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Unit 1 Our school教学内容: 1.playground, canteen, garden, teachers office, library, art room, music room, computer room, TV room, gym, wash room2.Grammar: 一般疑问句的问与答:Is this .? Do you have a .?3.能够简单介绍学校校舍分布情况,说出每个教室的不同功能。4.Phonology:能够正确朗读出含元音字母a的单词,并能分析出读音规则。5.能正确读出本单元关于校舍名称的三会、四会单词,能朗读课文的单 词和对话,并能理解对话的内容。教学目标:1.知识与技能(1)能够简单介绍学校校舍的分布情况,如:This is the teachers officeThat is my classroom(2)能简单说出每个课室的不同功能,如:Go to the libraryRead a story-book(3)能听懂并回答一些问题,如:Is this the library? Is that the TV room?(4)会唱歌曲“Our School”。(5)掌握A、B部分Read and write的单词和句子并能做到会听、说、读、写。(6)认读A、B部分Lets learn、Lets talk中的单词和句子。(7)理解Lets do、Lets chant等部分的内容。(8)了解Story time、Good to know等部分的内容。 2.过程与方法:学生能够熟练运用目标语言与他人进行交际活动,能通过操练,独立完成课本、活动手册和同步练习册相关的练习及检测练习,使听、说、读、写技能有所提高。 3情感态度与价值观(1)能以得体的方式向客人介绍自己的学校。(2)注重合作学习,鼓励学生大胆想象,构思未来学校的蓝图。(3)了解在不同场合应该遵守的公共道德,培养学生对学校的热爱之情。教学重点:1.句型:This is the teachers officeThat is my classroom 2.每个课室的不同功能,如:Go to the libraryRead a story-book教学难点:一般疑问句:Is this the library? Is that the TV room?第一课时教学内容: 1.playground, canteen, garden, teachers office, library 2. This is. That is . Where is the.? Its on the 1st floor.教学目标:1能够听、说、认读本课时的主要单词:teachers office, canteen, garden, playground, library。 2听懂指示语,并按要求做出相应的动作,如:Go to the gardenWater the flowers 3、学唱英文歌曲“Our school”,培养学生的学习兴趣。教学重点:playground, canteen, garden, teachers office, library教学难点:This is. That is . Where is the.? Its on the 1st floor.教具准备:本课时的五张单词卡、录音机、录音磁带教学过程:Step 1: Warm-up教师播放第三册学生用书第五页的歌谣“Work and play ”,让学生跟随录音机说唱。Step 2:RevisionTalk“Whats in the classroom? A board , two lights , many desks and chairs .”自然过渡到学习学校各课室的名称。Step 3: PresentationLets learn.(1)从讨论教室自然过渡到学习学校各课室的名称。教师接着问: How many rooms are there in our school? Where do we have English/ Music/ . class?接下来教师借助单词卡片教授生词。教师在教学过程中引入句型“Lets do”,结合动作使学生进一步明白语义。(2)通过对学生进行提问:“Where is the .?”导入句子“Its on the . floor.”的教学,同时根据学生的回答,拼出校园分布图(4)通过教师领读和听音跟读,让学生掌握本课时五个生词的正确读音。在练习library 的发音时,可复习已学过的含辅音连缀的单词,如ice-cream , brother , friend , hungry 。(5)听,跟做“Lets do”(6)学生自己通过语音知识,为所给的图片配上英语单词。然后打开书跟读录音并进行检查,教师对于错例要通过音素进行讲解。(7)Listen to the tape again.Step 4:Practice:(1)Lets doA、要求学生发出及听懂指令,做出相应的动作。(小组竞赛的方式。)B、教师或学生做动作,让其他的学生猜并说出该单词。Step 5:Extension1. 小组比赛。教师出示一张词卡,如garden ,组内学生依次说出与该词有关的其他单词,如:flowers , red , colour , trees 等,这样既复习了学过的单词,也能巩固本课所学知识。2. 完成同步的相关练习。Step 6: Homework:设计自己的学校,并谈谈自己的学校。板书设计:Unit 1 Our schoolLets learnplayground garden canteenlibrary teachers office教学反思:第二课时教学内容:1.first floor, library 2. This is. That is. Do you have lunch at school?.教学目标:1、能听懂、会说:“This is the teachers office .That is my classroom .”并能在实际情景中进行运用。 2、能跟唱歌曲“Our school”。 3、了解英美国家关于楼层的不同表达方式。 4、学唱英文歌曲“Our school”,培养学生的学习兴趣。教学重点:This is the teachers office .That is my classroom .教学难点:This is. That is. Do you have lunch at school?.教具准备: 1教师准备陈杰的头饰。 2教师准备该课时的教学挂图。 3教师准备录音机、录音带。 4如有条件,学生可以准备金黄色假发套。教学过程:Step 1: Warm-up(1)教师播放本课时A部分Lets do 的录音带,学生听音做动作。(2)教师慢慢出示canteen 等词的图卡,让学生猜出该单词。(3)教师播放本单元歌曲“Our school”,先让学生听然后鼓励学生跟唱。Step 2: PresentationLets talk教师首先和学生进行自由交谈,主题是Why do you like our school ? 鼓励学生用简单的句子作出回答,即使只能说只语片言,教师也要给予表扬。顺着这一话题,教师说:Yes , our school is really very nice .Today some friends from America are coming to see our school. Chen Jie is showing our school .Lets watch .有此导入新课。(1)看与听学生看Lets talk部分的插图,教师提一些问题,如:How many American friends are there ? What do you do in the playground ? 在提问与回答的过程中,将难点各个击破。(2)模仿分说,注意指导“this”和“that ”中“th”的发音。(3)和的操练可以在排列卡片、复习单词的过程中渗透,如:也可以让学生听指令排列卡片,如:然后引导学生仔细观察挂图,正确理解和运用短语。(4)分角色朗读与表演分组表演 先示范-大众化表演Step3 Extension(1)完成同步的相关练习。(2)和同学一起表演课文对话。Step 4: Homework:和爸爸妈妈一起谈谈自己的学校。板书设计:Unit 1 Our schoolA Lets talkThis is the teachers office.教学反思:第三课时教学内容:1.board , light , fan , computer. 2. This is my computerThat is your computer教学目标:1、能够听、说、读、写单词:board , light , fan , computer. 2、能够理解并吟唱出歌谣的内容。 3、了解学校的有关规章制度用英语怎么说。 4、能够在四线格中的正确书写句子。教学重点:board , light , fan , computer.教学难点:This is my computerThat is your computer教具准备:1教师准备本课时相应的挂图。 2教师准备一台录音机和录音带。 3教师准备相应的动物头饰。教学过程:Step 1: Warm-up & Revision1、学生跟录音演唱C部分的歌曲“Our school”。2、请一组学生表演A部分Lets talk 的对话,复习所学的新句型Step 2:Preview1、引导学生复习第三册学生用书第一单元A部分的lets learn ,巩固学习六个单词并请学生用该部分的句型:Whats in the classroom ? A board 来介绍自己的教室。2、播放Book 3 Unit 1 A部分Lets do 的录音带,引导学生听听、做做。Step 3: PresentationLets chant 播放B部分的歌谣,引导学生将学校场馆library , art room , canteen , gym 和动词read , draw , eat , play 对应起来认读。Read and write1、在跟唱Lets chant之后,教师对内容进行提问:Where do you read ?Where do you draw? 等等,学生作答后,教师继续提问:Where do you play computer? 学生会比较容易地答出:In the computer room。这时教师可出示挂图说:This is a computer room.2、师生之间对挂图上的内容进行简单的交际性回答后,教师请学生阅读课文并设计几个简单的问题检查学生的理解程度。3、教师在四线格中示范书写四会掌握单词和句子,并讲解书写规范。(1) 句子的打头单词的第一个字母要大写;(2) 句子末尾要加标点。需要特别指出的是英语中的句号为实心点,汉语中的句号是空心小圈。(3) 句子当中的单词间距为一个字母宽。Step 4:Practice: 1、角色表演。巩固本课时的新句型。2、听音判断。教师根据图的内容说一些句子,如:There are three computers in the room .请学生根据记忆中的图的内容判断正误。Step 5: Good to know首先让学生思考:Can we drink in the computer room? Can we eat in the computer room? 由此引出其他的学校常规。Step 6 Homework: 抄写“四会”单词和句子。板书设计:Unit 1 A Read and write(四线格)computer board fan lightThis is my computer.That is your computer.教学反思:第四课时教学内容:1. gym, TV room, art room, computer room, washroom, music room. 2. Where is the.? Its on the. floor.教学目标:能询问各功能室的位置并说出各功能室所在的楼层。教学重点:gym, TV room, art room, computer room, washroom, music room.教学难点:Where is the.? Its on the. floor.教具准备: 1教师可自己制作该部分的挂图。 2教师准备相关的词卡。 3教师准备录音机和录音带。 4教师准备一幅大楼的框架图。 教学过程:Step 1.Warm up Ss sing the song Our school with computer.Step 2. Presentation 1. T: Boys and girls, do you like our school? Yes, our school is so big. Look,this is a map of our school .Lets see2. 出示学校的地图并介绍学校各功能室。(让学生带着问题听介绍两次。)Eg: Hello, welcome to our school. This is the music room .We can sing the song in the music room. This is the gym. We can play sports in the gym. This is the TV room. They are on the first floor. That is the art room. That is the computer room. They are in the second. Oh, where is the washroom? Its on the second floor, too. 3. 听完介绍后,让学生尝试说出各功能室的名称。老师并用此句子问学生:Where is the .s room ? 学生尝试回答:It s on the secondfirst floor.4. 教师出示单词卡片(出示单词卡片时,把单词卡片的书写部分用卡纸挡住),教授本节课新单词。5. 让学生根据单词的读音猜猜新单词的书写形式。(板书新单词)6. 学生听录音、跟读、模仿。Step3 Practice1. 将全班分为2个小组,进行小组竞赛。(1) 教师示范:T: Where do we play Ping Pong? S1: In the gym.(2)小组派代表进行问答。(检查中上生)能正确猜出的可为本小组加分。(3)同桌之间练习(优生带差生),教师检查。2. 教师把一副教学楼的框架图贴在黑板上,让两名学生站在讲台前。 T:The washroom is on the second floor .让学生在讲台上选出washroom 的单词卡,并将它贴在正确的位置。速度快的可为本小组加一分。3. 把贴在黑板上的六张图片分别翻过来并打乱顺序,问学生:Is this the music room? 让学生回答。猜对的可为本小组加分。Step4. Story time 1出示story time 第四幅挂图让学生猜:Is this the computer?Is this the teachers office?2学生带着以上的两个问题看本部分的动画。3学生回答问题,4再看动画,引导学生注意Is this that 句型在什么情况下用。5. 学生跟读录音后,分角色朗读。Step 5 Consolidation Finish lets learn .Part B. Activity Book.Step 6. Homework 1. Listen to the tape and read after it .(p7. p13 )2. 四人小组根据课本第10页设计自己理想的学校。板书设计: Unit 1 Our schoolPart B Lets learnart room computer room washroommusic room gym TV room教学反思:第五课时教学内容:1. Is this the art room? Yes , it is . 2.Is that the TV room? No, it isnt. 教学目标:能正确识别句型Is this和句型Is that 。的不同用法并在真实情景中的正确使用能较好的完成Lets check 部分的评价活动。 教学重点:Is this the art room? Yes , it is . Is that the TV room? No, it isnt. 教学难点:Is this the art room? Yes , it is . Is that the TV room? No, it isnt. 教具准备: 1教师准备该部分的挂图。 2教师准备相关的词卡。 3教师准备录音机和录音带。教学过程:Step 1 Warm up 1.Sing the chant (P 7) 注意引导学生正确吟唱句子:What a lot of fun.2. Free talk . Whats in our school?(引导学生说出本单元的新词汇并会用以下句子进行描述:This is That is It is on the firstsecond.)在学生描述Step 2. Presentation 1. T: There are many students and teachers in our school. Who is he ?(多媒体出示学校校长的照片)Yes,he is our headmaster. Do you want to be a headmaster? Today Wu Yifan is a headmaster. He has a new school . Do you want to have a look?2. 教师在黑板上画出Wu Yifan 学校的地图框架,让学生观看动画后回答以下问题,并把正确的图片贴在相对应的位置。 (1)Is the art room on the second floor? Where is it? (2): Is the music room on the second floor? (3) Is the computer room on the third floor? (4) Is the library on the fourth floor?(拓展让学生感知third floor 和fourth floor,通过提问题帮助学生理解对话.)3. 将六张图卡反面贴在在黑板上,教师指着某张图片问:Is this that , 让学生翻过来作答.4. 呈现教学句子:Is this the library? Yes it is . Is that the art room? No it isnt . 5. Read after the tape.(注意升降调的朗读)6. 四人小组练习对话并表演。Step3. Practise1. 让学生把设计好的学校图片拿出并把各功能室用纸条遮住,同桌之间用Is thisIs that相互询问。2. Lets check (1)引导学生观察图片并听录音。)(2)Listen and tick. (3)Check the answer. (教会学生的看图听力技巧)Step 4 Add-activities. 活动手册配套练习。(检查学生是否掌握本课学习的内容)Step5. Homework:Listen to the tape and read the dialogue to parents. 板书设计:Unit 1 Our schoolB Lets talkIs this the library? Is that the art room?Yes, it is. No, it isnt.教学反思:第六课时教学内容:Read and write 中的四会单词以及问句Is this a teachers desk ? Yes, It is . 教学目标:1.能理并阅读Read and write 2.正确读出pronunciation中的单词和明白其发音规律。 3.能正确书写本节课的四会单词和句子。教学重点:Read and write 中的四会单词以及问句Is this a teachers desk ? Yes, It is . 教学难点:问句Is this a teachers desk ? Yes, It is . 教具准备: 挂图、字母卡、阅读填空材料、录音带和录音机。 教学过程:Step1 .Warm upLets talk 针对课文的一般疑问句展开对话。Step 2. Presentation设置情景,引出课文内容。(出示Read and write 的挂图)1. T: Class, I have some friends. Do you want to know who are my friends?Yes, they are ants. What are they talking?2. 让学生发挥想象力,说说他们所说的内容。(引导,鼓励学生用句型:Is this.Is that .)3. 出示Read and write 的对话,把书写部分空出,让学生阅读对话,并在练习本上完成对话。4. 教师检查答案并板书示范本节课的四会单词和句子。注意:(1,句子开头,特殊单词用大写。2 单词之间有间隔。3.句末句号用实点。)5. 让学生听录音并模仿跟读。Step 3.Practise 1. 阅读对话根据上下文完成对话。(1)A:Hello,Ben, Is this your ?B: Yes, It is my picture. I can draw picture (2)A: this your music room ?B: No, .It is my art room. (3) Is the computer on the ?No, it is not on the teachers desk. It is on the floor. (4) Is that a bee on the wall?Yes, It is a bee on the . (巩固学生的阅读能力和检测学生的书写情况。)2. Pronunciation(1) 让学生听录音,感受字母a在单词中的发音。(2) 让学生自己读单词,小组讨论,找出规律,然后向全班汇报。(3) 学生根据规律,学生读出其它开音节和闭音节的单词。Step 4. Homework(1) Listen and read the text 3 times. (2) Activity book EX 板书设计 : Unit 1 A Read and write (四线格)教学反思:Unit 2 What time is it?教学内容:1.Time, Subjects, Meals 2.lunch, music class, P.E.class, dinner, breakfast, English class,get up, go to school, 3. Grammar: What time is it? Its nine oclock. Its time for . Its time to . 4.询问时间并做出正确回答,能描述日常活动。 5.Phonology: 元音e的发音,能认读单词并掌握发音规律。教学目标:1.知识与技能(1)听懂并询问时间。(2)能对别人询问时间作出回答,描述自己日常活动。(3) 读懂对话、短文、培养一些基本的阅读技能。(4)规范书写三会四会单词和句子。2.过程与方法(1)利用Lets find out的小游戏及Lets do的指令检测学生对时间的询问回答的掌握情况。(2)利用Lets play, Task time的调查和做小报告的活动来检测重难点的句型。(3)利用单词接龙,开火车的游戏检测四会单词、句型的掌握情况。3情感态度与价值观(1)培养学生严格的时间观念,养成守时、守纪的好习惯。(2)注重合作学习与实践活动,培养心灵手巧的学生。(3)了解地球上不同时区在同一时刻的时间是不同的。教学重点:1.lunch, music class, P.E.class, dinner, breakfast, English class,get up, go to school, go home, go to bed 2. Grammar: What time is it? Its nine oclock. Its time for . Its time to .教学难点:Grammar: What time is it? Its nine oclock. Its time for . Its time to 第一课时 教学内容: music class, P.E. class, English class, breakfast, lunch, dinner 教学目标: 1.听懂及正确回答What time is it? Its oclock. Its time for . 2.能用所学的语言描述时间及活动。教学重点:music class, P.E. class, English class, breakfast, lunch, dinner 教学难点:句型What time is it? Its oclock. Its time for .教具准备: 钟、词卡、录音带、教学过程:Step 1 Warm-up a) Sing a song P24(设计意图:自然引出新课的话题,愉悦教学法。活动类型A)b) Ask and answerT: Listen, in my school bag, “Dickety tackety tack”, Whats that? Guess.Ss: T: Oh, yes. Its a clock.(设计意图:自然引出新课的话题,愉悦教学法。活动类型A)Step 2 Presentation二、 Teach “clock”, “oclock” and review numbers from 1 to 12三、 Show the picture of A. Lets learn (Just talk)(设计意图:从中自然引入新单词,以旧引新,整体呈现单词,让学生有初步的感知。活动类型A) T: Look, this is a timetable of Zhangpengs day. Lets see. What time is it? S1: Its 7 oclock. T: Good. Its 7 oclock. Its time for breakfast. Time for breakfast. Drink some milk. (结合Lets do呈现词汇句型)四、 Show the picture of the words (No words)(设计意图:逐个单词击破,TPR能让学生动起来,使学生在实际情景中正确理解、认读单词。活动类型R) T: Guessing gameSharp eyes What time is it? S: Its 9 oclock. Its time for English class. T: Good. Time for English. Read and write. (结合Lets do重现词汇句型)五、 Show the words and pictures on Bb(设计意图:整体呈现单词后,让学生一一认读新词,让学生掌握正确的读音。活动类型R)T: Now, matching game.S: Match the words and the picturesT: Ok. Read together. (结合Lets do巩固词汇句型)Step 3 Practice (2) Listen to the tape and read(3) Ss read Lets learn together(4) Ss do Lets do together (设计意图:让学生积极动起来,增加趣味性的同时,可让学生掌握Lets do和单词。活动类型C)Step 4 Drill1. 同步2活动手册(设计意图:让学生动手写一写,做一做,巩固所学单词。活动类型R)Step 5 Sum up今天我们学了什么,你发现了什么?Step 6 Homework1. Copy the words two lines2. Read the text and make a time table (Task time 1)板书设计: Uuit2 What time is it?music class, P.E. class, English class, breakfast, lunch, dinner 教学反思:第二课时教学内容:1.music class, P.E. class, English class, breakfast, lunch,dinner 2.What time is it? Its oclock. Its time for . Just a minute. Lets run! Go home. School is over.教学目标:1.掌握music class, P.E. class, English class, breakfast, lunch,dinner 2.掌握What time is it? Its oclock. Its time for.Just a minute. Lets run! Go home. School is over.教学重点:单词music class, P.E. class, English class, breakfast, lunch,dinner 教学难点:句型What time is it? Its oclock. Its time for .Just a minute. Lets run! Go home. School is over.教具准备: 单词卡、人物头饰、录音带。教学过程:Step 1 Warm-up1. TestListen and fill in the blanks.(听录音,填上所缺的单词或时间。)1). What is ? Its oclock.2). Its . Its time for .3). I have class at .4). I go home at .(设计意图:让学生动手写一写,做一做,巩固所学单词。活动类型R)2. Ask and answer. (Task 2)T: What time is it?3. Lets play. P17(设计意图:在短时间内活跃课堂气氛并激活学生的原有知识,不断滚动旧内容,为本课时作铺垫。活动类型A)Step 2 Presentation1. 承上启下 Ask and answerT: What time is it now?S: Its 5:00.T: Yes. Its 5:00. School is over. But Wu Yifan doesnt go home. Where does he go? Lets watch cartoon and answer. 整体呈现一次课文2. Watch again and answer再次呈现课文T: Who are the two boys?3. Watch again and answer再次呈现课文T: When do they go home?(设计意图:自然过渡到真实情景中,学生更易理解、掌握,解决重点句子。活动类型R)Step 3 Practice1. Listen to the tape and read.2. Read in role.3.Matching game match the sentences and the pictures(设计意图:让学生在课堂上动手做,做到现学现用,巩固所学内容。活动类型C)Step 4 Drill1. Act the dialogue.2. Make a dialogue.3. 同步4. 活动手册Step 5 Sum up今天我们学了什么,你发现了什么?Step 6 Homework1. Read the text2. Make a dialogue.板书设计:Unit 2 What time is it ?What time is it? Its oclock. Its time for . Just a minute. Lets run! Go home. School is over.教学反思:第三课时教学内容:1.1-10的数词 2.What time is it? Its two oclock.询问及回答。教学目标:1.学会1-10的数词 2.能用What time is it? Its two oclock.询问及回答。 3.能用所学的语言询问及回答时间及活动,并在实际情景中运用。 4.单词和句子在四线三格中的正确书写。教学重点:1.1-10的数词 2.What time is it? Its two oclock.询问及回答。教学难点:What time is it? Its two oclock.询问及回答。教具准备:词卡、地图、录音带。教学过程:Step 1 Warm-up1. Lets sing2. Story time(设计意图:提供趣味故事做阅读材料,拓宽学生视野,提高学生的阅读理解能力。活动类型A)Step 2 Presentation1. 故事引入T: Mmm, 7 oclock, 8 oclock, which one is correct?S: .T: How many clocks can you see?S: .2. 阅读课文T: How many clocks can you see now?S: .T: What time is it now?S: .3. Read after the tape(设计意图:整体呈现,用对话做听力材料,训练学生听力,同时也设置情境让学生运用句型。活动类型C)Step 3 Practice1. Review the numbers from 1 to 10(设计意图: 不断重现,滚雪球式的复习学过的知识以求学生掌握并会运用。活动类型R)2. Write together (T make a demo)3. Give Ss time to write the words and sentences(设计意图:动手的活动集中学生注意力,让较弱的学生也参与进来,帮助他们掌握。活动类型C)4. Good to know1). T: Where is it?2). T: What time is it in ?3). Introduce the knowledge of Good to knowStep 4 Drill1.同步(设计意图:训练学生的听力,也训练学生动手写的能力,让学生运用和巩固所学的语言。活动类型C)2活动手册Step 5 Sum up今天我们学了什么,你发现了什么?Step 6 Homework1. Read the text2. Copy the words and sentences板书设计:Unit 2 What time is it ?One two three four fiveSix seven eight nine tenWhat time is it? Its two oclock教学反思:第四课时教学内容: 1.短语get up , go to school , go home , go to bed 2.句型Its time to .教学目标:1.能够听、说、认读get up , go to school , go home , go to bed 2. 能够理解并正确使用Its time to . 3.掌握单词句型并能吟唱Lets chant的歌谣。教学重点:1.短语get up , go to school , go home , go to bed 2.句型Its time to .教学难点:句型Its time to 的运用教具准备; 单词卡,图片, 闹钟, 录音带 教学过程:Step 1:Warm-up 1. Review numbers from one to sixty Game: Guessing what number T writes on the Bb(设计意图: 不断重现,滚雪球式的复习学过的知识以求学生掌握并会运用。活动类型R)2. Ask and answer with a clock (整点时间)T:What time is it?Step 2:Presentation1. Lets chant(设计意图:节奏性强的歌谣让学生更好地感知并巩固整点的时间表达。活动类型A)2. Guessing Game (Just watch and listen)T: What time is it?(T摆弄钟面引出非整点时间)3. Competition (Just say and write) 一人摆弄钟面全班读出时间一人在黑板上写出时间(设计意图:趣味游戏操练句型,自然过渡到真实情景中,学生更易理解、掌握,解决重点句子。活动类型R)4. Read the time on the Bb together (Just read)Step 3 :Practice 7. Read and finish the timetable.(阅读小短文,完成时间表。)(设计意图:让学生在课堂上动手,做到现学现用,巩固所学内容。活动类型C)Hello! Im Zhang Peng. I have a timetable. I get up 6:30. I have a breakfast at six forty-five. Then I go to school at 7:15. I have six classes today. I have English class at nine oclock. I have P.E. class at 4:10 p.m. I go home at five thirty. I eat dinner at 18:00. Its 21:30 now. Its time to go to bed. I like my day.Zhang Pengs Timetable6:30breakfast7:15classclassgo home18:00go to bed2. Teach the phrases3. Read after the tape Step 4: Drill7. 同步8. 活动手册9. Try to writeWrite sentences about your timetable.(请根据自己的时间表,写句子。) Step 5:Sum-up:今天我们学了什么,你发现了什么?Step7:Homework 1. Read the text2. Copy the words two lines板书设计:Unit 2 What time is it?get up , go to school , go home , go to bedIts time to 教学反思:第五课时教学内容:1.短语get up , go to school , go home , go to bed 2.句型Its oclock. Its time for/to .教学目标:1.能够听、说、认读get up , go to school , go home , go to bed 2.听懂、会说主要句型:Its oclock. Its time for/to . 3.掌握单词和句型在情景中的正确使用。教学重点:1.get up , go to school , go home , go to bed 2.句型:Its oclock. Its time for/to .教学难点:句型:Its oclock. Its time for/to .的用法教具准备: 单词卡,挂图,录音带 教学过程:Step 1:Warm-up 1. Oral worksT: What time is it? (复习整点与非整点时间)(设计意图: 不断重现,滚雪球式的复习学过的知识以求学生掌握并会运用。活动类型R)2. Lets check P23 (设计意图:让学生上一节课听过录音的基础上再看,检测学生的听力并掌握句子的正确读音。活动类型C) Step 2:Presentation1. Show the pictures one by one , ask Ss to guess what sentenses they used2. T write the sentences on Bb, then watch cartoons to check the answers3. Listen to the tapes and read together(设计意图:对学生布置不一样的任务,逐步递进,让每个学生都跳一跳就能摘到苹果。活动类型C)Step 3 :Practice 1. Read in roles2. Please write down your timetable!(请用英语写出你自己的时间表。)My Timetable (设计意图:动手的活动集中学生注意力,趣味性游戏让较弱的学生也参与进来,帮助他们掌握。活动类型C)3. Act the dialogue with the timetableStep 4: Drill1. Lets find out (Pay attention to “a.m.” and “p.m.”)2. 同步3. 活动手册Step 5:Sum-

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