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Section B 3a4 教学设计及解析 课时目标 1训练阅读广告的能力 2培养广告创意的能力 课程导入 在当今飞速发展的社会里,广告无处不在。广告有哪些优点和缺点呢?说说你对广告的看法: _ 探究新知 3a Whats the article about? Do you agree with it? 这篇文章是关于什么的?你同意它的观点吗? 知识点1 Many ads are aimed specifically at teenagers, and some young people see more than 100 advertisements a day.许多广告是特别针对青少年的,并且有些年轻人一天能看见100多条广告。 【讲解】(1)和specifical相关的副词是specifically,意思是“专门地;特别地”。如: I came here specifically to ask you a question.我是专门来问你一个问题的。 (2)句子中的aim是一个动词,意思是“针对”。它常构成词组be aimed at sb.,意思是“针对某人”。 The advertising plan is aimed at young people.这项广告计划是以年轻人为对象的。 The program is aimed at a teenage audience.这个节目针对的是十几岁的观众。 My remarks were not aimed at you.我的话不是针对你的。 动词aim还可以表示“瞄准”“以为目标”等意思。如: He aimed with the gun.他用枪瞄准。 He aimed the gun at the enemy officer.他用枪瞄准了敌军军官。 【例1】汉译英 (1)他小心翼翼地用枪瞄准狮子,然后开了枪。 _ (2)他是一个瞄得准的炮手。 _ (3)你的话是针对准呢? _ 【解答】(1)He aimed the gun carefully at the lion andfired.(2)He is a gunner aiming well.(3)Whom are your remarks aimed at? 延伸拓展: 看广告学英语 下面是我们常在电视上看到的一些商品广告,它们都是从英语单词音译过来的。你知道吗?“司麦特”衬衫smart(潇洒的)“纳爱斯”香皂nice(美好的)“雅戈尔”衬衫younger(更年轻的)“欧典”地板order(排列有序)“汰渍”洗衣粉tide(潮流)“托普”电脑top(头等的) 知识点2 Its true that some ads can be very useful.确实,有些广告很有用。 【讲解】(1)useful是一个形容词,意思是“有用的;有益的”。它的反义词是useless。如: That is a useful knife.那是把有用的小刀。 Can I do anything to make myself useful? 我能帮上什么忙吗? This is a useless knife,the handle has broken! 这是把没用的小刀,刀把坏了。 (2)useful是由“名词use形容词后缀ful”构成的。“名词形容词后缀ful”可构成形容词。如:pain疼ful= painful疼痛的hope希望ful= hopeful有希望的care注意ful= careful小心的;仔细的help帮助ful= helpful有帮助的thank谢谢ful= thankful感谢的beauty美ful= beautiful美丽的 【例2】用所给词的适当形式填空。 (1)You must be_(care). (2)A knife is_(use) when you travel in a forest. 【解答】(1)本句的答案用careful, careful作表语。(2)本句的答案用useful, useful作表语。 知识点3 For instance, they can help you to compare two different products so that you can buy the one you really need. 例如,他们能帮助你比较两个不同的产品以便你能够买到你确实需要的那一个。 【讲解】(1)for instance意思是“例如”,它常用来引述证明论点或表明观点的范例。其中的instance是名词,意思是“例子;实例”。如: You cant rely on her.For instance,she arrived an hour late for an important meeting yesterday.她这个人靠不住。比如说,昨天有个重要会议,她就晚来了一个小时。 (2)product是一个名词,意思是“产品;制品”。如: Petrolis the most important product of many MiddleEast countries.石油是许多中东国家最重要的产品。 【例3】用适当的介词填空。【解答】正确答案是:for。 归纳 for example 例如 such as 例如 知识点4 Ads also tell you when stores are having sales.广告也告诉你何时商店有廉价出售。 【讲解】句子中的词组have sales意思是“廉价出售”。其中的sale意思是“贱售;贱卖”。如: The department store is having a sale this week.那家百货商店本周大减价。 I picked up some real bargains in the January sales this year.我在今年一月份大减价时买了一些真正的便宜货。 归纳:sale构成的词组常见的有: on sale上市;出售;廉价出售 The new model is not on sale in the shops.这种新款尚未上市。 for sale待售 Im sorry this painting is not for sale.很抱歉,这幅画是非卖品。 Excuse me, are these for sale? 请问,这些是准备出售的吗? 【例4】汉译英 (1)这种新款尚未上市。 _ (2)此屋出售吗? _ 【解析】(1)The new model is not on sale in the shops.(2)Is the house for sale? 知识点5 However, some advertising can be confusing or misleading.然而一些广告是令人困惑的或误导的。 【讲解】句子中的confusing和misleading分别是动词confuse和mislead的现在分词。它们相当于形容词,在句子中用作表语。动词confuse意思是“混淆;使困惑”,动词mislead意思是“误导”。如: I often confuse Lee with his brother.They look very much alike.我常把李和他的弟弟弄混了。他们十分相似。 We tried to confuse the enemy.我们试图迷惑敌人。 I was confused by all the noise.一片嘈杂声把我弄得昏头昏脑。 He is a good boy,but bad companions misled him.他是个好孩子,但坏伙伴把他带坏了。 Dontlet his friendly manner mislead you into trusting him.不要让他那种友好的态度使你误信他。 【例5】用所给动词的适当形式填空。 (1)I_ (confuse) by all the noise. (2)Are you_ (interest) in the_ (interest)story. (3)I always_ (confuse) Australia with Austria. (4)The_(confuse) mother asked him what he talked about with her little daughter. (5)This is a_ (confuse) word because it has two meanings. 【解答】(1)am/was confused(2)interested,interesting(3)confuse (4)confused(5)confusing 归纳延伸: 归纳类似的词还有如: interesting interested, surprising surprised frightening frightened, amusing amused excitingexcited, pleasing pleased. 主语指“物”“事”或被修饰词指“物”“事”时用现在分词。 如:The tiger looks very frightening.老虎看起来很可怕。 The story is interesting.故事很有趣。 主语指“人”或被修饰词指“人”时,用过去分词。如: I am confused at the ad. 我对这广告很迷惑。 知识点6 At times an ad can lead you to buy something you dont need at all.有时一则广告可以引导你去购买你根本不需要的东西。 【讲解】句子中的lead是一个动词,意思是“引导;致使”。它可以构成词组lead do sth.,意思是“引导/致使某人做某事”。如: What led you to take up acting as a career? 是什么让你开始从事演艺事业的? Mikes death led me to rethink whatI wanted out of life.迈克的死让我重新思考自己的生活追求。 lead用作动词,它还可以表示“引路”“领导”等意思。如: He led us to his home.他把我们带到他家。 You lead and well follow.你在前面带路,我们跟着。 An official led me along the corridor to a large office.一位官员领着我沿着走廊走到一间大办公室。 【例6】读句子,根据首字母填空。 The teacher l_ the children out of the hall and back to the classroom an hour ago. 【解答】通过猜测句子意思,我们可以知道正确答案是:led。 拓展 lead a happy life 过上一种幸福的生活 lead the way 带路;领路 3b Complete the article using the information about two or more products in activity 2a.用活动2a中提供的两个或更多产品的信息来完成这篇文章。 3c Look at the slogans in activity 1a on page 105Write slogans for your favorite products.读第105页活动1a中的广告词,为你最喜欢的产品写广告词。 4 PAIRWORK Discussion. How do these posters make you feel? 讨论,这些海报让你有什么感觉? 课堂实践 【任务设计】下面的话题设计中提了一些问题,请你根据自身的体会结合实际情况作答。并把它们组成一段文字,当然可以适当发挥想象。 话题设计:Every one has his own idea and feeling. Discuss the following questions with your friends. What is your favourite sport, food or product? How do you feel about it? Can you tell us why it is different from others? 练习: _ 【实践展示】此任务要求同学们能结合自己的体会来谈事物对自身的影响,提示词:fruits, make healthy, lose weight, before meals, thinner than before. 课时作业 阅读理解 Stephen Hawking was born in Oxford, England on 8th January, 1942He went to school in St Albans a small city near London. Although he did well, he was never top of his class. After leaving school, Hawking went first to Oxford University where he studied physics, then went to Cambridge University where he studied cosmology.As he himself admits (承认), he didnt work hard. He was a very lazy student, and did very little work. However, he still got good marks. It was at the age of 20 that Hawking first noticed something was wrong with him. He started to bump (撞上) into things. When he visited his family at Christmas time, his mother was so worried that she made him see a doctor.Hawking was sent to hospital for tests. Finally, the result came back. Hawking had motor neurone disease, an incurable illness which would make him unable to speak,breathe (呼吸) or move without the help of a machine. Doctors said they had no way to help him. He would die before he was 23 At first, Hawking became very depressed (忧伤的) After a while, though, he began to see his life in a different way. As he later wrote, “Before my illness was diagnosed (诊断), I had been very bored with life. There had not seemed to be anything worth doing. But shortly after I came out of hospital, I suddenly realized that there were a lot of worthwhile things I could do.”Hawking married, found a job at Cambridge University, and had three children. He also went on to do some of the most important scientific research.Today, Hawking still works at Cambridge University as a professor. He strongly believes that his story shows that nobody, however bad their situation (处境) is, should lose hope,“ Life is not fair,” he once said. “You just have to do the best you can in your own situation. ”( )1As a university student, Stephen Hawking_.Aworked very hardBstudied maths and physicsCwas the best student in his classDwas lazy and did very little work( ) 2Hawking first noticed something was wrong with him when_.Ahe was sent to hospital for testsBhis mother made him see a doctorChe was twentyDhe visited his family at Christmas time one year( )3In this passage the word “incurable” means“_”.A无法治愈的B难以确诊的C常见的D可以治愈的( ) 4When Hawking was first diagnosed with motor neurone disease, heAmade up his mind to getBbegan to see his life in a different wayCthought that nothing in life was worth doingDbecame very sad( )5What would be the best title (题目) for this passage?AMotor Neurone DiseaseBLife is FairCProfessor Stephen HawkingDA Lazy Boy 请用所给的词或词组造句。 1make me angry _ 2uncomfortable _ 3tense _ 4endangered _ 5for instance _ 答案点拨 1D 2C 3A 4D 5C 1Loud music makes me angry. 2It is uncomfortable for me to sit there. 3His words made me feel tense. 4The panda is an endangered animal. 5You cant believe her. For instance, she told a lie yesterday.


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