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2020年高考英语(全国卷)模拟试题(1)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. When will the military parade in Beijing start? A. In 15 minutes. B. In 20 minutes. C. In half an hour.2. What will the woman do this afternoon? A. Visit her sister. B. Go to Wang anshi Museum. C. Help with her sisters study.3. What are the two speakers mainly talking about? A. The mans Apple watch. B. The mans brother. C. The mans birthday.4. What was the weather like in Australia then? A. Rainy. B. Nice. C. Terrible.5. Where does the conversation take place? A. at a market. B. in a police office. C. at a bank.第二节听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6. How does the man feel? A. Nervous. B. Upset. C. Sick.7. Whats wrong with the man? A. He had a car accident. B. He was knocked down by a car. C. He had an accident when walking on the street.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至10 题。8. Whats the mans favorite fruit? A. Apples. B. Peaches. C. Bananas.9.When were peaches first planted in China? A. About 750 years ago. B. About 5,700 years ago. C. About 7,500 years ago.10. How many researchers did the study? A. 2. B. 3. C. 4.听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。11. Whats wrong with the mans camera? A. Its missing. B. Its out of date. C. Its broken.12. How do people usually take photos now? A. By using cell phones and iPad. B. By using cameras. C. By photographers.13. Whats the mans final decision?A. He will buy a new camera from eBay. B. He will go to a real store to buy a new camera.C. He decides not to buy a new camera.听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 16 题。14. Whats the trouble with Mrs. Wang and what does she need right now? A. Her pulse runs very slowly and needs an X-ray test. B. She gets tired after running and needs a rest. C. She has a stomachache and needs an operation immediately.15. What is not true according to the conversation? A. Mrs. Wang is getting fatter and fatter. B. Mrs. Wang has been sick recently. C. Mrs. Wangs heart is in a bad state.16. Who has passed away in her family? A. Mrs. Wangs father. B. Mrs. Wangs mother. C. Mrs. Wangs grandfather.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17. In which country do children sing songs of spring on May Day? A. France. B. Greece. C. Italy.18. How do children in England deal with the pennies? A. Buy some flowers. B. Buy gifts. C. Throw them into a well.19. What do children in the US do on May Day? A. Give each other gifts. B. Sing songs to each other. C. Leave flowers at the doors.20. Where is the text taken from? A. A class presentation. B. A TV program. C. A radio program.【答案】1-5 ACABC 6-10 BACCB 11-15 CABCA 16-20 CBCCC【解析】听力原文Text 1W: When will the military parade in Beijing start?M: Its scheduled to begin at ten oclock, and my watch says 9:45. It wont be long. Text 2M: What a beautiful day today! What about taking a walk in Wang anshi Museum this afternoon?W: Id like to, but my sister has asked me to help with her math.Text 3W: Your Apple watch is very beautiful. Where did you buy it?M: Actually I didnt buy it. It is a gift from my brother. He gave me on my 20th birthday.Text 4W: Was the weather nice when you were traveling in Southern China?M: No. It kept pouring all the time. I went there during the wrong season. I should have gone to Australia instead.Text 5M: Hello, Id like to open a savings account.W: A fixed deposit or current account?M: Whats the interest rate on a one-year deposit account?W: 2.25%.Text 6W: Hi, David, you look awful. Whats the trouble?M: Well, believe it or not, I had an accident in the car this morning. Someone drove into the back of my car.W: No! How did it happen?M: I was just turning into my drive when another car came round the corner and drove into the back of mine.W: Didnt you see him?M: No, I didnt. I looked in my driving mirror and there was no one coming. Not only that, I also looked in the big mirror on the other side of the road.M: Thats right. Text 7M: What do you want to eat, Maria? We have apples and peaches.W: Id like a peach, please. Its my favorite fruit. What about you, James?M: I prefer bananas. By the way, have you read the news report about peaches? It explains when peach trees were first planted in China.W: No. When were they first planted in China?M: According to the report, peach trees were first planted in China about 7,500 years ago. But it took three years for peaches to the ones we eat today.W: Where were they first planted?M: Somewhere in the lower area of the Yangtze River. It was near Shanghai.W: Who did the study?M: Two Chinese researchers and a Canadian researcher. By the way, why do you like eating peaches so much?W: I like their taste. Theyre really sweet. And, they can help me have better skin.Text 8M: My camera is broken. Im thinking about buying a new one.W: Youre really living in the Stone Age. Few people use cameras to take photos now.M: Then how do people usually take photos now?W: By using cellphones and iPads. I havent used a camera for a long time. I usually take photos using my iPhone. It takes very goods photos.M: Do you think cameras will totally disappear one day?W: That depends. If cellphones can take photos as well as the best cameras, then Im afraid theyll completely disappear.M: But I like using cameras.W: So you still want to buy a new camera?M: Yes. I want to go downtown tomorrow.W: Why not just buy one from eBay? Its much more convenient and it can save you a lot of money.M: Well, I like shopping around in a real store. Different people like different things, you know.Text 9M: Well, Mrs. Wang. Do you have a pain in your stomach?W: Yes, particularly after meals.M: Let me see your X-ray result. Im afraid you need an operation right now.W: Is it so serious?M: Im afraid so.W: operation? What about my heart?M: Let me feel your pulse. Have you been weak recently?W: Yes, I get tired rather easily.M: Have you been losing any weight?W: I suppose so. The mirror tells me that.M: Has anyone in your family got heart trouble?W: Well, both my parents have high blood pressure, and my grandfather died of a heart attack.M: Your heart is in a rather bad state.W: You mean I should have another operation some day?M: Yes, very likely.Text 10 People in different countries have their own ways of celebrating May Day. In todays program, Ill share some ways of celebrating May Day in some countries. In France, people touch cows that are walking on the street. They also drink milk directly from cows on the morning of the day. They do that for good luck. In Greece children go from door to door and sing songs of spring on May Day. They usually receive something to eat from their neighbors. In England, children visit from house to house. They bring flowers in exchange for pennies. But they dont use the money to buy anything. They throw them into a wishing well. In Italy, boys often sing to the girls they love. So how do people in our country celebrate it? Well, in the US, children ring doorbells of relatives and friends then run away leaving flowers there as a surprise. Thats all for today. Thanks for your listening.第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ANew Books Just Waiting for You!Saving niaAuthor: G.B.JonesHardback: $34.99Paperback: $23.99E-book at www.authorhouse.com $3.99This book is based on a girls true story.Separated from her nappy home and placed with drug-addicted relatives, Nia sinks into a depression and attempts to set herself on fire.The love of another child lights up her darkness and brings her out!An Insiders History of the Swingin MedallionsAuthor: Carrol BlessoeHardback: $29.99Paperback: $21.99E-book at www.xlibris.com : $3.99This book records the story of eight young guys, the Swingin Medallions, born in a small town in America, who become a national sense in the music world.Road to Freedom- My Life and Journey from a 3rd World CountryAuthor: Edward A.NietoHardback: $27.99Paperback: $19.99E-book at www.xlibris.com :$3.99This book details Edward A.Nietos life and journey.It also includes his struggles with violence. corruption and the politics of living in a third world count.The MisterAuthor: E.L.JamesHardback: $51.99Paperback: $41.99E-book at www.xlibris.com :$3.99This is a new romantic story.Life has been easy for Maxim Trevelyan.But all that changes when he meets an unexpected, young woman whos recently arrived in England.After some awkward moments and dramatic incidents, he finally wins the ladys heart.21.Who writes about Nia?A.G.B.Jones. B.Carrol Blessoe. C.Edward A.Nieto.D.E.L.James.【语篇导读】本文是一篇应用文,介绍了几本新书的情况。【答案】A【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段“Saving nia Author: G.B.Jones”可知,G.B.Jones的书写的是关于Nia的故事。故选A项。22.What can we know about the bookAn Insiders History of the Swingin Medallions?A.It tells a story of adventure.B.Its a romantic story.C.It tells the story of some young musicians.D.Its about Edward A.Nietos struggling life.【答案】C【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段“This book records the story of eight young guys, the Swingin Medallions, born in a small town in America, who become a national sense in the music world.”这本书记录了八个年轻人的故事。他们成为了音乐界的一个流派。可知它讲述了一些年轻音乐家的故事。故选C项。23.Which book with a paperback is in the lowest price?A.Saving Nia. B.The Mister.C.An Insiders History of the Swingin Medallions.D.Road to Freedom-My Life and Journey from a 3rd World Country.【答案】D【解析】细节理解题。比较四本书的价格,“Road to Freedom-My Life and Journey from a 3rd World Country.”的价格为19.99美元,最低,故选D项。BPromise Sawyers, a 10-year-old girl in Nashville, Tenn., is inspiring people old and young after making a video before going to school “bigger and better” with her natural hair, just one day after she was made fun of for her afro.Promise Sawyers motivational video was posted online by her mom Qui Daugherty, after the 5th-grader secretly recorded it on Daughertys phone. In it, Sawyers explained that she was feeling “some type of way” after her classmates had mean things to say after she wore her natural hair the day before. But she was determined not to let it bring her down, and wore it the same way the following day. “Dont allow anyone to steal your joy,” Promise said. “Dont give them that much power.”Daugherty says that Promise has been surrounded by that type of positivity her whole life. Shes always taught her daughter to “meet a negative with a positive”, even when somebody is trying to bring her down. And although this example seems like one of the more disheartening( 令人气馁的) ones that Promise has faced after starting at a new school, her video proved that she took her moms advice to heart.Now, nearly 2 million views later, people everywhere are responding to the video. “We had no idea the impact that it was going to make and the amount of messages,” Daugherty said. “Its made a huge impact behind the scenes that has blessed me personally.”Daugherty jokes that Promise doesnt understand how influential her words are. Instead, the 10-year-old is just excited about the millions of views.“I just tell her not to focus on the numbers,” Daugherty says. “Lets find a way we can be impactful behind this and make an influence and inspire people. Thats all we want.”24. What does the underlined word “afro” in Paragraph 1 refer to?A. A hairstyle. B. A disability. C. An attitude. D. A video.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。10 岁的小女孩 Promise Sawyers 天生拥有蓬松发型,这使她在学校里遭到了同学的取笑。Promise 并没有因此而闷闷不乐, 而是用阳光的心态应对一切,坚守自己的快乐。她的视频激励了很多人。【答案】A【解析】词义猜测题。联系画线词所在句中的“with her natural hair”和第二段第二句“In it, Sawyers explained that she was feeling some type of way after her classmates had mean things to say after she wore her natural hair the day before.”可知,同学们嘲笑的是她的头发。由此可推知,afro指的是一种发型。故选A。25. What did Promise decide to do after being teased by her classmates?A. Seek some advice from her mother.B. Make herself look bigger and better.C. Record her sadness on video silently.D. Keep wearing the same hair to school.【答案】D【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段第三句“But she was determined not to let it bring her down, and wore it the same way the following day.”可知,Promise 被同学们嘲笑后,决定第二天仍然保持着同样的发型去上学。故选D。26. What will Daugherty advise Promise to do when theres something disheartening?A. Switch to a new start. B. Look on the bright side.C. Make necessary changes. D. Share her joy with others.【答案】B【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段第二句“Shes always taught her daughter to meet a negative with a positive, even when somebody is trying to bring her down.”可知,Daugherty 一直教女儿在遇到令她沮丧的事情时用积极乐观的心态去面对。由此可推知,当女儿遇到令人气馁的事情时,Daugherty 会建议她去看到阳光的一面。故选B。27. How did Daugherty feel about peoples response to the video?A. Embarrassed.B. Worried. C. Confused. D. Surprised.【答案】D【解析】推理判断题。根据第四段中 Daugherty 所说的“We had no idea the impact that it was going to make and the amount of messages”可知,她此前没有料想到这个视频能引起如此大的反响。由此可推知,她对人们对该视频的反应感到吃惊。故选D。CTechnology is supposed to make our lives easier, allowing us to do things more quickly and efficiently. But too often it seems to make things harder. This increase in complexity, often called feature creep, costs consumers time, but it also costs business money. Product returns in the U.S. cost a hundred billion dollars a year, and a recent study by Elke den Ouden, of Philips Electronics, found that at least half of returned products have nothing wrong with them. Consumers just couldnt figure out how to use them. Companies now know a great deal about problems of usability and consumer behavior, so why is it that feature creep proves unstoppable?In part, fieature creep is the product of the so-called internal-audience problem: the people who design and sell product are not the ones who buy and use them, and what engineers and marketers think is important is not necessarily whats best for consumers. The engineers tend not to notice when more options make a product less usable. And marketing and sales departments see each additional feature as a new selling point, and a new way to attract customers.You might think, then, that companies could avoid fieature creep by just paying attention to what customers really want. But thats where the trouble begins, because although consumers find overloaded gadgets( 配件)unmanageable, they also find them attractive. It turns out that when we look at a new product in a store we tend to think that the more features there are, the better. It is only once we get the product home and try to use it that we realize the virtues of simplicity.It seems strange that we dont expect feature tiredness and thus avoid it. But, as numerous studies have shown, people are not, in general, good at predicting what will make them happy in the future. As a result, we will pay more for more features because we systematically overestimate how often well use them. We also overestimate our ability to figure out how a complicated product works.The fact that buyers want bells and whistles but users want something clear and simple creates an unusual problem for companies. A product that doesnt have enough features may fail to catch our eye in the store. But a product with too many features is likely to annoy consumers.28.What does the first paragraph mainly discuss?A.The benefits brought by the advanced technology.B.The recent study conducted by Elke den Ouden.C.The loss caused by the feature creep of technology.D.Many problems of usability known by the consumers.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了科技的“功能蔓延”是不可阻挡的,拒绝“功能蔓延”不是一件容易的事情。【答案】C【解析】主旨大意题。根据第一段内容,特别是“This increase in complexity, often called feature creep, costs consumers time, but it also costs business money.”可知,“功能蔓延”不但消耗消费者的时间,而且还消耗企业的资金,由此可知,本段主要讲的是技术的“功能蔓延”造成的损失,故C项正确。29.Which of the following is true according to the second paragraph?A.It is the audience problem that leads to feature creep.B.What matters to designers and marketers is not good for consumers.C.Feature creep brings blessings to the people in marketing and sales.D.The engineers will not pay attention to the quality of the product.【答案】C【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段中的“And marketing and sales departments see each additional feature as a new selling point, and a new way to attract customers.”可知,营销和销售人员把它看作一个新的卖点,一个吸引顾客的新方法,由此可知,“功能蔓延”给营销和销售人员带来福音,故C项正确。30.What do we know about the buyers in paragraph 4?A.They are deeply convinced that all the products work in simple way.B.They are fed up with the more and more features of the products.C.They are too confident of their ability to use the complicated products.D.They are quite clear about the products which will make them happy.【答案】C【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段中的“We also overestimate our ability to figure out how a complicated product works.”可知,购买者高估了自己理解复杂产品工作原理的能力,也就是说他们对自己使用复杂产品的能力过于自信,故C项正确。31.What can be a suitable title for the text?A.Saying No to Feature Creep is No Easy ThingB.Feature-heavy Products in DemandC.The More Features, the BetterD.Simplicity Outweighs Complexity【答案】A【解析】主旨大意题。通读全文,特别是根据第一段中的“so why is it that feature creep proves unstoppable?”可知,本文从设计者和消费者的角度介绍了科技的“功能蔓延”是不可阻挡的,拒绝“功能蔓延”不是一件容易的事情,故A项正确。D Once March 29 was impressed firmly in the minds of British people, as this was the date when the UK was supposed to leave the European Union (EU).The UK public voted to leave the EU almost three years ago. Since then, the UK Parliament has voted many times to determine the terms of the UKs exit from the EU. But British lawmakers havent reached an agreement on any particular path. So the UK and EU member states agreed to push the Brexit (脱欧) deadline to April 12, hoping this would allow UK lawmakers to get a Brexit deal through the UK Parliament.On March 29, British lawmakers rejected UK Prime Minister Theresa Mays Brexit deal once again. According to USA Today, the failure to reach an agreement was largely because hard-line (强硬的) lawmakers from Conservative Party didnt feel the deal done with the EU adequately separates the UK from the EU. Meanwhile, many Labor Party lawmakers were in favor of closer ties with the EU. As result, the UK has to announce a new plan before April 12, or leave the EU without a deal, and the latter one will bring the UK and the EU countries many influences. For example, the UK would have to face the fact that the price of imported goods for British people could go up as a result. Meanwhile, there could be long delays at borders between the UK and the EU countries if passport checks are strengthened.In the event of a no-deal Brexit, the German government would give British citizens living in Germany an initial period of three months during which their rights to live and work there would not change. However, they would have to apply for the permits of living in Germany during that period. The French Parliament has passed a law to give the government the power to introduce new measures to deal with a no-deal Brexit. The law covers, among other things, the rights of UK national a living and working in France.More efforts to prevent a disorderly Brexit are still needed, but time is limited!32. Why did the UK and EU member states push the Brexit deadline to April 12?A. To wait for a new Brexit deal.B. To make a no-deal Brexit plan.C. To meet Theresa

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