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2014届高考英语二轮复习完形填空提速训练35 Trudy, an American girl, tried swimming across the English Channel. That was August 6, 1962. Her father had 36 her two things. One was not to pull her out of the water 37 she asked. The other was to give her a red sports 38 if she made it.In gay spirits Trudy 39 out , swimming strongly. All the swimmers started at 7: 09 in the morning. His father and the trainer were going along in a boat beside her.At ten oclock, rain began falling. 40, Trudy trod (踩) water while drinking and eating a chicken leg. Then she started swimming 41. The wind was 42 and the sea became rougher.Late 43 the wind became even worse. The trainer 44 it was useless trying to finish. He called to Trudy to 45.“No human being could do it in this weather, ” he said, “Its 46 to go on.However, her father shouted, “Dont grab her. Let her 47.”At seven oclock the tides turned 48 her. It was more difficult to move ahead. But Trudy still swam on. She 49 victory was possible now, for the English coast was in 50.It was getting dark. A sound could be heard 51 the wind; hundreds of car horns were cheering her on. With 52 strength, she finished the last 200 yards.At 935 p.m. Trudy got out of water. She had swum some 35 miles in 53 the 21- mile - wide - Channel 54 a strong storm. But she had made it in 14 hours and 30 minutes.“Well, Pop,” she said to her father. “I 55 I get my car this time, dont I?”36A. given B. refused C. allowed D. promised37A. as B. unless C. even if D. when38A. suit B. shoe C. hat D. car39A. rushed B. left C. started D. worked40A. At midday B. In the morning C. In the evening D. In the late afternoon41A. faster B. better C. again D. across42A. stopping B. rising C. changing D. increasing43A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. night44A. thought B. considered C. decided D. felt45A. keep up B. slow down C. give up D. take a rest46A. difficult B. stupid C. impossible D. unnecessary47A. go B. decide C. come out D. go on48A. towards B. with C. at D. against49A. realized B. noticed C. found out D. thought50A. the distance B. reach C. sight D. hand51A. over B. in C. with D. from52A. fresh B. greater C. weakening D. remaining53A. flying B. swimming C. crossing D. passing54A. in spite of B. because of C. against D. during55A. demand B. am afraid C. hope D. guess19For most of the day construction worker Sidney Smith and his brother-in-law Joseph Chambers had been 36 along the banks of Lake Waco with little 37 . Chambers suggested they go home, but Smith 38 that there were still several hours of 39 remaining and there was one other place they might try a bit longer before 40 . Smith drove his pickup (小货车)a couple of miles along the winding road to get to 41 side of the lake. This road, in the truest sense, was a path wagging in the heavy 42 area. Even with the sun still high in the cloudless sky, the 43 of trees formed a leafy 44 over the road and it suddenly seemed 45 in the evening. “A guy could get lost and nobody would ever find him,” said Chambers. Smith smiled, “Were 46 there,” he said. A few seconds later, the smile was 47 from his face. “What the hell is that?” He braked to a stop. Less than twenty feet away was what appeared to be a 48 . For several minutes the two men sat in the pickup 49 to decide whether they had happened to come across someones bad practical joke or something far more 50 . Smith with his brother-in-law got out of the pickup and 51 walked towards that thing some distance before them. It was a young man who was already dead. They got to tell 52 . Back into the pickup, Smith backed the pickup down the road 53 he could turn around, then 54 back. With the dead young man still on his mind, Smith felt as if he was going to be sick. God, how he 55 they had given up fishing and gone home early. 36. A. playingB. boatingC. fishingD. walking 37. A. failureB. successC. interestD. disappointment 38. A. quarreledB. arguedC. reasonedD. shouted 39. A. daylightB. morningC. afternoonD. sunlight 40. A. starting offB. running outC. sending awayD. giving up 41. A. anyB. anotherC. eitherD. the other 42. A. grassedB. woodedC. icedD. snowed 43. A. trunksB. shadowC. shadeD. branches 44. A. hatB. umbrellaC. sheetD. overcoat 45. A. foggyB. lateC. earlyD. rainy 46. A. almostB. alreadyC. safelyD. right 47. A. escapedB. lostC. goneD. missed 48. A. bodyB. fishC. boatD. worker 49. A. talkingB. hopingC. wantingD. trying 50. A. seriousB. importantC. excitingD. surprising 51. A. loudlyB. quietlyC. quicklyD. slowly 52. A. the truthB. somebodyC. a storyD. a lie 53. A. untilB. beforeC. afterD. when 54. A. turnedB. ranC. headedD. walked 55. A. expectedB. supposedC. wishedD. prayed20Anthropology is a science which deals with man and his social habits. I think of anthropology here as “being interested, without _36_, in the way other people choose to live and _37_.”When you are curious about the way someone behaves or the way_38_feel about something, its_39_that you will he annoyed.When someone acts in a way that seems _40_ to you, rather than react in your usual way, such as “I cant believe they would do that,” _41_ say something to yourself like “I see, that must be the way they _42_ things in their world. Very interesting.” In order for this _43_ to help you, you have to be genuine (真诚的).Recently I was at a shopping mall with my six-year old daughter _44_ a group of punk rockers walked by with orange spiked hair and tattoos (纹身) covering much of their bodies. At the sight of them, my daughter immediately asked me, “Daddy, why are they _45_ like that?” Years ago I would have felt very _46_ with such young people. I would have given a judgmental explanation and passed along to her my _47_. Pretending to be an anthropolgist, however, has _48_ my perspective (看法) a great deal, so its made me _49_ .I said to my daughter, “Im not really sure, but its interesting how _50_ we all are, isnt it?” She said, “Yeah, _51_ I like my own hair.”When you are interested in other perspectives, it doesnt mean youre _52_them. I certainly wouldnt choose a punk rock lifestyle or _53_ it to anyone else. At the same time, however, its really not my _54 to judge it either. One of the most important rules of joyful living is that judging others takes a great deal of energy and _55_ you away from where you want to be36. A. agreementB. judgementC. improvementD. entertainment37. A. behaveB. speakC. growD. eat38. A. youB. theyC. ID. we39. A. naturalB. certainC. obviousD. impossible40. A. normalB. commonC. strangeD. passive41. A. just B. alsoC. still D. never42. A. makeB. findC. seeD. get 43. A. personB. wayC. interestD. word44. A. whdeB. untilC. sinceD. when45. A. tried onB. grown upC. acted out D. dressed up46. A. pleasedB. interestedC. boredD. excited47. A. viewsB. questionsC. adviceD. plan48. A. blockedB. changedC. enlargedD. raised49. A. softerB. higherC. happierD. angrier50. A. similarB. confidentC. humorousD. different51. A. andB. butC. soD. or52. A. likeB. forC. besideD. against53. A. presentB. connectC. sendD. suggest54. A. placeB. attemptC. faultD. decision55. A. givesB. bringsC. pullsD. puts18: (DBDCA CBBCC BDDAC ADCBD)19: (CBBADDBCBB ACADADBACC)20: (BABDC ACBDDCABAD BBDAC)

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