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中考英语形容词复习导学案主备人:卢瑜复习目标1、理解形容词的作用。2、熟记形容词原级,比较级,最高级的用法。3、能用本节课所学语法结构完成中考典型题例,掌握中考动向,培养自我分析解决问题的能力及准确率。复习重,难点:准确使用形容词的三个级复习过程一 运用多媒体,学生对比谈论同学或所熟悉人的外貌,性格等。发现学生综合运用中的问题。二 Have a try. 学生完成A. B C三部分习题发现自己问题,交流答案,尝试总结什么时候用形容词,什么时候用副词,并对变化规则和,不规则变化的词进行复习A 1.She is an _(luck) girl .2. After dinner, taking a walk can keep you_(健康).3.This dress feels_(舒服).v 提问1:形容词在句子中的作用?总结:形容词位于-词的前面作定语,位于-词的后面作表语; 提问2: 形容词的构成(哪些后缀是形容词) B 写出下列单词的比较级和最高级形式 tall _ thin_funny _ clever_expensive_ slowly_quickly_C 完成不规则变化表格原 级比 较 级最 高 级good / wellmany / muchlittleill / bad / badlyfarold三 学生独自完成A 部分,师生共同总结用形容词原级的情况,B C部分小组四人讨论并总结比较级,最高级的用法,展示交流。提问: 哪些词修饰形容词的比较级?A同义句转换 1、 He is not old enough to go to school. He is _young _go to school. He is _young _he cant go to school .2、His father is 37 years old. His mother is 37 years old, too.His father is _ _ _his mother.3. Tom is the tallest boy in his class. =Tom is taller than any other boy in his class. =Tom is taller than the other boys in his class.So和too后跟形容词和副词的-级,用原级的情况你还知道哪些?B 1、This book is _(interest ) than that one.2、Which is _ (easy), math or English?3、This city is much _(beautiful )than that one.4、Today is even _(hot ) than yesterday.5、Tom is _ (tall) of the two boys. 6、My father is three years_( old) than my mother.7、Now it is _ and _(warm). 8、The _(much) you eat, the _(fat) you will become.9、 Tom is the tallest boy in his class.=Tom is taller than _ _boy in his class.=Tom is taller than _ _boys in his class.通过这些句子来总结比较级的用法吧1、两者之间的比较,句中有明显的标志词-2、能修饰比较级的副词及短语:much, -, -, -等3. 越来越-4. “越,就越”-注意:比较级的前面一般不要the,但需加的两种情况是C 1、My mother is_ (busy) in my family.2、Shenzhen is one of _( big )_(city) in China.3、The Yellow River is the second _(long) river in China.4、Which is _(big) , the moon, the earth or the sun ?5、This is_ ( beautiful )city that I have ever visited.四让学生见到真正的中招习题,巩固练习,并查缺补漏1. People live longer and stay _ today than they did 50 years ago.(11大连) A. health B. healthier C. healthiest D. the healthiest2. Though his grandmother lives _, she never feels _.(10无锡) A. alone, alone B. lonely, lonely C. alone, lonely D. lonely, alone3. The doctors in ORBIS have done _ an important job _ the patients are all grateful to them.A. too, to B. so, that C. such, that D. as, as4. The soup was so that it burned my mouth. (09大连) A. hot B. salty C. delicious D. sour5. As the sports meeting, Simon jumped as _ as Daniel. (10 淮安) A. high B. higher C. slow D. slower6. Mr. Brown always makes his class _ and keeps his students _ in class.(10镇江) A. alive, interesting B. lively, interesting C. alive, interested D. lively, interested五学生归纳整理本节课所复习的内容,梳理知识体系,针对自己做题中的错误,再次复习知识点,找出病因,对症下药。形容词原级用法-比较级用法你记住了哪些-最高级的用法-你有错题吗?主要错在哪里?-六学生独立完成Homework,巩固运用知识,在自己冷静思考之后对自己本部分复习的知识掌握情况做到心中有数,也给教师以反馈基础作业:Practice makes perfect 冲刺中招 ( )1. This box is_ that one.A. heavy than B. so heavy thanC. heavier as D. as heavy as( )2 When we speak to people, we should be .A. as polite as possible B. as polite as possiblyC. as politely as possible D. as politely as possibly( )3 This book is_ that one, but_ than that one.A. as difficult as; expensiveB. as more difficult as; more expensiveC. as difficult as; more expensiveD. more difficult as; as expensive( )4 I think the story is not so _ as that one.A. interesting B. interested C. more interesting D. most interesting ( )5. I think science is _ than Japanese.A. much important B. important C. much more important D. more much important ( ) 6. My mother is no _ young.A. shorter B. longer C. little D. few( )7.These children are _ this year than they were last year.A. more tall B. more taller C. very taller D. much taller( )8. The bread is _ than these cakes A. very delicious B. much delicious C. more delicious D. as delicious ( )9 . Lin Tao jumped _ in the long jump in the school sports meeting A. far B. farther C. farthest D. quite far( )10. When they met in the hotel . They talked and laughed _A. happily B. happy C. happier D. happiest弹性作业:.改正下列句子中一处的错误。A Tom comes to school late than Jim._B. Which do you like better , cats ,dogs or chickens? _C. Who is oldest in our class? _D. He thinks math is importanter than Chinese._E. This work is very harder than that one._F. He lives farer than any other student in your class._

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