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三环节教学设计Unit 2 Cloning,Book 8宁阳实验高中徐金红Unit 2 Cloning,Book 8Period 1: Warming up and readingPreview PlanPreview contents(预习内容):Warming up and readingPreview goals(预习目标): 根据自己的基础和兴趣,从以下知识和能力目标中任选至少三项适合自己的目标1. Learn about some knowledge about cloning2. Can read and know the Chinese meaning of the bold words and expressions in the text 3. Use some word formation rules or other skills to master the words well4. Can use the following words and expressions freelydiffer, undertake, breakthrough , pay off , cast down 5. Get the general idea of the reading passage6. Find out the sentences that you have difficulty in understanding我选择的的目标: 我这样选择的的理由: Preview key points:(预习重点)Master the words,know the basic knowledge of cloning and get the general idea of the textPreview tasks:(预习任务)从以下任务中选至少两项作为你的预习任务Task1. Learn about cloning on the internet or in other waysTask2. Read the words and expressions in this period fluentlyTask3. Read the text silently or listen to the tape,trying to get the general idea of the text and do the exercises on Page 6.Task4. Refer to a dictionary or reference books to learn about the usages of the key words我选择的任务: 我做出以上选择的理由: Preview methods: (预习方法) Listening;Reading;借助联想记忆单词;借助topic sentence快速理解课文;小组成员互助合作Preview time (预习时间): about 20-30 minutes预习检测I. Translate the words and phrases into English 1.vi.不同 2.adj.准确的,精确的_3.adj.商业的,贸易的 _ 4.adj.简单的、直接的 5.vt.从事、承担 6.n.突破 7.adv.总共,完全地_ _ 8.adj.任意的_9.vi反对,不赞成 10.n反对,不赞成,异议 11.vt.获得、赢得 12.vt.禁止,不准 13. adj.道德的,伦理的_ 14.vt. 积累、聚积 _1.与不同 _ 2.使沮丧 _3.对有冲击或影响 _ 4.赞成;支持 _5.反对,不赞成 _ 6.偿清;得到好结果 II. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of words1. Our opinions_(不同)greatly in that respect.2. I arrived at the airport_ (精确地)at six.3. Can you name five great _ (突破) of the 20th century?4. No_ (异议) were raised at the meeting yesterday.5. By investing wisely, she _ (积累)a fortune.6. He o_ to being treated like a child.III.Answer the following questions about cloning1. What is cloning? 2. Which pictures in warming up are natural clones and which ones are man-made? 3. What are the two uses of cloning? 4. In which year was Dolly the sheep cloned? At what age did this clone die? Self-reflect (反思)今天,在预习过程中,我遇到的问题是 我做得比较好的是 我要向我们组的 同学学习,因为 Unit 2 Cloning,Book 8Period 1: Warming up and reading Learning PlanLearning goals: Knowledge & ability(知识和能力): 从以下知识目标中选择至少两项适合自己的目标A. To master the new words and expressions mentioned in this period B. To understand the general idea of the new text to train the reading ability C. To use proper language to describe the procedure of the cloning of Dolly the sheepD. To be more familiar with reading skills, such as skimming, scanning, summarizing etc. .Emotional goals(情感与态度):To hold a correct attitude to cloningLearning strategy(学习策略):通过上下文记忆单词;灵活掌握阅读方法;小组成员互助合作;对抗小组间竞争合作Learning key points:To understand the general idea of the text better To improve the students reading ability further Learning difficult points:To use words and expressions learned in this text to communicate freely.Teaching &learning methods:Task-based teaching and the integral teaching method cooperation in groups and competition between groupsTeaching and learning Procedures:Step 1 Lead in(2)Lead in the lesson by showing the students a short video about Dolly the sheep to arouse the interest of the students.Step 2 预习交流(8)Check the preview plans Check the answers to the exercises on the preview plans in groupsThe groups compete to show their preview.(only two chances )Get the students to raise the difficulties or problems they met with in their preview.Step 3 skimming & Scanning (7)Task1Listen to the tape carefully, trying to get the general idea of each paragraph. While listening, match the main idea of each paragraph. Discuss in groups and compete to show the answers. Para 1: Cloning has two major uses and the procedure of cloning.Para 2: The problems of Dolly the sheep. Para 3: The effect of Dolly the sheep Para 4: Peoples attitude towards cloningPara 5: Cloning is a way of making an exact copy of another animal or plant.Task2 Now scan the text and tell which ones are true and which ones are false. Check the answers in groups, then compete to show their answers 1. Cloning means making a copy of an animal or a plant. ( ) 2. Gardeners can make a lot of money by cloning plants. ( )3. Cloning animals is as complicated as cloning plants. ( ) 4. Dolly the sheep was the first successful clone of a mammal. ( ) 5. Natural clones only happen in plants. ( )Step 4 Careful reading (15)Task 1 Try to describe the procedure of the cloning of Dolly the sheep?Practice in groups. Groups compete to show the procedure. Task 2 Read the text aloud, trying to answer the following questions: What is cloning? What are the two uses of cloning? What about the history of cloning? What are the advantages of cloning? What are the problems or dangers of cloning? Discuss in your groups. Try to retell the text briefly. Groups compete to show the retelling.Step 5 Debate(6)Topic In the last paragraph, we talked about the human cloning. Are you in favor of it or against it? What is your point of view on it? Debate between groups holding opposite opinions.Step 6限时作业(5)(每空1分,共10分)Cloning is a way of making an 1 copy of another animal or plant. It has two major uses. Firstly, gardeners use it to produce 2 quantities of plants. Secondly, it is valuable for research on new plant species and for medical research on animals. Cloning plants is 3 while cloning animals is very complicated. It is a difficult task to 4 . Many attempts to clone mammals failed. But at last the determination and patience of scientists 5 in 1996 with a 6 - the cloning of Dolly the sheep. Dollys appearance raised a storm of 7 and had a great 8 on the media and public imagination. Altogether Dolly lived six and a half years, half the length of the original sheep.At present some countries began to reform their legal systems and 9 research into human cloning, but other countries like China and the UK, continued to 10 evidence of the abundant medical aid that cloning could provide.Step7 Summary(2)CLONING:WHERE IS IT LEADING US?Cloning:Two major uses:Scientists still wondering whether cloning will help or harm us and where it is leading us.Step 8 Homework1. Write a short passage about the problems or dangers of cloning as well as the advantages of it.2. Learn about the history of cloning and preview the second reading passage.Step 9 Self-reflect今天,在上课过程中,我参与了 我收获了 我还需努力的地方 我要向我们组的 同学学习,因为


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