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完成句子综合练习题1. 祝你生日快乐! _ _ to you.2.你几岁了? _ _ are you?3.你想来参加我的生日聚会吗?Do you want to come to my _ _ ?4. 明天见。 _ _ tomorrow.5. 学校郊游活动是什么时候?When is the _ _ ?6. 篮球赛在10月2日。The _ _ in on October 2nd.7. 12日和15日,我们有足球和排球两场球赛。On the 12th and the 15th, we have_ _ _ , soccer and volleyball.8. 12月3日,我们在学校图书馆举行图书销售。On December 3rd, we have a _ _ in the school library.9. 请下周到我学校来。Please come to my school _ _ .10. 本学期我们为大家安排了一些有趣又好玩的活动。We have some _ and _ things for you _ _ .11. 你们学校有艺术节吗?Do you have _ _ _ at your school?12.我最喜爱的科目是科学。 My _ _ is science.13. 的确如此(那可一点不假) Thats _ _ .14. 我们从周一到周五上学We go to school _ Monday _ Friday.15.你好,Bob,今天过得如何? Hows _ _ ,Bob?16. 他总是和我们做游戏。He always _ _ with us.17. 你最欢哪一天? Whats your _ _ ? 18. 你会下象棋吗? Can you _ _ ?19. 她会说英语吗? Can she _ _ ?20. 你想要加入什么俱乐部?_ _ do you want to join?21. 我们需要你帮助说英语的学生开展体育活动。We need you to _ _ sports for English-speaking students.22. 他们会给你讲故事,你们又可以交朋友。They can _ you _ , and you can _ _ .23. 我会弹吉他,我想要加入音乐俱乐部。I can _ _ _ , I want to join the _ _ .24. 我通常早晨6点上学。I usually _ _ _ at six in the morning.25. Rick几点吃早饭?_ _ does Rick _ _ ?26. 晚饭后,我总是先做作业。After dinner, I always _ _ _ first.27.我没有太多的时间吃早饭。I dont have _ _ for breakfast.28. 我有时候打半个小时的篮球。I sometimes play basketball _ _ _ _ .29. 他知道冰淇淋对他不好, 但真的很好吃。He knows its not _ _ him, but it _ _ .30. 你怎样去上学? How do you _ _ _ ?31. 我爸爸每天坐地铁上班My father _ _ _ to work every day.32. 你家离学校有多远?_ _ is it from your home to school?33. 你上学要用多长时间?_ _ does it take you _ _ _ school?34. 你爸爸开车上班吗?Does your father _ his _ to work?35. 不要上课迟到。 Dont _ _ _ _ .36. 我们可以在课堂上听音乐吗?Can we _ _ music _ _ ?37. 请按时到这来。 Please come here _ _ .38. 我们的语文老师对我们很严格。Our Chinese teacher is very _ _ us.39. 在学校上课的日子里,你晚上可以外出吗?Can you _ _ at night on school days?40. 起床后,你得整理床吗?Do you have to _ _ _ after you get up?41. 早饭后,我得跑步上学,因为我不能迟到。After breakfast, I have to _ _ school because I cant be late.42. 大象来自南非。 The elephants are from _ _ .43. 我不喜欢狮子,有点丑。I dont like _ . Theyre _ _ ugly.44. 熊猫是我最喜欢的动物。_ are my _ _ .45. 你还喜欢什么动物?What _ _ do you like?46. 我们得拯救大象,他们正处于巨大的危险之中。We have to _ the elephant, they _ _ _ _ .47. 你能帮我打扫一下客厅吗?Can you help me _ the _ _ ?48. 你爸爸在干什么?看报纸呢!What is your father doing? Hes _ _ _ .49. Jack正在打电话。Jack is _ _ the _ .50. 你妈妈正在做汤吗?Is your mother _ _ ?51. 你想要和我一起出去吃饭吗?Do you want to _ _ with me?52. 他听不见你说话,他正在听CD呢!He cant here you! He _ _ _ _ _ .53. 天气怎样?_ _ _ _ ? _ _ _ _ like?54. 他们在公园踢足球,玩得很高兴。They are _ a _ _ _ soccer in the park.55. 你能告诉他给我回电话吗?Can you tell him to _ _ _ ?56. 我能给他带个口信吗?Can I take _ _ _ him?57. 此刻,天正在下雨。Its raining_ _ .58. 我正在拜访我的一些老朋友。I _ _ some of my _ _ .59. 我们全家在海边度假。My _ are _ _ on the beach.60. 这儿的天气多云、凉爽,正适合散步。The weather here is _ and _ ,just _ for walking.61. 这附近有医院吗?Is there a _ _ _ ?62.公园在图书馆和超市之间。The park is _ the library _ the supermarket.63. 沿着中心大街直走,然后左转。_ _ Center Street and _ _ .64. 警察局在哪儿?Where is the _ _ ?65. 在我家附近有一个邮局。There is a _ _ in my _ .66. 我喜欢在那儿度周末。I like to _ _ on weekends.67. 动物园在你的右边。The zoo is _ _ _ .68. 在超市对过有一个美丽的公园。There is a _ part _ _ the supermarket.69. 你能很容易地到达图书馆。You can _ _ the library _ .70. 那个图书馆很安静,我喜欢在那里看书。The library is very_ and I _ _ there.

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