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高二完成句子集锦(4)1. _ that she might be wrong. (occur)她压根没想过自己可能会出错。It never occurred to her2. Its reported that a hospital is being built at _. (be)据报道,在那个曾经是一块荒地的地方正在建一所医院。what was once a wasteland3. A good sense of balance is _ to stand on a Swiss ball. (take)良好的平衡感是站在瑞士球上所需要的。what it takes4. Every possible means _, but none has worked. (try)每一种可能的方法都尝试过了,但是没有一种方法凑效。has been tried5. The headmaster has made it a rule that nowhere _. (permit) 校长规定不允许学生在任何地方吸烟。 are students permitted to smoke6 _, his is quite well now. (owe) 多亏了他的医生的照料,他身体又康复了。 Owing to his doctors care7. Jack _ by what his manager said. (cast) 经理说的话使杰克很沮丧。 was cast down8. She is particular about clothes, which is _. (differ) 她对衣着十分讲究,那就是我们分歧之所在。 where we differ(拓展: 问题之所在: where the problem lies 我不同意之处: where I dont agree; 你的错处:where you are mistaken)9. Im sorry _ so many questions on such an occasion. (bother) 不好意思,在在这样一个场合已麻烦你如此多的问题。 to have bothered you with10. Please send the box to my office address If _. (convenient) 如果你方便的话,请按办公室地址把盒子寄给我。 it is convenient for/to you11. The silent girl _ delivering an excellent lecture. (distinguish)这个默默无闻的女孩因发表一次精彩的演讲而名声大振。 distinguished herself by12. Many a student is going to _ in the hospital. (examine) 许多学生将要去医院做检查。 have themselves examined13. You will never understand _ to me to find a job in that big company. (significance)你永远不会明白,在那家大公司找到一份工作对我有多么重大的意义。 what significance it is of14. It was in Wuhan _ Professor Zhang, who has a good sense of humor. (make) 我是在武汉结识张教授的,他这人很有幽默感。 that I made the acquaintance of15. _ you want to change your idea? (it) 你究竟是为什么想改变主意呢? Why is it that16. I just wonder _ makes him so excited. (it) 我就是想知道究竟是什么使他如此兴奋。what it is that 17. On the hill stands a temple _ the 14th century. (date) 在山顶上矗立着一座寺庙,它追溯到14世纪。 dating back to/ dating from/ which dates back to/ which dates from18. We hurried to the airport, only _ that the flight had been called off because of the foggy weather. (inform) 我们匆忙赶到机场,结果却得知航班由于多雾而被取消了。 to be informed19. You have got an A for your term paper. You _ and put a lot of work in it. (read) 你学期测试得了A。你阅读一定很广泛,而且投入了很多精力。 must have read widely20. He _ the meeting yesterday. I was staying with him all day. (attend) 他昨晚不可能参加了会议。我一整天都和他呆在一起。 cant/couldnt have attended21. Ive decided to spend the coming Spring Festival in Sanya. If only you _. (go) 我已决定去三亚过下一个春节。要是你跟我一起去多好啊。 would go with me22. Dont give up! Only if you have tried your best _you can do it . (know)不要放弃!只有你尽了自己最大的努力,你才知道自己是否能做到它。 will you know whether/if23. I _ the door when I realized I had left the keys in the room. (lock)我刚锁上门就意识到钥匙落在了房间里。 had just locked24. No sooner _ in their seats in the hall than the speaker began his speech. (settle) 他们刚在大厅里自己的座位上坐下来,演讲者就开始发言了。 had they settled 25. The reporter said that the UFO _ east to west when he saw it. (travel) 报告人说当他看见UFO时它正自东向西运行。 was travelling from26. So far, they _ each other several times. (meet) 到目前为止,他们已见面好几次了。 have met27. The three of us _ for about a month last summer. (travel) 去年夏天我们三个人用了大约一个月的时间周游欧洲。 travelled around Europe28. The bank is reported in the local newspaper _in the broad daylight yesterday. (rob) 当地的报纸报道那家银行昨天大白天被抢劫了。 to have been robbed29. I _ (wait) for an hour but she still hasnt come. (wait) 我一直等了她一个小时,但她还是没有来。 have been waiting for her30. Since you have accepted the job, you have no alternative _ , however difficult it is. (do) 既然你已经接受了这个工作,无论多么困难,你别无选择只有把它做好。 but to do it well31. _, I will do it much better. (give) 如果得到另一次机会,我会把它做得更好。 Given another chance32 _, the boss expected them to do it perfectly. (give) 给他们更多时间,老板期待他们把它做得完美。 Giving them more time33. _, Wang Lin entered the room, _. (follow) 跟着他的父亲,王林走进了房间,后面跟着他的狗。 Following his father; followed by his dog34. Can those people _ hear me? (seat) 坐在教室后面的那些人能听见我吗? seated at the back of the classroom35. _, he almost knocked into a tree. (lose) 陷入深思中,他差点撞到树上了。 Lost in thought36. When the news came _, he decided to serve in the army. (break) 当战争爆发的消息传来时,他决定参军。 that the war broke out37. The suggestion _ in public places is necessary. (forbid) 在公共场所禁止吸烟这个建议是必要的。 that smoking should be forbidden38. _ should turn off the lights. (leave) 任何最后走的人应当关灯。 Whoever/Anyone who leaves last39 _ by the boss made him very frustrated. (fire) 他被老板解雇了使他非常沮丧。 His being fired/ That he was fired40. Not until I finished my homework _. (bed)昨晚我直到完成了家庭作业才睡觉。 did I go to bed41. It was not until then _. (realize) 直到那时我才意识到我错了。 that I realized I was mistaken/wrong42. His account brought back the most unforgettable moments _ together to me. (spend) 他的描述使我想起我们一起度过的最令人难忘的时刻。 (that) we had spent43. _ by many experts, parents instruction plays an important role in early childhood education. (point)正如许多专家所指出的,家长的教导在孩子的早期教育中发挥着重要的作用。 As is pointed out44. I participated in a charity event and met many famous people at the party, a few _ before. (see) 我参加了一个慈善活动,在聚会上遇到了许多名人,其中一些人我以前从未见过。 of whom I had never seen45. The decision _, the next problem was how to make an effective plan. (make) 既然已经做出决定,下一个问题就是如何直到一个有效的计划。 having been made46. He would like to buy a house _. (face) 他想要买一所窗户朝南的房子。whose windows face south47. _ is that he has made great progress in his lessons. (make) 令他的父母如此高兴的是他在功课方面取得了巨大的进步。 What makes his parents so happy48. _, he didnt pass the exam. (surprise) 令我们惊讶的是,他考试没有及格。 To our surprise49. I never dream of there _very soon. (send) 我从未梦想过我很快会有一个被派到国外的机会。 being a chance for me to be sent abroad50. Jack decided to leave the company for the reason _ no chances of further development. (see)杰克决定离开公司,因为他看不到进一步发展的机会。that he could see51. The reason _ is that his bike broke down on the way to school. (late) 他上学迟到的原因是在上学路上他的自行车坏了。 why he was late for school52. Peter, introduce Linda to your friends and dont let her feel _. (leave) 彼得,把琳达介绍给你的朋友,不要让他觉得受到冷落。 left alone53. It was making a face in the maths class that led to _. (punish) 在数学课堂上做鬼脸导致汤姆受了处罚。 Tom(s) being punished54. So ridiculous _ that everyone burst into laughter when she came into the classroom. (look) 她看起来非常滑稽,当她走进教室时,所有人都突然大笑起来。 did she look55. Not only _ the fast pace of city life, but also he is growing more and more confident. (adapt) 他不仅已经适应了城市生活的快节奏,而且变得越来越自信。 has he adapted (himself) to56 _ many times, he couldnt still understand. That made me very annoyed. (tell)已经被告知过许多次了,他还是不能理解。那让我很恼火。 Having been told57. These health problems, if not _, will seriously affect the quality of our life. (solve) 这些健康问题,如果没有合理地解决,将会严重影响我们的生活质量。 solved properly58. The raised money as well as those books and exercise books _ the remote villages in the West of China. (send)筹集到的钱以及那些书和练习本正被送往中国西部的偏远山村。 is being sent to59. It was the first time that he _ an international academic conference. (attend) 这是他第一次参加国际学术会议。 had attended60. The newly broadened square is _ the previous one. (large) 新扩建的广场是先前的四倍大。four times as large as

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