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Unit 2 Is this your pencil? 讲学稿 主备人:娄雪絮 2010.10第一课时 Section A (1a-2c P7-8)【预学目标】明确目标才能抓住重点哦!1.熟记本课时表示物品的重点词汇:pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, dictionary, backpack,以及 yes, no, not, excuse me, thank, OK,2理解并掌握表示确认物主关系的重点句型:Is this/that your.?3. 学会Yes/No一般疑问句及其简单回答。4.掌握this,that和it的用法。【预学热身】你准备好了吗?1. 预习以下词汇:钢笔_ 铅笔_ 书_ 尺子_ 橡皮擦_ 词典_ 这个_ 那个_ 你的_ 我的_ 他的_ 她的_ 打扰了/请原谅_ 谢谢_ pencil-case_pencil-sharpenner_ backpack_ isnt(完全形式) _2.本单元将学到以Be动词(is)为主的一般疑问句:由_开头的问句,此类疑问句的目的主要是谈话双方为了确认某件事而进行的问答。它的回答往往是以_/_来肯定或否定对方。Eg._ this your pen? _, it _.(这是你的钢笔吗?是的。) _ that his backpack? _, it _.(那是他的书包吗?不是的。)3.自主探究,请带着这些问题阅读教材this和that 都为_(词性),两者区别在用法上,this指_,that指_本单元我们将继续学习并运用形容词性的物主代词my/your/his/her/its,在此你还记得它们的用法吗?形容词性物主代词必须与_使用。小试身手(中译英)我的名字_ 她的姓_举一反三 你的书包_ 它的名字_excuse me 和sorry 有何区别?excuse me 用于 _sorry 用于 _小试身手( )-_.Are you Jim? -No, Im not. -_. A.Sorry, Sorry. B.Excuse me, Sorry C. Sorry , Excuse me Thank you/ Thanks是一个表达谢意的礼貌用语,是日常生活中使用最广的一句英语。那这句通常用于什么场合呢? _小试身手( )Your jacket is very beautiful(漂亮的)!-_. A.Yes, thanks. B. No,it isnt. C.Thank you D. Thats OK.【学习过程】1.教学程序Step 1 greeting and revision Step2 present the new words & do 1aStep3 present the target language: Is this/that your.? Step4 listening 1b,2a,2b Step5 practice举一反三请你与你的同伴自编一则表示确认物主的对话,并将你的对话写在下面的空白处A: B: A: B: .【当堂巩固】一、短语翻译1. 一块橡皮_ 2.你的尺子_ 3.我的钢笔 _ 4.他的书_5.她的背包 _ 6.我的词典_7.她的英语书_8.这把钥匙_9.那个闹钟 _二、选择( )1. This is my . A. a backpack B. pencil C. her ruler D. the book ( )2. Is this my pen? A. Yes, this is. B. No, this is. C. Yes, it isnt. D. No, it isnt.( )3. Is this eraser? Yes, it is.It is my eraser. A. you B. your C.my D. I( )4. A: Is that _ math book? B: Yes. Its my bookA. your B. her C. my D.you三、句子中译英1.那是你的尺子吗?不,不是。是她的尺子.。_2.这是你的钢笔吗?是,是的。是我的钢笔。_【课后延伸】1. 完成作业本 2.背诵1a 3.听录音并模仿1b,2a 【课后总结】及时的总结可以帮你查漏补缺哦!通过本课时学习,你都掌握了:单词: _句子: _第二课时 Section A (3-4b P9)【预学目标】明确目标才能抓住重点哦!1.熟记以下词汇:in, English, how, do, spell2.理解并掌握以下句型:询问物品属性Whats this/thatin English? Its aHow do you spell pen? P-E-N. 3.理解冠词a/an 用法。【预学热身】你准备好了吗?A.预习并写出本课时的生词 _B.英语中冠词指:_ _ _对于他们的用法,这里不再重复,请你回顾Starter 内容进行复习。Eg .This is _ “h” in the word watch and thats _ “q” in the word quilt. A. a; a B. a; an C. an; a C. 将下列句子搭配成对( )1. Is that your notebook? A. Yes, it is.( )2. How do you spell ring? B. No, it isnt. Its her notebook.( )3. Whats that in English? C. R-I-N-G, Ring( )4. Is this a basketball?D. Its a backpack.( )5. How are you? E. Fine.D.选择( )1.询问某个东西用英语怎么说,你通常会问:A. Whats those? B. What color is it? C. Is it a pen? D. Whats this in English?( )2. Whats this in English? A. Its pen. B. Is a pen. C. Its a pen. D. Thiss a pen.( )3. you spell pen?A. What B. What do C. How do D. How( )4. -How _ you spell key? -K-E-Y.A. do B. are C. is D. does【学习过程】 (1)复习Section A(1a-4)词汇和句型(2)学习本课时新句型:Whats this/thatin English? Its aHow do you spell pen? P-E-N. (3)学生练习句型(4)游戏巩固句型【当堂巩固】I.看图完成下列对话1. A: Hello, Henry! B: _, Mike!A:_ this _ _?B: Oh, its a watch.A: _ it _ watch?B: No, it isnt. Its his watch.A:_ do you _ it? B:W-A-T-C-H.A: Thank you. B: Thats _.II按要求改写下列各句, 每空一词。1. This is a book. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _? 2. It is an apple. (改为否定句) It _ _ an apple. 3. Thats a box. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) -_ _ a box? -_, _ _. III阅读理解,正确的写(T),错误的写(F)A: Hello ! Whats your name, please ? ( )1. Jims family name is Read.( )2. Helens last name is Read.( )3. The watch is Jims.( )4. The watch is Helens.( )5. Helen found a computer.B: My name is Jim.A: Hello, Jim. Im Helen.B: Hi, Helen.A: And your last name, please ?B: Read.A: How do you spell it ?B: R-E-A-D.A: Oh, whats this in English ?B: Its a watch.A: Is this your watch ?B: No, it isnt. My watch is here.A: This isnt my watch. Lets go to the Lost and Found.B: OK.【课后延伸】1完成作业本 2.背诵3 【课后总结】及时的总结可以帮你查漏补缺哦!通过本课时学习,你都掌握了:单词: _句子: _ _第三课时 Section B (P10-11)【学习目标】1.通过预习,了解本课时的重点新词: baseball, watch, key, computer game, notebook, ring,call.,at, in, the,lost, found,please,school,of 2.理解并运用表示物品的词汇;3.了解失物招领和寻物启事的有关内容并学会写Lost and Found4.理解a set of 和call sb at的用法【课前准备】1.预习并写出本课时的生词 _(短语翻译) ID card _ 电脑游戏 _ 一串_失物招领_ 打电话_2.自主探究 it is ,its 和 its有何区别?_小试身手 (填空) Is that a pen ? Yes, _. Ihave(有) a cat. _ name is Mimi. What is this? _ a ruler. call sb at.这一结构用在哪里?_小试身手 请拨96315 :_96315 请拨1245给Alice :_Alice _1245选择 ( ) Please call Tom _ 243-1223. A. at B. to C. in D. of a set of .这一短语作主语时,谓语动词是单数还是复数形式? _Eg. ( ) A set of keys _ on the desk(书桌)。 A. are B. is C. am3.选用所给的词填空my, your, her, his, its-Linda, is this _ ruler? -Yes, it is. Thank you. This is my sister. _ name is Kate. Im looking for _ key. Can you help me? Look at the cat. Its white. But _ tail is black. Tim is worried(着急). _ ID card is lost.【学习过程】 (1)复习:Whats this ? Its a/an.How do you spell it? Is this .?(2)学习新词:baseball, watch, key, computer game, notebook, ring,(3)巩固新词:game(4)句型与新词的结合学习:Whats this ? Its a/an.How do you spell it?(5)学习Lost and Found 并进行写的指导和练习【当堂巩固】一、有几位学生遗失了一些物品,请根据以下信息为他们写完寻物启事的布告。Peter: I lost a gold watch. If you find it, call me at 680-7432.Jim: I found a computer game. My phone number is 512-8843.Henry: I lost a set of keys. Who found them, please call 476-3539.Found:Is this your computer game?Please call Jim.Phone.#(1) _ _Lost:(2) .My name is Henry Cooper. Please call me at 476-3539Sam: I found a notebook with the name “Kenvin Clark”. My phone number is 555-0287. Lost:A gold watch. My name is (3) .My phone number is 680-7432.Kevin:Is this your(4) _?Please call me at (5) _.Sam 二、仿写1假如你叫 David,你不小心丢了一本蓝色英文词典,现在你想写一个寻物启事。请拾到的同学打电话与你联系,电话号码是:5296432Lost: _Color:_Name:_Please call:_2.假设你名字是Allan,你拾到了一块手表,请写一张失物招领的启示,你的电话是020-1100211。【课后延伸】1.完成作业本 2.背诵1b 3.听读录音3a 【课后总结】及时的总结可以帮你查漏补缺哦!通过本课时学习,你都掌握了:单词: _句子: _我的疑问: _第四课时 Grammar (语法)初 探 一般疑问句和特殊疑问句1.认识一般疑问句请看以下句子:Is this your pencil? Yes,it is./ No, it isnt Is that his ruler? Yes,it is./ No, it isnt.特点一:_特点二:_释疑 总结一般疑问句有两种,一种是由be(is /am/ are)动词引导的疑问句,另一种是由助动词或情态动词引导的疑问句,本单元主要讲前一种。 动词be的一般疑问句的构成是在肯定句的基础上,将动词be(am, is, are)移至主语之前,这时动词be已在句首,第一字母应变为大写,句末用问号。 肯定句变疑问句的方法可以用口诀“一调二变三问号”来帮助同学们记忆,“一调”是把be提至主语前;“二变”是原主语的大写改小写和人称的改变,1变2、2变1、3自身,即:第一人称变为第二人称,第二人称变为第一人称,第三人称不变;“三问号”是句末用问号,用升调读。对一般疑问句的回答分为肯定和否定回答:作肯定回答先说Yes, 再作简单叙述,作否定回答先说No, 再作简单的补充回答。“Is this your pencil?”和“Is that your backpack?”“这是你的钢笔吗?”和“那是你的背包吗?” 这两个句型都是一般疑问句,PS:一般疑问句在朗读的时候用升调,语调在最后一个单词或短语上体现。2.认识特殊疑问句请从以下句子中寻找规律或特点:How are you? What is this in English?Whats your name? What color is it?Whats her telephone number? How do you spell key?.etc.你得出的结论:_释疑 总结 练习特殊疑问句的构成及其回答:特殊疑问句是由疑问词what, how, where, , how old来引导的。其结构是疑问词be主语,回答时要根据所问的情况回答,不能用Yes或No。如: eg. Whats this? 这是什么? Its a computer. 这是一台计算机。 How old are you?你几岁了? I am twelve.我12岁了。小试身手The ruler is green. _ color _ _ _?熟能生巧Eg.1.This is my pencil.(变为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_ _ _ pencil?No, it _ .2. Is that her pencil case? (作肯定回答) _, _ _.3. This is a ring in English. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _?4. My computer is black. (改为一般疑问句并回答)_ _ _ _? Yes, _ _.用适当的词补全下列对话。A: Hello, I am Tony Brown. _1_ _2_, whats your name?B: My names _3_. A: Whats your family name, Gina?B: _4_ Green. A: _5_ do you spell _6_?B: _7_. A: Nice to meet you, Gina Green. B: Nice to meet you, Tony Brown. A: _8_ this your _9_?B: No, it isnt. Its Marys watch. A: Please _10_ Mary _11_ 358-2688. B: OK. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. He is a boy and she is a _. (boy的对应词) 2. Jenny is a girl. _ family name is Green. (她) 3. This is a boy. _ name is Wang Gang. (他) 4. _ name is Lisa Barnes. (我) 5. Whats _ name, please? (你)【课后反思】你对本单元的语法学习都掌握了: _你对本单元的语法还存在的疑问:_第五课时 检测I根据句意,写出正确的英语单词: (5分)1. My pens and books are in my _.(书包)2. I dont have a pencil s_. Do you have one, Tom?3. My _(手表) is lost .4. This is my phone number. You can c_ me.5. Whats this i_ English?II.从方框中选择正确选项完成对话,并将代表答案的字母写在对话下面相应的横线上。(10分)A: Im looking for my pencil case.B: 1 Is this your pencil case?A: 2 Thats my pencil case. A. Whats your name?B. No, it isnt.C. Yes, I can.D. OK.E. Thanks.And thats my ID card.B: All right. 3 ? A: Sarah Lee.B: Can you spell your name?A: 4 S-A-R-A-H, Sarah. L-E-E, Lee.B: Here you are. A: 5 B: Youre welcome.III、单项选择。(10分)( ) 1. Thats _ ID card. A. aB. anC. theD. /( ) 2. -Tom, is this _ pen?-Yes. Its my pen.A. I B. you C. my D. your( ) 3. The boys name is Kevin Smith. Kevin is his _ name and Smith is his _ name.A. last; first B. family; given C. given; full D. first; last( ) 4. ._ do you spell “baseball”? B-A-S-E-B-A-L-L.A. Whats B. What C. How D. What is ( ) 5. -Jim, is this a map? - _.A. Yes, itsB. Yes, it is C. No, it isD. No, this isnt( ) 6. - Mike, this is your ruler. Here you are. - _. A. Thank youB. All rightC. Sorry D. Yes, it is( ) 7.Your pen is very nice. _ . A. Thank you B. It is C. Yes, it is D.No, it isnt. ( ) 8. _ is my father. _ name is Dave Smith. A. He; HesB. His; HeC. He; His D. Hes; His( ) 9. -Are you Jenny? - _. A. Yes, ImB. Yes, Im notC. No, I amD. No, Im not( )10. - _. Are you Mr King? - No, Im not. - _.A.Excuse me; Excuse me B. Sorry; SorryC. Excuse me; Sorry D.Sorry; Excuse meIV.阅读理解。(10分) Im Tom. Look! This is a pencil case. Its orange. Its my pencil case. Whats in the pencil case? There is a ruler, a pencil and an eraser in it. This is my ruler. It is blue and red. This is a pencil. It is black and white. Oh, it is not my pencil. I think its Lucys pencil. And the big and pink eraser is Tonys.That boy is Tim. I found his green pen in the lost and found case. I will call him at 7890003. It is his telephone number. ( )1. The pencil case is _? A. Its white B. Its blue and red.C. Its green.D.Its orange.( )2. The _is Lucys.A. pencil B. ruler C. penD. eraser ( )3. The eraser is _.A. redB. bigC. purpleD. new( )4. _ found the pen in the lost and found case.A. Tom B. Lucy C. Tim D. The teacher( )5. _ telephone number is 7890003. A. Toms. B. Lucys. C. Tims.D. Tonys.V. 句型转换。(5分)1. This is a pencil case.(对划线部分提问) _ _?2. Is that your backpack?(作否定回答)No, _ _.3. That is an eraser.(变为一般疑问句)_ _ an eraser?4. Jacks telephone number is 281-9176. (对划线部分提问) _ _ Jacks telephone number?5. How do you spell “jacket”?(作出回答) _.VI书面表达。(10分) 根据汉语提示,用英语编写一段对话。提示:李雷指着书问林涛用英语怎么说,林涛告诉了他,接着又问林涛是否会拼写它,林涛说会拼写。李雷表示感谢。Li Lei: _ Lin Tao: _ Li Lei: _ Lin Tao: _ Li Lei: _ Lin Tao: _ Li Lei: _ (本单元的知识,你都掌握了吗? -祝你成功!)

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