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Unit One,How to Write a Short Speech,1,Teaching Plan,Various kinds of speech: (listing some of the speeches) 1.Welcome speech 2. Acknowledgment speech 3. Opening speech 4. Farewell speech,2,The script for a speech varies in the format and contents according to different listeners, topics and occasions. Key points on writing a speech 1. The tone, words and content of the script for a speech should be determined beforehand in accordance with the speakers position. If you are asked to write a speech for your superior, the script should be formal. If you are asked to speak as a student , or an ordinary clerk, you should adopt your words and tone to fit this context.,3,Careful attention should be paid to the occasion on which one will be speaking, and the speech should be tailored to suit the occasion. On formal and public occasions, a speech should be formal, and in our daily activities, our speech should be informal.,4,According to who the listeners will be, one can decide in the content and tone of the speech. The content of a speech should be determined with a clear aim and should be interesting for the listeners. Attention should be paid to the unity and logic of the script for a speech, and to the language of a speech, which should be vivid and moving.,5,A speech had its own format and fixed expressions. For example, greeting the audience at the beginning of a speech with “Good morning, ladies and gentlemen” is a common practice. At the end of a speech, “Thank you” is conventionally used. This format and some fixed expressions should be properly used when writing a speech.,6,A Welcome Speech,First of all, on behalf of our department, I would like to welcome you all here. Our department had two programs for bachelors degree and two MA and PhD programs in architecture. There are 50 faculty members, including10 full professors and 12 associate professors. We currently have about 200 undergraduates, 50 foreign students, and 150 postgtaduate.,7,I believe that here you will have all possible advantages in improving not only your academic career, but also your education in life. You will realize that your study here will be interesting and also full of changes, and there will be quite a lot of for you to learn in the future. You will certainly make progress in your lives and at school. Finally, I do hope you will enjoy your stay here. Thank you,8,An Opening Speech for a Summer Camp by the Vice-president,Ladies and gentlemen, It is my honor to declare the opening of the 2005 English Summer Camp. On behalf of the university, I would like to extend a warm welcome and gracious greeting to all of you. We especially acknowledge the foreign teachers and foreign volunteers who traveled all the way from the United States to assist us in this new effort.,9,The objective of the English Summer Camp is to improve our students communication skills in English. We intend , also, to generate students interest and enthusiasm for learning the English language and about Western culture that will carry over into the future. With the help of everybody here, I believe this summer camp will provide out students with a new perspective and help them to be more competent in communication.,10,I would like to express my congratulations to all of you for todays successful opening of the 2005 English Summer Camp. And I wish to thank everyone here who has made this Camp possible. The success of the Camp will depend on your participation. In closing, I would like to express my sincere good wishes for a successful 2005 English Summer Camp. Thank you,11,Put the Following Sentences into Coherent Order,However, it will definitely be a great gain for the Biology Department in Columbia University. Thank you once again for what you have done here for us. Thank you As you all know , Mr.Gary Williams will soon be leaving us to become the dean of the Biology Department at Columbia University.,12,D. For the five years Mr. Williams has been with us, his ability and dedication have always been a source of pride to us. E. Mr. Williams, we will miss you very much, and we all wish you the very best of luck in your future. F. I am very happy that he has been promoted. G. His absence from our department will be a great loss.,13,Writing practice,位校长写一篇计算机国际会议开幕词。发言稿包括以下内容: 对所有的嘉宾、与会代表、朋友们表示热烈的欢迎 国际会议的召开有助于学校计算机学科的发展,有利于该领域学者的交流与合作 预祝本次会议圆满成功,14,Suggested Words and Phrases,please, distinguished guest, on behalf of, International Symposium, participant, computer science, professor, scientist, scholar, exchange ideas, latest research achievements, push forward, a great success, a happy stay.,15,

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