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翻译专项训练1. 我会尽可能照顾好你的小狗。 Ill look your little dog _ . 2. 钓鱼岛位于我国的南部。Diaoyu Island lie _ .3. 汤姆和他的表弟都不擅长下棋。_ .4. 请把你的词典借给我好吗?_ .5. 当他们开会时,电话响了。_ .6. 学生们希望将会有更多有益的课外活动。 Students hope _ more helpful afer school activities.7. 我经常和我的同学练习说英语。_ .8. 当我们离开学校的时候,我们将会想念我们的老师。 _ . 9. 哈利波特这部电影如此有趣,所有的孩子都喜欢它。 Harry Potter is _ all the kids like it.10.我们应该好好照顾妇女和儿童。Women and children should _ by us.11.辽阳的街道比以前干净多了。The streets in Liaoyang are _ than before.12.当地震发生时他们正在上课。When the earthquake happened ,_ .13.你曾经读过冰心写的书吗?_ the books written by Bing Xin?14晚饭后为什么不去散步呢?_ ?15.我的妹妹过去害怕游泳。 _ .16.你擅长数学吗?_ ?17.雅安人正在尽他们最大的努力使他们的城市变得越来越美丽。The people in Yaan are _their _ to make their city more and more beautiful.18.人类应该与动物相处融洽。Humans should _ _ well with animals.19.珍爱自己,远离不健康的书籍。Be care of ourselver and _ _ from bda books.20.我们坚信,美好的梦想会成为现实的。 We believe strongly that good dreams can _ _.21.篮球是何时被发明的?_ ?22. 她喜欢古典音乐胜过流行音乐。_23.马云说:“我盼望着未来有轻松的生活。” Ma Yun said, “Im _ a relaxing life in the future .”24.课堂上你为什么不记笔记呢? Why do you _ in class?25.你做得足够好了,每个人都喜欢你。Youve done _ , and everyone likes you.26.由于污染问题,政府将关闭这家工厂。 Because of the pollution problem, the factory_ by the government.27.直到离开这里我们才可以使用手机。We _ our mobile phones _ we leave here.28.多么有趣的大自然啊!Youd better _ to solve this problem by yourself.29.不要熬夜得太晚了。_ .30.你听说过这首诗吗?_?31. 他过去常常花许多时间玩电子游戏。He _ computer games.32.无论有多难,都不要放弃你的梦想。No matter how hard it is, dont _ .33.为了与他人相处融洽,你应该学会分享。In order to _,you should learn to share.34.说实在的,我不再怕黑了。_ .35.请问你能告诉我如何学好英语吗?_?36 相信你自己,永远不要放弃。Believe yourself, never ( )37 他们惊讶的是,这个害羞的女孩跳舞这么好。( ), the shy girl danced so well.38 林鹏想出了更多的办法帮助陷入困境的人们。Lin Peng ( )more ideas to help the people in trouble.39 对于每个人来说,友好相处是很重要的。Its very important for everyone to ( ) others.40 在老师的帮助下,丹尼在英语方面取得了进步。Danny has in English with the teachers help.41 在最近几年里,国家更加关注学生的安全问题。Our country has ( )more ( ) to the safety problem of students in the last few years.42 现在,中国人正在为“神舟十号”的成功发射而感到自豪。 Now, Chinese peole are in Shenzhou X launched successfully.43 青少年认为他们应该被允许自己做决定。Teenagers think they should be allowed to for themselves.44 那个古老的建筑总是使我想起我的家乡。The old building always me my hometown.45 我们以张晓光,一名来自辽宁的宇航员而自豪。We ( ) Zhang Xiaoguang , an astronaut from Liaoning.1. Theyre likely(可能的) to influence you more than anyone else you will meet in your lifetime._2.Its very necessary to build a strong relationship(关系) with your parents._3. But these universities can only accept a certain number of students._4. Although your classmates may be better than you in some ways, you may be better than them in other subjets._5. Compition is ot so terrible. /dont be afraid of it._6. Believe in yourself, and you will be successful one day!

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