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2009届高考英语语法应考指导与易错点课时教案 一、如何学习英语语法 英语语法亦即英语的语言法则,是英语语言特点的反映。中国人学英语不能采取英美人学英语的方法,因为与英文差别极大的中文在我们的头脑中已深深扎根了。适当研究英语语法,对比两种语言的差异,就能使我们更快更好地掌握英语的特点,从而迅速提高英语听说读写的能力。对钻研语法,高三学生不要有什么怀疑,这不单是为了应试,也是为今后向更高层次发展打基础。建议在学习语法时注意以下几点:1弄清知识网络。英语语法可分为两部分,即词法和句法。词法研究十大词类(名,代,数,冠,形,副,介,连,动,感叹)。句法研究关于句子的六项知识(如各种从句,主谓一致等)。两个附加部分是语音知识和构词法。2关于动词的知识是重点的知识。3记住语法规则,背会例句。学语法光懂了不行,必须得会用,而会用的前提则是背会反映这一规则的例句。可以说,没有死背,就没有活用。 4. 在使用英语的实践中学习语法。平时要把主要的时间花在英语的听说读写上,在使用中体会语法规则,在使用中加深理解,在使用中融会贯通。If you are always sensitive, you will be exact in English.5. 做题有好处。单项填空,改错等都可以强化对语法规则的掌握。但不可过量。学英语的主要时间还是应该花在不断地听说读写上。6. 英语语法并不能解释所有语言现象,有些不符合语法规则的用法可以称之为惯用法。这些东西会模仿就行了,不必非要弄明白为什么。7. 适量适度学语法,不可投入主要精力钻研语法,不可死扣语法的细枝末节。只有那些坚持使用英语的实践,同时又掌握了语法规则的人,才有可能成为英语学习的强者。二、语法知识易错点1. 被动语态的构成。 2. 主动表被动的适用范围。1) 表衡量的动词。The room measures 5 by 6.2) sell, write, wash, read, wear, keep, drink等表状态的情况下;The pen writes well.The clothes wash well.3) 在动词不定式中主语发出的动作。I have a lot of work to do. 4) 动词不定式前面的词为形容词时。The question is easy to answer.5) 在need, want, require, be worth后面doing主动表被动。The bike wants repairing.注意:The bike wants to be repaired.误:The shoes are sold well.正:The shoes sell well.误:The flowers need being watered.正:The flowers need watering.The flowers need to be watered.3. 没有被动语态。1) 系动词;He looks well today.2) 不及物动词;The sun rises in the east.3) 固定词或短语中。如:happen, take place, go up, break out, come about, add up to, belong to等。The book belonging to me is missing. 误:Being tasted good, the food was soon eaten up.正:Tasting good, the food was soon eaten up.误:The government tries its best to have peoples living standard risen.正:The government tries its best to have peoples living standard raised.4. can, could1) 表示体力、眼力方面的能力,能做某种动作的能力I can ride a bike.2) 在口语中,can 可代替may表示许可Can I use your dictionary?3) 在疑问句中表示怀疑Can it be true?4) 在否定句中,表示判断或推断You cant be hungry so soon. Youve just had lunch.5. may, might1) 允许(正式或比较客气的场合)You may use my car.2) 可能:用在陈述句中It might be right.3) 表示判断:不太肯定He might be sleeping now.4) 表祝愿May you succeed!5) may/ might as well不妨You may as well tell me the truth.6. must1) 必须You must do it at once.2) 不许、禁止(否定)You mustnt waste our time.-Must I leave now?-No, you neednt /you dont have to.3) 作判断(肯定的判断)The light is on. He must be in the office.7. shall1) 用于二、三人称表允许、命令、警告。You shall leave the door or Ill call the police.She shall do as she is told. 2) 征求对方意见或向对方请示(用于一、三人称)。Shall I open the window?3) 竟然The dog should understand German.误:Can he come in or wait outside?正:Shall he come in or wait outside?8. should1) 应该(责任/义务,任何人称)。You should study English hard.2) 预测(对将要发生的进行预测)可能、该。They should be there by tomorrow.9. will1) 愿意、意愿、意志、决心(用于各人称)。If you will wait, Ill come back.2) will= probably表一种猜想。You will remember the story I told you last time.3) 征求意见,用于第二人称。Will you give me a piece of paper?4) 否定表可否。Wont you take off your cap?5) 表某种倾向或习惯性动作。Fish will die out of water. 10. would 1) 意愿 Would you please do me a favor?2) Id/should/would like to=want toId like to see Mr. Smith.3) 表过去习惯动作(表过去习惯的动作,现在如何不知道)。When we were children, we would go swimming every summer.4) 一种揣测。That would be his mother.11. need, dare1) 作实义动词,要+to(尤其need)She dares to speak and dares to act.I need to go now.2) 在否定、疑问、条件句中,可作情态动词用。If they dare come, they will never be able to get away.She neednt go.She doesnt need to go.12. 几个情态动词+have doneought to have done 和should have done 表示应该做某事而未做,表责备,表埋怨 could have done 本可以做某事而未做neednt have done 不需要做某事而做了The plants are dead. I ought to have watered it.The plants are dead. I should have watered it. Its quite near. I could have come here on foot, but I took a taxi.You neednt have brought such a big dictionary. Heres one for you.13. 情态动词表推测。1) 一定用must;You look pale. You must be ill.2) 可能用may, might, could;He may be ill. Thats why he didnt come.3) 一定不能或疑问句中用can, could.You cant have met him at the airport. He went to Japan a week ago.误:The ground is wet. It must rain last night.正:The ground is wet. It must have rained last night.


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