were so happy . When the bus is coming I saw them take the bus . Then I left they were so happy.I think we should remember what the teachers say and help the people who has difficult. It can let the world become more beautiful. And let people who has the difficult think people is friendly.点评:要点表述不清,篇幅虽长,但所用的句式和词汇严重的影响了对所写内容的理解,语法错误频繁出现。明显的词不达意。(7)第五档:(1-5)未完成试题规定的任务,明显遗漏要点内容,所用句式和词汇贫乏,严重影响了对所写内容的理解,词不达意。完全不能清楚的表达信息。When I on the way to my friends home, I found two elder people at the street, looking the Beijing tourist map, I found they had some trouble, so I walked to them. By some simple conversation, I know they would go to the temple of helven. Then I let them to the bus station and reminded them to get No. 20 bus at the temple of helven stop. With my help the older people get the right bus to visit the temple of helven. At the end of the arrivite, I found helping to solve is an happy thing, it can improve our conversation ability. And help some people can make the world more and more beautiful.(5)点评:缺少告别的要点,运用的句式和词汇有限,语法和用词方面的错误影响了对整个文章内容的理解.通过以上对评分细则的解读,也许各位老师内心多少有点触动或感悟. 注意点:1. 内容要点完整性的定义就是每个要点要配合至少有一个细节支撑才能称之为完整的要点,细节为要点服务,细节未描述清楚或句子写错都可被视为要点不完整。我想这个真的很重要,有的同学认为要点都写了,可是分不高,那我想和我说的这个注意就很有关系了。所以要想得高分作文,最重要的一条,要点要全,内容充实, 其次是要把句子写对,有细节的支撑。.做到这些作文肯定能到12分-14分左右, 即第三档.如果再有出彩的句子和地道的表达, 并增加对每副图片细节合理的描写就会跳到第二档,即15-17分.2. 关于词汇的使用的问题,第一,拼写的正确性,出现了很多动词过去式和过去分词的错误,这个各位老师一定要重视,这个很重要,因为我觉得某种程度上它决定了句子的正确性。进而影响作文的档次。希望各位老师查查孩子的过去式和过去分词。举例()第二, The Right Word at the Right Time;Using the right word at the right time is rather like wearing appropriate clothing for the occasion:所谓选词用词原则就是指选择和使用最适合具体语境、最能向读者传递作者真实思想的词语。另外对于教重点班的老师来说,这个显得尤为重要。大词的使用问题需要和老师们探讨。词汇使用的恰当性,有的作文写得很好,句式也不错,可是读起来就是有点别扭,原因是使用了我们所说的大词,看起来这个同学词汇量很大,可是用在这里并一定很顺畅和地道,反而画蛇添足了。有一篇专家组就给了14分,解释就是拽词了。3. 我刚才提到了,要点全,内容充实是得高分的首要. 写对句子是保障. 做到要点全,行文流畅,句子对,至少在12 分左右,也有可能得到更高的分数,哪怕都是简单句,至少能保证在及格线以上.确切地说能得到12-14分,这对于阅卷人来说,是比较安全的一个评分点。,但真正的阅卷过程中,阅卷老师首先注意的还是语言.所以我们在平时的教学中,从简单的五种句型抓起,强化练习,保证70% 以上的同学能把句子写对,写出符合五种基本句型的句子,将是我们备考最有效的过程之一.4. 所以在开始时,对刚上高三的学生而言我认为先不要忙着写完整的情景作文, 我们先从简单句入手,反复翻译,或仿写,彻底消灭低级错误,能把简单句都能写全对的同学,说实在的,一个班也找不了多少.在这个基础上,再使用复合句.整理加工能够让作文出彩的句型或高级词汇,不需要很多,多了记不住.我想全区优秀学生毕竟是少数,大部分同学都处于中等水平,所以对于大多数学生而言,作文出彩,用不了几招,比如,so-that , I find it important/hard to do something,; He has made rapid progress, which makes-. 正确使用简单的定语从句,非谓语做定语或状语等,反复练,能学会几招就够了,因为作文中,有一两处出彩的地方就可以了。 5. 还有几个小问题,开头已给出,不超也不扣分;拼音拼写天坛两字可以接受,出现汉字不可接受,应该是零分; 整个作文的时态不是主要,关键是内容和语言质量.;出现对话体不是主要因素,关键也是在内容和语言本身; 没用黑色签字笔的一律标记提交大组长处理,估计按零分处理。It being a sunny day with a gentle breeze ,my father drove a car taking me to xiaomings house . on the way there ,talking and laughing ,we were delighted to see many beautiful views around us .After 30 minutes , we arrived at his house .the moment we stepped into his house ,we found xiao ming was working on his field ,while his grandma was directing him .it was very hard for me to imagine that a boy of my age could have shouldered such a responsibility of supporting his family (the boy whose age is the same as me )On seeing him ,I called xiao ming and he recognized me immediately .Then ,he showed us to him . what I brought for him were some presents ,such as a bag ,notebooks and other tools .thankfully ,xiao ming and his grandma appreciated my kindness .What attracted us most were the awards he received in his school .on the wall hang all kinds of his rewards ,demonstrating his effort ,sweat and determination . seeing all of this , I felt a sign of relief and determined to learn from him . How time flies ! it was soon that we put our visit to an end . before leaving ,they went outside to see us off, waving to us until our car disappeared . Short though the visit was , I felt excited and proud ,for not only can we offer a helping hand to the needy person ,but we can show him how warm our society is 。平时合理利用时间:上自习的时间看文综,背诵, 写作业英语:完型,单选,一个c 一个d 篇作文: What left a deep impression were the activities as follows . being absorbed


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