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一 听力部分 共 20小题 每小题 1分 满分 20分 第一部分 根据所听内容 选择正确的图片或答案 听两遍 1 Who s Tom s friend 2 What does John want to be 3 What lesson does the boy like 4 What does the boy usually do after school 5 Is Millie swimming A Yes she is B No she isn t C Sorry I don t know 6 What s her telephone number A 84351978 B 84561968 C 83561958 7 What colour is Lily s blouse A White B Red C Black 8 How many students are there in Class One A 35 B 43 C 42 9 Who has a yellow ruler A Tom B Mike C David 10 Where are they talking A In the library B In the bookshop C In the classroom 第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题 听两遍 听第一段对话 回答 11 12 题 11 When does Peter s school day start A At 8 15 B At 8 00 C At 8 25 12 Who finds English very interesting A Millie B Peter C Lucy 听第一篇短文 回答 13 15 题 Sandy She is good at 13 Kitty Age 14 Tommy He looks 15 13 What is Sandy good at A Volleyball B Football C Basketball 14 How old is Kitty A Fourteen B Fifteen C Thirteen 15 Is Tommy strong A Yes it is B No he isn t C Yes he is 听 第二篇短文 回答第 16 20小题 16 How many people are there in Peter s family A Three B Four C Five 17 What is Peter s mother A A driver B A doctor C A nurse 18 Where are Peter and his family now A In America B In England C In Nanjing 19 Where is Peter in the photo A On the chair B Behind Mr Brown C Behind Mrs Brown 20 Are Peter and his sister both students A Yes they do B No they aren t C Yes they are 二 单项选择 共 15小题 每小题 1 分 满分 15分 21 The 18th Conference 会议 of PRC began 8 o clock the morning of 8th November 2012 A at at B at on C at in D on of 22 do you go on a picnic Ever y month A How often B How long C How far D When 23 Everyone should learn about the world A many B a lot of C lot D a lot 24 What about volleyball after school A practice playing B practising to play C practising playing the D practising playing 25 Music can make happy A us feel B we feel C us feeling D us to feel 26 I have many friends here but I have only good friends A few B a few C little D a little 27 I can myself 我自己 A Looking see B Look at see C See look after D See look 28 On the left of the gate two toilets A is B are C has D have 29 Tom his father his cute dog A like like B likes likes C like likes D likes like 30 Fred plays piano after supper every day A the the B the C the D 31 My cousin is very kind He helps other people in need A never B seldom C sometimes D always 32 Can I borrow books from you Sorry I don t have A some some B some any C any any D any some 33 I hope you my birthday party next Sunday OK I A to come will B to come to am C can come to will D can come to am 34 Our school library from 8 a m to 5 p m A opens B open C is opening D is open 35 He looks very strong A How is Li Lei B How does Li Lei look C What does Li Lei like D How does Li Lei like 三 完形 填空 共 10小题 每小题 1分 满分 10分 Peter and Jane are going to the UK with their parents They would like to go 36 in London but they want to go to 37 shops Jane wants to go to the 38 shop on the Oxford Street Peter thinks Jane will spend too 39 time trying on different clothes but buy 40 at last 41 he doesn t want to go with her He wants to find a new MP5 player and some new computer games Jane tells Peter there is also a new shop selling computer 42 and he can find what he wants 43 Jane also wants to go to a market for some cheap 便宜的 bags 44 won t cost her too much After that they will meet their 45 at 6 o clock and then they will go to the Oxford Hotel together 36 A watching B shopping C fishing D swimming 37 A different B expensive C cheap D the same 38 A shoe B clothes C sports D doll 39 A many B few C little D much 40 A something B everything C anything D nothing 41 A but B or C so D because 42 A games B players C bags D rooms 43 A there B here C games D players 44 A It B Them C Their D They 45 A friends B parents C relatives D classmates 四 阅读理解 共 10小题 每小题 1分 满分 10分 A 请根据以上信息 选择正确答案 46 Tom is a 12 year old boy If he has a headache he should take a day A 1 2 tablet B 1 tablet C 2 tablets D 3 tablets 47 If you want to borrow some children books you can go to A St floor B 3rd floor C 4t ifloor D 2nd floor 48 The Public Library is closed at A 4 00 pm B 9 00 am C 5 00 pm D 12 00 am 49 Lin and his father want to go to the Hamilton Zoo they should pay 支付 A 15 B 30 C 45 D 10 50 The students at Hope Middle School will go on a trip to the Hamilton Zoo this weekend they should get there at A eight on Saturday morning B nine thirty on Friday morning C ten past five on Sunday afternoon D a quarter past one on Saturday afternoon B Jack is a student and he is very healthy but today he looks hot and ill and when it is time for him to go to school he is in bed Can I stay home from school today I m ill he tells his mum His mother touches 摸 his head OK but you will have to look after yourself I am going to work now she says After the front door closes Jack springs out of bed He takes off 脱下 the three warm sweaters he is wearing and puts on a T shirt and shorts Then he runs for the kitchen 厨房 He is very hungry After breakfast Jack turns on the TV He watches some cartoons and a VCD all the morning At eleven he calls his friend Tom who is ill too Tom says he will come over after lunch The two boys play computer games all the afternoon Tom has to leave at 4 o clock as his mother usually gets home early Next day Jack says he feels much better and goes to school Their Maths teacher Miss Clark says with a smile We are having the Maths test 测验 now class Too many students were at home yesterday 51 Jack doesn t go to school today because A he wants to stay at home B he wants to watch TV C he is ill D he doesn t want to have a Maths test 52 Why does Jack wear three warm sweaters A Because he has a cold and feels very cold B Because his mother asks him to do so C Because it shows he looks hot D Because it is very cold today 53 What s the meaning of the underlined word spring A Cry B Jump C Sit D Run 54 From the story we know A the two boys play computer games all day B Tom s mother will get home at 4 o clock C Tom is in the same class with Jack D Tom is also ill and stays at his home 55 When Jack hears Miss Clark says they are having the Maths test he is very A interested 有兴趣的 B unhappy C ill D happy 第 卷 非选择题 45 分 五 基础语言知识 每空一词 共 20小题 每题 1分 满分 20分 A 根据所给提示及句意 写 出句中所缺单词 使句子完整正确 56 地理 can help us know much about the weather and the area of China 57 There are no 原因 for you not to do your homework 58 What 别的 would you like to buy 59 We do after school 活动 in the afternoon after class 60 Do the girls have 舞蹈 lessons in Zhenjiang Chongshi Girls School ever y week B 根据句意 用括号中所给单词的正确形式 填空 61 You can find many hero names on the wall We should remember them forever 62 How long does it take your cousin get to school Ten minutes 63 My father doesn t have much time chat with us because he always busy 64 Some students don t know how study English well 65 Wendy and Nancy are my good friends I love to talk with they C 根据括 号中的要求 完成下列句子 66 She usually dances for half an hour 对划线部分提问 does she usually dance 67 The woman in a red skirt is our English teacher 对划线部分提问 is your English teacher 68 Tom does his homework every day 改为否定句 Tom his homework every day 69 He gave me a hand I must thank him 改为同义句 I must thank him me a hand 70 The little girl goes to school on foot every morning 改为同义句 The little girl school every morning D 根据所 给汉语 和句子意思 用英 语补全句子 71 做早操帮助我们做好一天的准备 Doing morning exercises us get for the day 72 我们学校图书馆有各种各样的书 There are of books in our library 73 你上学从不迟到吗 you never late school 74 是 Millie上体育课的时间了 It s time PE lesson 75 John 经常放 学后和同学一起去图书馆借书 John with his classmates often books the library after school 六 阅读填空 每空一词 共 15小题 满分 15分 A 根据短文内容 完成任务 每小题 1分 满分 5分 At 9 a m we go to the music room for the first lesson of the day My friends and I sing nice songs there After music class it is time to go to the art room The teacher teaches how to draw a spaceship What an interesting morning Then lunchtime is coming There is an English Day in the dining hall so we talk in English and have some English food for lunch like hamburgers and chips and I also have some ice cream It s such a special day After lunch we go to the playground to exercise I think it s good for us Our teacher who was a famous baseball star teaches us how to play baseball I think I do it well But football is my No 1 game Then we go to the school cinema We watch a cartoon film The Lion King I think it can help us with our homework on animals After that we need to get on the bus and go home Dinner is ready when I get home After a nice dinner I do my homework and read my favourite book Harry Potter What a happy dream school day My dream school day Time Activities Feelings In the morning Class starts at 9 o clock and there are only two lessons music and 76 I think it s an 77 morning At noon We have some English food for lunch It s very special In the afternoon We exercise on the playground and the teacher teaches us to play base ball It s 78 for us We also watch a 79 film called The Lion King in the school cinema It is helpful for our homework In the evening I do my homework and read Harry Potter I like the book 80 B 根据短文内容及首字母提示 填写所缺单词 每小题 1分 满分 10分 Cinderella lives with a very mean 吝啬的 family She has to do all the housework She makes the beds She does the dishes She c 1 the meals She even takes o 2 the garbage 垃圾 One day the family goes to a p 3 at the prince s 王子的 palace 宫殿 But Cinderella has to stay at home to do so much housework She is s 4 She says I want to go and dance too Suddenly a fairy princess 仙女 comes and says I can h 5 you She gives Cinderella a party dress and a pair of glass s 6 Then she says Come home early My magic 魔法 ends at midnight I m just learning this job Cinderella goes to the party and d 7 with the prince She forgets about t 8 Then she sees a clock It is almost midnight Cinderella g 9 home but she loses one of her glass shoes on the way The prince w 10 to marry Cinderella but all he has is the glass shoe Many women try on the shoe but it doesn t fit The prince thinks Everyone has such big feet Then one day Cinderella tries it on and it fits The prince and Cinderella get married and they live happily for ever 七 书面表达 满分 10分 假如你是 Tommy 来中国做交流生 请根据下面提示给你家乡的朋友 Linda 写一封 短信 向她介绍你现在的学校生活 1 学习情况 每天 7 30 开始上课 下午 5 00放学 每天六节课 最喜欢的科目及原因 2 课外活动 参加校足球队 周三下午练习足球 喜欢读书 经常去图书馆借书 3 同学 友好 午饭后互相聊天 大家互 帮互助 相互学习 4 感受 至少 2点 要求 1 内容完整 可适当发挥 2 表达清楚 意思连贯 符合 逻辑 3 70 词左右 开头结尾已给 不计入总词数 Dear Linda I d like to tell you something about my new school life Best wishes Tommy 2016 2017 学年第一学期七年级英语期中考试答案 选择题 共 55分 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 答案 A C A A A B A B C B 题号 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 答案 A B C B C B C C B C 题号 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 答案 B A D D C A C B C C 题号 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 答案 D B C D B B A B D D 题号 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 答案 C A A D B C D C B D 题号 51 52 53 54 55 答案 D C B C B 非选择题 共 45分 五 基础知识 共 20小题 每小题 1分 满分 20分 A 根据提示及句意 写出所缺 单词 使句子意思完整正确 56 Geography 57 reasons 58 else 59 activities 60 dancing B 根据句意 用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空 61 heroes 62 to get 63 to chat 64 to study 65 them C 根据括 号中的要求 完成下列句子 66 How long 67 Which woman 68 doesn t do 69 for giving 70 walks to D 根据所 给汉语 和句子意思 用英 语补全句子 71 helps ready 72 all kinds 73 Are for 74 for Millie s 75 borows from 六 阅读填空 共 15小题 每小题 1分 满分 15分 A 根据短文内容 完成任务 注意 每个空格只填一个单词 76 art 77 interesting 78 good 79 cartoon 80 best B 根据短文内容及首字母提示 填写所缺单词 81 cooks 82 out 83 party 84 sad 85 help 86 shoes 87 dances 88 time 89 gets 90 wants 七 书面表达 10 分 略 听力材料 一 听力部分 A 听对话选择合适的答案 读两遍 1 W Who s your best friend Tom M My best friend is a girl She always wears a pair of black glasses 2 W I d like to be a teacher What about you John M I want to be a doctor 3 W Do you like Maths M Yes but I don t like PE or English 4 W What do you usually do after school M We usually play football B 根据所听的内容 选择正确答案 听两遍 5 M What is Millie doing W She is swimming 6 M Could you tell me your telephone number W Sure It s 84561968 7 M Hi Lucy Is this white blouse yours W No it isn t It s Lily s 8 W How many boys and girls are there in Class One M There are 24 boys and 19 girls in it 9 W Who in our class has a yellow ruler M Tom has a green ruler Mike has a brown one David has a yellow one 10 W Can I help you sir M I want to buy a book 第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题 各听两遍 共 10 小 题 每小题 1分 计 10分 听第一段对话 回答 11 12 两题 W When do you go to school every day Peter M At 8 00 every morning Lucy W When does your school day start M It starts at 8 15 W Do you have an English lesson every day M Yes I like English very much and I find it s very interesting 听第一篇短文 回答 13 15 题 I have three friends They are Sandy Kitty and Tommy Sandy is fourteen years old She comes from America She is tall and she is good at basketball Kitty is fifteen years old She comes to China with Sandy She is slim and her favourite sport is tennis Tommy is thirteen years old He comes from England He is strong and he likes football very much 听第二篇短文 回答第 16 20小题 Hello My name is Peter My family and I are in Nanjing now but I m an American boy I m twelve There are four people in my family Look This is a photo of my family The man on the left is my father Mr Brown He is a doctor The woman on the right is my mother Mrs Brown She is a nurse They work in the same hospital Who s the girl on the chair Oh she s my sister Ann She s a student Can you see the boy behind Mr Brown It s me And I m a student too We are very happy I love my family And I love Nanjing

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