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说课材料Project EnglishTopic 1 Do you like English?Unit 3 Getting togetherStudents Book 1Grade Seven 七年级英语(仁爱版)上册Unit 3 Topic 1 Section C Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!My name is from Pds Wellent Bilingual School.As a teacher,its my dream to make students have fun learning English and grow up healthily.Today Im very glad to be here to talk about Renai Project English StudensBook 1, Unit 3 Getting together, section C in Topic 1 Do you like English? Next Im going to share my lesson with you in four parts. They are Analysis of teaching material, Teaching methods, Learning methods and Teaching procedure.第一部分 说教材(以标扣本,把握教材) Analysis of teaching material 教材的内容和位置 Status and functionSection C是Topic 1的第三课时,兼顾阅读理解和口语对话。学生通过学习谈论个人情况及喜好,总结人称代词的用法,并能结合生活实际运用英语进行交流。Section C共由四个版块六部分构成:3a和3b 加强口语对话和任务型听力能力的培养;1a和1b 加强阅读理解和恰当运用语言能力的练习;2 针对人称代词主格和宾格用法的合作探究;4歌曲The More We Get Together增强学生互助的情感意识。 本课通过创设真实情景,鼓励学生积极参与,合作学习,培养他们的综合语言运用能力。(一)教学目标 Teaching aims and demands根据新课程标准的总体目标和具体要求,以及本人对教材的理解,并结合学生的实际情况,教学目标设计如下:1、认知目标 Aims of the knowledge:1)掌握重点生词和短语:New words & expressions many, lot, a lot, all, not at all, so, study, helpstudy, each other, helpeach other, little, a little, them, very, much, very much.2)理解并运用关于谈论个人喜好的重点句型:Key sentencesDo you like ? Yes, I like it a little/very much/a lot. No, I dont like it at all.Does he/she like ? Yes, he/she likes it a little/very much/a lot. No, he/she doesnt like it at all. 3)掌握语法:Grammer focusGo on learning some questions and answers with do/does,Sum up the usage of personal pronouns.2、能力目标 Aims of the abilities:在达到以上认知目标的同时,学生能1)结合实际运用所学句型谈论个人喜好,锻炼听、说的能力;2)正确阅读理解短文,提高读、写的能力;3)感知并恰当运用人称代词的主格和宾格。连贯的听、说、读、写活动将使学生的观察记忆能力、逻辑思维能力、探究创造能力和实践运用能力都得以培养。3、 情感目标 Aims of the emotion: 在完成教学任务的同时,1)通过创设课堂活动,培养学生乐于用英语互相交流的兴趣;2)通过参与小组活动,学生积极与他人合作完成学习任务;3)同时增强学生互相帮助的情感意识。(二)教学重点和难点 Teaching important points & difficulties:七年级大部分新生英语发音不很标准,对语法的理解也难免浅显。因此,本课时的重点是生词、短语和句型的掌握运用,难点是人称代词主格和宾格的用法。(三)教学用具 Teaching aids:教具的合理运用有助于突出重点、分散难点。本节课我准备了录音材料,录音机一台和自制多媒体课件,以利于创建高效课堂。第二部分 说教法(结合学情,选择教法) Teaching methods刚刚升入七年级的农村学生在小学阶段对英语的接触相对较少,整体英语语言运用能力偏低,课堂上发言不踊跃。但他们活泼好奇,求知欲强,渴望能用英语解决日常生活中的实际问题。针对本课时的内容特点和学情分析,根据英语新课程标准以激发学生学习兴趣和培养学生的综合语言运用能力为总体目标,结合英语教学规律,我主要采用情景教学法来体现英语的口语交际性和直观性(设置真实而有效的场景能激发学生在情景中自觉、主动表达的愿望,为学生提供活用英语的真实情景,促使学生用英语进行思维,从而培养了学生的听说能力),以多媒体教学为辅助(多媒体教学集声、光、动画为一体,为学生提供生动逼真的学习情境,促使学生眼、耳、手、脑等多种器官同时接受刺激,有利于学生思维的发展,更有利于学生素质的全面提高),利用任务型教学法和小组活动学习法,把知识和技能融为一体,激励学生积极参与课堂,促进教与学的互动,分散教学难点,加深学生对重点、难点的理解和掌握,提高课堂效益。第三部分 说学法(注重能力,培养习惯) Learning methods 我从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,以培养学生的自主学习能力为主,鼓励他们仔细观察、主动思维,通过实践和体验、合作和探究去获取知识,养成习惯,树立学好英语的信心。 第四部分 说过程(以学定教,优化程序) Teaching procedure根据本节课的教学内容,教学目标和重点难点,本着以学生学习为主体,教师启发为指导,我把教学过程分为以下五个环节:即热身 Warm-up 呈现Presentation 巩固Consolidation 操练Practice 总结和探究Summary & project。Step Warm-up 歌曲引入 激发兴趣4 Class activitiesEnjoy to sing the song The More We Get Together to warm up. 【设计思路】The More We Get Together旋律简单,学生们能跟着节奏拍手合唱融入英语课堂,为新课的教学做好铺垫。Step Presentation 情景转换 学习新知1. Learn and master the new words and phrases 1) Make a dialog between the teacher and students, present the target language in 1a and 3a. Learn and master the new words and phrases “many”, “lot”, “a lot”, “all”, “not at all”, “so”, “study”, “each other”, “little”, “a little”, “them”, “very”, “much”, “very much”.T: You see, your friends are my friends, and my friends are your friends. Are you my friends?Ss: Yes.T: Thank you. So I have many friends at school. I like them. I like them very much /a lot.Were good students. Students study at school every day. I have a good friend. Her name is Lily. Her English is poor.She doesnt like English.She doesnt like English at all. I help her with English. She helps me study Chinese. So we help each other.2) Ask students to read and master the new words and phrases.3) The teacher sums up the phrases on the blackboard with Ss. “likevery much / a lot / a little”,“dont likeat all”,“help sb study sth”, “help each other”.【设计思路】由歌曲过渡到新课呈现,发挥情景教学和多媒体教学的优势,做到词不离句,句不离篇,引导学生在直观的情景中感知语言,理解语言,吸收语言,并能真实地感受到语言的交际功能,在设计上体现层递性。【1、在情境中呈现语言,2、在交际中猜测语意,3、带读,朗读词汇和句子,加强认知和理解(利用连读单词和扩读句子增加趣味性,调动课堂气氛,提高学习效率,突破重点难点);4、板书归纳小结。】情景教学法体现了“在用中学,在学中用;为用而学,学了就用”的新课程理念。2. 3a Work alone 1) Listen to 3a and follow the tape. 2) Make conversations to talk about personal information and preference in groups of 4 after 3a.Then act out. Finish 3a.【设计思路】学习新知后朗读3a,在对话中体验语言;模仿3a,四人一组谈论个人喜好,理解第一人称向第三人称单数的转换。在操练中合作互动,运用语言,巩固新知,掌握要点。Step Consolidation 运用语言,巩固新知1. 3b Work alone1) Listen to 3b and complete it, then check the answers. 2) Ask and answer between the teacher and students according to 3b. T: Does Wang Hong like English? S1: Yes, she likes it very much. T: Does Liu Ming like English? S2: No, he doesnt like it at all.【设计思路】通过听力强化练习,考查学生对所学知识的理解和灵活运用程度,同时培养学生自主学习的能力。2. 1a Read and understand / 1b Work alone1) Listen to 1a and answer the questions below, then check the answer.Q:Does Jane often help me study English?2) Read 1a again and underline the key words. Finish 1b alone.3) Then check the answers. Review the important language points in1a,“likea lot”,“dont likeat all”, “help sb with sth”,“help sb study sth”, “help each other”. 4) Let students read 1a after the tape imitating the pronunciation and intonation.5) Let students read 1a loudly by themselves and remember the important language points in1a. Finish 1a. 【设计思路】在已经充分学习运用重点语言的基础上,通过阅读理解1a,整体感知课文,培养学生正确的理解力;完成1b中T/F的练习,并深入学习1a的语法细节;之后听读1a模仿语流和语感;大声自由朗读1a以达到巩固记忆。几个环节层层深入,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。 Step Practice 合作学习,探究总结2 Pair work1. Let students read the example in 2 and choose the right words to fill in the blanks. Check the answers. Practice with their partners.2. Lead students to sum up the usage of personal pronouns. Read together.【设计思路】通过学生小组合作选词填空和对话练习,指导学生观察体会人称代词主格和宾格的用法并加以总结,渗透英语语法概念,培养学生的合作探究能力。Step Summary & project 开放设计 实践创新1. Let students make a survey about Do you like English? in groups. How many students in your group like English very much(a lot)/like /like a little/dont like /dont like at all.2. Then write a report with the title Do you like English? For example:Im . Im in 26th Middle School. I like English . In my group, 2 students like English very much. 3 like English.1 likes English a little. 1 doesnt like English at all. I want to help them study English. For were friends, we can help each other. 【设计思路】:小结本课知识点,旨在巩固所学。设计开放性的课后作业,有利于培养学生充分利用新知表达自我,使教学满足实际生活的需要;并积极鼓励生生合作,体验学习英语的成功感。最后强调友谊的重要性,教育学生从小多交益友,互相帮助。播放歌曲The More We Get Together, 在愉快的氛围中结束课堂。Blackboard-writing designTopic 1 Do you like English?Section C1. likevery much ( a lot) / a little 2. dont likeat all3. I help her with English.So we help each other.She helps me study Chinese. 主 宾【设计思路】板书一目了然地向学生展示了知识要点,还为学生提供了一幅直观有趣的思路图,起到了板书简洁性、强调性、趣味性和美观性的良好效果。本节课,我能以新课标为指引,充分挖掘教材,灵活开发教学资源,运用现代化教学手段,课件设计巧妙而实用,为使学生在愉快的氛围中突破难点、掌握重点,达到初步运用英语交际的能力而创设了真实的情境。不足之处,期盼您的指教!Thanks a lot for your attention!

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