14-初中-will people have robots-逐字稿

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Will people have robots?GreetingGood morning boys and girls. How was your weekend? Wow. You really spend a wonderful weekend! Sounds great! And today I hope you have a good time too.1. Lead inLets play a game! Look at the blackboard. Please guessWhat am I drawing? Hmm. A box? Maybe and try again! Yes. Exactly! It is a robot! Guys, do you know robots? Lily, you have a Puppy Robot. Oh, it can sing and dance. Sounds great! The boy in blue, I heard you. There is a sweeping robot in your home. So, it can help your mom to clean the floor. Wonderful! As we all know, robots are all around us today. And lets learn a new passage about it - Will people have robots?2. Presentation1) Please open your book and turn to page14. Read the passage carefully and answer the two questions on the PPT. Q1: How many opinions mentioned in this passage? Q2: Whats James Whites opinion? Ill give you 5 minutes to do that. Here we go! Dingdong times up! Question one, how many? Right! Two! One side agrees that robots are like humans. But the other side disagrees. Question two, whod like to share your answer? Eason, I see you raise your hands very high! You are so brave! Listen to him carefully. So, do you agree with him? Totally right! You all did a very good job! 2) Please underline the two sentences on your book. Can you find something in common? 2 minutes for you, you can have a discussion in pairsstop here so, can you conclude the common structure? Yes! They all contain “will + be able to”. Pretty good! Boys and girls! Your conclusion ability is wonderful!Now look at the blackboard - will + be able to. This is the new grammar point, we call it-the simple future tense. We can use it to describe things that happened in the future. Pay attention to the verb- “be” after “will” and the verb after “to”, we should useexactly! The original word forms. For example, you will be able to finish your homework after school. I will do some house work after dinner. “will be able to do, will do” Got it? Hmm. If its negative, what should we do? OK, the monitor! Yes “will + not/never be able to do something”. Do you agree with him? Yes, your answer is right! Good job! Thank you! So, any more questions? No? Pretty good! 3. Practice1) Then lets play a game-Translation Game. You need to work in pairs. Try to translate your partners sentences into English by using the simple future tense will do/ will be able to do. OK.3 minutes for you. Then some of you will be invited to share your translation to the whole class. Are you ready? Go! Ok. Times up.Does anyone want to share? OH. Apple, you two, please! Hmm. Freya will not be able to attend the party. Good sentence! Sit down, please.Anyone else? David and your partner. Wow. Good translation and by the way, I like your pronunciation! Have a seat.2)Here I have a task for you. Look at the excise on your task paper-multiple choice. Try to choose the right word form of the simple future tense and fill in the blanks. Ill give you 5 minutes to do it. Lets start! Sorry to stop you. Have you finished? Great!Look at the PPT. Lets check the answers together! So, any more questions? Wonderful! I true believe you all did a very good job! Next, lets have a challenge!4. Production1) Guys, do you like robots? Yeah, they are amazing, right? How about design your own robots by yourselves? Listen, first, you can have a discussion in groups of 4, talk about the robots you prefer and then draw pictures about it. You need to make a report, later chose your representative to introduce it. Try to use the new grammar structure, the more the better. 7 minutes for you, am I clear? Great! Lets do it!2) All right, I see most of you have finished your work! Which group wants to be the first? The group in corner, please. Who is your representative? OH. Jack. Please come to the stage. You are so brave! Dear students, please look at their design on the screen and listen to him carefully. Jack you can start! Wow. Guys. What do you think of his report? Creative ideas, right? Your design is amazing. The robot will be able to do the same things as we can. Meanwhile, your group have set a good example for us! Big hands for you, guys. Thank you!I true believe you all have done a great job! Next time, I hope more students will come to the stage and perform yourselves bravely!5. Summary and homework1) At last, who wants to help me to summarize what weve learned today? Ok. How about the girl in red? Do you agree with her? Pretty good! We learned a new grammar point to describe things in the future. And also, we designed our own robots! I hope your ideas will come true.2) And now, its your afterschool task. Search more information about robots on the internet and perfect your design. Then write an introduction about your robot. At least 80 words. Pay attention to the spelling and tense. Then we will share it next class.Thats all for todays lesson. Thank you for listening! Good-bye!6. Blackboard designWill people have robots? will + (not/never) be able to do will + do4

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