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高中英语阅读课学生自主学习能力形成性评价初探 李 罡摘 要:在高中英语教学中,运用形成性评价培养学生阅读课自主学习能力,能够有效提高学生学习英语的积极性,全面培养学生的听说读写能力,使学生从语法知识的讲解和单词的死记硬背中解脱出来,在体验、感知、实践、参与和交流中学习语言;本文就这一课题以一堂阅读课进行探索。关键词:英语阅读课 形成性评价 自主学习认知建构主义原理认为,自主性学习实际就是无认知监控的学习,是学习者能够根据自己的学习能力、学习任务的要求,积极主动地调整自己的学习策略和努力程度的过程 .自主性学习要求个体对为什么学习、学习什么、如何学习等问题有自觉的意识和反映. 所谓形成性评价就是通过诊断教育方案或计划、教育过程与活动中存在的问题,为正在进行的教育活动提供反馈信息,以提高实践中正在进行的教育活动质量的评价。一般地说,形成性评价不以区分评价对象的优良程度为目的,不重视对被评对象进行分等鉴定,而是帮助学生和教师把注意力集中在为进一步提高所必需的特殊的学习上。 在英语教学中,要求对学生的英语自主性学习过程进行持续的评价不仅评价学生对英语知识的掌握情况,更重要的是对他们日常学习过程中的表现、所取得的成绩以及所反映出来的情感、态度、学习策略等方面的情况进行评价。在英语教学中,应通过强调学生要能用所学的英语做事情,使他们在做事情的过程中发展语言能力、思维能力及交流与合作的能力;通过创设良好的语言环境和提供大量的语言实践机会,使学生从语法知识的讲解和单词的死记硬背中解脱出来,在体验、感知、实践、参与和交流中学习语言;在教师的引导下,使学生通过观察、发现和归纳等方式,掌握语言规律,形成有效的学习策略;通过讨论、表演、参与英语课外活动等,使学生提高综合语言运用能力。下面笔者以一堂英语阅读课为例,进行运用形成性评价培养学生阅读课自主学习能力的尝试。学习材料:Unit 15 Reading: Destinations (SEFCS Book II)一、教学目标: 1、知识目标:1)、让学生学习掌握课文中重要词汇、短语和句型以及其用法 2)、让学生了解世界不同地区的不同风貌2、能力目标:1)、培养学生的听、说、读、写能力和综合运用语言能力2)、培养学生自主学习能力以及几项自身发展所须的其它能力3、情感目标:1)、培养学生热爱自然,热爱生活的意识 2)、培养学生跨文化交流的意识和能力二、准备阶段:教师:首先有目的地把学生分为英语实力相当的5个小组,过程中要注意学生的各种英语层次尽量均衡地分布,教师在分组过程中起指导性作用;其次,通过竞选确定担任主持人和评委的人选,一般而言,在开始阶段多启用一些口语及听力较好的学生;然后与学生共同设计就课文内容以及与课文内容相关的竞赛题目;再次,对主持人和评委进行培训。最后布置学生预习课文及寻找与课文相关知识,并准备一个关于课文中提及的城市的任何一方面的报告。学生:Task 1、预习课文并准备报告表1:自我评价表Name: _ Date: _How long did you spend finishing it?Can you understand the passage easily?How many times did you read?Did you consult dictionaries?Did you turn to reference books?Did you study with classmate?Did you use internet or library?How did you feel about the passage you read? Were you exciting or dull?What part is difficult to you? Three questions may be asked?Can you finish your report?Task 2、准备竞赛表2:小组活动自评表Criteria to be assessedABCDEReport to group project area on timeStart work without being toldParticipate in group discussionVolunteer for group activities or assignmentsContribute materials, ideas and suggestionsListen to others ideasDont make fun of others ideasGive others a chance to talkAccept majority rule without rancorCompletes assigned tasks on time表3:小组活动互评表由组长或指定学生负责,组织小组反思填写。Name: _Criteria to be assessedExcellentVery GoodGoodAdequateNeeds Much ImprovementAmount of cooperation workAmount of materials referred Creative ideas brought inParticipate in group discussionAmount of questions raisedProgress made in activity三、课堂进程Step1、主持人讲话并介绍评委;Step2、听题回答(课文内容题):小组必答题,各小组指定一名代表回答,并且由评委给予相应的分数(如答错则扣除相应的分数)。1What are the capitals of Brazil and Austria?2Where are Rio and Kitzbuhel located?3What are the people of Rio de Janeiro famous for?4Whats the best known beach in Rio de Janeiro?5What makes Kitzbuhel a world-class ski resort?6What else can we do in Kitzbuhel?7Whats the location of Rio de Janeiro?8. What are the attractions of Rio de Janeiro?9. Describe the scenery of Rio de Janeiro.10. Whats the best time to visit Rio de Janeiro?Step2、听题抢答(是非题):1. Rio de Janeiro is Brazils largest city.2. Copacabana is known as “the Princess of the Sea”.3. The best time to visit Rio is March, while the biggest tourism season comes in June or July.4. Located in southern Austria, Kitzbuhel is a paradise for skiers.5. The worlds best and fastest skiers gather in Kitzbuhel once a year.6. Skiing is the only thing you can do in Kitzbuhel.Step 4、快速抢答(课外相关知识类题):1. When did Brazil declare its independence?2. Which country once ruled Brazil?3. When was the Republic of Austria founded?4. How many years did the Vienna New Years Concert last? 5. How far is Brazil from north to south?6. Which country lies on the south of Austria?7. What position does Austria lie in Europe? 8. Which famous mountain and river does Austria have?9. List at least four Austrian musicians.10. What is Brazils another name?11. How many days does the Carnival of Brazil last?12. Why do not Austrians eat shrimps in New Year? 13. What is Austrian National Flower?14. When is Austrias National Day?15. What are the two official languages in Austria?Step 5、小组活动 每个小组代表一个旅行社向游客介绍一个地方(用课件形式阐述),以吸引游客(评委),并由游客(评委)投票选择一家旅行社(小组)。如遇平局,则加试一题。The students for Brazil: 1. Carnival began with 1641 the earliest Brazil. After more than 300 years of development, Carnival became the people most important festival in Brazil.2. The food in Brazil: The slaves in the colonial Brazil created the Feijoada.Traditional carnival drink: passion fruit juice, Fruit punch, Angels pee. A traditional barbecue in Brazil always has white rice, Farofa, Brazilian vinaigrette salsa, a variety of grilled meats and sausages.3. To the Brazilian, football is culture more than sport. And Brazil is recognized as the football kingdom in the world. The Brazilian deem that Brazil football is surely the world culture heritage. People here call football “common sports”. No matter on the beach or in the street corner can you see people playing football. The students for Austria: 1. Austria has been the birthplace for several famous composers such as Wolfgang Mozart, Franz-Joseph Haydn, Franz Schubert, Anton Bruckner, Johann Strauss, Sr., Johann Strauss, Jr. and Gustav Mahler.2. The food in Austria: Austrians like to eat the dessert, have made out a lot of fragrant and sweet , soft cake .and Plum wine , pine nut spirits and various types of beer , meat intestines , braising chickens to braise the beef.3. Skiing is one of the most popular sports in Austria history. An Austrian citizen with no skiing ambitions cannot be considered a true Austrian. Many different skiing resorts in the Alps are well known throughout the world and attract many tourists from about everywhere. 评委根据要求打分,选择一家旅行社Criteria to be assessed54321Oral EnglishExpress his idea smoothlyUse attractive pictures and wordsProper body language and gestureStep 6、嘉宾主持人(教师):点评学生课件,并提出问题:Now that you know two foreign cities, can you use what you learn to describe our city Hangzhou? Step7、学生讨论、发言Name: _ Date: _He/SheSeldomSometimesoftenalwayslistens to their partners carefully.speaks clearly and fluently.responds to other peoples ideas.helps to organize the talk.helps others in the group.states his/her opinion briefly but completely.follows their reasonable suggestions.enjoys the discussion.Comments and suggestions for improvement:自我评价表Name: _ Date: _The things I can do54321I can take part in the competition actively.I can understand the reading passage.I can understand the oral questions.I can answer the questions.I can choose the right answers.I can write out the main ideas.Ive known some background information of the textI can talk about perseverance and success.Total小组成绩表place1234Scores5321Step 8、课后作业学生完成以下课后作业,并准备下节课交流:Task 1、查出下列词汇的主要用法:complaint、upset、guarantee、analyze、stretch、view Task 2 找出课文中的短语和句型Task 3、复习非限定动词的用法Task 4、Writing: A tourist guide to Hangzhou附表:对主持人的评价Criteria to be assessedExcellentSatisfactoryNeeds improvementStands straight and faces audienceMaintains eye contact with the audienceSpeaks in a steady clear voice.Speaks loudly enough to be heardAvoids unnecessary repetitionStates sentences with complete thoughtsOrganizes information logicallySummarizes main points at conclusion课后反思: 学生在这类阅读课上,表现出以往所没有的学习积极性:都纷纷查阅图书和上网浏览相关信息,并且每个成员都参与到活动中,发挥自己的特长,每个学生在英语课堂上也都有机会最充分地展示自己的才能,而在活动过程中,也体现出了很好的分工合作,涌现出一些领导者。在课堂上,学生真正地成为了认知的主体,学习的主人。当然,它的要求也是颇高的,需要学生在课前充分的预习,查阅大量的资料,并且做一定的分类整理工作,如果没有充足的时间也是无法完成的,这些也都是我们所要研究和解决的问题。参考文献:1. 教育部: 全日制义务教育普通高级中学英语课程标准 (实验稿),北京师范大学出版社,(2001)。2人教社 高中英语第二册(下)教师教学用书北京 人民教育出版社 2005。3罗少茜 英语教学中行为表现评价理论与实践北京 北京教育出版社 2001。


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