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太白中学“问题导引式”教学实验导学案科目:英语 时间: 编写: 罗翠霞 审核: 编号:课题Unit 3 computersExtensive Reading课型new课时共 课时,第 课时班级高一姓名时间学习目标1. Read the short story, understand it and learn the new language points in it.2. Create and talk about their own android.3. Read and study the sample writing to learn to write a description of their android and what it can do. 重难点Reading and writing practicenew language points and how to write a description【self learning 】自我探究重点单词识记1 (vt;)下载 2 (vt or vi)发信号(n)信号 3 (vi)出现;发生 (过去式) (过去分词) 4 (adj)电子的 5 ( n )外观,外貌;出现6 ( n ) 性格;特点 7 ( n )病毒8 (n) 同伴;伙伴 9 ( vt or vi) 打字( n )类型 10 ( n ) 侄女;重点短语1 在某种程度上 2 处理,安排;对付3 看守,监视 4 在,的帮助下 5 组成;弥补;编造 6 in reality 7 consist of 8 for fun 9 give sth away 10 make good use of it 【 cooperative 】合作学习Read the passage carefully and fill in the file for Andy Name : Appearance: Size; Character: Ability: Job: Read the passage again and think of the following questions.1. What does Andy serve as on the football team?2. Who is Andys coach?3 How often are the androids allowed to get together to play a football game?4 Where did Andy first compete ?5 What does Andys programmer programs him with?Read the text again to find out the following phrases.1.和人一样大小2.在足球队里3.用计算机语言4.获第二名5.在某种程度上6.编造,补足7.毕竟8.在的帮助下【 教师点拨 】 见课件【Discussion】Imagine that you are an android, you are asked to do the housework for a family , and also to watch over their baby. What would you do? How would you feel?【 当堂检测 】一 单词拼写1 He bought a new t of computer .2 His father is a baseball c .3 Did anything interesting a from the meeting ?4 He gave a s to his driver to carry on .5 P ,I dont agree with you .6 Dont judge a person by his a .7 My n is a lovely girl .8 My father bought an e organ(风琴) for me.9 Generosity is part of the American c .10 Please help me to m the floors.二 选词填空(1)do with (2) with the help of (3) logical (4) selfish (5) in a way(6) deal with (7) as a result (8) watch over(9) personal (10) on earth(11) goal (12) after all (13) total1.If you dont set yourself ,you will often find yourself wasting Time2. She is used to all kinds of people in her job.3 his friends , he overcame(战胜)his difficulties successfully.4. As an elder brother ,you have the responsibility to your story.5.The cold weather has frozen the river, ,he cant go boating as he usually would.6.The cost of these things is 900 dollars.7.You have to rewrite the marked sentences to make them more .8. Dont scold the boy. ,he is only 6 years old.9. ,I dont think there is any intelligent life on other planets10. ,my father is a friend of mine.【homework】 Write a description of your android and what it can do.【课后反思】本节课我引导学生主动学习,鼓励学生通过体验、实践、合作和探究等方式,发展听、说、读、写的综合语言技能,帮助他们发展探究知识的能力、获取信息的能力和自主学习的能力及批判性思维能力和创新精神。在这次教学中,我加强重视学生主体的已有经验和内在动机的作用,充分发挥主体学习的主动性,去发现问题,然后借助于软件的“帮助”去解决,这样,开阔了学习者的视野,对培养学习者的发散思维和收敛思维起到了促进作用。通过发散思维,学生在预习课文时碰到问题,通过问老师或同学,或是上网、利用软件的“帮助”去自我解决;再经过收敛思维,利用自己的经验进行归纳、取舍,从中得到一个最优化的结论,而这也正是建构主义的核心。

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