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小学英语五年级Unit 3 Our animal friends(Story time)涟水县小李集中心小学 程伶巧 223404教学内容本单元话题是宠物,主要是描述自己的动物朋友,重点是6个动物身体部位的名称 leg, arm, foot, tail等及相关句型I/We/They have 和He/She/It has。本单元用四个课时完成,本课为第一个课时。教学目标一,知识目标1.能理解文章内容,用正确的语音语调朗读短文,并初步复述。2. 能听懂、会读、会说并理解单词:have-has, doesnt=does not, animal, leg, body, arm, other, tail, wing.3. 正确运用日常交际用语Do have ? Yes, do./No, dont. Does he/she have ? Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesnt. Its/ Theyre . It/They can . It has/ They have .二,情感目标通过学习培养学生对动物的热爱.三,能力目标学会用英语描述自己喜欢的动物,并能相互交流教学重点:1)正确理解文章内容,用正确的语音语调朗读短文,并初步复述.2)正确运用本课所学的日常交际用语教学难点:1)流畅地朗读对话,并能在理解对话内容的基础上表演对话。2)词汇及句型的使用教学准备:单词卡片,人物图片,多媒体课件。设计思路以“Describe your animal friends”为主线,用有关动物的描述性语言,逐步引导学生运用英语完成一个个有实际意义的语言任务。通过唱歌,游戏,谜语,小组合作等形式来让学生对动物朋友这个话题有一个综合的认识,通过从词汇到句子到篇章由浅入深的学习及实践,从而能流畅地描述自己的动物朋友及小组内其他人的动物朋友。将教材延伸到实际生活,使英语课堂上动物话题的学习有一个积极的有意义的引申,并让学生在创设的场景中自然、灵活地进行交际运用。设计理念这节课以“新课程标准”理念构建新型课程教学模式,在设计上从学生喜欢的歌曲开始,再用游戏来引入本课主题。英语教学活动,要创设相关情境,以激发学生的学习兴趣和学习积极性,从而了解英语词汇句子的使用环境。新课程标准要求学生深入感知探究过程,所以教案的设计要抓住学生的好奇心,巧设悬念,让学生在探求答案过程中,自然的将所学知识转化为自身能力。 教学过程AGreeting T:Hello, boys and girls. Do you like songs? Lets enjoy a song: Head shoulders knees and toes. Ss: Listen, move and enjoy a song通过欢乐的歌曲渲染学习氛围。感受新知,引出话题。A. Free talk1.热键出现四个身体部位单词 : car, farmarm; red, eggleg, look bookfoot. T: I have two feet. One is my left foot, the other is my right foot. Learn to read and understand the new words: body, arm, foot, leg.温故知新,开放式问题激活学生思维,以旧引新,学习单词。2.组织游戏:Quick ResponseT: Do you remember them? Try to remember. Lets play a game. Listen to me carefully and touch quickly. For example, “Touch your head”, you say “Touch my head” and do it quickly.Ss: 听听做做,快速反应: “Touch my ”用游戏巩固新单词3. T: You are so fast. Great! Now, attention. Touch your tail and wings.T: Do we have tails? Ss: 疑惑。B. Presentation1.PPT出示tail图片Ss: 理解新词, 学习回答We have no tails or wings. 由游戏自然引出动物身体部位,从谈论人向谈论动物过渡。T: What animas have tails? What animals have wings?Ss: 练读单词并回答has a (big/ long/ short) tail.T:Animals are lovely. They are our good friends.T: I have two animals at home. What are they? Read the riddle by yourself and guess. Riddle one: Its yellow and brown.It has four legs (腿).It has a long tail (尾巴).It can catch(抓) a mouse. Riddle two:Its green and small.It has two legs.It has two wings (翅膀).It has a big tail. It can sing and fly. 2.突出显示谜语中的关于身体部位的单词。T: Here are some words of body parts. Can you name some more?学生以头脑风暴的形式,说一说已知的关于身体部位的单词。并尝试使用新学的单词3. T: Now you know Miss Mengs animal friends. T: Do you have any animal friends? S1: Yes, I do. T: What is your animal friend? S1: Its a dog. Try to describe your animal friends with these sentences:It has ears. It has(板书It has)It has eyes. It has nose.4. Say something about your animal friends in groups.5. Our friends have some animal friends too. What animal friend do they have? Lets watch the cartoon. 1)Watch the cartoon and match. 2)Practice to use the sentences: has 6. Lets learn paragraph one. 1) Talk about the pictures. (What can you see? Whats this?)2) Answer my three questions. 3) Try to read paragraph one together. 7. Lets learn paragraph two 、paragraph three and paragraph four.1) Talk about the pictures. 2) Listen and fill in the blanks. 8. Talk about this part 1). Nancys fish have big _, _ and _. 2). Mikes dog has big _and a short _. 3). Liu Taos rabbit has long _and a short_ . 4). Su Hais parrot has a big _, a long _and two_.D. Consolidation1. Repeat after the tape sentence by sentence. 2. Practice to read this text. 明确朗读要求:朗读正确一颗星;朗读流利,两颗星;语音语调优美,三颗星。每段课文各请一位同学朗读,其他学生评价。3. 结合板书或者图片,复述课文。4. Make a new riddle.PPT呈现主干句型:I have an animal friend. has can 四人小组,自编一个谜语。5. Lets enjoy. 观看一些人和动物和平相处的图片,情感教育。E. Homework1)朗读课文五遍,会背诵。2)动物谜语,写下来。下节课让同学们猜一猜。板书设计I haveIt has


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