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Plan for Teachers Training(教师培训计划)Time 培训时间Topics 培训内容Delivery Method培训方式Purpose培训目的 Location 培训场所Before the courses commenced (开课前)Introduction to Edexcel and BTEC(介绍爱德思(英国一教育考试机构)及英国商业与技术教育委员会) Presentation (陈述)To introduce Edxcel Limted., and BTEC qualifications(了解爱德思机构及BTEC资质) On campus(学校内) Before the courses commenced(开课前)Quality Control: IV and EV system (质量管理:IV和EV系统)Presentations(陈述) To explain how to IV and EV systems ensure the quality of the programs(解释IV和EV系统,保证教学质量) On campus(校园内) Before the courses commenced and during the first semester(开课前及第一学期内) Teaching Method Development (教学方法延伸)Lectures or workshops 讲座或讲习班To understand psychology and pedagogics 了解心理学和教育学On campus ( Education School ), HND center office (校园内(教育学院)国家高等教育文凭颁发中心办公室(HND higher national diploma)The 2 nd week of the 1 st semester (第一学期第二周)Schoolwork Design Training课业设计培训Guidance by experts from Beijing Academy of Oriental Education北京东方教育研究院专家指导Induce the importance of schoolwork design and ways of how to design and assign schoolwork介绍课业设计的重要性及如何设计与布置课业On campus 校园内The 4 th week of the 1 st semester(第一学期第四周) Schoolwork Design Training课业设计培训Seminars Meeting 研讨会 To discuss the assignment design with experienced staffs (与资深员工讨论任务分配)On campus校园内The 10 th week of the 1 st semester (第一学期第十周)How to Do Feedback如何进行反馈 Workshops 讲习班To make sure the new tutors can provide constructive feedback 确保导师提供建设性的意见反馈On campus校园内 The 12 th week of the 1 st semester (第一学期第十二周)Gain experience from HND projects by domestic peer academics and schools国内兄弟院校举办HND项目经验学习Investigation and Research考察、调研Learn advanced school-running experience and improve the quality of talents training学习先进的办学经验,提高人才培养质量Shanghai上海The 18 th week of the 1 st semester (第一学期第十八周)Teaching Method Development 教学方法延伸Seminar Meeting 研讨会及会议To exchange and discuss the issues and solutions during the teaching HND courses (在HND课程中交换意见及讨论问题)On campus校园内The 3 rd week of the 2 nd semester (第二学期第三周)Quality control: IV and EV system (质量控制:IV,EV系统)Presentation Meeting 陈述及会议To make sure the new assessors and IV team can conduct IV and prepare documents for EV(确保评估人员及IV小组能够实施IV并为EV准备文档) On campus(校园内) The 10 th week of the 2 nd semester (第二学期第十周)Assessment design (评估设计)Meeting (会议)To discuss the house-style for assignment(讨论分配的常用形式) On campus(校园内) The 12 th week of the 2 nd semester(第二学期第十二周) Assessment strategy (评估策略)Meeting (会议)To learn how to conduct assessment(学习怎样展开评估) Office of HND center国家高等教育文凭颁发中心办公室 The 18 th week of the 2 nd semester(第二学期第十八周) Deal with the issues and problems during teaching(处理教学问题) Seminar(研讨会) To summarize and discuss lessons learned about assessment(总结,讨论所学关于评估的经验) Office of HND 国家高等教育文凭颁发中心办公室

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