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鲁教版2020年中考英语模拟试卷(八)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解 (共3题;共22分)1. (8分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。ETu Youyou, an 84-year-old woman scientist, became the first Chinese citizen to win a Nobel Prize in science on Oct. 5, 2015. While the news has made the Chinese people have national pride, it has also highlighted differences in prize-awarding practices between China and the world.Tu, a researcher at the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, shared the 2015 Nobel Prize for Medicine with Irish-born William Campbell and Satoshi Omura of Japan. Campbell and Omura were honored for their anti-roundworm treatment, while Tu came up with a new drug for Malaria(疟疾).When news broke that Tu was being awarded the prize, there were cheers as well as doubts. Some said the achievement was the result of collective efforts by lots of Chinese scientists, so it is unfair to award the prize only to Tu, China Youth Daily reported. Indeed, Chinese science awards are mainly presented to projects, instead of individual scientists. But Western awards tend to honor individual scientists who are the first to come up with a new idea or method, said Li Zhenzhen, a researcher with the China Academy of Sciences. The West believes that the progress of science originates from individuals creative minds, said Li. Awarding prizes to scientists with creative ideas is the source of national innovation, Li suggested. The key is to create fair rules to find the most convincing candidate.(1)Which field did Tu win the Nobel Prize?A . Literature.B . Maths.C . Physics.D . Science.(2)How many people won the 2015 Noble Prize for Medicine?A . Only one.B . Two.C . Three.D . Four.(3)What can we infer from the passage?A . Tu was the first to come up with a new idea in her project team.B . All people said its fair to award the prize only to Tu.C . Chinese science awards are usually presented to individual scientists.D . Western awards usually honor projects.(4)You can probably read the passage in a(n) _.A . fashion magazineB . story bookC . science reportD . advertisement2. (6分)New books this monthThe Long NightThis is David Reillys first book. David became a writer after teaching English for several years.Maha is a nurse in northern Australia. She works in a small hospital. One day a baby is so ill that Maha has to drive all night to get her to the nearest big city. They have a lot of problems getting there andHard WorkThis exciting story is Joannas twentieth. Hard Work is about Sombat. He works with his father, a carpenter, in Thailand. They work long, hard hours making tables and chairs, but they do not have any money. Then one day a man dressed all in black buys the most beautiful table in the shopHospital or CinemaMarcie Jacome, who studies English in London, wrote this story earlier this year.Tina is a young Indian woman whose dream is to become a doctor. She goes to London to study English and medicine, but one day she meets a man who asks her to go to the USA with him to become a film starWhat will Tina do?(1)The story ofHard Workhappened in _. A . AustraliaB . ThailandC . IndiaD . England(2)From the passage we can see Tina is _. A . a doctorB . a film starC . a writerD . a college student(3)_is about a difficult journey.A . Hospital or CinemaB . Hard WorkC . The Long NightD . Harry Potter3. (8分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。As December comes to an end, you think about the new year and all the ways you want to improve your life. But as you start to write down your hopes for the new year, you think about the last year. You excitedly write down all the changes you are going to make, but by the end of January those ideas get lost in your busy life.Heres a suggestion: Forget the too big, hard to achieve goals and just think about the small ones. “We often think that we have to do everything in big steps, even though its so hard for us to reach it, said Robert Maurer, who recently wrote the book One Small Step Can Change Your Life. “What we try to do is to begin with such a small step that we cant find any excuse not to do it.”“Kaizen”, a Japanese word, is used to mean to change behavior and attitudes. During World War, American factory managers were able to increase productivity by trying small, continuous improvements instead of sudden changes. After the war, the idea was brought to a rebuilding Japan. It made Japan develop fast. The Japanese called it “Kaizen”, which means “improvement”.Maurer studied the idea and did some experiments with it. “Kaizen” could possibly help people succeed in doing everything.(1)Robert Maurer wrote a book to tell us _. A . we should do everything in big stepsB . how to change ones life with one small stepC . we should try a lot of sudden changesD . how to find a small step without any excuse(2)The underlined part “increase productivity” in the passage means “_”. A . 提高生产率B . 增加成本C . 增加出口量D . 提高待遇(3)The writer of the passage suggests we should _. A . make changes at the end of the yearB . do few experiments with “Kaizen”C . do things with hard to achieve goalsD . take a tiny step to achieve big goals(4)Which of the following is TRUE from the passage? A . You can achieve your goals if you are not too busy.B . Robert Maurer studied “kaizen” and found it helpful.C . You cant find any excuse not to reach a big goal.D . “Kaizen” was brought to Japan during World War.二、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)4. (5分)请阅读以下内容,然后完成下面的表格。In a chatting room(聊天室) on the Internet, some children are talking about what they like to do at school.Flying Fish: I like listening to many beautiful English songs. I need to feel relaxed(放松) after a days work. So I often listen to my favourite music after supper.Singing Bird: I like music, too. But I only listen to Chinese songs. I like drawing too. I want to be a great painter when I grow up. I like reading very much. Reading makes me clever.Jumping Tiger: I dont like music or drawing. They are a waste(浪费) of time, I think. I am a good basketball player. I can help our school team win. Dont you think its cool?Running Football: I am not a good basketball player. But I play football well. Playing football makes me strong. I spend thirty minutes a day playing football.Swimming Cat: Im not like many other boys. I dont like ball games very much. I just think reading is my favourite. I can learn a lot from books. I spend an hour reading books every day.NamesHobbiesReasons(原因)Flying FishListening to beautiful _.Feel relaxed._Music and drawing.Want to be a great painter.Jumping TigerPlaying_.Help the school team win.Running FootballPlaying football.Become(变成)_.Swimming CatReading_.Learn a lot from books.三、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)5. (15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。I was feeling a little blue because my mother had lost her job.One day, while I was 1 on the street, I heard the piano music and singing rising above the noise of the people. I walked more slowly to 2where it was coming from. Then I saw a young lady sitting at a piano.She was singing songs about love,3 yourself and keeping on trying. The way she was singing made me a little comfortable. I stood there4, watching her playing on such a crowded New York square. I thought that she must be 5 enough to perform in front of so many people. She noticed me: I walked over and told her how good her 6 sounded. Thank you, she said.I have been going through a hard time recently, 7 youve made me hopeful again. I said to her.Im glad that I could help, she replied. Why are you so 8?Well, my mum has lost her job, and Im not sure what to do.”Did you notice the 9you were walking? Your head was down. she said. Dont be upset, because 10 comes in different ways and if your head is down, you might not see it. You should11 more and lift your head up. I looked12 her, amazed at how she was encouraging me. 13 are you playing the piano here? I asked her with a smile.She 14 that she saw a lot of unhappy people in the world and she tried to cheer15 up by playing music. I smiled a little wilder, realizing that no difficulties could stop me from going on.(1)A . driving B . riding C . running D . walking (2)A . find out B . send out C . take out D . get out (3)A . dressing B . believing C . hurting D . losing (4)A . nervously B . rudely C . angrily D . quietly (5)A . brave B . shy C . bored D . honest (6)A . advice B . idea C . music D . interest (7)A . or B . but C . so D . and (8)A . dirty B . busy C . sad D . lazy (9)A . way B . time C . reason D . station (10)A . opportunity B . health C . pain D . life (11)A . complain B . rest C . smile D . pay (12)A . like B . after C . for D . at (13)A . How B . Why C . When D . Where (14)A . dreamed B . hoped C . guessed D . explained (15)A . us B . them C . me D . her 四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)6. (1分)My parents had a fight again. What should I _(do)? 五、 单词拼写 (共2题;共6分)7. (1分)I dont think you are telling me the whole _/tru: / about what happened. 8. (5分)根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。(1)Boys and girls,please write down the new words on your n_.(2) You looks s_ today. Didnt you sleep well last night? No. My son had a fever,I had to look after him.(3)Youd better not use too much t_ when you brush your teeth.(4) Never give up. I believe you can a_ your dream. Thanks, I will.(5) Could you please tell me how to p_ this word? Sure. Follow me, please.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)在教育局组织的“手拉手”活动中,来自乡村小学校的 Li Tianpeng 对于他所看到的城市 学校很有感触,于是他写了一篇作文向他的同班同学做了介绍。假设你就是 Li Tianpeng, 根 据下面的提示,以“Their School”为题,写一篇作文。以 there be 句式为主,60 个词左右。 提示:1. 学校很大很漂亮,有许多树和花,像花园一样; 2. 有图书馆、电脑房、实验室等; 3. 学生能够学到很多知识。第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、 阅读理解 (共3题;共22分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、2-1、2-2、2-3、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、二、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)4-1、三、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)5-1、四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)6-1、五、 单词拼写 (共2题;共6分)7-1、8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)9-1、

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