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教学设计 以习惯促发展-教会学生写英语作文之积累模仿式作文训练课例 徐海英大连市第六十八中学2012年3月16日一授课说明:本节课是“教会学生学习”专题研究的一堂实践课,是依据本人在初中英语教学中教会学生写英语作文的研究子课题而设计实施的。本课的设计意图:依据已积累的知识素材,通过连词成句和仿写等手段,达到会写英语作文的目的。本节实践课目的在于物化冷冉先生“教是为了不教” “学会如何学习”的教学理论和教学思想。二教学目标:(一) 知识与能力目标: 正确运用与中国传统节日话题相关的词汇、短语和句式结构、语法,描述中国的主要传统节日春节和中秋节。(二) 过程与方法:运用素材再现、部分仿写、评析讨论、范文引领等方法,指导和激励学生参与学习活动,完成写作任务。(三) 情感态度;带领学生以积极的态度,饱满的情绪参与学习活动;通过向外国笔友介绍中国传统节日,感受中国传统文化,增强爱国热情。三教学重点:(一) 能熟练掌握与中国传统节日相关的词汇和表达方式。(二) 能较好的仿写,介绍中国的传接和中秋节的风俗习惯。(三) 能互相帮助修改介绍春节和中秋节的小作文。四教学难点:根据具体作文要求取舍作文素材,组织作文语言,合理布局谋篇。五教学准备:学生: 准备和传统中国节日话题有关的词汇句式。教师:多媒体课件,作文范文六教学过程:(一) 图片导入,课题呈现操作方式T:Please look at these pictures. What words expressions can you think of ?Ss:Spring Festival. Make dumplings. Eat dumplings. Play fireworks. Paper cuts. Visit relatives and friends. Buy new clothesT: Today we are going to practise writing about Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival.设计意图:进入学习情境,回顾相关知识,明确本课任务。(二)连词成句,知识再现操作方式T: look at the word map about Spring Festival. Try to describe Spring Festival with the help of the given words in groups. Then we will see which group can say more correct sentences about it.Ss discuss in groups of four.设计意图:学生在小组互助中回顾学过的有关表达方式,为下一步的仿写句段打基础(三) 仿写句段,初步成文1 T: check the group work, ask each group to say at least one sentence.2 T: discuss with the students what to write to describe Spring Festivalthe time of Spring Festival; the position of Spring Festival; traditional activities to celebrate Spring Festival.3 Ask the students to write according to the three aspects.Ask three middle-level students to write one part on the blackboard. 设计意图:在小组讨论的基础上仿写句段,初步形成作文。请三个中等水平的学生在黑板上分别写其中的一段,为下一步集体评析改进做准备。(四)评析改进,明确标准T: Now lets look at the blackboard. See how to make a beautiful passage.Students read the parts on the blackboard, say if the writings need to be corrected. Teacher discuss together with the students and help if needed. After correct all the sentences, discuss what to write first, what to write second,next, finally. Then discuss how to make them together a beautiful passage about Spring Festival.设计意图评析学生的习作,指导学生推敲词句而后合理安排语言素材的层次和逻辑,形成较好的作文。(五)情境呈现, 再次仿写Now lets see the word map about another important Chinese traditional festivalMid-Autumn Festival. Then try to write another short passage to describe it.Read two passages and discuss together if the students can write correctly and properly.设计意图操练上一个环节中学到的层次安排和谋篇布局,为下一环节的真题演练做铺垫。(六)真题演练 提升能力1 真题演练Ask the students to read through the writing instructions, make sure they understand what to write. Then everyone tries to write a proper passage in about 13 minutes. Ask one student to write on the computer so that we can discuss it with the whole class, in this way all the students can read the writing and correct it together作文说明:你的美国笔友Lucy来信说她正在学习汉语,对中国的传统节日很感兴趣。请回信,介绍中国的两个传统节日,并说明你最喜欢的节日(可以是上面的两个之一或是另外的节日)并说明理由。2 改进提升After correcting the writing on the computer together, ask the students to correct their writings in pairs.3范文引领After the students have corrected their writing, read the teachers writing together, so that the students who cant write well can know what to write or copy them to recite.范文;Dear Lucy,How are you? Im really glad that you are interested in Chinese traditional festivals. Id like to talk about two main festivals:Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival. They are both the time for family members to get together.Spring Festival is the most important in China.Its like Christmas in your country, but its on lunar January 1st. All family members get together and have a big meal, give best wishes to each other, play fireworks and eat jiaozi.Mid-Autumn Festival is on lunar August 15th. All family members get together again and have a big meal, too. We eat mooncakes and enjoy the moon at night.My faourite is Spring Festival because I can have a long holiday, especially, I can get lucky money from my parents. Its for good luck.If you come to China, Id like you to come to my home and celebrate Spring Festival with me.Best wishes!Li Ming4 成文展示Students try to rewrite their writings, and check several writings together. Teacher gives marks to the writings.(七)评分记忆,好段积累Students exchange their writings in groups and give marks. Copy the good sentences or expressions so that they can recite them for further use.(八)小结方法,布置作业1 Ask the students to conclude the ways to make a good writing: 细读试题找准点,千万别丢内容分, 回顾句式表达法,语言地道又准确,加入适当关联词,层次分明逻辑好,标点符号大小写,书写漂亮保高分。2 Homework: recite the sentences you copied. 七课后反思:对于B层的学生来说,写英语作文尤其有难度。在刚教这些学生时,42个学生中肯动笔写作文的不足20人,按20分计算,平均得分2.6分。经过半年多的训练,31个学生不再交空卷,平均得分6.2分。今天的这节课作文题材学生很熟悉并且学过有关的短文,所以写起来比较容易。难度在于把握详细写和略写,段与段或句子间的连接转折。经过知识再现、仿写句段和评析改进等环节的训练,绝大多数学生能写出基本符合要求的短文,实现了本课的教学目标。不足之处:1 三分之一多的学生遗忘了背诵过的有关句型和表达方式,没能做到学而时习之。2 因为教室内没有实物投影,无法对更多学生的习作进行集中展示和评析。3 学生的英语口语还相当差,要加强练习。

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