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六年级Module 5一、重点词组 当时,过去那个时候_ _ 遥远 _ _ 上网 _ _ _ 百货公司 _ _ 当你五岁的时候 _ _ _ _ _ _ 留短发 _ _ _ _ 一个乖女孩 _ _ _ 玩玩具 _ _ _ 喜欢笑/经常笑 _ _ _ 在那之前_ _ 远的 _ _ 大部分人 _ _ _ _ 乘公共汽车_ _ _ 办公楼 _ _ 2、单项选择题( ) 1. There are many things _ in the city.A.doB.doingC.to do( ) 2. Did you him this morning? Yes, I him at the school gate.A. see, sawB. saw, seeC. saw, saw( ) 3.Where he live in England last year? A. do B. was C.did ( ) 4. It has than 1000 pupils. A. more B. many C.much ( ) 5. I painted a picture for my mother, _ she loved it.A. butB. thenC. and( ) 6. She didnt talk much. She was in class. A. quiet B. excited C. surprised ( ) 7.My father traveling to different cities when he was young . A. like B. likes C. liked ( ) 8.On the bus, he sees people to work in modern building. A. go B.goes C.going 3、根据上下文完成对话。Janet: Mum!Mum: Yes?Janet: Look _ this photo. _ the baby me?Mum: Yes.Janet: _ I lovely when I was a baby?Mum: Yes, you _ lovely. All the people in our family loved you.Janet: What _ I look like?Mum: You _ big eyes and short blonde hair, but now you always_ it long. Janet: _ I a good girl when I was little?Mum: Yes. You _very quiet and polite.Janet: But now I _ still very good.4、选出每组中不同类的单词, 把答案的字母编号写在相应括号内。( ) 1. A.market B.hotel C.internetD.office( ) 2. A. angry B. surprised C. postcard D. polite ( ) 3. A. noisy B. city C. crowded D. quiet( ) 4. A. cry B. hear C. smile D. polite( ) 5. A.oily B. experience C. city D. countryside5、读句子,选择括号内适当的单词填空并将其写在横线上。1. Michael_ (is, was) a student five years ago.2. Ben enjoys_ (take, taking) exercise in the morning.3. Lets_ (see, will see) a film tomorrow.4. Kate_ (will ride, rode) a bike in the park last week.5. We_ (have, had) a music lesson yesterday.6. Xiaoling_ (play, plays) table tennis every day after school.7. Look! Judy_ (is milking, will milk) a cow on the farm.8. Dont_ (run, runs) in the classroom.9. -Did you_ (see, saw) Tom this morning? -Yes, I _ (see, saw) him at the school gate.6、按实际情况回答问题以及连词成句1. Were you good when you were little? 2. Do you keep your hair short now? 3.was, visit, to, it, first, his, Wuhan._4.at, home, day, all, you, stay, will?_5.to, in, the, do, there, things, are, city, many. _7、根据图片和提示字母,写出句子中所缺的单词。1. Look at the girl.She is c_.2. The lady on the right is f_.3. The man always works hard in his o_.4. We can buy some shoes in this s_.5. There are some old houses in this small v_.8、阅读理解。阅读下列短文,并判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,如符合写T,否则写F。 Two years ago, my school was old. It had only one building. The classrooms were old and there was no library in it. Students had PE lessons on an old and small playground. And there werent many trees or flowers in the school. But there are great changes now. There is a new building near the old one. The new classrooms are big and bright. There is a new library too. Its small, but it is clean and quiet. Students can read many different books there. We have a new and big playground, and there are more trees and flowers around it. Our school looks more beautiful.( ) 1. There was one building and one library in my school two years ago.( ) 2. The playground was old and small back then.( ) 3. There are two new buildings in the school now.( ) 4. The new classrooms are big and bright.( ) 5. Students now can read many books in the new library.( ) 6. There are many trees and flowers in my school now. 二、单元语法重点1、“一般现在时”与“一般过去时”的综合运用【必记内容】时态定义标志词一般现在时1.目前存在的状态2.经常性、习惯性的动作频度副词:例:always, usually, often, sometimes, every day(week, Sunday ) never一般过去时表示过去时间内发生的动作或存在的状态1. yesterday, last (week, year, month)the day before yesterday, just now等2two years ago, at that time, before等3in +过去年份时态基本结构一般现在时1)动词原形(如主语为第三人称单数,动词上要加(e)s) 2) am/is/are + 形容词/名词。3)否定式:am/is/are+ not ;谓语动词若为行为动词,则在其前加dont,如主语为第三人称单数,则用doesnt,同时还原行为动词4)一般疑问句:把be动词放于句首;用助动词do提问,三单则用does,放句首,同时还原行为动词一般过去时1)was/were+形容词/名词2)行为动词(动词过去式)3)否定式:was/were not;didnt +动词原形4)一般疑问句:was或were放于句首;用助动词did 提问,同时还原行为动词 Ten years ago, the school only one buildings. But now, there many tall, modern buildings in it.( ) A. had;are B. had;has C. has;are D. have;has2、 反义疑问句【必记内容】简单的反义疑问句口诀: 1. 前肯后否,前否后肯 2. 有情(情态动词)用情,有be(be动词)用be 3. 无情无be,请求借助(助动词) 4. 人名、物品全都改成he, she, it, they 5. There be 句型前后呼应 Mary likes swimming, ?( ) A. likent Mary B. likent she C. doesnt she D. dont she My hair was very long then, _? ( ) A. was it B. wasnt it C. was my hair D. was they -You wont follow his example, will you?- _, I dont think he is right. ( ) A.No, I wont B. Yes, I will C. No, I will D. Yes, I wont There are a few apples in the box, _? ( ) A. arent there B. are there C. arent it D. are it Your new apartment is much bigger than the old one, _? ( ) A. is it B. is that C. isnt it D. isnt that Lily went to Hong Kong yesterday, _? ( ) A. didnt she B. didnt he C. did she D. did he They can run fast, _ ? ( ) A. can they B. cant they C. can he D. can she They look like cups, _ they? ( ) A. does B. do C. dont D. doesnt You never watch TV at night, _? ( ) A. dont you B. doesnt you C. do you D. does you三、作文1、话题作文根据提示,描述你现在和以前的变化。不少于6句话When I was.years old, quiet, polite, short, tall, fat, thin, beautiful, cry, smile, like 课后练习一、问答配对,把答句的字母编号写在问句前的括号内。( )1. Where did you live two years ago? A. They are making machines. ( )2. What will Amy do tomorrow? B. They put them on the table.( )3. Where do the people put the cards? C. She will play badminton.( )4. How did Mary go to the park before? D. She went there on foot. ( )5. What are the workers doing there? E. I lived in Nanjing.( )6. How many old buildings were there? F. There were two. 二、选择适当的单词填空,把对话补充完整(注:有11个单词,只选用9个)。cant fun pictures go did went saw wonderful stayed took reallySue: Hi, Tom. How did you spend (度过) your holiday yesterday?Tom: I had a _ day, Sue.Sue: _? Where did you go?Tom: I _ to Guangzhou Zoo(动物园) with my parents and sister.Sue: What did you do there?Tom: Well, we _ lots of animals. Monkeys, horses, bears, deer and other animals. And we took plenty of _ of them.Sue: Wow! It was a lot of fun. _ you feed the animals there?Tom: No. We _ feed the animals. Its the zoo rule(规则). What about you, Sue?Sue: I _ at home all day and did my homework. And I helped my mother with some housework. It was no _ at all.三、选择正确的词填空1. Dont forget to brush your teeth _(after,still,before)you go to bed.2. Mothers Day is _(at, to, on) the second Sunday of May.3. Jiamin isnt well today. Maybe he _(eat, ate, eating) too much yesterday.4. Many years ago, Guangzhou was a small city, _(then, but now, so) it is a big city.5. Bens home is _(far away, nearby, not near) so he walks to school every day.四、用所给的动词的适当形式填空。1. Those children _(draw) some pictures yesterday afternoon.2. My grandparents still like _(live) in the countryside.3. She _(meet) her friend in England next Sunday.4. Lets go to Disneyland and _(take) photos there.5. The old man _(stand) there for an hour last night.6. Look, the old men _(sing) under the big tree.五、作文请用不少于40个单词描述你学校的变化。


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