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Module 10 Lao She TeahouseUnit1 She wanted to see some Beijing Opera.备课时间:2011年8月10日 主备人:思彩霞 审核:八年级英语组 上课时间:2011年 月 日 班级: 姓名: 【学习目标】1学习情态动词must,can的肯定及否定用法。2能使用must,mustnt,can,cant表述某地的风俗习惯或规章制度。【学习重点】学习情态动词must,can的肯定及否定用法。要求学生掌握以下重点单词: spend hope on holiday do some shopping newspaper tomorrow【学习难点】能使用must,mustnt,can,cant表述某地的风俗习惯或规章制度。 【 问题生成课】一 创设情境,激发兴趣(10分钟)二自主学习, 问题探究(15分钟) 1. 请同学们看活动1中的图片。在地图上正确找出以下地名:a. California(加利福尼亚州) b. Hollywood(好莱坞) c. Los Angeles(洛杉矶) d. Pacific Ocean(太平洋) e.Santa Monica(圣莫尼卡)2. 教师和英语学科长各领读以上单词一遍,然后小组齐读、全班齐读。3. 听录音,将以上地名按正确的顺序标出来。4. 请同学们借助于词汇表或词典将对话大声朗读三遍,在不会读的词下划横线,组内互相解决。5读对话第四遍,独立完成活动4中的7个问题。1组内讨论,形成共识2在对话中试着找出以下动词的过去式,并写在横线上。 go _ get _ have _ meet _ see _ spend _ swim_ take _三.个性问题,小组解决(5分钟) 组内交流解决以上不规则动词的过去式,教师和学科长各领读一遍。四 共性问题,归纳总结(5分钟)五当堂检测(5分钟)用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. I (go)to the library yesterday morning. 2. She (get) a letter from her father yesterday. 3. We played on the beach and (swim ) in the sea. 4. It (take ) me 20 minutes to go to school yesterday afternoon.根据句意和汉语提示写出单词.1. She (看到) many beautiful flowers in the flowers shop yesterday .2. Bill (有 ) a bike when he was five years old.3. My parents ( 接 ) me at the airport two days ago .4. They (花费) 4000 yuan buying a big TV last week.生成问题呈现: 【问题解决课】一创设情境,呈现问题(10分钟)1Make a dialogue with students.2 Act out the dialogue.二自主学习,合作评价(10分钟)1针对重点单词和句子进行提问。2朗读对话,组与组之间进行朗读比赛。三小组讨论,生成问题(10分钟)1. 同桌合作,完成活动8中的6个问题2. 各组展讲,解决疑难问题。四针对问题,教师有效指导(5分钟)五.当堂检测(5分钟)用所给词的适当形式填空1. I (not write )to my pen friend last night.2. When you (have ) your piano lesson last week ?3. How long your brother ( spend ) on his homework yesterday?4. she (enjoy ) swimming last summer? No, she ( not). 句型转换1. My aunt and uncle met me at the airport.( 对画线部分提问 ) your aunt and uncle you?2. Everyone had a great time yesterday. ( 同上 ) everyone a great time?3. I want to go out and swim on Saturday. ( 用yesterday改为一般过去时的句子 )I to out and yesterday.4. I spent one hour watching TV yesterday evening.(改为同义句 )It me one hour TV yesterday evening.5.We spent three days in Sydney.(同1 ) you spend in Sydney? 【拓展训练课】一 创设情境,展示问题(5分钟)二 问题训练,提升能力(20分钟) 1.单项选择( )1. I with Sara last SundayA swim B swam C to swim( )2. did it take her to finish her homework? It took her about two hours.A. How long B. What time C. When ( ) 3. Betty and David spent two hours the concert.A. listen B.listen to C. listening to ( ) 4. My grandpa stayed at home and newspapers this morning.A. reads B. read C.reading ( ) 5. Jenny didnt come with me she was tired.A. but B. so C. because ( )6. They are going to relax near the sea holiday.A. in B. at C. on ( )7. What did you do yesterday afternoon? I with my mother.A.go shopping B. had shopping C. did some shopping ( )8. How was your holiday ? . A.Im happy. B. It was great ! C. Im going to have a holiday. 用适当的介词填空1. The doctor arrived the hospital early this morning.2. Last weekend I visited my grandparents my sister.3. How did you get to London last Sunday? Plane.4. Thursday morning we have a computer class.5. The visitors took lots photos on the Great Wall.三小组讨论,合作评价(10分钟)四关键问题,师生共展(5分钟)【教学反思】Module 10 Lao She TeahouseUnit2 It takes place in a teahouse .备课时间:2011年8月10号 主备人:思彩霞 审核:八年级英语组上课时间:2011年 月 日 班级: 姓名; 【学习目标】1继续学习情态动词must,can的肯定及否定用法。2能使用must,mustnt,can,cant表述某地的风俗习惯或规章制度。【学习重点】一些重要词汇和交际用语:buy presents do some sightseeing have a good time meet at the airport on holiday go for a walk take photos write postcards 【学习难点】能使用must,mustnt,can,cant表述某地的风俗习惯或规章制度。【问题生成课】一 创设情境,激发兴趣(10分钟)二 自主学习,问题探究(20分钟)1.请同学们借助于词汇表或工具书阅读本单元活动1的电子邮件,将方框中的地名以文章中提到的先后顺序写在课本中的横线上。2教师和英语学科长将以上地名各领读一遍,然后小组齐读、全班齐读.3.继续读课文,将下列短语英、汉互译,要求英语学科长及小组长各领读一遍。 on holiday (2) take a taxi (3) go for a walk (4)buy some presents (5) have dinner (6) do some shopping (7)say hello to Sb. (8)听音乐会 (9)回到旅馆 (10)读报纸 (11写一些明信片 (12)发送电子邮件 (13)拍一些照片 4. 听录音或教师领读短文。三个性问题,小组解决(5分钟) 独立完成活动2,小组交流解决。四共性问题,归纳总结(5分钟)五写出下列动词的过去式buy go have do come read write send 生成问题呈现:【问题解决课】一创设情境,呈现问题(10分钟)1Make a dialogue with students.2 Act out the dialogue.二自主学习,合作评价(5分钟)针对重点单词,短语和句子进行提问三个性问题,小组讨论(15分钟)1请同学们大声朗读课文完成活动3。2小组互动,核对答案。四针对问题,教师有效指导(5分钟)五当堂检测(5分钟) 翻译下列句子.1. 我父亲昨天是乘飞机到达北京的。My father Beijing yesterday.2. 请代我向你父母问好。Please your parents for me.3. 我们要去洛杉矶度假。We are going to Los Angeles .4. 我们今天早上在飞机场接到了吴兵。We Wu Bing the airport this morning.请同学们写一写:写出上周末你做过的主要的四件事情。如:On Saturday morning , I did my homework and washed clothes. 1. . 2. . 3. . 4. .【拓展训练课】一 创设情境,展示问题(5分钟)二 问题训练,提升能力(20分钟) 单项选择1.Last week I bought a shirt my father. A.to B. with C. for D. at 2. _ did you stay in Beijing? _ For six days. A. How long B.How soon C. How far D.How often3.I want to do some .A.shop B.shops C.shopping D.shoping 4.Are you holiday ? A. in B. about C. on D.from 5.Id like Alice tomorrow.A.to visit B. visit C. visits D. will visit6.We the teacher at the moment .A.listening B.listening to C. are listening to D. are listening7.I go to school every day.A.by foot B. on foot C. on feet D. by feet8.There are lots of small villages the coast.A. for B.in C. at D. on9._ does Tom usually get to school ?_He usually the bus.A.How; take B. How;takes C. What; take D. What; takes10.She loves summer she can .A.so; swim B. because; swims C.because; swim D. so ; swims对画线部分提问(1到8题.)1. His sister began to work three years ago. his sister to work?2. I spent two hours playing computer games last night. you playing computer games last night?3.We went to Hollywood last year. did you last year?4. Yesterday Betty didnt come to school because she was ill.(有病) Betty come to school yesterday?5. The boy went to swim in the sea with his parents. the boy in the sea with his parents?6. We ate some noodles in the restaurant. you in the restaurant?7. We saw the homes of the movie stars in Hollywood. you in Hollywood?8. We swam in the sea yesterday. did you ?9. My father bought a nice bag for my mother.( 改为一般疑问句 ) your father a nice bag for your mother?10. Jane arrives on Monday and leaves on Friday.(改为一般过去时的句子 ) Jane on Monday and on Friday.【教学反思】


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