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小学六年级英语毕业考试题 (考试时间45分钟 ,试题满分50分,其中卷面书写3分)题 号卷面总分得 分阅卷人听力部分(Listening Part)15分. 听录音,给下面的图片排序 ( )( )( )( )( ).听录音,根据所听内容选择正确答案(每小题1分,共5分)( ) 6. A. Im 154 cm tall. B. Im 13 years old. C. Im 50 kg heavy.( ) 7. A. I am going to the park. B. I played football yesterday. C. She is singing.( ) 8. A. Yes, I did. B. yes, it is. C. No, he cant.( ) 9. A. I have a headache. B. I can play the piano. C. I am going at 1:00.( ) 10. A.I went to Beijing on my holiday.B. I took pictures and rowed a boat.C.I went by plane. 听录音,补全短文。(5分)Last _.Mike was very happy.In the morning,he _ to a park with his friends .They played _.In the afternoon ,Mike _.And he felt a little _.But he was still happy.(答案:weekend ;went ; football;did his homework;tired.)笔试部分(Writing Part ) 35 分. 选出单词划线部分发音不同的一项。(每小题1分,共5分)( ) 1. A .like B.pine C. live D.high ( ) 2. A. cake B. angry C. happy D.match( ) 3. A. bread B. team C. beach D. peak( ) 4 A. pear B. share C.bear D.hear ( ) 5. A. cow B. snow C. now D.down. 并根据首字母提示写出单词或词组的正确形式,补全句子。(每小题1分,计5分)1.I g_ _ _ yesterday. 2.She likes c_stamps.3. I want to go to the _ to buy a post card.4.we are going to have a football match,so I am e_ 5. In spring we can f_ . . 单项选择。(每小题1分,共5分)( )1.Zhang Peng is _than Liu Haifeng A.thin B.thiner C.thinner( )2.We all _the book yesterday morning. A.read B.readed C.reading( )3.This is _orange and that is _watermelen. A.a;a. B.an;a.C.a;an.( )4. - is the T-shirt?-Ten yuan.A.How many B.How long C.How much( )5.Go straight ten minutes. Then turn left the hospital. A. for, in B.for, at C.on, at . 情景对话。选择恰当的选项填在相应的横线上。(每空1.5分,共6分)A. Yes they are.B. Yes please.C.How about this pair?D. What size?A:Can I help you?M: _ .A pair of shoes for my son.A:_?M:Size five . A: _ _.M: They look nice,Are they all right,Jhon?J: _.M:OK.Well take them.连词成句。(每小题1.5分共6分)1. hands my than are yours bigger._2. some take drink water hot and medicine._3. help them you their room did clean?_4. you are where going afternoon to this?_5. a near cinema there is here?_. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案填在题前的括号里(每小题1分共5分) Dear LiLei, Im in London today. My sister wants to be your friend .Now Im writing to you about her. Her name is Jane. She works in a school here . She teaches Chinese.She wants to go to China soon and see the Womens Football Team of China .My sister likes football very much.She doesnt stay in bed in the morning and walks to school to play football. Linda( )1. Lindas sister wants to be _friend. A. Janes B.Li Lies C. Lindas( )2. Her sister likes very much.A. table tennis B. basketball C. football.( )3. Her sister often goes to school .A. by bike B.on foot C. by car ( )4. Who is the letter from?.A.LiLei B. Linda C. Jane( )5. Jane is a .A.teacher B.doctor C. writer(卷面分3分)六年级英语试卷设计说明一,试卷设计目的六年级毕业考试对于小学阶段的英语学习是属于终结性评价,但是对于孩子一生学习英语的过程来说也是一次非常重要的过程性评价,所以我们的评价还是应该以树立学生自信心,激发其英语兴趣为主要目的。做到不出偏题怪题,着重考察学生在语境中运用英语的能力,强调英语的交际性和工具性,体现新课标理念。本套试题分听力和笔试两部分。听力占30,着重检测学生理解和获取信息的能力。笔试占70,主要考查学生读、写的技能。二,试题详解:题主要考察考生对六年级教材中形容词比较级、将来时态、喜欢做事、描述自己不舒服的症状、询问工作的一些重点句型的听与理解关键词的能力。图片较直观,属于听力中较简单一种,符合大多数同学的听力水平。难度系数*题考察考生对询问体重;正在做什么;含有CAN的一边疑问句;含有When的将来时态的问句;以及含Where 的一般过去时态的问句的听与理解的能力。难度系数*。题考察学生对所学教材内容中的四会单词的听、写能力。体现了词不离句,句不离篇。综合考察了学生的四会单词的听、说、写以及在情境中的运用能力。难度系数*。题为语音测试题,本题考察了常见的语音规则,能引导孩子运用这些规则记忆单词。达到见形读音、读音拼词的能力。本题出题参考为单元过关题及前几届小考题。难度系数*。题主要考察单词在句子中的运用及拼写能力。难度系数*。题是单项选择题。主要考察学生在运用语言知识时句子的准确程度。难度系数*。题主要考察学生的情景交际能力,考察是四年级教材中的情景话题。难度系数* 。 题是连词成句。主要考察学生对所学重点句型的记忆及书写能力。难度系数* 。题考察学生的阅读理解能力。文章难度适中,考察题目中细节题为主,符合小学六年级的英语二级的阅读水平。难度系数*。总之,此套试题难度适中,知识面考察比较广,但是重点突出。四会、三回的单词句型在试卷中体现的清晰明了。能够准确的考察出六年级学生的实际英语水平。听力材料:.1.Which animal is bigger ? The elephant is bigger than the monkey.2,What is Mike going to do tommrow?He is goning to chean his room.3.Do you like reading a story book?No .I like reading a comicbook.4.What is the wrong with you ? I hurt my leg.5. Where does your mother work? She works in a hostal.6.How heavy are you ?7.What is chengjie doing?8.Can he do well in the math?9When are you going to the cinema?10.Where did you go ?. Last weekend ,Mike was very happy.In the morning,he went to a park with his friends .They played football.In the afternoon ,Mike did his homework.And he felt a little tired.But he was still happy.试卷答案.(4)(3)(5)(2)(1).6.c 7.c 8.c 9.c 10.a.weekend/ went/played football/did his homework/tired.1.c 2 .a 3 .a 4.d 5. b.1.got a toothache 2. collecting 3.post office 4.excited 5. fly kites .1.c 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. b .B/ C /D/ A/ C.1.My hands are bigger than yours. 2.Take some medicine and drink hot water. 3.Did you help them clean their room? 4.Where are you going this afternoon? 5.Is there a cinema near here?.1.B 2.C 3. B 4. B 5.A

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