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高考听力班讲义答案07BAAC08CBCAC BACB09ACA 10A CABAC BCAAB11ABBCB CAACA BBACC ABABC12131-5 ACABC 6-10 CAABB 11-15 CBABA 16-20 CBACC易错集合是按照浙江省高考听力从2013年9月到2009年9月 往下排的,基本课堂上做了,你们可以去自己把整张卷子打出来听,文档里有。拔高一36 concentrated 40 row 37 information 41 suspected38 depends 42 phenomenon (现象)39 straight 43 efficiently44 our second rule of learning is this: it is better to study fairly briefly but often。45 Lets say you are trying to learn some new and rather difficult English vocabulary using a stack of cards。46 The answer is it is better to space out the presentations of the word you are to learn。拔高二In the humanities, authors write to inform you in many ways. These methods can be (36) classified into three types of informational writing:factual, descriptive, and process. Factual writing provides (37) background information on an author, composer or artist or on a type of music, literature, or art. Examples of factual writing include notes in the book jacket or (38) album cover and longer pieces, such as an article describing a style of music which you might read ina music (39 )appreciation course. This kind of writing provides a (40) context for your study of humanities. As its name(41) implies, descriptive writing simply describes or provides an (42) image of, a piece of music, art or literature. For example, descriptive writing might list the colors an artist used in a painting or the (43)instruments a composer included in the musical composition. So as to make pictures of sounds in the readers mind by calling up the specific details of the work. (44) Descriptive writing in the humanities. particularly in literature is often mixed with critical writing .Process writing explains a series of actions that bring about a result. (45).It tells the reader how to do something, for example, explaining the technique used to shoot a film. This kind of writing is often found in art, where understanding how an artist created a certain effect is important. (46)Authors may actually use more than one type of technique in the given piece of informational writing.8月模考1. What does the man ask the woman to do? (09.3 1th) A Get his key. B Start the car. C Wait for him.2. When is the next weather report? (维克多专项训练14:3th) A At 8:35. B At 9:25. C At 9:35. 3. What is implied in the womans reply? (10上海8th) A Disappointment. B Disapproval. C Sympathy.4. What do we learn about the speakers from the conversation?( 11年12月CET18) A They went camping this time last year. B They didnt quite enjoy their last picnic. C They learned to cooperate under harsh conditions.5. What kind of person is probably the man? (09上海 2th) A A reporter. B An athlete. C A fisherman.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段材料,回答第6和第7题6. What does this conversation take place? (08.9 6-7th) A In a restaurant. B At a party.C At a hotel.7. How many people come with the man? A Two. B One. C Three.听下面一段材料,回答第8和第10题8. Why did the woman go to a small town? (11重庆6-8th) A To meet a neighbor. B To visit her friends. C To go horse-riding.9. What did the woman do on Saturday A She went to a party. B She went to a farm. C She went to a concert.10. What are the two speakers mainly talking about? A An interesting party. B A beautiful farm. C A wonderful weekend.听下面一段材料,回答第11和第13题11. Where is the Mini?(维克多专项训练14:10-12th )A Behind the Lancia. B In front of the Citroen C Between the Volvo and the Toyota.12. Why doesnt the woman like the Mini and the Citroen?A They are slow. B They are expensive.C They havent got enough room13. What is said about the Toyota?A Its more expensive than the Citroen.B It does 38 miles per gallon.C Its user-friendly.听下面一段材料,回答第14和第17题14. Where are the speakers?(2007.3 14-17th) A On a plane. B On an airport bus. C In the waiting room.15. What made the woman so worried at the beginning of the conversation? A Her brother had an accident. B She would be late for flight. C She missed the bus to the airport.16. Why does the man say “you waste time waiting around doing nothing”? A You may get to the airport too early. B You may spend a lot of time traveling to the airport. C You may wait for some time on the plane before taking off.17. What is the weather like that day?A FineB Rainy.C Cold.听下面一段材料,回答第18和第20题18. What does the speaker do first after arriving at the hotel?(10上海14-16th) A Greet guests and talk to hotel staff. B Prepare for the meeting and write new report. C Review the previous nights reports and emails.19. Which of the following details shows the speakers concern about cultural differences? A Considering different bath requirements. B Dinning with a different staff member. C Holding various operational meetings.20. What does the passage mainly tell us?A A days life of a hotel manager. B The daily routine at a hotel. C Hotel service and improvement.强化训练1 BCABC BAABA CACAB CCBBA强化训练2ABCCA BACBA BACBC ACABB强化训练3CAABC BACBB ACCBA BACCA强化训练4CBBAC ABABA ACCAB BCACB强化训练5CBACA BAACB ACABB CABBC有问题,再联系!

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