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精锐教育学科教师辅导讲义学员编号: 年 级:初三 课 时 数:学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师: 授课类型C (祈使句&感叹句)T (语篇综合)授课日期时段教学内容一、专题精讲 知识点一:祈使句一、定义:用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子叫做祈使句,祈使句最常用于表达命令。例如: Goandwashyourhands.(去洗你的手。命令) Bequiet,please.(Pleasebequiet.)(请安静。请求)Bekindtooursister.(对姊妹要和善。劝告)Noparking.(禁止停车。禁止)二、祈使句的结构:肯定结构:1.Do型(即:动词原形(+宾语)+其它成分)。如: Pleasehaveaseathere.请这边坐。有的祈使句在意思明确的情况下,动词可省略。如:Thisway,please.=Gothisway,please.请这边走。2.Be型(即:Be+表语(名词或形容词)+其它成分)。如:Beagoodboy!要做一个好孩子!3.Let型(即:Let+宾语+动词原形+其它成分)。如:Letmehelpyou.让我来帮你。否定结构:1.Do型和Be型的否定式都是在句首加dont构成。如:Dontforgetme!不要忘记我!Dontbelateforschool!上学不要迟到!2.Let型的否定式有两种:“Dont+let+宾语+动词原形+其它成分” “Let+宾语+not+动词原形+其它成分”。如:Dontlethimgo./Lethimnotgo.别让他走。3.有些可用no开头,用来表示禁止性的祈使句。如:Nosmoking!禁止吸烟!Nofishing!禁止钓鱼! 知识点二:感叹句一、定义:感叹句是用来表示说话人喜悦、愤怒、哀伤、惊奇等强烈感情及情绪的句子。感叹句由感叹词what和how引导,句末用感叹号。二、形式:(1)what引导的感叹句 What + a/an + adj.(形容词)+ 可数名词单数+主语+谓语! 例如: What an easy question it is!What a fine day it is today! What + adj.(形容词)+ 可数名词复数+主语+谓语! 例如: What beautiful flowers they are!What good students they are! What + adj.(形容词)+不可数名词+主语+谓语! 例如: What bad weather it is today! What beautiful music it is!(2)how引导的感叹句 How + adj.(形容词)+主语+谓语(系动词) ! 例如: How happy your father is!How poor the beggar was! How + adv.(副词)+主语+谓语(实义动词) ! 例如: How well she draws!How quickly our country is developing! How +主语+谓语! 例如: How I wanted to see you!How she loves her child!How I miss you! How + adj.(形容词)+ a/an +可数名词单数+主语+谓语(系动词/实义动词) !How good an example she has set for us! 她为我们树立了多好的榜样啊!How beautiful a lake it is! 多漂亮的湖啊!How foolish a man he is! 他是个多么愚蠢的人啊!三、感叹句中如何判断用what还是用how? 感叹句巧解:感叹句要看后面,即看形容词后的内容。 1) 若形容词后紧跟可数名词单数,就用what a/an;是不可数名词或 可数名词复数,只用what。 2)若形容词后后紧跟a/an/the/my/your/this/that/Toms等内容, 用how。 3)若没有形容词,而出现副词或是句子,直接用how。 如:How well he plays the guitar! 他吉他弹得多好啊! / 副词(what不可以修饰副词,看到副词直接用how)How time flies!四、把陈述句变为感叹句的方法:一断二加三换位1.“一断”,即在谓语后边断开,使句子分为两部分。例如:He is a good teacherHe isa good teacher2.“二加”,即在第二部分前加上how(强调副词,形容词)或what(强调名词)。例如:He is(what) a good teacher3.“三换位”,即把第一部分和第二部分互换位置,句号换感叹号。例如:What a good teacher he is!二、典型例题分析【例1】Tony, _ me the truth, or I am going to leave the room. A. to tell B. telling C. tell D. tells【解题思路】本题考查的是祈使句的肯定形式。句中真正的主语是you, 而不是Tony。动词原形开头,不能用现在分词、第三人称、动词不定式等形式。本题的意思是:Tony,跟我说实话,否则我要离开房间了。【正确答案】C【例2】_ shy, Tom. You are good at speaking English. A. Not be B. Dont be C. Be not D. Dont to be 【解题思路】本题考查“be + 表语”结构的祈使句的否定形式,dont应该加在动词be的前面,因为be shy是本题的动词短语,意思是“害羞”。本题的意思是:不要害羞,Tom,你擅长说英语。【正确答案】B【例3】-_ beautiful your address is! When did you buy it? -Yesterday. A. How B. How a C. What D. What a 【解题思路】how +形容词/副词 +主语+谓语!【正确答案】A【例4】_ he is! A. What clever B. How clever a boy C. How a clever D. What claver boy【解题思路】How + 形容词 + a/an + 单数名词 + 主语 + 谓语!【正确答案】B三、专题过关祈使句:. 根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子,每空一词。1. 这边请! _ _, please!2. 我来帮你吧。 _ _ help you.3. 我们休息一下吧。 _ _ a rest.4. 让她走吧。 _ _ leave.5. 要永远记住那个可怕的日子。 _ _ that terrible day.6. 务必告诉他这个消息! _ _ him the news!. 单项选择( )7. _ this kind of peach, and you will like it. A. To tryB. TryingC. TryD. Tried( )8. _ the radio, please. The baby is sleeping now. A. Not turn on B. Dont turn on C. Not turn down D. Dont turn down( )9. Please bring your homework to school tomorrow, Steven. OK, I _. A. willB. wontC. doD. dont( )10. Peter, dont step on the grass. _. A. It doesnt matter B. I cant do it C. Dont worry D. Sorry, I wont do it again( )11. Remember to ask her to call me back. _. A. Never mind B. Thats right C. Up to you D. All right( )12. Lets go out and enjoy the sunshine. _. Its boring to stay at home. A. Sounds great B. Not at all C. Forget it D. No way( )13. _ late for school again, Tim! Sorry, I promise that I _. A. Dont; wont B. Dont be; wont C. Dont be; dontD. Dont; will( )14. Boys and girls, _ up your hands if you want to go for a picnic this weekend. A. putting B. to put C. putD. puts感叹句:. 按要求完成下面的句子,每空一词。1. These flowers are very beautiful. (改为感叹句) _ _ these flowers are!2. The little boy is very clever. (改为感叹句) _ _ the little boy is!3. Its a funny story. (改为感叹句) _ _ _ story it is!4. What a good girl she is! (改为同义句) _ _ _ girl she is!5. How delicious the food is! (改为同义句) _ _ food it is!6. They are running fast. (改为感叹句) _ _ they are running!7. Her sister is a very lovely girl. (改为感叹句) _ _ lovely girl her sister is! _ _ her sister is!8. I have read a very interesting book. (改为感叹句) _ _ _ book I have read!9. Your dictionary is very useful. (改为感叹句) _ _ your dictionary is!10. The children are singing and dancing happily. (改为感叹句) _ _ the children are singing and dancing!. 单项选择( )11. What a friendly person _! We all like talking with him. A. is it B. is he C. it is D. he is( )12. _ swimming in this river! A. How great fun B. What great funC. How a great fun D. What a great fun( )13. _ sad news it is! We must try our best to help them out of trouble. A. What aB. What C. How a D. How( )14. What _ fine weather we have these days! A. aB. theC. /D. an( )15. _ lovely day! Lets go for a walk. A. WhatB. What a C. How D. How a( )16. _ dangerous it is to ride on a busy road! A. WhatB. What aC. How D. How a( )17. _ great time we had last week! A. How B. How a C. What D. What a( )18. _ man he is! A. What strange aB. How a strange C. What a strange D. What strange( )19. _ interesting it is to swim in the sea. A. HowB. What a C. WhatD. How a( )20. _ the soup tastes! A. How good B. How well C. What good D. What wellKeys: 一、. 1. This way 2. Let me 3. Lets have 4. Let her5. Always remember 6. Do tell . 7-10 CBAD11-14 DABC二、. 1. How beautiful 2. How clever 3. What a funny4. How good a 5. What delicious 6. How fast7. What a; How lovely 8. What an interesting9. How useful10. How happily.11-15 DBBCB 16-20 CDCAA三、学法提炼1、专题特点:(1)祈使句容易出现在中考试卷的单项选择中,在完型,阅读,词语填空的文章中也会出现,同学们需要正确理解它的语气和含义。(2)感叹句时历年必考的考点,通常出现在单项选择中。2、解题方法 (1)祈使句中,掌握do, to do , doing 的用法,以及let的用法,可以帮助我们更好的把握语境。(2)感叹句中,一是记住口诀,二是判断what和how的用法。3、注意事项 (1)祈使句因对象(即主语)是第二人称,所以通常都省略。祈使句的动词都为一般现在时,句末则使用句号来表示结束。(2)感叹句中,在根据主谓结构判断引导词的时候,若没有主谓结构,说明主谓结构省略了,那就依照句子最后的一个词来判断。一、 能力培养完形填空 Recently, a reader asked me about the dangers that pets can lace around the house. So, I visited my local animal 26 last weekend and got some advice to share about how we can make our homes 27 for our pets. When I arrived, several pets and their 28 were in the waiting room. Mr. Smith, with a cat, chatted with me. My cat will be 29 for an uncomfortable stomach in a minute, he said. My children gave 30 a bowl of milk. However, if she is given milk, she will get a stomachache.” Just then, the vet (兽医) walked over to us. “Yes, Mr. Smith is 31 . Only a few people know this, but milk mustnt be fed to cats 32 some cats cant take it in easily, the vet said. Other human foods are bad for pets 33 . For example, if a dog eats chocolate, it will become 34 . I asked the vet what other 35 there are for pets around the house. Well,” she replied, “we should not 36 small things, such as batteries, lying around as they can be eaten by pets. Last month, a small cat was brought 37 because it had eaten a button which was on the floor without being noticed. Before I left, the vet 38 me some more important advice to share with you: You should keep all medicines and cleaning products away from pets. Also, pets, such as cats and dogs, sometimes will 39 their hair if they are unwell, If your pet looks unwell or is acting unusual, you should 40 your vet immediately. Follow the advice and you can keep your pets safe.26. A. school B. hospital C. market D. museum27. A. warm B. safe C. clean D. beautiful28. A. owners B. visitors C. teachers D. actors29. A. paid B. chosen C. treated D. returned30. A. it. B. me C. him D. her31. A. friendly B. healthy C. good D. right32. A. until B. though C. while D. because33. A. as well B. so far C. as usual D. just now34. A. brown B. sick C. smart D. comfortable35. A. secrets B. changes C. dangers D. mistakes36. A. buy B. use C. leave D. collect37. A. in B. off C. on D. down38. A. offered B. posted C. wasted D. accepted39. A. colour B. keep C. lose D. sell40. A. point to B. ring up C. hear from D. look after阅读理解 A Try reading the following sentences as fast as you can. “She sells seashells by the seashore. The shells she sells are surely seashells. So if she sells shells on the seashore, Im sure she sells seashore shells.”Not very easy, was it? What youve just read is called a tongue twister (绕口令). It is an exercise made up of sounds that are hard to pronounce in order to help people pronounce words faster and more correctly. Try the next example.“Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper. Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers? If Pete Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, wheres the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?”Tongue twisters usually do not have much meaning. They are just designed to improve peoples ability (能力) to pronounce words. Although they may be very difficult, these exercises are very important to people who are trying to speak English correctly. This is because tongue twisters help people to tell the differences between similar sounds.So if you wish to pronounce words more smoothly, youd better try picking out some tongue twisters and practicing them. 41. Tongue twisters are helpful in improving _ skills.A. listening B. writing C. pronunciation D. communication42. The first tongue twister is hard because _.A. it is very boring to read B. it teaches us a lot of knowledgeC. we dont know who “she” is D. the sounds of “s” and “sh” are similar 43. The passage is probably taken from _ in a school newspaper.A. Story Time B. Study GardenC. Latest News D. Lost and FoundB Imagine a world where air pollution is no longer a problem. Clean air is all around us. People dont have to worry about polluting the air every time they drive their cars. They no longer need to face the problem of not having enough fuel either. Although scientists have been trying for many years to develop a new kind of car that does not need gasoline (汽油), they have been unsuccessful. Recently, however, car engineers have succeeded in creating a new kind of car that runs on gasoline and electricity. This is the famous hybrid car”. This car gets its name from the fact that it has a gasoline engine (引擎) and an electric motor inside. Hybrid cars do not pollute the environment as much as the cars that are commonly used today. They also cost drivers less money because they need less fuel than ordinary cars. Hybrid cars are becoming widely popular in the United States. They are soon expected to become widely used around the world. If scientists and engineers continue to work on car development, perhaps the world with clean air that we imagined earlier just might become real in the future.44. The underlined word they” in Paragraph (段落) 2 means _. A. cars B. drivers C. engines D. scientists45. Hybrid cars _. A. increase air pollution B. run only on electricity C. have no engines inside D. need less fuel than ordinary cars46. The passage tells us that with the development of cars, we may _. A. like electric cars B. drive cars easily C, live in the world with clean air D. understand how hybrid cars work47. The best title for the passage would be _. A, The Car of the Future B. The Meaning of Hybrid C. The Use of Hybrid Cars D. The Invention of the CarC Have you ever thought about what kind of job you would like to have when you grow up? Many people think that we can have only one job in our lifetime. We all know that this is not true, but quite a few people actually think this way. For example, when people choose a major (专业) in college, they think that the decisions they make now will decide their jobs for the rest of their lives. However, there are many examples where people became successful after changing heir careers (职业) later in life.J. K. Rowling, writer of the famous novel Harry Potter, was actually a school teacher before she began writing books, In fact , she was out of work before the first Harry Potter book came out. Former US President Ronald Reagan began as an actor when he was a young man. He later decided that he wanted to do political work. This kind of passion (激情) finally led him to become President of the United States.The famous 19th century artist Vincent Van Gogh was not a painter from the beginning. He once worked as an art salesman and later became a preacher. It was only 10 years before he died that he decided to become an artist.Careers are always open to change. The important thing is to find what you are really good at or what your really want to do. Once you find that passion, its all a matter of how hard you try. 48. _ was s teacher before he (she) became famous. A, Vincent Van Gogh B Ronald Reagan C. J. K. Rowling D. Harry Potter49. The underlined word “political in Paragraph 3 means _ in Chinese. A. 政治的 B 艺术的 C. 文学的 D. 经济的50. According to the passage, the most important thing to think of when choosing career is _.A. what major you choose in college B. how much money you can makeC. changing jobs as often as possible D. finding what you really want to do51. How is the passage organized? (Par = Paragraph)A. Par1 Pars 24 Par 5 B. Pars12 Par3 Pars 45 C. Par1 Pars 23 Pars 45 D. Pars12 Par 34 Par 5Keys:完形填空26B 27B 28A 29C 30D 31D 32D 33A 34B 35C 36C 37A 38 A 39C 40B四、阅读理解41C 42D 43B 44D 45D 46C 47A 48C 49A 50 D5l.A二、 能力点评 学法升华一、 知识收获2、 方法总结三、 技巧提炼课后作业作业1:用what或how填空1._wonderfullytheyswim!2._aninterestinglessonthestudentsarehaving!3._bravetheChinesepeopleare!4._beautifuldressestheseare!5._averyfunnystoryhetoldus!作业2:把下列句子改成由括号里的词引导的感叹句。1.Theexercisebookisquitethin.(how)2.Itisawonderfulidea.(what)3.Thissweaterisveryexpensive.(how)4.Thehorseisrunningfast.(how)5.Heisaverykindman.(what)6.Theyoungmanplayedthepianoverywell.(how)7.Thewindisblowingverystrongly.(how)作业3: 经典题解:1.Yourdormitoryisverybright.(改成感叹句)_yourdormitoryis!2.NanjingRoadWalkwaylooksverybeautifulatnight.(感叹句)_NanjingRoadWalkwaylooksatnight!3._excitingeventthe2010WorldCupis! A.WhatanB.WhataC.WhatD.How作业4:单项填空 16. Lots of people think that Life of Pi is _ amazing film. A. a .B. an C. the D.不填17. Youd better read the _ first before you use the camera. A. websites B. expressions C. instructions D. advertisements18. The shops were closed _ I didnt get any milk. A. so B. as C. or D. but19. - _ are they going, Mary? - Maybe to the library, Im not sure. A. Why B. When C. Where D. How20. - Your son is much _ now. - Yes. The jeans he wore last year are already too short for him. A. thin B. thinner C. tall D. taller2I. I have to be off now. My friends _ outside. A. wait B. are waiting C. have waited D. were waiting22. Its time for CCTV news. Lets _ the TV and watch it. A. turn on B. get on C. try on D. put on23. Drivers _ wear seat belts while their cars are running on the road. A. need B. can C. must D. may24. - Im new here. - Dont worry. Ill do what I can _ you. A. help B. to help C. invite D. to invite25. - You won the first prize in the English competition? - _ I always fail in English tests. A. Why not? B. Good idea! C. Sounds great! D. Youre kidding!Keys:16B l7C l8 A 19C 20D 21B 22A 23C 24B 25D

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