
上传人:jian****018 文档编号:9270765 上传时间:2020-04-04 格式:DOC 页数:2 大小:14.50KB
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1. - Im sorry. I am late due to the heavy traffic.A. Well , its O K.2 .一L e t s go to the li brary this afternoon.C. Thats a good idea.3 .一Iftrash is sorted , it can be transferred to factories instead of the disposal plant.That makes sense.A. I couldn t agree more.4 .一? A 10t of things are on sa1e.- Thats a good idea. Lets go.B. Why don t we go shopping today5 .一Canyou explain it again?B. Let me put it in another way.6. There a r t rnany job vacancies in the country as in the city.C. as7. However , in too rnany countries and societies , wornen s s o c i a l一一-一_is still low.A. position8. For rnany students , university is the p l a c e一一一一.they will be first exposed todifferent cultures and different people.B. Where9. There is no tirne to waste because the future of schools and students isC. On10. It w a s一一一一一h e s a i d一一一一_disappointed rne.B. what; thatthe line.1 1. With these suggestions , your child can grow up to bea一一一一一andsuccessfuladult that you can be proud o f. B. respectable12. Oh , there arent as rnany j o b一一一_in the country as in the city.A. vacancies 13. 1 leave rny house around at rnidnight and walk around the c i t y一一一一what1 find.C. Gathering14. Every country should try their best to provide equal opportunities for every citizento goon_一一一一一t h e i r education.1396B. With15. The global economy requires an educated workforce able to apply the existingtechnology a n d一一一一_new science and technologies.C. to develop16. If one enters a private house without asking for permission , he is likely t o一一一一一burglary.A. be accused of17. You know that Im a person o f一一一_temper. Sometimes I just cant control mymouth.C. Hot1 8 .一一一一_extravagant eating and drinking and pay attention to thrift and economy.B. Oppose19. There is still a lot ofwork一一-一_on teacher training.B. to be done20. Team s p i r i t一一一t h e i r final success.A. contributes to


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