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周一到周日:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday一到十二月:January February March April May June July August September October November December反身代词:myself,ourselves,yourself,yourselves,himself,herself,itself, themselves,oneself,不定代词:nobody,somebody,anybody,none,someone,anyone,nothing,something,anything,these,those,some,any特程度副词:very, quite, even, much, more, most, too, a bit, a little特征状态:living, wild, lazy, man-made, real, useless, live, underground, west, ancient, true, humorous, popular, healthy, excited, pretty, ill, careless, careful, helpful, useful, angry, ready, important, tiring, indoor, well, tired, easy, active, fresh, modern, fast, fond, boiled, pale, terrible, serious, sick, necessary, enough, empty, human, sour, tidy, crowded, brave, dangerous, own, pleased, valuable, interested, pop, daily, friendly, unfriendly, lovely, ugly, stupid, musical, folk, classical, simple, happy,1 运动项目:high jump, long jump, baseball, basketball, soccer, volleyball, skating skiing, climbing, swimming, bicycling, running, table tennis, tennis2. 国名及国人:China-Chinese,Japan-Japanese,America-American,France-French,Canada-Canadian,Egypt-Egyptian,England-English, Australia-Australian, Italy-Italian, Germany-German.3. 饮料:coffee, tea, milk, juice, orange juice beer (啤酒) wine(白酒) mineral water(矿泉水).4.颜色:gold, red, green, blue, black, white, purple, yellow, orange, gray, brown, pink.5.疾病名称:headache, toothache, backache, stomachache, cough, fever, flu, a sore throat, sore eyes, cancer.6. 人体各部位:head,face,eye,nose,mouth,hair,ear,tooth,neck,arm,hand,back,leg,foot,finger(手指),fingernail, stomach, lung, skin, brain(脑) heart7水果:strawberry, watermelon,orange, apple, banana, pear, grape, lemon(柠檬)mango(芒果),plum(梅子、李子)peach(桃子),pineapple(菠萝)8 食物:sandwich, sausage, hamburger, cake, noodle, dumpling9. 反身代词:myself,ourselves,yourself,yourselves,himself,herself,itself, themselves,oneself,10职业:operator,doctor,nurse,police,teacher,driver,farmer,worker,singer,musician,artist,waiter,cleaner,player,journalist,writer,dancer,soldier(士兵),cook.11.不定代词:nobody,somebody,anybody,none,someone,anyone,nothing,something,anything,these,those,some,any.12. 电器: CD.VCD.DVD.TV.MP3.radio,computer,kitchen fan, electric fan(电风扇),telephone, light13. 乐器:piano, guitar, violin, drum, ring, cello(大提琴), saxophone(萨克斯管), sousaphone(大号), flute(长笛),trumpet(小号)14. 音乐类别:classical music, folk music, pop music(country music, rock music, jazz)15. 动物:cow, sheep, goose, insect, bird, horse, ant, snake, fox, bear, wolf, chicken, pig, cat, dog, butterfly, mouse, panda, elephant, tiger, monkey, rabbit, duck, lion16. 地点:church, factory, museum, theater, school, hospital, farm, restaurant, library17. 自然景物:earth, sun, moon, star, sky, planet, ocean, sea, lake, river, mountain, beach, land, plain(平原)18. 风景名胜:the Great Wall, the Great Pyramid, West Lake, the Summer Palace, Forbidden City, Grand Buddha in Leshan, Peking University, Emperor Qins Terra Cotta Warriors, the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty19. 行为动作:cheer, win, prefer, join, grow, leave, arrive, run, relax, mind, practice, smoke, fight, serve, invent, travel, score, throw, follow, build, become, host, fill, pick, improve, ring, cough, boil, lift, lie, brush, check, cause, litter, tidy, sweep, hurry, spread, agree, examine, care, talk, save, hate, enjoy, last, own, reach, collect, paint, shave, keep, lend, pay, continue, laugh, pray, solve, feed, cover, protect, appear, repair, mend, wake, download, list, order, press, plug, remain, pull, rebuild, build, weigh, regard,20. 频度副词:sometimes, often, usually, always, never, seldom, very, often,


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