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基于深度备课的集体备课相关规定南外仙林分校外语部一、集体备课程序1.开学初,备课组长负责制定集体备课人员安排表,将本学期集体备课主备任务分解到人(暂定:高中年级1次/1 人,初中年级1次/2人,采用“主+次”组合,由第一主备人执笔),按期上传至校园网公共平台。2.主备人提前10天撰写出单元教材内容分析和课时教学主备教案并上传至校园网,由备课组长发一线通提醒组内老师及时认真阅读,在校园网公共平台发表看法,提出修改意见,主备老师及时关注相关讨论。3.备课组长按时召集组织集体备课,主备教师记录老师发言,汇总网上老师意见,认真研究,对教案作必要修改后上传至校园网公共平台,并印发给组内老师。4.授课教师认真阅读思考集体共案,根据学情及个人教学风格,对共案的教学内容和教学方法等作出必要调整并在“备注”栏加以说明。5.每位老师须保存好个人二次备课教案以备检查。二、单元教学设计 课题 AWE M9 U3 主备人 苏杰 项 目 目 标 要 求话 题The meaning of colour语言知识语音Natural and fluent pronunciation and intonation 词汇sew, random, thread, unrest, fundamental, abolish, liberation, equality, symbolize, justice, honesty, salute, settler, rate, object, compromise, station, separation, submit, virtue, union, federal, spiritual, purity, similarity, outspoken, substitute, homeland, seed, seedless, observer, disappointing, bound, dishonest, ambitious, dimension, identification, facial, unconditional, ambition, noble, occupation, arbitrary, subjective, consistent, mourning, warmth, caution, collar, garment, ecology, Muslim, burglar, funeral, Buddhism, choirat random, date back to, get ones way, split off from语法Overview of noun clauses功能1. Describing the national flags of some countries2. Describing colours and culture语言技能听Students will be able to listen to a conversation about the different characters in a Beijing opera说Students will be able to talk about national flags and discuss colours used in Beijing opera.读Students will be able to read an Internet article about national flags and a magazine article about colours in different cultures.写Students will be able to record information using categories and prepare and present an oral report about color.情感态度Students learn National flags and national flowers.Students learn about Beijing opera and masks.Students learn different colours and cultures in France, the USA and Indonesia.学习策略Summarize what is in listening and reading; put more effort on the difficulties; cooperate with other; expand knowledge in other ways注:目标要求可参阅南京外国语学校仙林分校英语教学实施纲要第四部分“目标内容”中的相关描述。三、课时主备教案课题 AWE M9 U3 课型 Welcome + Word power 主备人 苏杰 Learning objectives:At the end of this period, students will be1. much interested in Unit 3 “the meaning of colour”;2. highly motivated and eager to know the meaning related to colours and how different countries define different colours;3. know some words related to national flowers and some expressions related to colour idioms.Focus of the lesson:1. four pictures of different colours2. a debate on Chinese national flowerPredicted area of difficulties:1. discussion on whether the plum blossom or the peony should be regarded as our national flowerLearning aids:1.PPT2.blackboard.Learning procedures:PROCEDURECONTENTWarming up1. Daily report:2. Lead in the topic-colours(1) What is your favourite colour and why?(2) What colour would you choose to represent your character? Why? Presentation of Welcome to the unitIntroducing some colours in the masks used in Chinese opera which tell the audience about the personality of each character.Match the masks with the characters: Introducing different colours associated with different countries Output of Welcome to the unit1. Guessing gameDifferent countries use different flowers as their national flowers. Do you know which countries national flowers the following flowers are?2. Discussion:What is the national flower of China?Peony or plum blossom? Which one do you prefer and why?First part of Word power: National flowers1. Brainstorming:What kind of things can represent a country? 2. ReadingRead the article about different national flowers of different countries and fill in the tableSecond part of Word power: Colour idioms1. Read Part A on P39 and get the meaning of the idioms in the sentences.2. Read a diary entry written by a university student and fill in the blanks with appropriate colour idioms for Part A.3. DiscussionGuess the meaning of the phrases.Homework1. Revise the words and phrases learned.2. Find out more idioms about colours and exchange information next time.课题 AWE M9 U3 课型 Reading(I) 主备人 苏杰 Learning objectives:At the end of this period, students will be able to1. to learn the passage National flags, colours and cultures;2. predict the theme or the topic of an article, with the help of headlines, subtitles and the first or the last paragraphs;3. understand that what they already know will help greatly in their reading;Focus of the lesson:1. students knowledge before reading an article2. the national flags made of different coloursPredicted area of difficulties:1. comparing their own knowledge with the new information learnt from the article and gain an overall understandingLearning methods:1. PPT2. blackboardLearning procedures:PROCEDURECONTENTWarming up and reading strategy 1. Daily report2.Reading strategy:(1) Ask Ss to read “Reading strategy” on P35.(2) Ask Ss to read the headline and the first paragraph to get an idea of the theme of the article. (PPT 4)(3) Show Ss a picture of many national flags (PPT 5)(4) Follow-up question: What does a national flag tell you? (PPT 6)Answers to be found in the first paragraphTalk about what they have known1. Show Students a map of our national flag. (PPT 7)2. Questions and answers:What do the color red and yellow in our national flag mean to us?(PPT 8)What do the five stars mean to us? (PPT 9)3. Discussion: What does our national flag mean to us Chinese people? (PPT10)Reading comprehension1. Ask Ss to read three subtitles and match the country with their national flag. (PPT 11)2. Ask Ss to scan for related information of the French national flag: (PPT13)(1) Read the passage to find about the colours of the French flag: (2) Read to find more about the French flag:3. Ask Ss to scan for related information of the USA national flag: (PPT 14)(1) Read the passage to find about the colours of the USA flag:(2) Read the passage to find about the meaning behind the pattern of the USA flag:4. Ask Ss to scan for related information of the Indonesian national flag: (PPT 15)Fill out the form: Post reading1. A sum-up question: What do the three flags have in common?. (PPT 16)2. Discuss the meanings of the colours used on the flag: (PPT 17-18)Homework1. Go over Reading article “National flags, colours and culture” on P34-35.2. Finish Ex. C1,C2 on P36. 课题 AWE M9 U3 课型 Reading(II) 主备人_ 苏杰 Learning objectives: At the end of this period, students will be able to1. know how to use the new words and phrases freely;2. write out the transformation and phrases of the key words correctly;3. use the key words properly in relevant exercisesFocus of the lesson:1. usage of the key wordsPredicted area of difficulties:1. the usage of the phrase in a gesture to2. the usage of the new words, like “impact” and “undertake”3. the proper usage of the words in the translationLearning aids:1. PPT2. blackboardPROCEDURECONTENTWarming up1. Daily report.2. Review:Question and answer Multiple choice (参见课件P4-8)Language points1. at random (PPT 9)(1) at random 任意地,随机地The girl opened a book at random and started reading.(2) random adj.a random selection/ in a random order(3) randomlyThe winning numbers are chosen randomly by computer.2. salute (PPT 10)(1) salute (verb) 敬礼、致敬The soldiers stood at attention and saluted.(2) salute (noun) 敬礼They fired a salute to welcome the President.They all raised their glasses in salute.3. object (verb) (PPT 11)(1)object (verb) 反对 to feel or say that you oppose or disapprove of sth.If no one objects, well carry out the project as planned.(2) object to sth./doing sth.I strongly object to the terms of the contract! 4. compromise (PPT 12)(1) vi. 妥协,互让compromise with sb.They were unwilling to compromise with the boss.compromise on sth.We simply cannot compromise on this matter.(2) n. 妥协reach a compromiseBe prepared to make compromises.5. date (PPT 13)date (verb)(1) date back toThis custom dates back to the 17th century.(2) date fromThe church dates from the 13th century.PracticeDoing the relevant exercise:1. Pair work. (PPT 14)Ask Ss to match the new words with their definitions2. Complete the following table: (PPT 15)3. Translate the following sentences into English: (PPT 17)Homework1. Go over what we have learned today.2. Finish Ex. E on P37.课题 AWE M9 U3 课型 Grammar & Usage 主备人 苏杰 Learning objectives:At the end of this period, students will be able to1. have an overall picture of “adverbial clause”2. get a better understanding of adverbial clauses.Focus of the lesson:1. functions of each “adverbial clause” in the sentence Predicted area of difficulties:1. the usage of different adverbial clauses2. different conjunctions used in the adverbial clausesLearning aids:1. PPT2. blackboardPROCEDURECONTENTIntroduction1. Daily report2. Explain what “adverbial clause” is. (PPT 4)An adverbial clause is a dependent clause that functions as an adverb.3. Different kinds of “adverbial clause”. (PPT 5)Adverbial clause of Time时间状语从句Place地点状语从句Reason原因状语从句Condition条件状语从句Purpose目的状语从句Result结果状语从句Manner方式状语从句Concession让步状语从句Contrast比较状语从句Presentation1. Adverbial clause of Time 时间状语从句 (PPT 6-8)(1) conjunctions 连接词when while before after until/till immediately directly whenever as the moment the instant the minute by the time each time every time(2) Give some examples to each set of conjunctions:a. when, while, as, before, after, until/tillWhile Jenny was doing the washing up, Jane was watching TV.b. the moment, the instant, the minuteThe instant I saw him, I knew I have seen him before.c. by the timeThe train had left by the time they rushed to the station.d. each time, every timeEvery time I went to visit him, he was playing computer games.Each time we met with difficulties, they came to our help.2. Adverbial clause of Place (PPT 9)(1)Conjunctions: where, everywhere, anywhere(2) Examples:Put the key where you can find it later.3. Adverbial Clause of Reason (PPT 10-12)4. Adverbial Clause of Condition (PPT13-14)5. Adverbial Clause of Purpose (PPT15)6. Adverbial Clause of Result (PPT16)7. Adverbial Clause of Manner (PPT17)8. Adverbial Clause of Concession (PPT18-21)9. Adverbial Clause of Contrast (PPT22)Reading and practice1. Read the dialogue in Part A on page 41 and fill in the blanks with conjunctions. PPT 23-242. Read the passage in Part B on page 41 and fill in the blanks with conjunctions.Homework1. Review the grammar “adverbial clause”.2. Finish C1 and C2 on page 120 of the workbook.课题 AWE M9 U3 课型 Task 主备人 苏杰 Learning objectives:At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:1. learn how to understand adjectives describing characteristics or personality; 2. learn how to put words in the correct order;3. record informationFocus of the lesson:1. understanding adjectives describing characteristics or personality2. recording informationPredicted learning difficulties:1. understanding adjectives describing characteristics or personality2. recording informationLearning aids: 1. PPT2. tape and tape recorderLearning procedures:PROCEDURECONTENTWarming upDaily report and commentsGame: ask students to find out three adjectives to describe your partnerPresentation and skill practice1. Getting to know the characters(1) Read the instructions in part A on Page 42.Listen to conversation 1 and write down each characters personalities.(2) Read the instructions in part B on Page 43.Listen to conversation 2 and circle the adjectives and choose a role for him.(3) Read the article on Page 43.Circle the colors to be used on the mask.2.Informing the performer(1) Read Skills building 2 on P44 and pay attention to the word order.(2) Read the instructions in step 2 and make up a dialogue with you partner referring to the table on P44.3.Recording information about the mask(1) Read Skills building 3 on Page 45.Discuss in groups of four and design a chart.(2) Work with your partner on one role from the rest four.OutputPresent your pair work. Introduce briefly one of the roles to class.HomeworkWrite a complete chart on P45.课题 AWE M9 U3 课型 Project 主备人 苏杰 Learning objectives:At the end of this period, students will be able to:1. learn that a colour may convey both positive and negative meanings;2. get a general idea and detailed information through reading strategies;3. practice recording information;4. learn how to conduct research on a certain topic.Focus of the lesson:1. recording information they have learned in the previous Task section2. conducting research on a certain topicPredicted learning difficulties:1. getting a general idea and detailed information through reading strategies like skimming, scanning and predictingLearning aids:1. PPT2. blackboardLearning procedures:PROCEDURECONTENTWarming upLeading inDaily reportPictures-based talkingShow Ss two groups of pictures about wedding.(PPT4)(1) Question: What is the theme of the two groups of pictures? (2) What differences do you notice between the two groups?Reading practice1. Why do different nations have their own preferences in color?(Read the first paragraph of the article on P46 for answer) 2. Predict: What will probably be discussed in the following paragraphs?3. Skimming: Read the first sentence in the following paragraphs to get a general idea of the whole article.3. Ask students to read the article carefully and answer the questions.Language studyReplace the underlined parts in the sentences with words or phrases from the reading article. (参见课件P15-16)DiscussionResearch and presentationDo you know meanings of other colors? What are they?Work in groups of four, preparing for an oral report about a certain color.Homework1. Review the reading article on P46-47.2. Carry out the research as planned and get ready for an oral report tomorrow.

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