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7B Unit 9 What does he look like?第一课时 Section A 1a - 2c (4950) 【学习目标】:1. 学习描述人外貌的词汇;2. 学会描述人的外貌。 -What does he/she look like? - He/She is, and he/she has. 一【自主学习】: 1.你能找出本单元一些描述外貌的形容词吗?让我们来试试吧!你一定行!卷曲的 直的 高的 中等的 瘦的 重的 漂亮的 棕色的 矮的 长的 短的 黑色的 身材 2.大家来完成下列词组吧:卷发 直发 长发 中等身高 中等身材 漂亮的 长什么样子 _ 长的直发_短的卷发_有点胖_太瘦_非常高_3.请翻译下列词组curly hair look like long straight hair medium build medium height good-looking 【探究学习1】你知道怎样去询问一个人的外貌吗?_1) 你的妈妈长的什么样子?_2) 你的朋友长得什么样子?_3) 你的父母长得什么样子?_【探究学习2】描述一个人的外貌包括哪些方面呢?应该怎样去描述呢?_【探究学习3】如果写一个人,我们可以从哪些方面入手呢?(描写一个你熟悉的人)_二【课堂导学】1.完成1a,1c,2c 2,听力训练,(如果时间允许)完成1b,2a,2b三、达标检测选择( ) 1. She is of _ medium height and she has _ long hair. A. a; a B. a; / C. /; /( ) 2. - _ is your favorite teacher like? -She is very friendly. A. How B. What C. Who be & have1. My father _ of medium build and _ a beard (胡子).2. David _ short. But his sister _ tall.3. I _ of medium height and _ short straight black hair.4. Toms hair _ short. But his eyes _ big.5. My new friend _ thin and tall.6. Linda _ curly hair.II。翻译。1. Sun Dong is very _ (廋的).2. Hes of _ (中等的) build.3. He is short and has _ (卷的) hair.4. Marys hair is long and _ (直的).5. What is the _ (高度) of the tree? - About three meters.6. 你爸爸长什么样? _?7. 你爸爸是什么样的人?_、对比空间 1. My brother is _, but Im short. 2. Do you like straight or _ hair? 3. I dont like white. My favorite color is _. 4. Mary is very heavy, but her sister is very _.。 按要求完成句子,一空一词1.你长什么样子?What you ?我有一点高,长头发。I kind of tall,and I long hair.2.你的朋友长什么样子?What your friend ? 她中等身材,棕色的头发。She is ,and she has .3.他长什么样子?What he ? 他有点胖,有一头黑色短发。He is ,and he has . A. a; a B. a; / C. /; /7B Unit 9 What does he look like? 第二课时 Section A 2d 3d (5051) 【学习目标】:继续学习描述人的外貌。 情感目标:培养正确的审美观。 一【自主学习】:英汉互译。 1. 今天 _ 2. 今晚 _ _3. 在电影院前面见面 _ 4. 去看电影_ _ _ 5. 有点晚 _ 6. 在7点钟见面_ 7. 一杯牛奶_ 8. 一副眼镜 _ 9. 戴眼镜 _ 10中等身材 11 中等身高_12长什么样子 _ 13棕色卷发_14 长的直发_ 15的确高,_16真的英俊/帅_-17.Is David tall or short? _ 18.Does Sally have long or short hair?_19,。Are you going to the movie tonight?_ 20.我们七点见面。_._ 21.他看起来像什么? _ 22.他有棕色的头发并戴眼镜。_23. 他不高不矮。_._ 24. 他是中等高度。_【知识探究1】(一). wear有哪些意思?.(1)wear表示“穿、戴”表状态。 (2)put on表示“穿上”,表动作。此短语属于动介短语,要把介词放中间,名词放在中间或短语后。 (3)dress之后一般跟某人。 (4)be in之后一般跟的是颜色。 用wear , put on, dress, in 填空 1.She likes_ a flower on her head . 2.He is _ black today. 3._your coat quickly,or youll late. 4.The child can _himself now.You neednt _him.5 。She is _a red skirt today.6.She is _a flower on her head now.【知识探究2】in front of ,in the front of用法上有什么区别? _ 翻译 ,1.在教学楼前面有许多树。_ 2. 在我们教室前面有一台电视。_3.司机正坐在车的前面。_-4.老师的桌子在教室前面。_【知识探究3】 a little 表示“一点点”,常用在形容词和不可数名词之前。它用在形容词前相当于_ 翻译: 有点廋_ 有点卷_有点矮/短_ 有点开心_ 有点高_ 有点胖_有点桔汁_ 有点水_ 有点面包_【知识探究4】小组讨论一下以下句子表示什么含义?这里的be doing表示什么含义?1. Are you going to the movie tonight?2. We are meeting at seven, right3. My friend David is going, too.【知识探究5】观察下列句子是什么句式?应该怎样回答呢?在组内用此句式互相询问人的外貌。1 A :Is she tall or short? B: She is short.2 A:Do they have straight or curly hair? B: They have curly hair.3 Is your good friend in Class Two or in Class Three? He is in Class Two. My father is a teacher.(用doctor将其改为选择疑问句) _ your father a teacher_ a doctor? He has curly hair.(用straight hair 将其改为选择疑问句) _he _curly hair _straight hair?【达标检测】(一)根据句意,补全对话。1.你长什么样子?What you ?我有一点高,长头发。I a little bit tall,and I long hair.2.你的朋友长什么样子?What your friend ? 她中等身材,棕色的头发。She is ,and she has .3.他长什么样子?What he ? 他有点胖,有一头黑色短发He is ,and he has .4 她是一个有长长直发的女孩。_5.那女孩有长长的直发。_(二)句型转换1. Is that your uncle? (做否定回答) _,_ _2. Her brother is thin.(对画线部分提问) _ _ her brother_ _?3. My sister has long black hair.(改为否定句) My sister _ _ long black hair.4. Mary looks like her father. (用her mother改为选择疑问句) _ Mary _ _her father_ _ _-?7B Unit 9 What does he look like? 第三课时 SectionB(1a_2c)(5253)学习目标】:1. 学会描述某人的外貌特征;2. 阅读短文,摘录信息,提高阅读能力。一【自主学习】:1.小鼻子 _ 2 大嘴巴 _ 3. 圆脸_ 4.长脸_ 5.金发 _ _ 6 小眼睛_7一份有趣的工作_8.罪犯_9一个画家警察_10一张罪犯的画像_-11把登在报纸上_12把放在电视上_13直的棕色头发_14 相同的方法/方式_15 同样的人/同一个人_16把描述得不同_17记得好_18 最后,最终_【探索新知1】( 一).He has long straight brown hair. He has curly blonde hair. He has short black hair. 名词hair 前面有若干个形容词,你知道它们的排列顺序吗? 描述头发时顺序是:漂亮、长短、形状(long,short, straight, curly) 、颜色 汉译英 。一头漂亮的黑头发_ 一头金黄色的短卷发_ 一头漂亮的金黄色的直长发_【探索新知2】认真完成下列题,从中你有什么收获?1 My family_(be) at home.2Class3_(have) an English class.3 The police _(look)for the criminal.4. My family _(be) a big family.这里的family, class, police是_名词,你知道怎么应用它们吗?试总结一下。_二【课堂导学】1 完成自主学习部分及探索新知部分。2.完成1a,1b,2a.3合作探究 活动一 1)快速阅读2b ,回答: Who is the real crimina?Why do you think so? 2)读2b ,并完成2c. 3)读文章 ,回答下面的问题. What does Joe Brown do?_ Who does he draw? _ Why is his job a little difficult? _ Which picture is the first woman refer to?_ Can you describe the real criminal? 【达标检测】一、 英汉互译。1. curly blonde hair _2. short straight hair _3. medium height _4. a little bit _5. good-looking _6. 看起来像 _7. 中等身材 _8. 乌黑的长发 _二单选( ) 1One of the women_ gold earrings.(耳环)A. does B. has C. have( ) 2 My friend is a _ girl.A good-looking B good-look C looking good D look-good( )3-What does your friend look like?-_.A. He is thin B. She is a kind girl C. She likes music D. She has good-looking( )4 Mr Simmon_of medium build, and he has yellow hair.A. is B. has C. looks like D. isnt( )8 -Is he heavy?-No, he is a little bit _.A. tall B. thin C. short D. quiet( )9.-Lucy doesnt have curly hair.-Yes, we can say she has _hair.A. bald B. blonde C. short D. straight( )10.-Which is your teacher?-The one _ thick glasses over his eyes is.A. wears B. wear C. with D. has( )11.-Is Miss Gao tall?-No, she isnt tall, and she isnt short, either. She is of_A. medium height B. medium build C. a little heavy D. thin三、用be或have的适当形式填空。1. Mary _ tall and thin.2. I _ curly hair.3. Tom _ of medium build.4. Tony _ short and _ brown hair.5. Does Kate _ yellow hair?四、写出各句中画线部分的反义词。1. Is she tall?No, she is _.2.My aunt doesnt have short hair. She has _hair.3. Is her hair curly or _?4. My father is thin, but my uncle is _.5. I dont like the ugly boy. I like the _ girl.

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