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六年级英语第一单元练习题班级: 姓名:等级: 一、找出不同类的单词。1. A kilometer B meterC kilogram D fatter2. A heavyB longerC shorter D smaller3. A thinnerB singerC heavier D taller4. A bigB smallC take D long5. A head B handC bigger D leg二、单项选择1. Im 1.6 meters tall. You are 1.58 meters tall. Im _ than you.A tallerB heavyC tall 2. The baby pig is _ than the elephant.A heavier B tallerC smaller3. Thats the _ dinosaur in the hall.A tall B taller C tallest.4. The sun goes down every day and we grow _ every day.A olderB oldC younger5. -_ heavy are you? Im 52 kilograms.A How B WhatC Why6. - _ is Tom? Hea is 1.56 meters. He is taller _ me.A How taller, than,B How tall, then C How tall, than7. Your schoolbag is bigger than_. A mineB myC me8. The little duck says “ You are smarter than_.”A me B I C my.9. Your feet _ bigger than _.A are, meB is, mineC are, my feet10. My pencil is longer than_ .A AmyB AmysC she11. Her little brother is 6 kilograms _ than me.A olderB heavyC heavier12. - _ is your jacket, Mike? I wear size 150.A What colour B What sizeC How much.13. The sun is getting lower and _. A lowerB low C than14. What are you _? -Im reading a book.A doing B doC does15. He is _ his room.A cleaningB cleanC cleaned三、根据提示完成单词1. The ruler is s_.2. The watermelon is b_ than the apple.3.My sister is s _ than me.4. The elephant is h_ than the cat.5. Tom is 45 kilograms. Jim is 40 kilograms. Tom is s_ than Jim.四、连词成句1. your, shoes, are, size, what ?_2. are, me , than, older, you,(.)_3. fish, bigger, is, than, Mikes, mine, (.)_4. than, older, am, you, I, (.)_5. longer, legs, yours, my, are, than, (.)_6. together, us, taller, it, both, than, is, of,(.)_7.think, I, heavier, are, than, you, me (.)_8. sun, lower, the, is, lower, and, getting (.)_9. the, is, the, mouse, heavier, lion, than (.)_10. ears, the, bigger, elephants, are, the, than, pandas (.)_五、仿照例子写句子例: Mike 1.34 meters tall. John is 1.65 meters tall.Mike is shorter than John. John is taller than Mike.1.Wu Yifan is 34 kilograms. Tom is 40 kilograms _2. The pen is 20 centimeters. The ruler is 15 centimeters._例:- How old are you? - Im 12 years old.1.-_ - Zhang Peng is 1.65 meters.2. - _ - Wu Yifan is 24 kilograms.3-_, Zhang Peng or your brother? - Zhang Peng is older.六、情景配对1. How heavy are you?A. They are size 39.2. How tall are you?B. Im 15 years old.3. How old are you?C. Im 40 kilograms.4. What size are your shoes?D. Im 1.6 meters tall.5. How long is your bed?E. Its 2 meters.七、找出句子中的错误,每句一处。1. How taller are you? A B C ( ) _2. How long are your leg? A B C( )_3. Im thin than you. A B C( ) _4. Im biger and stronger than you. A B C( ) _5. Jim is taller then Tom. A B C ( ) _八、根据上下文,选择合适的句子完成对话。A. I am taller.B. He is stronger than both of us.C. Your shoes are bigger than hersD. Is this your sister?E. She is taller than your fatherTim: Look, this is my family. And this is my mother.John: WowShe is so beautiful. And _.Tim: Yes, my mother is 1.76 meters tall. My father is 1.72 meters tall. But _.John: Yes, he is a strong man. And he looks very kind._Tim: Yes, she is. She is 2 years older than me. But _John: Haha. And _.Jim: Enn I wear size 8. She wears size 6.九、选择合适的单词完成短文 playing, are, one, reading, old, older, two, shorter, younger, climbingJohn is 12. He has 3 good friends. They are Sarah, Amy and Mike. Sarah is 12 years _. She has long hair. She likes _ the piano very much. Amy is 13. She is _ year _ than John. Her hair is not long. It is _ than Sarahs hair. Amy likes _ books. Mike is 10. He is _ years _ than John. Mike and John like _ mountains. They _ good friends.十、阅读短文,按要求完成以下题目。A根据短文内容,判断句子正误。对的打“”,错的打“”。( ) 1.There are 3 children in the story. ( ) 2. Mary is shorter than May.( ) 3.Mary is heavier than Jane. ( ) 4. Jane is the youngest. ( ) 5. They are all good friends.B.根据短文内容回答问题。1. Where do they study? 2. Does Mary like English? 3. How old is May? 4. What does Jane like? 5. Are they good friends? Mary, Jane and May are very good friends. Mary is shorter than May, May is heavier than Jane. Jane is thinner than Mary. How old are they? Mary is 7 years old. Jane is 12 years old and May is 9 years old. They study at Qing Lan Primary School. Mary likes English, Jane likes math and May likes music. They all study hard.十一、写作,根据表格提示写作文,不少于6句话。 NameAgeHeightWeightLucy111.6 meters40 kilogramsZhang Peng121.62 meters42 kilogramsLi Ming131.65 meters48 kilogramsI have three friends. They are 六年级第一单元练习题答案一、DABCC二、ACCAA/CAACB/CBAAA三、shorter, bigger, shorter, heavier, stronger四、1. What size are your shoes?2. You are taller than me.3. Mikes fish is bigger than mine.4. I am older than you.5. My legs are longer than yours.6. It is taller than both of us together.7. I think you are heavier than me.8. The sun is getting lower and lower.9. The lion is heavier than the mouse.10. The elephants ears are bigger than the pandas.五、(一)1.Wu Yifan is thinner than Tom. Tom is stronger than Wu Yifan.2. The pen is longer than the ruler. The ruler is shorter than the pen.(二)1. How tall is Zhang Peng?2. How heavy is Wu Yifan?3. Who is older?六、CDBAE七、B tall C legs B thinner A bigger B than 八、EBDAC九、old, playing, one, older, shorter, reading, two, younger, climbing, are.十、A V V X X V B 1. They study at Qing Lan Primary Shool.2. Yes, she is.3. She is 9 years old.4. Jane likes math.5. Yes, they are.十一、略 6 / 6

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