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7A Unit 8 Fashion主备人:徐艳红 二备人: 备课组长签名: 时间:2012.12班级 姓名 家长签字 课 题7A Unit 8 Welcome to the unit 学习目标1.知识目标: 重点单词:fashion、lazy、tie、blouse、lend、spend重点短语: in bed、10 more minutes、think about 重点句子: Im thinking about what to wear today.Thats right、 Youre so lazy.2.技能目标:掌握与服装、穿着有关的词汇能够谈论服装的简单用语 3.情感目标:通过学习能模仿并表演对话。学习重点词汇、交际常用语的学习和运用学习难点掌握且能熟练的运用有关服装的简单用语课前预习一、翻译短语1穿什么 2。在床上多睡十分钟 3这么懒 4。举行一场时装表演 5穿着一条红色的连衣裙 6。是正确的 7一双白色的靴子 二、根据句意和汉语意思,完成句子1. Kitty looks very nice in the _(粉红色) skirt.2. He says he will wear the green shirt at todays _(时装) show.3. Does your father like the colour of this _(领带) ?4. I think Eddie is very _(懒惰的). He never wants to work.5. His _ (鞋子)are broken. He wants a new pair.6. Many young people like wearing _ (牛仔裤)in this city.7. Your _ (衬衫)looks very nice, Millie!8. I think that pair of _ (靴子)is nice. And the price is OK课堂交流展示Step 1: PresentationStep 2: Presentation1. Now Mille is asking her mother to lend her some clothes for the fashion show .Listen to the conversation between Mille and her mum and answer the question:What size is Mums blouse? 3. Listen to the tape again and answer another question:Who can wear this blouse, Mille or Sandy?4. Listen and repeat ,then act it out .5. Explain the difference between borrow and lend borrow sth from sb/borrow ones sth lend sth to sb/lend sb sth e.g. Can I borrow a pen from you ? Can you lend a pen to me ?Step 3: 1. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:Q1.What is Eddie doing?Q2.What does Hobo think of Eddie?2. Read it freely and loudly then act it out.3. Explain some important language points: 10 more minutes =another 10 minutes 数词+more+名词=another+数词+名词e.g. 8 more books =another 8 books what to wear wh-words +to do how to solve where to go when to leave so lazy so +adj./adv. e.g. This flowers are so beautiful. He runs so quickly spend spend on spend (in) doing e.g He spends two hours on his homework. He spends two hours doing his homework.5. Then read the dialogue together.练习巩固一、句型转换1. The shoes are pink. _ _ are the shoes?2. Jim likes the white shirt. _ _ _ Jim like?3. They spend 200 yuan on the Walkman. (同义句) The Walkman _ _ 200 yuan.4. It takes me three hours to finish the work. (同义句) I _ three hours _ the work.5. How much do you spend on this new bike? (同义句) How much _ you _ _ this new bike?6. I have enough money to buy her a CD. (同义句) I have enough money to buy a CD _ _.二、根据汉语提示完成句子1. 我不知道今天穿什么。 I dont know _ _ _ today.2我能在床上多呆十分钟吗? Can I _ _ _ _ _ _?3狗是不需要穿衣服的。 Dogs dont _ _ _ _.4你将穿什么去参加这次时装表演呢? What are you _?5我想穿一双黑色的靴子。 I would like _.三单项选择( )1. It is a good place_ sports. A. have B. to have C. has D. having( )2. There are _ people in the shopping center on Sundays. A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too( )3. It is very difficult _ English well. A. learn B. learns C. learning d. to learn( )4. It is _ to work out this problem. A. enough easy B. easily enough C. easy enough D. very easily学习感悟:7A Unit 8主备人:徐艳红 二备人: 备课组长签名: 时间:2012.12班级 姓名 家长签字 课 题7A Unit 8 Reading (1)学习目标To develop vocabulary describing clothes and materials.To introduce the history of fashion since the 1970s Words: lady, gentleman, comfortable, popularPhrases: sports clothes. bothandSentences: Trainers are popular among young people, Here comes Simon.学习重点To understand the meaning of the text and complete some exercises about the text.学习难点课前预习根据所给汉语提示,用合适的单词填空1. One modal wears a pair of red _(皮革) boots.2. Dont you think that man looks _ (酷)in the black coat?3. That boy looks funny in the _ (五颜六色)shirt. I dont like it.4. Is that a_(羊毛) coat? It must be very warm.5.I like _(棉) clothes. They are easy to wash.6. I think these shoes are very _(舒服). They are just the right size.7. That _(丝) blouse is good for summer, when it is hot.8. I am going to climb a hill. I need a pair of _(软底运动鞋)根据要求完成句子1. Her clothes are from the 1990s _ her clothes from?2. I have a cotton T-shirt. (同义句) My T-shirt is _ _ _ cotton.3. Andy wears sunglasses to dress himself up. (同义句)Andy _ himself up _ a _ _ sunglasses.4. I dont know what books I should buy for my son. (同义句)I dont know _ _ _ _ for my son.5. Billy wears a pair of colourful trainers.(用now改写)Billy _ _ a pair of colourful trainers.翻译短语1. 看上去漂亮 2. 一条黑色的羊毛裙 3. 一件黄色的棉制衬衫 4. 一双皮鞋 Teaching Process:Step 1: Warming upStep 2: LeadinI will say today we are going to have a fashion show. Your classmates are going to show us some different styles of clothes. Now please enjoy the show. Then Ill make a dialogue about the students clothes.Ill ask: what is he wearing?Get the students to say: He is wearing a shirt. I will ask what is his shirt made of?Get the students to answer: It is made of silk. It is a silk shirt. Then Ill ask: Is it comfortable? Explain comfortable.(giving a good feeling.For example: The shoes are comfortable to wear.)Get the students to answer: Yes, it is.Then give more examples to practice the words and expressions and write down the new words on the blackboard, such as: scarf. jeans. trainers. boot. wool. cotton. purple.Then Ill let the students read the new words after me,Step 3: presentation1. I will say :The class 1, Grade 7 students are also having a fashion show.Would you like to learn about their show? OK, Lets read Millies Speech silently, and answer this question, what will the students show?2.After that Ill play the tape for the students to read after the tape and finish doing B1 and check the answer with the students.3.Get the students read the text silently and finish off B2 and correct the false statements.巩固练习一.根据句意及首字母完成单词1. Zhou Jieluns songs are very p_.2. Old people like Beijing Opera, but some y_ people dont like it.3. I like my blouse. Its vey c_ in summer.4. She looks so c_ in her pink skirt.5. Daniel is a m_ boy.二.用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空think of, be from, have a fashion show, look modern, wear a blue blouse1. The students of Class Three _ in the hall now.2. Jacks sports clothes are blue and yellow. He _.3. Kate usually _ and a pair of black jeans.4. Simon is coming. His clothes _ the 1990s.5. Lucy, what do you _ their fashion show?三根据汉语完成句子1。我妈妈最喜欢这件紫色的真丝衬衫。 My mother likes the _ _ _ best.2他不喜欢这件衬衫的款式。He _ like the style _ the _.3这双黑色的靴子是我妈妈的。This _ of _ _ is my mothers.四。根据首字母提示补全短文 Mr. Wu goes to the f_ show at school with his students. It is very i_. Some teachers and students are the models. Mr. Wu w_ a purple shirt and a big p_ of jeans. Sandy thinks the jeans are f_ the 1980s. They l_ very nice on him. Millie, one of Mr.Wus students, w_ a 1980s hairstyle. She is very beautiful and is the s_ of the show. Mr Wu thinks she will be a m_ when she g_ up.五。句型转换1. Tom has a blue tie. (同义句) _ -_ is blue.2. Daniel looks very smart and modern. (提问) _ _ Daniel look?3. The little girl is very pretty. (改为感叹句) _ _ the little girl _!4. Young people like to wear jeans and trainers. (提问) What do young people like _ _?7A Unit 8主备人:徐艳红 二备人: 备课组长签名: 时间:2012.12班级 姓名 家长签字 课 题7A Unit 8 Reading (2)学习目标1. To read for specific information and to think about related points.2. To develop and awareness of register and audience.学习重点To read for specific information and to think about related points学习难点To develop and awareness of register and audience.课前预习根据汉语意思完成句子。1. You can _ (再花30分钟)in bed.2. My brother doesnt know _ (穿什么衣服)today.3. We dont know _ (下一步做什么)at the moment.4. You can read the English book for _.(再多两个星期)5. Jim is _.(系着一条红领带)用所给单词的适当形式填空1. The woman wants to know what _ (do) next.2. What size _(be) your trousers?3. Lily usually _ (spend) two hours _ (do) her homework.4. May I _ (borrow) your bike?5. Listen! A baby _ (cry).6. The students wear clothes from different _(country) in the fashion show.7. We call the tree with _(colour) things Christmas tree.8. We hope you enjoy _(today) show.9. I will spend ten more minutes _( wait) for you at the school gate.10. They are talking about _(visit) England now.11. He often asks me _(study) hard.12. The woman is going to buy a pair of _(trainer) for her daughter.句型转换 1.There is a shoe shop near my home(改为复数句子) There_ _ _ _near my home2.There are some people in the bookshop(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _people in the bookshop?3. A lot of restaurants are on the top floor(改为同义句) _ _ _ _restaurants on the top floor4. some,in,there,shop,the,Walkmans, are(连词成句) _ _some_in_ _5. There is a cat over there(改为否定句) There_ _ _over there6. I spend 5 yuan on the sticker(改为同义句) The sticker _me 5 yuanTeaching Process:Step 1 Ask the students to read the passage again and try to do some exercises,a. According to the passage. Ask the students to color the students clothes. Help Ss find out he light and comfortable trainers, the red & grey tie, a blue T-shirt, a red silk blouse, a blue scarf. Then ask Ss what you are wearing today, what about your friends?b. According to the students pictures and try to match the right clothes to the students.Step 2Revise the using of the new words and expressions of the passage and then ask them to finish the exercises on Page 96. (B3B4)Step 3 Ask the students to read the passage again according to the passage. Let students answer some questions.Let the students watch the play twice in class. Then ask them to open their books and finish the exercise on page 91.Step 4. Give the students some key words. Ask the students to try to retell the passage.课堂巩固一、根据句意和首字母提示,完成句子。1. Millie is g_ us an interesting talk on a fashion show at present.2. The trainers are very c_. Many young people like to wear them.3. Kitty is a m_ girl. She always wears the newest clothes.4. This kind of clothes is very p_ among the young people in the 1980s.5. My aunt likes clothes in many colours. She likes c_ clothes.6. The girl likes to wear clothes made of c_.7. Mary wants to buy a s_ blouse for her mum as a birthday present.8. Students like wearing t_ because they make their feet comfortable.9. My little brother looks c_ in the new jacket.10. Sometimes she is l_ and doesnt want to cook. So she eats some cakes for lunch.11. I only like white dresses I dont like c_ dresses12. How do you s_ your pocket money?13. You always get up late. You are so l_14. The shoes are just the right size for me They are c_ to wear15. You look c_ in this jacketput on wear in dress up as dress up 二、用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空。1. Look! They _ trainers. They are going to play basketball.2. Its cold outside. Please _ more clothes.3. Who is that boy _ a hat? Is he your cousin Tony?4. At Halloween people in the West like _. And they often _ ghosts.三、句型转换1. Her clothes are from the 1990s. _ _ her clothes from?2. He looks cool and smart _ _ he _?3. My T-shirt is made of silk. (同义句) I have a _ _.4. I dont know how I can help her. (同义句) I dont know _ _ help her.根据所给汉语写出单词。1 Its cold today Please put on your _ (女式短上衣)2 Sandys father is wearing a new_ (领带)3 Sorry, what are you going to _ (穿) for the show?4 I cant find my penCan you _(借)me yours ?5 The Class 1, Grade 7 students are giving a _(时装) show to raise money for Project Hope学习感悟7A Unit 8主备人:徐艳红 二备人: 备课组长签名: 时间:2012.12班级 姓名 家长签字 课 题7A Unit 8 Grammar学习目标Master the usage of the Present Continuous Tense Talk about what people are doing Teach students how to cooperate and love our lives学习重点The structure of the Present Continuous Tense 学习难点Rules of changing present participle and sentence structures课前预习用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. The cat (eat) fish. It (not enjoy) reading.2. Meimei (not study) hard at school, but her sister (study) hard.3. Daniel ,_ (not talk) in class.4. One of my classmates _ (look) at the blackboard and listens to the teacher.5. Tom with his classmates often _ (fly) kites in the open air.6. Who _ (watch) TV at the weekend ? Me.7. Jim, _ (not be ) late for class, will you ?8. The girl student wants _ (play ) games with you, Jim.9. Here _ (be) some sports news for you players.10. Its 7 now. The Greens _ (have) supper at home.11. Millie likes going to school and _ (see) all the other students.12. I dont have much time (play) with my friend13. Lily always helps her mother _(clean) the house14. My brother often (play) basketball on Wednesday afternoon15. Thank you very much for _(write) to me单句改错 ( ) _1Sandy is paying on her shoes now A B C D( ) _2There are some bread and some apples on the table A B C D( ) _3The shirt is niceI want to try on it A B C D( ) _4That skirt fits you very good A B C D( ) _5Thank you for helping me on English A B C DTeaching Process:Step 1 Lead-in Boys and girls what are you doing now? Help students answer: We are having an English lesson. Then ask: What am I doing now? Tell the students: when we want to talk about things that are happening now, we should use this tense- the present continuous tense. Its structure is “ be +doing”.Step 2 Presentation He is standing. Say: If I want to change “it” into “they”, what will happen to the sentence? Help students say: They are standing. See Page 97.Step 3 Practicelisten_ walk _ go_show _ shop_ play _ run_ swim _ write_ put _ look _ study _ wake _ come _ get _ watch _ eat_ Students in groups of four, finish the exercises on Page 97, Part A.Step 4 Presentation Ask : Are they having lunch? Encourage students to answer: Yes, they are/ No, they arent. Ask students to read the table on Page 98.Find out the rules. Ask them to finish off the exercises in Part B.课堂巩固一、 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1 He _ (do) his homework now2 Look! Jim _ (play) football in the playground3 Dont watch TV My son_ (sleep)4 Listen! Some birds_ (sing) outside5 Dont talk with Bill He _ (write) a letter6 He often talks in class Look, he_ (talk) again二、 选择填空。( ) 7 Its seven All of them _ breakfast togetherA has B are having C have D is having( ) 8 Dont make any noise, the students_ to musicA are listening B listen C listening D listens( ) 9 Listen, the children_ an English song in the roomA sings B sing C is singing D are singing( ) 10 _ beautiful the day is! Lets go and have a picnic in the park. Good idea. A How B How a C What D What a( ) 11 Oh, Kitty with her parents_ dinner thereA is having B are having C is have D are have( ) 12_ you_ the computer games now?A Is; play B Am; playing C Are; play D Are; playing( ) 13 Listen! Who _ ?A. knocks at the door Bis knocking the door C. knock at the door D. knocking at the door( ) 14 Its 6 oclock in the morning He _ A get up B gets up C is geting up D is getting up( ) 15 Are you playing basketball? No, we _A isnt B arent C not D dont( ) 16. Where is Mr Black ? I cant find him. Oh, he _ his car behind the house now.A. washed B. is washing C. will wash D. has washed学习感悟:7A Unit 8主备人:徐艳红 二备人: 备课组长签名: 时间:2012.12班级 姓名 家长签字 课 题7A Unit 8 Integrated skills学习目标1. Know some useful expressions2. Learn to talk about the clothes and materials.3. Improve the abilities of listening and speaking.学习重点To talk about the different materials for making clothes.学习难点To learn how to obtain and consolidate information from listening.课前预习一、 选择填空。( ) 1. I can swim, but John _ A. may B may not C cant D can( ) 2. Can you tell me what _ next?A can I do B to do C doing D I to do( ) 3. The girls voice sounds _. Maybe she can become a good singer when she grows upA sweet B sweetly C beautifully D well( ) 4. Will Mr Song _ “The Life of Lei Feng”?A gives us a talk on B go toC tell us something about D tell ( ) 5Daniel _ blue and yellow sports clothes, and he_ smart and modern in the clothesA wearing; looking B is wearing; is lookingC is wear

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