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名词课后练习 课堂讲练,教学内容语法填空-纯空格,科 目:英,1,纯空格题,2,将单词分类,限时两分钟,分 类正确一个单词得一分。,3,单词分类 happy in describe at excitedly and on or that so what but which to difference a them an for who the it 1.形容词: 2. 副词: 3. 动词: 4. 名词: 5. 冠词: 6. 代词: 7. 介词: 8.并列连词: 9.从属连词:,happy,excitedly,describe,difference,a an the,them it,in at on to for,and or so but,that what which who,4,动词,名词,形容词,副词,冠词,介词,连词,代词,实词,虚词,1. 语法填空纯空格应该填哪些词?,2. 语法填空纯空格一般有多少题?,5,1.(2014.全国卷)Now, years later, this river is one of _ most outstanding examples of environmental cleanup. 2.(2016.全国卷 )Most of us are most focused _ our tasks in the morning than we are later in the day.,the,most,真题分析:在形容词最高级(most outstanding)前,一般用the .,on,are,focused,真题分析:be focused on(集中精力于) 为固定搭配。,挑战一下高考真题吧,6,3.(2014.全国卷 )Maybe you are facing an impossible situation. Maybe you have a habit _ is driving your family crazy.,that / which,a,habit,真题分析:引导定语从句并在从句中作 主语,先行词是a habit.,7,解题步骤 四步走提示:每一个语法填空里所需 的单词或短语都可以在 所在句子中或上下文中 找到它的依据。因此要 特别留意上下文,不能 脱离语境做题。,8,第一步 通读全文,理解大意 1. 以中速速度浏览全文,把握主要内容 2. 关注文中的时态,语态。 3. 留意文中的词组、结构、句型和固定搭配 等。,9,第二步 根据上下文语意,确定词形,冠词,定冠词,不定冠词,介词,介词的常用用法及词组搭配,连词,并列句及复合句,代词,人称、物主、指示、不定、反身 代词,10,第三步 检查搭配, 确保前后连贯 1. 检查时态,语态,第三人单数等。 2. 检查词组、固定搭配等是否正确。 3. 检查句子是否通顺、符合逻辑。,11,技巧点拨 考点一:冠词 一.下列情况很可能填_ 1._+可数名词(单数); 2._+形容词+可数名词(单数)。 eg: He is _ scientist. It is _ interesting book.,不定冠词a / an,a,an,12,二.下列情况很可能填_ 1._+ (定语) +名词 + of等介词短语(表特指) 2._+ (定语) +名词 + 定语从句(表特指) 3._+ (定语) +名词 + to do/分词短语(表特指) eg: This is _ law of Americans-of all successful people.,定冠词the,the,the,the,the,13,1.(2017.全国卷)Instead, she is earning 6,500 a day as _ model in New York. 技巧一 名词前要考虑_,a,model,真题分析:单数可数名词前加不定冠词, 表示“一名”,冠词,高考真题,14,基础知识回顾 考点二:介词 1. 搭配名词 _ the tree(在树下) _ the forest(在森林里) 2.搭配动词 look _ (看着) listen _ talk _ (和聊天) 3.搭配形容词 be different _ be famous _ (因而著名),under,in,at,to,with、to,from,for,15,2.(2015.全国卷 )For those who fly to Guilin, its only an hour away _ car and offers all the scenery of the better-known city.,by,car,真题分析:表示交通方式“乘;坐”用 介词by.,16,3.(2016.全国卷 )But my connection with pandas goes back _ my days on a TV show in the mid-1980s 名词前要考虑 _,to,goes back,真题分析:go back to(追溯到)为固 定搭配。,介词,17,基础知识回顾 考点三 引导词 从属连词:在主从复合句中引导从句 1. I once met a man _ seemed tired on my way home. 2. It is a beautiful town _ is surrounded by fields and mountains.,(that)/who,which, _ 动词,引导词,18,4.(2017.全国卷)Her father Peter, 44, wants her to give up school to model full-time. But Sarah , _ has taken part in shows along with top models, wants to prove that she has brains as well as beauty. 技巧二 复合句要考虑_,who,Sarah,真题分析:根据逗号,可判断此句为非限制性定 语从句,先行词是Sarah,是主语, 从句缺主语,指人,故填who.,从属连词(引导词),19,基础知识回顾 并列连词:and(并列) so(因果) or (选择) but(转折) Sorry, I have no money, _ I can do something for you. Work hard _ youll make progress every day. Hurry up, _ you will be late. She was ill _ she didnt go to school yesterday.,but,and,or,so,20,5.(2016.全国卷)In much of Asia, especially the so-called “rice bowl” cultures of China, Japan, Korea, _ Vietnam , food is usually eaten with chopsticks. 技巧三 并列成分和句与句之间, 要考虑 _,and,China, Japan, Korea,Vietnam,真题分析:因China, Japan, Korea与 Vietnam是并列关系,故填and.,并列连词,21,基础知识回顾 考点四:代词 主要有it, them, her, him, its , herself, they 1. 作主语用主格,作宾语用宾格。 2. it用作形式主、宾语,特殊句式等。 He was playing basketball when I saw _. _ is important for us to learn English well. 技巧四 纯空格题所填词在句中作主语或宾语时, 通常填_,him,It,代词,22,纯空格题解题技巧小结 技巧一 名词前要考虑_、_ 技巧二 复合句要考虑_ 技巧三 句与句之间要考虑_ 技巧四 纯空格所填词在句中作主语或宾语时, 常填_,介词,冠词,从属连词(引导词),并列连词,代词,23,自我挑战:将短文用合适的词补充完整。 There were many people waiting at the bus stop, and some of them looked very anxious and disappointed. When the bus finally came, we all hurried on board. I got a place next _ the window. I saw a woman _ was laughing happily. I asked _, “why do you laugh?” She said, “ I read _ interesting story.” Then I read it, it was really funny , _ I laughed at last.,to,next,who,a woman,her,asked,an,interesting story,so,it was really funny,24,语法填空。 Were you the first or the last child in your family? Or were you a middle or an only child? Some peole think it matters where you 1._ (bear) in your family. But there are different ideas about what birth order means. Some people say that oldest children, 2. _are smart and strong-willed, are very likely 3._(succeed). The reason for this is simple. Parents have a lot of time for their first child and give him or her a lot of attention. An only child will succeed for 4._ same reason.,were born,who,to succeed,the,25,wha thappens to the other children in the family? Middle children dont get 5. _ much attention, so they dont feel that important. If a family has many children, the middle one sometimes gets 6._(lose) in the crowd. The youngest child, however, often gets special 7._ (treat). Often this child grows up to be funny. But a recent study saw things quite 8._ (difference). The study found that first children believed in family rules.,lost,treatment,differently,26,They didnt take many chances in 9._ lives.They usually followed orders. Rules didnt mean as much to later children in the family. They 10._ (take) chances and they often did better in life.,their,took,27,28,

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