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1 牛津英语模块 1 至模块 4 语法总结及练习 第一单元 一 定语从句 定语从句的介绍 1 就像是一个形容词或介词短语修饰名词一样 定语从句也可以修饰名词 定语从句所 修饰的名词称为先行词 形容词 The green team 介词短语 The team in green 定语从句 The team who were wearing green 2 定语从句通常由关系代词来引导 如 which that who whom whose 或关系副词来引 导 如 when where why 关系代词可以在定语从句中担当主语 宾语 表语 定语 关系副词可以在定语从句中担当状语 如 做主语 The trees which are on the school campus have lost their leaves 做宾语 The student whom we saw just now is the best runner in our school 做表语 Jack is no longer the lazy boy that he used to be 做定语 She has a brother whose name I can t remember 做状语 The school where he studied is in Shenzhen 二 定语从句 关系代词 that which who whom 和 whose 1 在定语从句中 that 和 which 用来指代物 eg This is the story that which we wrote for our storytelling contest 2 在定语从句中 who 用来指代人 eg I am going to see a friend who has just come back from the UK 3 当 who 在定语从句中做宾语时 可以用 whom 来取代 且 whom 比 who 更正式 eg I don t know the name of the teacher who whom I saw in the computer room the other day 4 当关系代词在定语从句中做宾语时 who whom which 和 that 可以被省略 eg He likes all the birthday presents that which his friends gave him 5 Whose 用来表示所属 它既可指人也可指物 eg I sat next to a girl whose name was Diane The club whose members are music fans meet in the school garden every Saturday afternoon 第二单元 一 定语从句 介词提前的定语从句 preposition which preposition whom 1 当关系代词 which whom 做定语从句中介词的宾语时 可以把介词提到关系代词的 前面 eg We thought you were a person from whom we could expect good decisions 2 在非正式英语中 介词通常放在定语从句的最后 2 eg Art is the subject which I know little about 3 如果介词放在定语从句的最后 which 可以被 that 取代 whom 可以被 that 和 who 取代 eg Dad is a person whom that who I can easily talk to 4 当关系代词做定语从句中介词的宾语 并且介词又放在定语从句的末尾时 我们通常 省略关系代词 who 和 that eg The topic which Eric is interested in is Physics Daniel is the person whom I want to make friends with 5 当先行词是 way 时 我们用 in which 或 that 来引导定语从句 这种情况下 in which 或 that 可以被省略 eg I didn t like the way that in which she talked to me 二 定语从句 关系副词 when where why 1 我们通常用关系副词 when 引导先行词是 time moment day season year 等的定 语从句 eg Do you remember the day when we left you in charge I often think of the moment when I saw the UFO 2 我们通常用关系副词 where 引导先行词是 place house city country city world 等的定语从句 eg The police searched the house where the thief had stayed This is not a family where bad behavior goes unpunished 3 我们通常用关系副词 why 引导先行词是 reason 的定语从句 eg I don t know the reason why the house is so dirty 4 在更加正式的英语中 where when 和 why 能够被介词 which 所替代 eg The study is the place where in which I often have talks with my father This is the reason why for which my parents got home earlier It rained the whole day when on which he traveled with his family 第三单元 一 定语从句 非限制性定语从句 1 非限制性定语从句是一个为主句添加额外信息的从句 在非限制性定语从句前通常有 个逗号 eg Amy who took weight loss pills now realizes that health is important My pills are in the bathroom where I always keep them 2 当先行词是整个主句时 可以用 which 来引导定语从句 eg He missed the show which was a great pity 3 我们可以用 all whom which 来表示全部数量 用 some of whom which 来表示部分 数量 eg I am doing different types of exercises all of which are quite helpful to my health Many people some of whom are not overweight are going on diet 定语从句练习 1 Is this the factory you visited the other day 3 A that B where C in which D the one 2 Is this factory some foreign friends visited last Friday A that B where C which D the one 3 Is this the factory he worked ten years ago A that B where C which D the one 4 The wolves hid themselves in the places couldn t be found A that B where C in which D in that 5 The freezing point is the temperature water changes into ice A at which B on that C in which D of what 6 The reason is he is unable to operate the machine A because B why C that D whether 7 I ll tell you he told me last week A all which B that C all that D which 8 That tree branches are almost bare is very old A whose B of which C in which D on which 9 I have bought the same dress she is wearing A as B that C which D what 10 We re talking about the piano and the pianist were in the concert we attended last night A which B whom C who D that 11 Anyone this opinion may speak out A that againsts B that against C who is against D who are against 12 Didn t you see the man I nodded just now B whom I nodded just now C I nodded to him just now D I nodded to just now 13 Is there anything to you A that is belonged B that belongs C that belong D which belongs 14 How do you like the book It s quite different from I read last month A that B which C the one D the one what 4 15 Mr Zhang gave the textbook to all the pupils except who had already taken them A the ones B ones C some D the others 16 The train she was travelling was late A which B where C on which D in that 17 It s the third time late this month A that you arrived B when you arrived C that you ve arrived D when you ve arrived 18 May the fourth is the day we Chinese people will never forget A which B when C on which D about which 19 Is it in that factory Red Flag cars are produced A in which B where C which D that 20 He must be from Africa can be seen from his skin A that B as C who D what 21 He has two sons work as chemists A two of whom B both of whom C both of which D all of whom 22 I your good friend will try my best to help you out A who is B who am C that is D what is 23 I don t like you speak to her A the way B the way in that C the way which D the way of which 24 The two things they felt very proud are Jim s gold watch and Della s hair A about which B of which C in which D for which 25 Do you know which hotel A she is staying B she is staying in C is she staying D is she staying in 26 Who can think of a situation this idiom can be used A which B that C where D in that 27 The astronaut did many experiments in the spaceship much help for knowing space which we think it is B which we think are of C of which we think is D I think which is of 28 The great day we looked forward to at last 5 A come B came C coming D comes 29 I like the second football match was held last week A which B who C that D 30 This is the very film I ve long wished to see A which B that C who D whom 31 The house the capitalist used to live in is now a nursery A that B where C what D when 32 The doctor did all to save the wounded boy A what he could B he could C everything which he could D for which he could do 33 you know he is a famous musician A As B which C That D 34 He is the only one of the three got the new idea A who have B whom have C who has D whose had 35 This is the baby tomorrow A after whom I shall look B whom I shall look after C whose I shall look after D after whom I shall look after 36 These students will graduate from the university next summer they will have studied here for four years A by then B by that time C by what time D by which time 37 This is the house the window faces the south A of which B which C of it D whose 38 It is five o clock in the afternoon they arrived at the hotel A since B before C when D that 39 In some countries is called equality does not really mean equal rights for all people A which B what C that D one 40 How about the games Very interesting and the ones the young men competed were really exciting A what B for whom C where D in which 二 附加疑问句 6 1 附加疑问句是放在陈述句后面的短问句 它们通常被用在口语中来引出一段对话 以 一个更加礼貌的方式来询问信息 温柔的发号施令或要求某人做某事 我们用附加疑 问句来询问意见或征求同意 当我们用附加疑问句来询问意见时 为了期待对方能同意我们的观点 附加疑问句会 用降调来表达 当我们用附加疑问句来征求同意时 我们实际上是在询问我们自己也不太能确信的事 情 这时候附加疑问句会用升调来表达 2 附加疑问句的构成有以下几种 1 在肯定的陈述句之后 我们会用否定的附加疑问句 在否定的陈述句之后 我们会用 肯定的附加疑问句 eg We can still be friends can t we He doesn t like ice cream does he 当主句中有像 neither none nobody nothing few little never hardly 或 seldom 这类词时 它们被认为是否定的 因此后面会跟个肯定的附加疑问句 eg Neither of you will have coffee will you No one has found my CD have they Nobody understood his speech did they His sister seldom argues with people does she 人称代词如 I we you he she it 或 they 会放在附加疑问句中 eg I was pretty silly wasn t I Everyone has advises you not to go on a diet haven t you 助动词 情态动词或 be 动词会放在附加疑问句中 eg You like traveling don t you There is something wrong isn t there You can t speak Italian can you 祁使句后用 will you Let s 后用 shall we eg Post a letter for me will you Let s have a break shall we 反意疑问句 1 He hurt his leg when playing football He is very unlucky he A is B didn t C isn t D does 2 John is a diligent student who spends most of his time studying he A hadn t B had C does D isn t 3 They don t answer the phone when I call There isn t any one at home then A isn t there B is there C is it D isn t it 4 It seldom snows in winter in Shanghai A doesn t it B isn t it C is it D does it 7 5 She has already plans for the summer holidays A hasn t she B isn t she C doesn t she D hadn t it 6 Mother loves reading She never spends time watching TV A does she B will she C have she D doesn t she 7 It is the first time that she has been to the United States A isn t she B isn t it C hasn t she D hasn t it 8 I don t think he is right A do I B don t I C is he D isn t he 第一单元 一 现在完成时态 1 我们用现在完成时态来表示在最近的过去发生的但跟现在有联系的事情 eg The disappearance of Justin has made Kelly very unhappy 2 我们也用现在完成时态来表示在过去刚开始 并且现在还没结束的事情 eg I have not seen Justin since last Friday night 当动作发生的确切时间不清楚或不重要时 我们也用现在完成时态 经常连用的时间 短语有 already ever for just lately never recently since yet already 用于肯定句 yet 用于否定句 eg The boy has already come home I haven t heard anything from him yet for 一段时间 since 点时间 eg We haven t seen him for two years We haven t seen him since 2002 注 当已给定具体的时间时 我们往往用一般过去时态 而不是现在完成时态 我们用现在完成时态来谈论刚刚完成的动作 eg The police have just finished searching the area 我们也用现在完成时态来表示重复的动作 eg Some villages say that they have seen UFOs many times 现在完成时态的构成是 have has 动词的过去分词 二 现在完成进行时态 1 我们用现在完成进行时态来表示在过去发生的并且仍将继续的动作 eg I have not been sleeping well since I returned home 2 我们用现在完成进行时态来表示刚刚结束但以某种方式和现在有联系的动作 eg Sorry I m late Have you been waiting long Yes I ve been waiting for an hour 3 现在完成进行时态的构成 have has been doing 注 for 和 since 和现在完成进行时态连用 8 eg I have been waiting for a long time He has been waiting since nine o clock 三 现在完成时态还是现在完成进行时态 1 我们用现在完成时态来谈论刚刚完成的动作 用现在完成进行时态来表示发生在过去 并且现在仍在发生的动作 eg Li Jia has read a book about Stonehenge She finished reading the book Li Jia has been reading a book about Stonehenge She is still reading the book 2 我们用现在完成时态表示重复的动作 用现在完成进行时态来表示不停的动作 eg I have visited Egypt twice this month I have been touring Egypt for two months 现在完成时态用于回答 how many much 的提问 现在完成进行时态用于回答 how long 的提问 eg How many times have you swum in the lake How long have you been swimming in the lake 3 状态动词和动作动词都可以用在现在完成时态中 但只有动作动词可以用在现在完成进 行时态中 eg I have had this camera for five years 状态动词 I have taken photos of UFO with this camera 动作动词 I have been taking photos of UFO with this camera 动作动词 注 动作动词表示发生或变化的动作 如 go play 状态动词表示保持不变的动作 如 like know exist 4 当 never yet already ever 出现在句子中时 只用现在完成时态 而不用现在完成 进行时态 eg I ve never visited Paris I ve already been to Paris 第二单元 一 将来进行时态 1 我们用将来进行时态来 1 谈论将来一段时间正在进行的事情 eg Toby will be climbing in the Himalayas all next week 2 谈论从将来的某一点开始并且有可能要持续一段时间的事情 eg Toby will not be in London next Tuesday He will be climbing in the Himalayas 3 没有任何意图的表达将来的事情 eg The weather report says that it will be raining when we arrive in London 在这种情况下表示事情是很自然的发生的 没有人为的安排 4 礼貌地询问有关其他人将来的计划 eg Will you be visiting your uncle in Tanzania 9 2 将来进行时态的构成 1 陈述句 will not v ing eg Toby and his brother Colin will not be flying to Morocco 2 疑问句 will 提到主语的前面 eg Will they be flying to Morocco on 15th July 3 回答 will not eg Yes they will No they will not won t 二 过去将来时态 1 我们用过去将来时态和过去进行时态来 1 表示过去的将来某一时间要发生的动作 eg They set off at 9 a m and would reach the airport an hour later 2 暗指一个过去的目的 eg I was going to leave but then it rained 3 暗指一个过去的安排 eg Colin called Jennifer to say that he was seeing her later that afternoon 4 指代实际已经发生过的将来的动作 eg The journey that was to change Toby s life started in July that year 2 陈述句中过去将来时态的构成 1 would 动词原形 eg I told you Colin and I would spend a few weeks traveling 2 was were going to was were to was were about to eg We were going to see the wild animals but then we didn t have time It was his last day at school he was to leave the next morning Colin was about to get off the camel when a child ran towards him 第三单元 一 过去完成时态 1 我们用一般过去时态来谈论一个过去的动作 当我们想要谈论比过去更早的时间里发 生的事情时 就用过去完成时态 eg Upon entering the tomb Carter s lucky pet bird which had led him to the place was eaten by a snake 2 在直接引语中 我们用过去完成时态来指代说话的时候就已经发生的动作 直接引语 中的一般过去时态和现在完成时态在间接引语中改为过去完成时态 eg We emptied the tomb of everything it contained said Carter Carter said that they had emptied the tomb of everything it contained 3 过去完成时态只是指在另一个过去的动作之前发生的动作 并不是指发生在一长段时 间以前的动作 eg I had done my homework this morning before I went to the museum 4 过去完成时态经常跟以下引导的时间短语连用 如 when after before as soon as until since by for already 10 eg Then a few months after Carter had opened the tomb Lord Carnarvon fell ill with a fever and died 5 过去完成时态的构成 had v ed eg Howard Carter had received money from Lord Carnarvon before he made his most amazing discovery 二 现在完成时态还是过去完成时态 1 当我们谈论一个与现在有关的过去的事情时 我们用现在完成时态 eg Howard Carter is one of the most famous explorers the world has ever known 2 当我们在谈论过去 并要说明一个更早发生的动作的时候 我们就要用过去完成时态 eg Not long after the tomb had been opened people in Carter s team began to fall ill and die strangly 语法复习 模快二 I 1 Alice s second hand computer wrong although she used it only once A goes B has gone C is going D had gone 2 Robert me his address the other day but I m afraid I it A had given lost B has given have lost C gave have lost D gives lost 3 I nothing about it before you told me the news A know B knew C had known D has known 4 What these days Still busy writing your new book Yes I think I can finish it next week A do you do B have you been doing C have you done D did you do 5 what was the film like Well I it very interesting A thought would be B thought may be C think is going to be D think will be 6 It was the third time that he us about his story A has told B told C is telling D had told 7 I forget what I was taught I only remember what I A learn B learned C have learned D had learned 8 My younger sister the Youth League 2004 A has joined in B has joined since C had joined since D joined in 9 Where my pen I cann t find it anywhere I it on this table but now it s gone 11 A did you put have put B have you put put C had you put was putting D were you putting have put 10 She was praised for what she A had done B has done C would do D does 11 I he would help me with my English in fact he didn t A has thought B thoughtC think D had thought 12 Tom your shirt is so dirty Mom I our storeroom downstairs and I will wash it after finishing the cleaning A cleaned B have cleaned C was cleaning D have been cleaning 13 They friends since they met in New York A have made B have become C have been D have turned 14 Nobody but the twins some interest in the project till now A shows B show C have shown D has shown 15 The students don t want to have their supper until they their experiment A finished B have finished C had finished D will finish 16 By now students in Grade One 1 700 English words and phrases A should learn B have learned C learned D learn 17 Sorry to have kept you waiting I here for fifty minutes A have arrived B have got C have reached D have been 18 Where have you been I you the whole day I was in the library reading magazines A have been telephoning B had telephoned C telephoned D was telephoned 19 Hi Tracy you look tired I am tired I the living room all day A painted B had painted C have been painting D have painted 20 why didn t you come yesterday I but I had an unexpected visitor A had B would C was going to D did 21 Will you be free at three o clock tomorrow afternoon 12 No I a meeting at that time A will have B was going to have C will be having D would have 22 What were you doing when I phoned you yesterday I just finished my homework and to watch TV A have am going B have was going C had was going D had am going 23 My father will be here tomorrow Oh I thought that he today A was coming B is coming C will come D comes 24 When we reach New York it A probably will rain Bwill probably be raining C is probably raining D has probably rained 25 Is this the last exam we have to take this term Yes but there another test three months from now A has B is C was D will be 26 It was said that the machine sometime the next week A had been repaired B would repair C was to be repaired D needs repairing 27 Why did you buy this paint so early I my bedroom tomorrow but I changed my mind A was going to paint B am going to paint C am painting D will paint 28 At this time tomorrow I a report in my office and I by noon A will be writing C will have finished B will write D will finish 29 打算 see Mr Li this evening 30 Have you cleaned your room Sorry I haven t But I 表意愿 go and clean it at once 31 The journey that change Toby s life started in July that year 必然的情况 32 I told you Colin and I spend a few weeks traveling 过去将来时 33 We see the wild animals but then we didn t have time 过去的打算 34 I show you the photo I was interrupted 正打算 名词性从句 名词性从句相当于名词 可分别作主句的主语 表语 宾语和同位语 因此 名词性 13 从句厅分为主语从句 表语从句 宾语从句和同位从句 一 引导名词性从句的连接词 1 连接代词 who whose whom what which 有词义 在从句中担任成分 如主语 表语 宾语 或定语等 2 连接副词 when where why how 有词义 在从句中担任成分 作状语 3 连接词 that whether if as if that 无词义 在从句中不担任成分 有时可省略 if whether as if 虽有词义 但在从句中不担任成分 注意 连接代词与连接副词在句中不再是疑问句 因而从句中谓语不用疑问式 连接 代词与连接副词在从句充当句子成分 连接词 whether 和 if 是否 as if 好象 在从句 中不充当句子成分 只起连接作用 根据句义 如果连接代词与连接副词 whether if 和 as if 都用不上时 才用 that 作连接词 that 本身无任何含义 二 主语从句 1 主语从句在复合句作主语 e g Who will go is not important 2 用 it 作形式主语 主语从句放在句末 e g It doesn t matter so much whether you will come or not 3 that 引导主语从句时 不能省略 e g That he suddenly fell ill last week made us surprised 三 表语从句 1 表语从句在复合句中作表语 位于系动词之后 e g The question was who could go there 2 引导表语从句的连接词 that 有时可省去 e g My idea is that we can get more comrades to help in the work 四 宾语从句 1 宾语从句在复合句中作宾语 引导宾语从句的连词 that 一般可省略 e g I hope that everything is all right 2 介词之后的宾语从句 不可用 which 或 if 连接 要分别用 what 或 whether e g I m interested in whether you ve finished the work I m interested in what you ve said 3 whether 与 if 都可以引导宾语从句 常可互换 但下面情况不能互换 宾语从句是否定句时 只用 if 不用 whether e g I wonder if it doesn t rain 用 if 会引起误解 就要用 whether e g Please let me know whether you want to go 此句如果把 whether 改成 if 容易当成 条件句理解 宾语从句中的 whether 与 or not 直接连用 就不能换成 if 不直接连用 可换 e g I don t know whether or not the report is true I don t know whether if the report is true or not 介词后的宾语从句要用 whether 引导 whether 可与不定式连用 whether 也可引导 主语从句 表语从句 同位语从句 还可引导让步状语从句 以上均不能换成 if 但引导 条件从句时 只能用 if 而不能用 whether e g It depends on whether we have enough time They don t know whether to go there Please come to see me if you have time 五 同位语从句 同位语从句在句中作某一名词的同位语 一般位于该名词 如 news fact idea 14 suggestion promise 等 之后 说明该名词的具体内容 e g I have no idea when he will be back The fact that he had not said anything surprised everybody 练习 1 The fact she works hard is well known to us all A that B what C why D which 2 The fact he was successful proves his ability A that B what C which D why 3 The news he was kidnapped surprised us greatly A what B that C why D when 4 His suggestion the meeting be delayed was turned down A which B that C D it 5 I have no idea he will start A when B that C what D 6 I ve come from the government with a message the meeting won t be held tomorrow A if B that C whether D which 7 The thought he might fail in the exam worried him A when B which C what D that 8 The order the prisoner be set free arrived too late A which B whether C that D what 9 The nurses are trying their best to reduce the patient s fear he would die of the disease A that B as C of which D which 10 He often asked me the question the work was worth doing A whether B where C that D when 11 Along with the letter was his promise he would visit me this coming Christmas A which B that C what D whether 12 The other day my brother drove his car down the street at I thought was a dangerous speed A as B which C what D that 13 Luckily we d brought a road map without we would have lost our way A it B that C this D which 14 There are signs restaurants are becoming more popular with families A that B which C in which D whose 15 We can see the same signs stand out throughout the cit


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